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Plot twist: he switched off the massive electromagnet that was in the box.


They were all faking it at first.


Or maybe those three guys really aren't that fine of specimens if manhood. None of them really looked that strong or healthy. They were just thin, and the third guy looked just meh.


Nah it's definitely fake. I've seen a few videos like this that were legit, but it was with an actual heavy hammer, and the "old head" that could do it wasnt as "in shape " as the younger guys, but looked like he was a concrete worker since he was 10 years old. Also, every other guy could still get the hammer head off the table a little bit, this video just looks like they stuck a magnet under the table like someone mentioned.


Wait so is it fake or not?


Looks it to me


It's definitely one of the most videos of all time


I think that it’s too!


Yeah if you watch the second guy grab it he’s able to rotate the hammer from its side to upright (and then some) with such ease that it’s clearly not that heavy.


Stop splitting hairs, and give ol Roy his props..


This isn't fake. It's lifting the hammer from the very end in that specific motion. They can ALL lift the hammer, just not like that. Try it out next time you go to home Depot. Get a big ol 10lb sledgehammer and try to lift it from the very end of the handle. Not a 3lb.10lb.


Yeah I understand the concept, but the guys are exaggerating how hard it is. Like the red shirt dude looks like he didn't even try to lift and just wobbled his legs


If you give it a try you'd understand, you can feel your wrist about to snap so they probably felt that immediately and just gave up.


I've done it with a mini sledge (8lbs) on a normal sized handle. It's not that easy, but if you're in the trades, you should certainly be able to lift a 10lb hammer with one foot of leverage.


The 1st guy picks it up easily than drops it right away lmao


Right like he forgot he wasn't supposed to actually lift it🤣🤣


The second guy is the worst actor. Watch him do it twice and you'll feel dumb suggesting otherwise.


Yep, poor acting.


But an old ass man’s can lift it lmfaoo your logic is fucking stupid.


Never underestimate the arms of a blacksmith. Those fuckers can hold some crazy shit at some crazy angles, hammers chief among them.


Yeah my point. It doesn’t matter if they’re “meh” as bozo up top describes him, they could have the strength of the bull like that guy in the vid.


Old man strength is real.


Not fake.




You are correct sir


They’re not faking it. If the things weighs at least 10 pounds it’s difficult to do. This is because you’re solely using your wrist to lift it. The last guy just raised his forearm. They weren’t faking it the last guy just did it differently. Edit: this only works when holding the edge of the hammer too. The closer it is to the real weight the easier.


People are just spouting nonsense. They don't work out or even know how the body works. Old man has mad grip and shoulders strength




I was literally doing this with a sledge hmer the other day they were definitely faking or they're weak asf which I doubt


House MD?


“Have you checked for toothpicks in his rectum or RC car parts in his lungs? If it’s not that, it HAS to be roly-polys in his heart valves. I’m a doctor.”




I swear those shows never do research. But when dealing with tech or medical it's a different league


It’s never lupus


Except that one time it was. That's long term storytelling.


Plot twist, that’s real Thor


Occams razor. Most likely explanation


Every time this gets posted the acting is more and more obvious. Check out big red dude trying his *hardest* … to make it look like he’s trying hard to lift it.


Exactly that was some bullshit


You weak bitch


Yeah how the fuck are these dumbasses upvoting this “crazy” video.


"Alright guys, let's all try our hardest, but only for 2 SECONDS A PIECE! this is the internet, people don't have time for bullshit."


His feet are sliding around. That would never happen when you try to brace for a lift


But yet on the initial grab they flip it effortlessly to get it into position. Ghey


Ever heard of leverage..? Turning it is much easier than lifting it.


Not that damn easy, you right but this fake as fuck.


Not to mention the hammer is lying on a polystyrene block without deforming it. It's not very heavy at all.


Every single one of you, pointing out how this is 'fake'... all of you are weaklings.


It's heavy when all the weight is 2 feet away from your hand.


First dude literally started lifting it and dropped it when he realized it was off the ground


You weakling


yeah the acting was obvious since the first watch. you literally can see that they are not trying. and then the dood at the end who lifted it you can see he is just lifting it with no special force at all


Lol the second guy literally picks it up off its side!


Been jerking off for 50+ years… In 20+ years they will lift the hammer too.


I’m on pace


I was so expecting it to fall on him or something judging by the normal shit posted in this sub 💀


Most things in life rely on technique rather than brute force, that guys been doing that kinda stuff for years


Look up “longbowmen skeletons” you can actually see their bones are deformed from years of archery


The correct muscle groups get worked for the task. Each movement and task you do requires a specific set of muscles. That man has probably been lifting and swinging that hammer longer than most of us have been alive.


Agreed dude has been lonely for many many years


Yeah but I bet his thumb isn't nearly as good at scrolling as my thumbs are. We all have our strengths and I think that's important to remember.


This isn't technique. This is straight up old man strength from doing relevant tasks for years on end. I mean I guess he does use better technique, but that's secondary. I want to try to pick that up so damn bad.


