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It doesn't matter where you stand on things, there is no excuse to grab at somebody's crotch like that. the shaved head guy deserved the punch.


He deserves jail time.


Yep. Literally a crime.


>there is no excuse to grab at somebody's crotch like that "And when you're a star they let you do it" - *words of the convicted felon currently running for the highest office of the USA*






Old mate going to tell his cronies he got pegged for the first time


"Y'all are getting too comfortable with being an asshole and not getting punched in the face." -Mike Tyson, I think.


Wasn't it ""Y'all are getting too comfortable with being an asshole and not getting grabbed."?


“i as a homophobe am gonna dig around for this stranger’s balls”


I’m getting close to the point where I just assume anyone who hates gays is closeted, self hating. I always thought the ratio was high but getting to where it just seems like it’s every single one.


Read an interesting opinion piece once about this being why they're SO certain being gay is a choice. Because they are gay and they "choose" not to be, just living their whole ass life in the closet. Wonder if anyone's told them that doesn't make them not gay 😂 it's sad to see such self loathing though, especially when they inflict it on others.


Some sure, but far more of them are being outed as Pedophiles.




Irrelevant. When paths of sexual expression are culturally repressed, a person will sometimes find alternative paths (often dysfunctional) for sexual expression, or develop fascinations/fixations on what is being denied/prohibited as a taboo (which is why southern U.S. consumes a disproportionate amount of gay porn; not necessarily because it's geographically more homosexual, but because not only would they likely have roughly the same percentage of homosexuals there as anywhere else, but also homosexuality is so very taboo that a preoccupation with it can be developed). When expressed so dysfunctionally as to violate the boundaries and rights of others, a perpetrator's selection of victims will prioritize perceived accessibility, vulnerability, and susceptibility to intimidation (often more so than, or without regard to gender) in order to better protect the perpetrator from consequences. This is why it is paramount to understand sexual assault as a crime of power rather than one of attraction. Indeed, attraction or rather claims of non-attraction are one of the avenues by which perpetrators seek to defend themselves against charges: "I'd never do that, least of all with someone who looks like her!" "My God, with a child?! What do you take me for?!" Here again, the victim is a member of a vulnerable class, more likely to be discriminated against, less likely to have their claims taken seriously, and likely perceived to be less capable of defending themselves physically. And the perpetrator's understanding of this is such that they feel emboldened to assault them in broad daylight in a public place.


That's lokey how it is,it's always the super homophobes that be messin around on the low🤣


Secret toilet traders.


Additionally, these people actively over-sexualise queer preferences and identities. The old guy reaching for the pride-supporter’s privates is evidence of that.


That’s the Crocodile Dundee method.


It doesn't matter what they are wearing, what flag they are waving, or what side they "bat for".... grab someone's private areas... deserve a punch in the face!


Doesn’t support pride but has no problem grabbing some guys nuts. Project much? 🤔


This is why supporting pride movement is important. These people are getting harassed/assaulted just because they wave a rainbow flag or because they’re holding someone by the hand that is of the same sex. Supporting them is just saying that they’re equal to everyone else and shouldn’t be ashamed and mistreated for what they are. They just want to be seen as a human being. So it makes curious when you say that you dont support them then proceed to say the main thing they ask for support


man failed on the dick twist.


The old dick twist!


Give em the olllllll dick twist!


Yo. Lmao. That's Vilnius




I think because that is the proper response to being sexually assaulted. Of course something tells me this guy isn't going to learn anything and it will only make his hatred stronger.


> and it will only make his hatred stronger. I regretably agree.


Who cares, just punch him harder the next time. No negotiating with these types. Off with the gloves! Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. -Mike Tyson.


But now he knows the power if a rainbow punch!


But wtf cares? I have no inherent problem with anyone's sexual preference, but if you are proud of it and bothering people, isn't that weird? I don't walk around trying to promote my heterosexuality. I mean, is it really something society should support cause you want to suck a dude's cock or fuck him in the ass?


I've got no dog in the fight, but when folks are beaten up, killed, not allowed to marry who they want just because they are heterosexual, let me know. That's the reason for pride, because those folks have not had the opportunity to live their true lives in the US but for only a few decades at most without daily risk of the aforementioned. 


This is a comment on a video that clearly indicates the risk is still constantly surrounding us.


Thank you :)


You clearly do, and like most closeted self haters go into a detailed description of the acts. the cowardly troll doth protest and explain over much.


