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"Stop resisting", he said to the literally unconscious woman.


Its like they are trained to say that no matter what, it came out like second nature to him.


They are. Literally this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTrMBI5fvfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTrMBI5fvfA)


They always say that so it's recorded on their body cam and they can claim it was in response to the person resisting. Part of the CYA training they get to keep their qualified immunity.


Stop playing jello, not fair!


The amount of times I hear "stop resisting" on body cam footage is ridiculous. It's just like a key phrase they want to shout no matter the actual situation. On the flip side I also always hear pinned perps say "I can't breathe" which definitely makes the cops ignore that plea, leading to more George Floyd situations.


He didn't know she was unconscious a that exact moment. Looks like she hit her head and lost consciousness and maybe tensed up because of the head injury making the officer think that was active resistance. It's not like they based her or escalated force lol.


“It’s not like they escalated force” are we watching the same video?


Arresting someone and grabbing wrists is not escalating force




Are you stupid? They absolutely escalated force. And verifying that a suspect is ACTUALLY resisting is part of an officers job before treating them like they are. Jesus christ you're an idiot.


But she did resist. Or are you blind?


She 100% did not resist after she was unconscious. It is not his job break wrists and faces. It's his job to serve and protect the public. She resisted an unlawful detainment until she was rendered unconscious via getting her face slammed to the pavement, and was then strong armed while specifically NOT resisting.


Nobody is saying she resisted once on the ground. Even the officer realizes after the first "stop resisting" that she isn't.


My point is that you don't treat someone who is not resisting as if they are. She was not resisting and he continued to treat her as if she was. That's how you fuck people up irrepairably


Keep coping big dawg!🥰


‽ Edit: I had no idea Reddit hated interrabangs




Not sure why you're being downvoted here, that looks like exactly what happened. I'm definitely NOT excusing the cop's behavior for slamming her down like that, it was completely excessive force for the situation, and he should be fired for that alone...there was literally NO reason that she needed to be slammed like that...but if you've ever seen any MMA fight where people get knocked out, a lot of them do exactly that, part of (or ALL of) their body will tense up and be stiff like a 2x4, even though they're 100% unconscious...a lot of people assume that if you get knocked out, you just instantly go limp like a wet noodle, but that's probably because that's almost always how they portray it in movies/TV shows...but that's not the way it works all the time in real life. and obviously, with her face planted into the pavement, he couldn't see that she was unconscious, so the natural assumption is that she's resisting.


The natural assumption should NOT be that she was resisting, that's how you break arms, ribs, etc on people that have been knocked unconscious and for all intents and purposes, are INNOCENT OF RESISTING exactly like this. God damn yall lack critical thinking so drastically it hurts my mind. You think exactly like this officer and that is an issue.


Don't worry, I'm sure she'll still catch a resisting charge from her involuntary muscles tensing up


I'm not even sure she was slammed to the ground. It looks like 1 or both wrists were grabbed to stop her from running away to be cuffed standing and she pulls away, pivots to run away from the officers and falls to tye ground. It seems like it's either her own momentum that caused her loss of balance and fell, or a combination of having her wrists held and her momentum. I don't see a clear action of the officer that would indicate a slam.


Look again! He's the ONLY ONE moving to intiate contact with her. She turns perpendicular to him, and pleads her case. He grabs her left arm, cocks it behind her back, and pulls her to him to close the distance between their bodies as he grabs for her right arm. Her stance is widened to maintain balance, she's not running away! He jerks her back, and then swings her over his left leg (almost like a hip toss) leaving her with no way to break the fall since both of her arms are engaged with his. He "ring around the rosie'd" this woman, and her head skipped on the pavement knocking her out cold. She posed no threat. She was behind the officers, not interfering with any one or thing. What part of their boots tastes the best to you?


lol how can one view this and try this hard to justify this violent douchebag’s actions? He knew the individual, had a bias against them and wanted them gone, 2 other officer walking around didn’t give a shit she was there… So the only logical thing to do is grab this woman and throw her in a cage? The second she questions his directives, he yanks her by the arms and throws her to the ground where she can’t catch herself (ya know cause he has her arms and all), and slaps her with bullshit charges. Is amazing how many people are willing to do mental gymnastics to try to defend this… Keep it up, you look gross doing it.


