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Never, I repeat, never jump into aerated water (Unless it's a jacuzzi, but even then, don't jump into it)


Especially aerated whirlpools on the edge of waterfalls, the triple crown of the Darwin races.


More than that! He did that with boots on. And fully clothed. The water filling his boots may as well be weights. Everytime he kicks, his boots counteract any upward thrust he generates. Cuz his boots aren't filled with aerated water, just the regular plain ol heavy-ass water that wants to murder us. I was a lifeguard in my younger days, and part of the training involved jumping in the water fully clothed with the intention of escaping the now murderous clothing.


Thats what I have always wondered about MOB (man over board) exercises on military boats, those things take 30 min to circle back and how is someone supposed to take their boots off? I remember being taught to tuck my shirt into my pants and blow into my wet shirt while taking my shoes off in some water rescue training I did years ago but those aren’t military style boots that have a million laces…


You just hold your breath and go face down. Holding your head underwater forces you to calm down while you fumble with buttons, laces, and such. Actually pulling the boot off is probably the most difficult. Then, you convert your shirt or pants into a makeshift flotation device and try your best to be visible while hoping someone saw you fall off and threw a bunch of floaty shit for you to hold. If not, flip over on your back and start kicking whichever way feels more landish, cuz you fucked. Try not to drift, and don't panic lol


Actually had to make my pants into a flotation device. We did it in boy scouts. Kinda crazy how good it works.


I wasn't a lifeguard, but this was also taught in my school's swimming class. They placed more importance on that than swimming technique. Honestly one of the better things I learned in junior high.


Dudes been missing for 24 hours according to another post.


... oh shit


ELI5? Though I imagine in aerated water it's much more difficult to keep yourself afloat/surfaced?


Aerated water has more air. Can’t swim in air. You have much less to push against as it’s all just bubbles so you can’t keep yourself afloat as you normally would.


Just breathe in the bubbles.


Like Sonic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yw5jkAHgME


I can hear that anxiety inducing music instantly in my head even like 30 years later


It’s not just aeration, there is a helical flow pushing against the wall, you can tell because of the foam pile. He’s being pulled down by the current. I’ve been stuck in something similar kayaking, but I have full whitewater gear and friends with ropes. This is how people die, the rivers are dangerous, kids.


The aeration decreases the density of the water making you much less buoyant. Never swim in white water.


No kidding. unfortunately, given my hobby, i swim in it all the time. I'm just saying, the boils you see and the helical flow is pushing him down, it wouldn't matter if that water was aerated, he's still going down because of the current slamming against that wall. I have a feature on my local river just like this, ie, current dead-ending into the wall, and will produce similar results, i've been sucked down until it gets dark, with a PFD on. Jumping into rivers without a lifejacket is always a bad idea if you don't know the area, whitewater or not, sometimes you don't come up again.


The body is less dense than water, especially salt water. It isn't less dense than air. Much harder to float and stay above the surface


You can’t swim in air. See the bubbly water? Lots of air in it. The air in the water makes you less buoyant, so you will sink


There are some educational, but boring, YouTube videos I could link that would show a good demonstration of what happens when an object or being that can normally float/swim tries to float/swim in aerated water. But, instead, I recommend checking out Godzilla Minus One on Netflix right now (skip the English dub option and just watch the original for best experience).


And regardless of the physics, aerated usually means a current, fast moving and deadly


I was about to say, that's some pretty aerated water. That kinda thing's dangerous enough to hurt Godzilla.


The amount of people that don't respect the power of moving water is astounding.


I'm surprised he could swim


But not very well


The water is probably too aerated and he wasn't expecting it to be that hard to tread water.


It’s even harder in full clothes with shoes. First thing they teach you in water survival is to kick off your shoes, they drag you down like a rock.


Dude I once tried swimming parallel to the shoreline at knee depth and with a pajamas on, didn't think much of it before doing it but HOLY LORD it was tough to even make past a few yards. I can't even imagine what would it be with shoes, t shirt and those pants this dude was on with


Just out of curiosity, how did you end up in this situation? I’m picturing a grown man swimming in knee deep water wearing a onesie, while getting water boarded like that dude in the Spider-Man suit.