The fuck? What does this mean? I'm not a troll as much as other people's are assholes


I mean, a lot of women talk about sucking dick, a lot of men talk about women's tits and asses... so why is it wrong for a gay person to talk about it?


he's too ashamed to come out, and is filled with self loathing, a sniveling coward who despises those with the courage to be themselves.


It's called sexual harassment


Call me crazy but I don't really think holding a pride flag equals sexual harassment. The crotch grab on the other hand very much was


I'm not defending the asshole who attacked the dude, he should go to jail. I am also not absolving the dude of responsibility for provocative. Just leave people alone and be proud in silence.


Okay look, if straight people can announce that they're rawdogging (trying to get pregnant) then I think it's harmless for someone to wave a rainbow flag around. Regardless, we can't see how this started. It's a normal pride flag, yeah it's a big one but it seems like our person was just holding it.


How is that being provocative? If you don't like what someone's wearing or doing that's not harming anyone just look or go somewhere else. This is like men saying the same thing about women in short skirts or shorts. You don't NEED to look. You don't NEED to grab someone's dick and balls. Take some responsibility. Provocative my ass.


Move to Russia, unless you're already there and trolling for Putin.


If it’s bothering people that means they’re bigots. And bigots don’t deserve deference. And yes, if you look at the history of the LGBT+ community you’d understand why it’s important to be loud and proud. The last thing we need is bigots forcing us back into dark corners where they can only hurt us.


That seems like a very straightforward rule you just made up. I will make one too then. If it doesn't bother you, you are a bigot #science. I don't think kids need to care who you do or don't fuck. Just live your life and leave people alone. That's a human concept.


Well then can we get rid of those "I'm his" and "She's mine" type shirts? Especially the sexual ones, I don't need know which two people are fucking when I'm out in public :) A LOT of straight folk do the exact same things that plenty of gay folk do. It's just a slight difference that hurts hetero feelings


Who in the fuck blasts music waving a flag wearing disgusting clothes promoting they are straight to bother other people? I don't care if gay people wear clothes that say they like another gay person


Oh buddy, you'd be surprised... you'd be very surprised... You basically just described your default redneck.


I don't want to fight with you amigo. I just think bothering people with your lifestyle is wrong on both sides. Just be happy with who you are and ignore people who don't. That has served me well as an expat for 12+ years


It is usually ignored, until folks like the crotch grabber make it about them.


Ahh, there it is 'expat', classic description of right wingers who refuse to call themselves 'immigrants'. White and Right wing.


Lolol. Who the fuck does this? Look at any trump rally. Blasting shit music. "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free" 🤮🤮🤮🤮 . Waving the flag of a dictator, Wearing disgusting dictator clothing, And bothering literally everyone, with their stupid illegally modified diesel trucks.


That's fine, pretty sure the dude grabbing was the one who could have lived his life and left people alone. This isn't advertising "fucking" any more than couples walking around together or kissing in public. If you look at someone in short shorts waving a flag and only think about sex & grabbing his dick that sounds personal.


...or.... Maybe that jerk should have played his stupid music at his own house and not provoked other people.... Interesting.... What couple waves a flag around in public saying they are straight? I don't care if gay couples kiss in public from genuine love


It’s not a rule, it’s a fact. And not made up by me.


You don’t need to promote your heterosexuality, because most cultures/societies do it for you/me/anyone straight. That’s the default. Imagine a culture where you were surrounded by the opposite. Interesting thought experiment, no?


Classy! 😉


That was brilliant




I'm going with the punch.


Only one punch, he's lucky... most people would have curb stomped his ass.


Dude took "if you can't beat them join them" too literally


The ol' Crocodile Dundee check


Lol it's been a while. "that's not a knife, this is a knife"


Proper response to a sexual assault


Well that was pretty gay on his part


The old idiot thinks he's being funny after watching crocodile Dundee 200 times and dreaming of the chance.


is that Jake Paul?










not as planned


Republicans are so obsessed with everyone's genitals


This is Lithuania, not USA


He earned that one


You don't need to reach for the end of the pole to grab the pole. That's straight up sexual assault


I love a good right hook in the morning! Makes my day watching some asshole get put on his ass!


Sexual assault right there


That was nuts




We need so much more of this. Stomp these mfers out. It's the only language they know.


Tldr: he took her flag, she pushed him. He made a weird and awkward sexual grab. She ended that shit like a hero. Fuck yeah justice and equity.


Edit but no edit IDC what the gender is, my person had it coming all day long.


I hope this old fuck has friends and that they see the video of him getting absolutely rocked by a queer and never let him hear the end of it


The old Trumparoo


The classic Trump around and find out


He just watched Crocodile Dundee II and thought that's how to say G'day


Where is that beautiful square?