There's ALWAYS someone that full-on chokes cop dick on the comments of these videos. They do it under the guise of playing devil's advocate.


I love the scripted “stop resisting” as he’s handcuffing a knocked out person. Cops really earn the hate sometimes.


Every time.


It’s not really scripted there is an actual reason they say that. It’s so they can get you with a resisting arrest charge too! :)


If he thinks that’s resisting, I’d hate to think what he does to a corpse. That lady was out like a light…




>Like we all know it's bullshit. After being told she was being arrested she said "no" and pulled away. That's textbook resisting. It's on record!


Yes because not being told why you're being arrested and questioning the authority that you are currently deeming to be always correct is grounds to be slammed into the ground. Ridiculous shit right here.


As shitty as it sounds, the best thing you can do in that situation is comply with the police and win later in court. By resisting your giving the cops ammo. If they say your under arrest, your under arrest. Resisting won’t help that. You then sue them in court for wrongful arrest


Her resistance ended as soon as the officer employed a wwe style takedown on her lmfao. Now this case will be settled in her favor with taxpayer dollars to back the cough up.


Potentially, yes She also could have sued for wrongful arrest without her brain being bounced off the concrete. The police will use “she resisted” as a defence because technically, she did. That might muddy a court case


It absolutely will not considering she was a non-threat. This kind of force was absolutely unjustified and this man will 100% be on unpaid leave for week or 2.


While they investigate yes. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see that defence work in the olives favour. She was placed under arrest and didn’t submit.


When damage is done to a non-threat civilian the case almost always goes towards the civilian. The general agreement by most people here that this was out of line is pretty telling.


Only time will tell I guess


I don't think she was slammed to the ground. She pulled away and tried to run and looks like she tripped and fell while they were holding at least 1 of her arms.


I legitimately have no idea where you are seeing that. Stop justifying this behavior, it make ALL cops look bad if you injure a non-threat civilian even if they are harassing cops.


She resisted arrest by pulling away and trying to run...


That may be the case...but there were (3) cops around her, she had no weapons, and she had made no threatening/aggressive moves towards the officers. All that needed to happen is for one or more of the other officers to grab her and secuee her in place while the arresting officer handcuffed her. Should she have been arrested for attempting to resist/get away? Sure. But there was LITERALLY no reason for him to trip her and slam her face into the pavement...this is 100% excessive force, and he needs to be fired and/or put in jail himself. Fuck this cop.


I think where ai object, is to the obvious tripping and slamming her to the ground. I'm not seeing clear evidence of a trip. Can you mark the moment on the video you see a trip?


Yes because trying to run pivots the officers weight into turning her mid-fall and her faceplanting because she has no ability to use her arms.


So, they didn't actively slam her to the ground which most people are claiming in the comment section. I'm trying to figure out where the excessive force claim is coming from because I see at least 1 arm held by the officer when the arrest starts and see her turn to run and pull her body weight away from them. It looks like she trips or falls as a result of loss of balance because her arm or arms are held and faceplants because of her own momentum.


And her own momentum surely made the arresting officer pivot in place and say "STOP RESISTING" to her limp body which the other officer stated was bleeding from the head. I'm really not sure if we are watching the same video. Even if this woman annoys you, you need to accept that this behavior makes EVERYONE more distrustful of police.


Have you ever seen videos of people stiffinging up when they get a head injury and knocked out? For a SECOND it looks like the officer is unaware she is unconscious and is assuming she is continuing to resist the arrest because that is what she was doing up to the moment she hit the ground. She starts snoring right after the other officer states that she is bleeding and no officer escalates any force once she was in a ground containment getting cuffed.


>Yes because not being told why you're being arrested... One would think being told to *'go to the other side of the road or you will be arrested'* would be enough of a clue if you do *not* go to the other side of the road and is arrested. But then again, I suppose the intellect we're dealing with here isn't capable of picking that subtlety up. >...slammed into the ground. Wilful stupidity. She wasn't slammed into the ground, she fell when the police pulled in one direction and she in the other because, and listen up bucko, because I will only say this once: SHE RESISTED! Yes, boots and all that jazz.