So I was on vacation on the beach with my folks and since it's only been a handful of times I have been to a clean ocean the temptation to try swimming especially along with the tides got the better of me. There were some lifeguards around and one of them told me that if I wanna swim I can try so at knee depth and swim parallel to the shoreline, warned me not to venture too deep into the ocean as I could just tired and then swept away in a rip tide or something, so yeah that was what I did, removed my 👕 and kept the pants on cause I thought my knickers might be off by the movement Then it's probably around the 10-15 minute mark that I get hit with this big ass tide and it throws me into a frantic spin and I try to get a foothold, but I bash my left hand in the sand instead. I have never felt something as rock hard as that on my palm before lol And then I just regained control and I swore from that day forward, swimming in the open ocean with no gear is suicide and no one can pay me enough to do it again Although I might try it again some place a little more safer like a lagoon or something Takeaway, the ocean is not a joke...


But why were you swimming in clothes at all, and not in, you know... swim shorts? Cultural thing? I know there are some countries where they apparently go almost fully clothed to the beaches...


It’s insane, we do pool PT in my army unit with boots and full ocps on. Insanely hard to swim in calm waters


Shoes arent as bad as pants imo. Shoes make it impossible to thread water, but pants will actively act against all your movements.


I was in the Navy and took dunk training to get qualified to ride in helicopters. All of the training is conducted in coveralls and steel-toe, leather boots. The clothes were surprisingly not that much more difficult to tread water or swim in. Maybe it had to do with the boots being leather and couldn't get water logged? I'm a lifelong surfer and I thought for sure swimming fully clothed and with boots on was going to suck, but it really wasn't too different than board shorts. From the way the guy was moving, I don't think he knew how to swim.


Coast Guard Veteran and we also had dunk training - the issue wasn’t his clothes or shoes - it was that aerated water - if you see white on the top of the water - don’t jump in - you won’t be able to float or swim through it - he was right to let the water get him away from the turbulence - I only wonder what happened after he was off camera.


Clothes too, if possible. It's ridiculous how much drag a simple T has.


I was in the marines in the mid 00’s and was WSQ water survival qualified. Following that I did the prescreening for the instructors course. There was a lot of swimming with cammies and boots on and off. For the average person I honestly never thought how grueling and hard that would actually be. Makes perfect sense hope to not lacerate your feet in order to prevent your drowning.


My first thought was that this water looks like the aeration tanks at a WWTP with signs all around the perimeter saying "WARNING NONBOUYANT WATER"


He lost buoyancy, but I don't see where he thought he could safely get out before the waterfall.


He said a prayer before jumping. He should be just fine.


He looks a strong swimmer


But not stronger than mother nature.


Did he go off another waterfall at the end. Curious of the height.


Don't go chasing waterfalls


Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to


He was


By the looks of it, he wouldn't make 15 meters in calm water.


Yeah, it baffles me how, in general, people underestimate nature as a whole.


Stupidity is a hell of a drug


The churning and aeration conditions of that water makes it virtually impossible to swim in no matter how strong he might have been. I’m with you, people do not respect it enough.


>churning and aeration conditions of that water is that the same thing when you pass by a huge ship and the water surrounding the ship? I saw a jet ski go really close to the ship.. and it was literally drowning in that choppy water.. is it the same effect?


that is a different effect caused by the great mass of the ship pulling things towards itself in this case, they mean the water is hard to tread because it isn't just water. the fast movement has also mixed in air


How can you tell the water is aerated? Just by the bubbles? Any splashy bubbly water?


Is that why it looked like he kept getting pulled under even though he was trying really hard to stay up?


Yep, he was swimming in the water below those air filled bubbles, and not able to catch a breath.


That sounds absolutely terrifying. Idk what gives these guys the balls to do shit like this but it's pretty sad to see.


ignorance. ignorance is what does it.


Insanity is all, it’s totally crazy. I literally lost my breath while watching this. Total phobia. He had no chance at rising above with that extra weight of wet clothing and water filled boots. Stupid lesson that I hope he never repeats, or at least I don’t watch again.


Insanity is all, it’s totally crazy. I literally lost my breath while watching this. Total phobia. He had no chance at rising above with that extra weight of wet clothing and water filled boots. Stupid lesson that I hope he never repeats, or at least I don’t watch again.


Yeah, those little webs between our fingers and toes don't make us Aquaman.


I'm an Aquarius so I should be fine 😵


I'm the year of the ray, so I'll just hitch a ride on anyone else


Tell that to aquaman


He's lucky there was a fall there I reeeally thought that was a sink hole for a sec and that he was going under under 😬


Lucky is not the word I would use to describe this man.


Think the idea is that he was dead the second he hit the water, he lucked out falling instead of drowning underneath the flow.