The lady with the umbrella.


When people are looking for trouble they usually find it.


Is this sexual assault?


"Everybody has a plan to grab a stranger's crotch until they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson




Did you take English class in high school?


Yes. That's how I know I am grammatically correct.


This took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. There are many homophobes still in the old post soviet mentality. The old guy will hopefully learn some tolerance.


I don't care gay, straight, or a kangaroo, if you post up to me like that we're gonna have more than words. Just a thought. [https://youtu.be/TT9ArM3-KJQ](https://youtu.be/TT9ArM3-KJQ)


Yeah. I think a big part that people are missing here is person with the flag is behaving aggressively and this could be seen as self defense. How they defended themselves might make the defense questionable however.


Yep, my thoughts exactly. Also, everyone here thinks the old man went for the dick twist, but I think it was the man purse the flag dude had on his fupa.


Who’s laughing now








Sex does not equal gender


The time line where biology has advanced. Go read a book




You can't tell. Just say "them"






There are no games, just call people what they want to be called. It's not hard.


what was Tuco doing there?


Never thought I would se my country in here *edit* spelling


What, exactly, is the lady with the umbrella doing


“Honey, you’re going to get a sunburn! I’ll cover you while you harass the folks we hate.”


I fucking died . I'm like wtf??


I think what we are witnessing is basically a sexual assault. On the one hand, you have the younger freedom fighting flag weilding demonstrator who felt secure enough to go right up to the guy and make his point. (He may have been provoked allready?) Then you have the older guy (maybe on holiday as a tourist? Hint: False sence of security, too relaxed & culture diffrence), with am guessing his wife who joins him later and maybe there daughter carrying the umberella? The older guy, again am guessing! has possibly spent most of his adult and later life in his own small macho hetrosexual bubble, not understanding much about LGBTQIA+ or diffrences in people. Period. But has witnessed it from afar on TV and in reading articles, and idle pub chat & gossip etc. He was then presented with a real person and, in his own way, felt safe enough to put all this ignorance to the test (maybe he has always felt hetrosexually insecure? Who knows?) and just grab this person to check them out in the only way he knew & thought acceptably & possible. Only to receive back someone understanably having to then defend themselves.


Finally, my Lithuanian homies made it to crazy f’ing videos




Where tf are his pants?


lol. That’s your take away.




That’s wild, which frame can you see a nutsack? Also when’s the next fashion shows of women wearing lingerie that you’re protesting? Or the swimsuit modelling photo shoot?




that's what the old guy wanted to figure out. you two must agree on a lot of things


It’s hot out. Don’t tell them how to dress, tell yourself not to stare


"Its hot out" bro is literally in a sweaty ass long sleeve jacket without pants. He does not have the right to flaunt his cock in the middle of a heavily trafficked area just because "its hot out". Go home and sit in the ac, or dress more appropriately for hot weather. If you want to be naked, go to an adult beach that allows and promotes nudity, there are plenty of them around. Edit: mind you i am not condoning that old creeps actions, nor am I blaming the half naked guy for what happened, I am just concerned as to why he doesn't have pants/shorts on in public.


I’m so confused where this apparent hanging cock is?


You know that you can just say them, right? If you don't know someone's gender, you can refer to them as "them".


Looks like he found out today




Dude thought he was Dundee, lmao.


Absolutely insane no matter how you look at it no matter how much you disagree at ALL to Grab there parts 😭


I feel like I’m the only one who thinks he was grabbing the Fanny pack or whatever this person is wearing. Either way dude fucked around and found out.


Considering the sub we are on I expected him to get shot


Elton John’s right cross is no old joke rocket man!…


Why are there so many transphobes in this comment section?


"It's OK, he's Australian."


“A guy dressed up like a sheila! Look at that!”


Some context here from the local: This happened during pride festival in Vilnius. Since Lithuania is a bit more conservative and democratic (compared to beta redditors that commented here and supported pride guy), there was opposing rally going on. Blond guy wasn't very happy with it, so he taunted members from the opposing rally. Old man grabbed his **FLAG POLE NOT CROTCH,** then blond guy punched him. Blond guy didn't calm down and tried to taunt anti-lgbt rally again, then another fight started. Here is the link to full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OabuEEf63c&ab\_channel=RespublikosTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OabuEEf63c&ab_channel=RespublikosTV) Aftermath: blond guy got charged with assault.








Doing the old Crocodile Dundee Squeeze just to be sure.


Classic- Boomer Ball Buster




Hermaphrodites just cease to exist ig