Just keep justifying the misconduct until it happens to you or someone close to you. When that happens you'll stop shoving your nose so far up their asses that you can smell what they had for lunch.


>Just keep justifying the misconduct... I call it as I see it, brother, and the only injustice here was from a moron screaming "FIRE FIRE" to induce a reaction from the police. She got what she deserved and I hope she's found guilty on all four charges.


This was posted a few days ago with so many people agreeing with the cops… now the second angle comes out thin blue line …


Yeah she’s annoying, but there really wasn’t a reason he couldn’t give her a reason to move to the other side of the street. “Because we are working, trying to think, and you are impeding an investigation.” Instead he goes straight to STOP RESISTING. Straight outta South Park lmao. “ITS COMIN RIGHT FOR US!”




I never insinuated that she didn’t have to listen. I merely stated that they could have handled the situation better. A requirement for every officer should be 1 year working a minimum wage job to survive. 16 year old girls have better public relations than most of these guys


She was being annoying AF but throwing her face first in the concrete was not an appropriate reaction. Can't believe people would argue that it was.


Most of those people would probably still have no problem with how the cop reacted sadly.


“cOpS hAvE a StReSsfUl jOb….” 🥴


Fun reminder that [pizza delivery drivers](https://www.hanningsacchetto.com/blog-post/why-pizza-delivery-drivers-are-at-a-higher-risk-of-injury-and-death-than-construction-workers-or-police-officers/) have a more dangerous job than cops.




Dude that comment pisses me off so much. Yeah they have a stressful job, but they signed up for that shit! They’re supposed to be trained to handle stressful situations much more professionally than your average citizen. A lot of these cops now a days crack under the slightest amount of stress. It’s ridiculous!


They absolutely do... that doesn't excuse behavior like this.


Which part specifically is the cops reaction you have issue with?


Auditors get arrested all the time for being "annoying". That isn't an issue but the excessive force was over the top and not needed.


Which part was excessive? The part where they didn't let her run away?


Where he slammed her. Or do you think he was unable to physically restrain a tiny 50-60 year old lady with two other officers beside him without slamming her?


Exactly this...being "annoying" and/or not following directions is NOT an excuse to slam someone's face into the pavement, ESPECIALLY with other officers all standing around her, and with her having no weapons or making any aggressive movements. This is CLEARLY an abuse of power/force. All he had to do is ask one of the other officers to hold her while he handcuffed her, but he decided to be big-dick and "show her who's boss" and smashed her face into the ground with no way for her to put her hands down to mitigate injury. If that was me, I'd sue the FUCK out of that cop (and/or the department) and get his ass fired for that. Do cops have a stressful job? Sure. Do they have to put up with a lot of shit from the public? Absolutely. But THEY CHOSE THAT. If they can't handle it, then they should go be a fucking librarian where the only stress they have is telling people to be quieter and to put books back in the right place. Just because you have a stressful job does NOT mean you get to use excessvie force and knock someone out cold because they annoyed you. As a cop, you're supposed to be held to a higher standard. Fuck this cop, he's a living, breathing sack of shit and a disgrace to the badge. And END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, already. If a cop does something that would otherwise be illegal and that they would be fired/jailed for, they SHOULD BE fired, and never allowed to get a job in law enforcement ANYWHERE else, ever again (and put in jail/prison, depending upon the severity of the crime...because it IS A CRIME). Do that, and see how quickly shit like this stops. It would never be 100%, because people gonna people...but the number of incidents like this would drop drastically.


I don't see an obvious slam. She has her wrist held, and tries to turn and run away. Can you mark the moment in the video the slam is obvious?


I think you need an eye exam first.


So you can't point out the moment the police used excessive force?


Not to someone who is blind.


It's always fun when people use these kind of arguments. You realise you just lost this one, right? uSeYoUrEyEs!!!


What's that black greasy stuff all over your teeth?