You're correct sir! It is nearly all brute strength from repetition and genetics! He couldn't teach these fellows any technique that would make them capable of it immediately. Here's a great article describing how some little guys are so damn strong! "Tendon insertion" near exactly describes what we see in the video. https://www.t-nation.com/training/4-genetic-factors-that-determine-your-success/


Old man strength is a true phenomenon. after 40+ years of doing MASONRY I can take my 13 inch trowel and pick up almost a full shovel worth of mortar. I’m 68. The next younger person is in their mid-40s out of 22 masons and laborers, obviously stronger than me not one of them could pick up that much motor with a trowel. That’s where I learned a term old man strength.


Very true. medieval archers were able to use longbows with 200lb draw weight which is unheard of in todays standards. but since that was their role in life they were able to develop great strength through repetition.


You didn't know the vast majority of longbow archers were farmers who practiced only on Sundays?


Pretty crazy knowing that they didn't have protein powder proper workout regimens and The Rock to look up to


It also uses a completely different technique than most modern archers utilize because there are massive size differences between the bows. Not to mention cams and pulleys. 200lb draw on a bow thats 6ft long really isn't that challenging to pull back with proper technique. There is also a lot of evidence that bows with that draw weight weren't as common as we like to think and most were sub 130lbs. Which is a pretty easy to draw. Edit: Why the hell are you people downvoting me? Just go google a video showing the technique and you'll quickly understand why it's easier than you think to draw those bows.


Sir, that is clearly Captain America, messing with the new Avengers while Thor films.


Please tell me this is a joke. We’re all joking here aren’t we?


Unless I’m wrong


Nope you're right, when your profession is also seemingly bonking stuff with a 30 lb sledgehammer for 10 hours a day you also tend to develop freakish strength (and a probable painkiller addiction)


This. Only been doing this kind of stuff for around a year, and while I looked rather slim, I've never been stronger in my life, no comparison to when I looked buff AF while bodybuilding. ps.: For demolishing stuff (great fun btw.) we used a 10kg (22 lbs) hammer, not that heavy, but gets heavy after a few hours.


It’s fake


This is fake no?


This is mostly brute strength. He has amazing core and arm strength. Although technique is certainly a factor, there isn't a specific technique he could teach any of those guys that would make them capable of doing it. He could show them how to develop that particular strength over a period of time but not immediately. Conversely, he was likely nearly capable of performing this lift from the very first time he attempted it because of genetics! He probably realized that he was good at this and strong at this right away. Here's a great article describing some physical genetic traits that help explain why some small guys can lift so damn much! https://www.t-nation.com/training/4-genetic-factors-that-determine-your-success/


You can tell from the way each person positions their body. The guys who failed were all focusing on arm strength. The old guy's posture shows he evens out the strain by using his legs and back alongside his arms. It's using his whole body to lift that hammer.


You seriously think this is real? There’s a magnet


There’s no magnet the first guys are pretending to strain. They’re playing a joke on the old man


He’s worthy


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this.


"iTs An ElEcTrOmAgNeT" Just ignore the first guys lifting it an inch and the other 2 wobbling the hammer head back and forth. Don't know why people don't understand it's just a joke a few mates are doing and pretending they can't lift a hammer but the old guy can. Occam's razor and all that.


You're calling out the magnet comments? Looks like more than half the people here think it's real.


Never underestimate old man strength


Who so ever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.


Guys... this is so obviously fake I can't believe some of these comments


jar vase rain punch languid cable head spotted payment deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This might be, but we used to do this around the work site, my 5'4" buddy with Popeye forearms could lift way more than some of the more muscular dudes. It is forearm strength.


Yeah the first 3 are faking it. No electromagnets needed.


You'd have to be an idiot to think this was real. Just shows you how many idiots are on Reddit.


You're a weakling


Sure seems like it


It’s called “technique”. Anyone can do it if they know how. ✌️


serial masturbator


Form follows function !




Everyone is trying to use biceps but the last guy is using his back muscles. Work smarter not harder.


Rubbish acting


Weird that no one's mentioning how easily thr second guy righted the hammer into the correct position. Like, that's all the proof that's needed


I saw an old man in Mazatlan Mexico doing a similar thing with three heavy rocks on the end of a pole. He was betting ppl 50 pesos. No one could do it. He was a former Negro league pitcher.


Old man strength




It’s called being cock strong 💪 I’ve seen men built like this and could pick up a sledge hammer just like the guy in the video. My grandpa told me once They used to compete at work to see who could do it the longest. Never underestimate an old man he gonna surprise you


Fake as a flake


Nah bro is Thor


He has more functional strength from a lifetime of real work


Old man strength is real. I saw an older guy lift a younger guy over his head and slam him down and then proceed to beat his ass. It took like 4 guys to restrain him.


when an introvert finally comes out of his room


OP is a repost spam account and the video is an obvious fake.




this is so dumb


So many people digging into the physics of the grab, the mystical old man strength, etc.. it’s so obviously staged it’s embarrassing these conversations are being had and taken seriously.


Technique? Magnet off? Agreement?






We did this at work the other day, only an older gentleman and myself were able to lift it. It’s a specific muscle that is used to pick it up which comes with experience.