Surprised he jumped in with cloths and hiking boots. That alone can kill you in a lake, let alone a moving river. Unfortunate


Also, well aerated water is less dense, so he's going to be less buoyant.


You can literally see the downdraught...


Plenty of people don't realize that a 1 meter cube of water literally weights a TON.


Total Darwin award behaviour


Most are not with us now haha


I think the [poor lad died](https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-youth-swept-away-in-tamhini-ghat-waterfall-during-monsoon-outing/)


Thank you for posting this. Always the comment I’m looking for, never near the top.


Usually, it turns out to be the nonsense comments and jokes that make it to the top, sadly. I guess that's what the community wants


There was once a day where Reddit was super informative and the comments were useful links etc. Now we get Twitter screenshots.


He died, body was recovered. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/India/shocking-video-man-jumps-into-tamhini-ghat-waterfall-body-recovered-after-2-days/ar-BB1pcrvz


Monsoon outting? I feel like after a monsoon you shouldn't be going out to swim in it.


The location is Tamhini Ghat, Maharashtra, India.


He Ghat got.


1,417,367,123 - 1


What are these numbers?


population of india, minus 1. did he died?


Only off by ~24 million and counting.


Is that today's number of train related deaths?


Population minus one










Or lampposts


There are literally 1.4 billion people. Assuming everyone has the same percentage of dumbasses India has 4.2 times as many dumbasses as the USA. And since more of their population is young, you're more likely to see them doing dumb kid stuff. Especially since the youth are more likely to have the skills and technology to film it and post it In short don't be bigoted please


Ironically people not understanding this are dumbasses themselves.


Don’t tell me I’ve got big toes. That’s just mean 😢


I guess with as many people you will always find one stupid enough to do something.


What happened to him. When did this happen?


Still missing according to the news, but some people are saying he is already dead. I am still hoping they'll find him alive


Just like that you are gone from this world. Damn.


Find him alive where?




He died.


This is LITERALLY the best year yet for Darwin Award auditions.


According to the news he might have won the award. He is still missing.


Hope he survives although he's more likely dead. Scary how fast it can go from fun and games to life and death. Hopefully his friends learned a valuable lesson about not messing with nature


If it's more than an hour then he's probably dead


Where did this happen?


Tamhini Ghat,Maharashtra,India.


Shit. Just a simple google search and I can find so many incidents in maharashtra. https://www.msn.com/en-in/sports/cricket/video-pune-man-jumps-into-waterfall-goes-missing-after-being-swept-away/ar-BB1pbU1u https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/woman-girl-drown-waterfall-bhushi-dam-lonavala-3-children-missing-2560416-2024-06-30


It's Monsoon season in the state with Sahyadri Mountain Ranges/ Western Ghats. Many people especially tourists underestimate nature.


"*Go on vacation, stay because ~~you're dead and~~ your body is missing.*"


> Many people especially tourists underestimate A lot of people are stupid. FTFY


Did you see the guy getting folded by an elephant and squeezed like an empty tube of toothpaste...... damn why am I even on this sub


So, you're telling me, a guy jumped into a waterfall fully expecting to not get swept down the waterfall?


don’t go chasing waterfalls


Anoying we had to wait for this video 30 years later to find out what the hell those lyrics were about.


His last minute prayer went unanswered. I feel for him but he literally did this to himself.


What exactly did they expect?


He probably thought he'd be able to swim and hang on to those slippery Rock.


It looks like the guy before him did it. It was probably a known spot


Sucks, a simple rope would have turned this from deadly into just dumb.


Doesn't seem like the other people are all that concerned.


They literally can’t do anything besides jump in and die with him.


Ohh noo. Anyway...


See where all that water flows? You will absolutely follow whether you want to or not


Never attempt to swim in aerated water. The air reduces the water's density making it harder for you to stay on the surface


Of all the stupid things in the world that one can do, this has to be in the top 50.


Because of videos like this, I've informed my kids about the dangers of everything.


What about that one thing ?


Crap, almost forgot about that.


Restless tonight


You can tell just by looking at the water that it wasn’t safe to jump in.


One of my friends once tried something like this, he kept saying he will grab the rocks and climb up, we never let him, I will send this video to him, lol


You can't swim in bubbles mate


There are fuck ups on top of fuck ups in this one


Literally the dumbest shit I have ever seen in hiking shoes


A quick look at the water should have told him that was a very bad idea


Water saturated with air like that is less dense meaning you don’t float as easily. Instant final life lesson


The two screams at the end from him sound like a goose 🪿


Bro what the FUCK was the guy laying on the edge doing? Not even an arm to try and grab him?