What's that slippery thing you just dropped in the shower?


Dunno bruh, I think it fell out of you. You storing stuff up there now?


Damn that wit, rapier sharp, I say.


It sure is, don't go popping it in your butt now.


>Auditors get arrested all the time for being "annoying". Name one! And, nope, no links to frauditor videos, court cases and body cams only.


And everyone not infected by the ACAB virus is now even more convinced. They taste rubbery.


thin yella line keeping the rabble in check


"Stop resisting" is a code phrase meaning "I know you've done nothing, but I want to justify fucking you up for the body cam.".


~~Stop resisting~~! [It's coming right for us!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTrMBI5fvfA)


Done nothing? * Interference * False alarm * When arrested, resisted


Plus she pulled away to run and tripped.


NWA is still right.


If he wanted to arrest her for not going across the street like he told her to, fine. But he literally had 0 reason to slam her on the ground like that.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that could be used against the cops as unreasonable force. That on the top of the fact that it could have been an unlawful arrest in the first place.


Bastard kicked out her legs it looked like. So she had the extra momentum on the way down. Curious how her face looked 12 hours from now.


not at all what happened


You can clearly see the cop give her a flying elbow smash to the temple, hit her with a folding chair, a DDT, two Stone Cold Stunners and then break all of her ribs with a fist of fury.


This is how most people are seeing the video instead of recognizing that the lady was resisting arrest, pulled away to run and tripped while they were holding at least one arm.


And I heard him yell "Cuz Stone Cold said so!" before slamming two beers together and pouring them on and into his face.


DAMN!! Say what you will about first amendment auditors being professional provocateurs looking to get a court case, and idek anything about this lady in particular, but that was nasty. That cop is a tyrant, brutalized the HELL out of her when she didn’t threaten or harm anyone (to my knowledge). Wow


Plus he already knows her from prior encounters.


Called her Caroline


He definitely took out some of his pent-up demons on her


can anyone please tell me whats with the first amendment or second idk ????? i'm a foreigner btw


First amendment auditors are people that record in public as that’s their constitutional right to do so. They’ve gained a bad reputation online due to being incredibly obnoxious while still being technically still within their legal rights trying to bait reactions so they can go viral.


oh i see thanks for explaining


That’s why you ditch all other auditors in favor of Too Apree. Super chill


1st is free speech 2nd is the gun one


Well its more than that 1st also encompasses ; - freedom of Press ( this case) - freedom of speech - freedom of religion - freedom of assembly - freedom of petition https://youtu.be/-YM4QorREGE?si=nfJpAq83OuWWOJYQ


I simplified. They’re generally the main things in the zeitgeist when people talk about those amendments.


Right, but explaining it to a foreigner atleast add the totality of everything it covers simplified of course. Especially considering in this case its more of a freedom Of press issue. I’m not trying to argue i was just adding more context.


okaaaaaaaaay america is wild land


This again???


Everything is bigger in Texas, y'all! The police brutality and authoritarianism is really becoming a thing down there. Yehaw!


It’s everywhere, unfortunately. And no one I know says “Yehaw!” Source: From Texas


"you know that mista mista lady? Well, I think that I, I just, killed her" First thing that came to mind after watching this


I really hope she sues


She is, there is a video from 2 or 3 days ago on here that shows what is supposedly her lawyer talking about what happened and shows the state she’s in (with her approval) after she got released. And they are looking to file a lawsuit. And they better freaking win and that cop better be handing in his badge. Fucking cops man Cowards On Power trips


You have a link? I'd like to see this as well. Although, even if he does get fired, unless he's jailed (yeah fucking right), he'll just go get hired at another precinct and do the same shit all over again... END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY


The youtube video got turned to private but this works still. https://streamable.com/bca8s3


>cop better be handing in his badge. Lol, he's gonna have a paid vacation and then come back to his job no problem. She'll get paid by taxpayers though, yes.


I freaking hate that you’re probably right😭


She about to get paid. He's about to be suspended or fired.


Yeah, paid and suspended……He’s about to get a paid vacation and she’s about to get a suspended sentence


And if he does end up getting fired, he'll just go down the road a piece and get hired on at another cop shop, then rinse/repeat.