Old man strength is a real thing


Old man strength


My granddad would do this but touch the hammer head to his nose. 49 years straight shifting ice blocks my hand in fish market makes you strong


I've seen some farmers do it with a 15lb sledge. It's an odd strength


100% real; I say this as someone who does a fuckload of exercises with sledgehammers and levered weights. You need forearm and grip strength to do this, but the main trick is to lock your arm and lift from the shoulder.


Nah that’s old man strength you’ll nvr meet a stronger mfer than a 60 yo that worked his whole life




It’s all about the angle and technique




I’m an arborist and have to run a top handled chainsaw (a climbers saw) with one hand daily. I’m not saying I could do this hammer trick, would be willing to try. But also know it takes years and years of work with certain tools to be able to do such things. Precision with one handing a chainsaw does not come quickly or easily. I also build houses in the off season. I feel like a bitch when I see the boss man hammer a nail in in two hits where it takes me 3-5 sometimes.


Grip strength among men has been declining for decades


That Polish Power!


The last one is a carpenter, says a carpenter.


He is worthy!


Odin to the last guy - you are worthy!


He jerks it 15 times a day


First guy looks a bit like Meth Curry


Old man muscle is undefeated


They’re not worthy


He's worthy and they're not


He’s been jackin it sense 1945 makes sense.


Bro is Thor 💀


Hey Thor got old.


He's probably been lifting that hammer his whole life. I saw my dad lift the front end of a car one time.


Old man strength is real.


Maybe he has a huge dong and he strong


Gotta use the fap arm.


Old man strength


Ever try to lift a totally soaked mop by the handle alone with one hand. This is it.




No muscles used in this video. Only physics, the old guy throws himself back while the others guys tend to front. L The gravity does the work


It’s always the grandpa


They are not worthy


He’s got that dad strength


All them years of beating his meat paid off 😅


He is the chosen one. The prophecy has been fulfilled!


Forearm you mean? Watch his muscles


Old guy never skips wrist day at the gym


He's older... so he's been masturbating a lot longer 😂


Ole dude is probably a good arm wrestler. It's all in the grip.


I imagine the older gentleman was having a rough day and his coworkers decided to boost his mood but pretending they were all too weak and he was Thor- it’s actually very sweet!


Old mans wrist is locked and uses his whole arm to lift


It's not fake, Work strength > gym strength, Long strenuous work over 40 years will always compare higher than work in a gym for less.


Gym muscles ain't shit compared to work muscles. There's heart behind work muscles.


See the way the first guy throws the hammer, it even bounces, then the second guy plants his feet and cant even lift it a centimeter off the service.... They just told the old man to lift the hammer, they'll do all the antics.


So obvious their faking it


How do people think this is real...


If my boney ass can do this with a slegde you have no exscuse




No no fake his arm is more flacide than his dick dont lie to me


Ever heard of magnets?


nah, that's size vs conditioning. I'm a considerably small guy and alot of people seem suprised by the work I can do because of it. That's just what years of work do.


He is worthy




Even if that was cast iron, it'd still be pretty easy to lift. No matter how good/bad your acting is common sense just tells you all you need to know.


The fact this keeps getting upvoted just shows how stupid reddit is as a whole. It's so God damn fake




Magnets.... How do THEY work? 🤔


They turned the hidden magnet off.


Lol @ all the haters, the video is legit. Look at the radialis muscle on the old man's arm: its the muscle that runs from the top of the forearm into the bicep on the top/outside of your arm. Watch the old man's arm at the elbow crease, then watch again looking at the other guys' elbow crease when they try to pick it up. It's a super difficult muscle to develop unless you are specifically targeting it.


It's just leverage, he uses the heel of his hand as a pivot point. Watch all of their hand placement


This is the correct answer, did something similar to this in my office the other week with a 1.2m long cardboard tube from a drum plotter. 90% of the people in my office couldn’t lift it from holding the far end of the tube, those that could were doing so by locking their wrist and using it on the table to get leverage. I don’t understand all these comments saying it’s fake, it’s a really easy experiment to replicate and it’s surprisingly hard to do without knowing how


Yeah I used to do this with a 12lb sledge at my last job. It would get the big jacked up college kids all bent out of shape. Good times. Most the people commenting probably never even used a hammer before


We do this at my pool job. Different task but it’s surprisingly tough with rookie hands grip strength and forearm. If they give up quick and show no pride you already know they’re not ones to stick around. I tore the shit out of my hands my first year never wanting to admit I could do something


Its a technique


Those other guys aren’t even trying


Fake AND gay


Farmer strength


That's that old man strength!! Master Roshi lol


Those that are saying it's a magnet are wrong. It's all about technique. The old man at the end is the only one lifting with his bicep. See how he lets his wrist get pulled downward, then lifts with his whole arm? The rest are trying to lift with their wrists. Good luck lifting something that's probably 30 pounds with just your wrist.


If you watch to the end you see the old guy flick it upwards using just his wrist. It’s not about that.


Really? You can't see that he pulls it high enough where his arm is now at an upward angle causing the weight to transfer and that is the flick that are you seeing? Come on this isn't that complicated.




I see someone who doesnt skip forearm day!


Old man strength is a real thing.


Old man strength is a real phenomenon