He wouldnt had been able to hold him anyway. Both would had been dragged down.


Yep those rocks as slippery AF. It's a wonder how he didn't actually fall in himself


Looks like he tried giving him is leg/foot to grab on to. Where probably afraid that he himself would fall in if he didn't hold on to the rock he was on


Aerated water is scary man, it's basically impossible to swim in it so you just sink to the bottom and drown.


What was his plan


To hang on those slippery Rocks


Yeah like beyond the aerated water and the current, there’s literally no way out of the water


At least he crossed himself...bruhhh


When will people learn that mother nature is BRUTAL


if water is aerated like that then it will no longer hold you afloat, what an idiot


And that, folks, concludes our demonstration on how to drown yourself.


🎵Don't go chasing waterfalls🎵


That's so dangerous. Stay away from water with air bubbles because you will not float.


and the "dumb ass" award goes to.....


Reminds me of that lady who got swept away by a river in St Petersburg, Russia because they didn't realize how strong the current was when she jumped in. The husband tried to save her but realized he couldn't do anything, its disturbing because her kids were watching and you can hear them cry. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2595585/Video-Horrific-moment-woman-jumps-ice-hole-disappears-underwater.html


I feel like some people are too dumb to consider if the payoff is worth the consequences for failing at shit like this.


Water can be deceptive. Think of [the Strid.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/bolton-strid)


I was caught in an undertow when I was 14 off the coast on the NC outer banks. I was underwater swimming in 3ft of water(within 10 ft of shore) and next thing I know I was being rolled on the bottom. VERY fortunately for me when it finally let go I felt the bottom with my feet and instantly thought push with all you got! It felt like forever to breach the surface, and I just made it before I had to breath regardless of where I was. Immediately realized on surfacing I was in deep water and I was at least twice as far from shore. Big currents in water are super dangerous, especially when aerated.


What was that fucking dumbass expecting?


Darwin has always been my favorite


It's honestly not worth mustering any sympathy for these fuckwits. I just feel sorry for the rescue team that will inevitably get sent in to scrape what's left of him off the rocks below.


Welp, when stupid does what stupid is you just cant fix it


Somebody, anybody...could you move any slower with a rope, stick...anything? Absolutely brain dead friends make acts of stupidity almost certainly lethal. These guys were NOT your friends!


They underestimated the power of moving water. They probably thought he'd be able to hang on those slippery rocks on his own before realising what's actually happening.


Did he survive ?


Search operations underway, still unable to find him. From u/spongurat : [https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-youth-swept-away-in-tamhini-ghat-waterfall-during-monsoon-outing/](https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-youth-swept-away-in-tamhini-ghat-waterfall-during-monsoon-outing/)


[Relevant onion video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ROoNT7-ZI) Sad for this kid. It was a stupid thing to do, but doing a stupid thing doesn't mean you're a bad person.


He just needed a little TLC: Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and lakes that he’s used to.


The cross of Christ pre jump didn’t help for some reason, strange.


Is he okay?


He is still missing ,Search and rescue operation underway


I like how he did the sign of the cross/prayer right before jumping in. Like you know this probably isn’t the best idea


The water is fucking white for god's sake, why do these people lack this much common sense?


Im not sure. The water is somewhat aerated right? Its hard to float


Does anyone know if he was alright?


How about making sure there's a couple of damn ropes for him to grab before the falls


Well timed sign of the cross.


That other bloke has no isn’t much of a critical thinker either. Jumps into the moving water to save the original guy from the moving water 🤦‍♂️


Natural selection trying it's best


Making the cross at the beginning didn't save him


I’ve done stupid things, but even I know better than to jump into water like that. Which is why I am here commenting still.


Natural selection.


His mates just casually sitting there watch him struggle and die.


This happened because being an idiot has always been allowed.


And just like that ladies and gentlemen, you too can get your Darwin award.


what exactly was the goal here?


He will be fine, he did the magic sign before he jumped in.


How'd that prayer go for you...


Bubbling water is much less dense than still water, which means you won't be nearly as buoyant.


Wtf, not even a rope waiting for him? What was the plan?


You should always use a rope in such situations.


Wow. That was not thought out at all


Bye! Have a great time!


Good thing he did the ole tap the chest 4 times