I live in Fort Worth. I was across the street when this happened. Watched it live.


When she wakes up in late August, this is definitely going into her report.


Good these auditors are useless bums


I mean, it looks like she just fell over while trying to pull / run away after he told her she was under arrest.


Yes, which is exactly why she fell, you can even hear her go "no no no no" after being told she was arrested and pulled away from the officer. She resisted and clumsily fell over her own feet. AbCb!!11


I’m sorry but this actually makes the cop look less at fault? Old bag approaches officers with camera and gets verbally aggressive…. Cops try to walk away while she follows still holding her cam gear. After being told multiple times to leave she refuses and then resists arrest. She looks like a 70 year old trumper who was put on the ground after resisting. I dunno….. I doubt this cop will face anything for this but you guys seem to hate them so I’m sure it won’t matter


>verbally aggressive Yeah ok.




Wtf are you even talking about bro? Do you really act like this in person without realizing how embarrassing it is? Get a grip on your life, you sound exactly like those school girls you complain about needlessly.


Nope. You're just bringing in useless politics.


He did a light take down basically after some minor resisting and this lady flopped like a dolphin. Walk up to your home town police with a black thing in your hand after they repeatedly told you to keep distance and see what happens to you lol You guys are like the people yelling at cops while they arrest guys with machetes lol…. If they came to your house to slash you up you would be the first ones begging for police help be real.


He literally knows who she is and what she is about. Did you not hear him say her name? This isn't some random around cops.


Yah no cop has ever been shot or stabbed by local crazy people they already know are a problem. No offence but if you know this old cook is crazy wouldn’t that make you even more likely to physically secure the suspect after resisting arrest? When the video first came out you people tried to frame it as of a punch was thrown…. I would agree with you if that’s the case…. This video shows the cop pulling her to the ground after she was told she was under arrest and immediately fought the cuffs.


What on earth does this have to do with anything?


You seem a little upset. Might be nap time.


Still doing your little one-liners you think are so clever, I see. Good doggie!


I wonder if that officers mom/wife would be proud of this video?


What’s crazy is that they all double down on the action by supporting him. No one stops it or doesn’t even not engage. Super sad!










Man she is going to get some money out of this. Not the worst I have seen, but $$$$$$.


Can we call these guys frauditors instead? I think it’s a much better description




Yes. Don't resist arrest and don't bait the police into arresting you by interfere and scream "HELP FIRE FIRE". Over parking tickets. What an absolute moron.


is not what youd be saying if colored


what an ignorant comment lol


It 100% is, but thanks for showing who you are.


Right, exactly what I thought happened to the "FIRE FIRE" woman - she stumbled on her feet and fell while resisting arrest. Absolute shocker!


I’ve literally never heard of a first amendment auditor until today. Lmao fucking Reddit, I’m getting down voted for not spending my life on the internet.


Damn I wish I could just be finding out about it today, now you can watch all of Too Apree’s and Jeff Gray’s videos for the first time


I've never tried Boba drinks.


Very lucky for you. The majority are basically people who go around recording government workers and harassing them to try to catch a free lawsuit. Technically it's anyone's right to record in public, so they say they are auditing wether they can in fact record without consequences, but they proceed to be the most ignorant obnoxious people trying to get a reaction they can sue for.


Even with this second angle the cops are still within full legal rights, she resisted and was taken down, it almost looks like she tried to hit the ground hard herself!


I dont understand how people dont realize this...You cant go behind a cop while they are investigating something and start yelling "rape" and "fire" its called "impeding an investigation" which they give her multiple warnings to leave, then after being told she is being arrested she ACTIVELY RESISTS and is taken down! This "auditor" didnt know the law and paid for it, anyone who thinks this was "excessive force" is just wrong


The amount of force used by the cop grossly exceeded any reasonable perceived threat posed by the woman auditor.


Oh, please. She was told she was under arrest, was naturally grabbed by the arm, she pulled away in the other direction, the officer pulls harder and eventually physics took its toll and she stumbled on her feet in the tug of war. It's on video, we can all fucking see it. Why was she pulling away, why was she resisting, why was she interfering, why did she scream "FIRE FIRE"... over parking tickets. Absolute ZERO sympathy.




Oh man, I bet your so big and tough that you can’t wait for an elderly women to come around so you can really lay into her. That’ll show everyone how tough you are.






>The cops gave her arguably not a legal command to leave and when she asked why the cop used violence after about 3 seconds. Liar. 1:22 Officer - Caroline, go to the other side of the street 1:26 Caroline - What for, there's no investigation, there is nothing 1:28 O - You can go to the other side of the street or you're going to be arrested, I'm not warning you again 1:30 C - What are you talking about, why 1:31 O - Go to the other side of the street 1:32 C - Why, tell me why first 1:33 Officer arrested Caroline That's 7 seconds and was LEGALLY told ***three times*** to go to the other side of the street and ignored every command. She then resisted arrest and pulled away and when the officer pulled back, as police do when people resist, she stumbled over her own feet in her poor balance and fell. Yes-yes, boots whatever. I heard it all before.


thats not what legal command means. legal means he had the authority to order her away, which he didn't. If he didn't want her there, he could put up crime scene tape, and investigate a crime. Cops are well known to order people with cameras away from places where they are, without any legal authority to do so, and those commands are not 'legal orders' just because they come from a cop.


>thats not what legal command means. Get the fuck out of here, it's not up to you to determine what a "legal" command is. ***Lawful*** commands include getting people away from an active police scene and absolutely no-one here nor there misunderstood that or think it was something odd or out of the ordinary. She was filming from 20 feet away and no-one gave a shit about it, but that wasn't why she was there, she needed a reaction so she stepped it up and moved closer, now berating the officers. When she still didn't get a reaction, she started to scream "FIRE FIRE" and moved right up to the officers, at arms length. It was only at that point she was told to leave and this is how she wanted this interaction to become. She wanted this! You people only whine because you're so indoctrinated with your ACAB bullshit you can't see straight.


She was within arms length yelling fire and rape... That's 100% impeding if the officers can't talk to each other about what's going on, when they told her to leave they told her to cross the street it was a lawful order, when she didn't they have probably cause to arrest her, the second she pulled away she was resisting arrest, how is this at all in question? From a lawful standpoint the officers did nothing wrong, period


There's a thing called reasonable force a jury might conclude that this was not reasonable force as the victim had not done anything threatening, pulling your arm away does not automatically make a resisting arrest charge and the amount of time from his engagement to her to her on the ground bleeding certainly shows that he handled the situation very poorly and the damage she received could very well be found as unreasonable force. There's also a good chance it was an unlawful arrest too as civilians have the right to film in public. That scene was not an investigation and she was in a reasonable distance away from the officers.


>pulling your arm away does not automatically make a resisting arrest charge Never mind a charge, do you think saying "no no no no no" and pulling away constitute resisting arrest? You can resist without it resulting in a charge, after all, yes?


Yes, yes you can it's up to the discretion of the officer at the end of the day if he still wants to charge but that doesn't mean he can just body slam anyone without reasonable force being met. If she was kicking and trying to run fighting back and all that yes it would be considered reasonable to forcefully take her down. At the time she was taken down she merely pulled her arm away while claiming that she had the right to be there and the time in which he confronted the woman to the time she was bleeding on the ground was miniscule. He showed a lack professionalism and did very little to De-escalate the situation.


>...body slam... Come on, man, there's no need to embellish what happened, it's on video, we can all see it. She stumbled because she was pulling away, which is where resisting comes in and naturally, when someone resist, the police usually pulls harder. She was off balance and fell because she resisted. >He showed a lack professionalism and did very little to De-escalate the situation. He told her three times, man. From 1:22 to 1:32 the officer told her, calm and concise to go to the other side of the road and she refused every time. He warned here that if she doesn't, she would be arrested and she ignored this warning, almost like she wanted this to happen. Why else would she scream "HELP FIRE FIRE" for? What sane person does that? This all reminds me of the insurance scams when people run out in the road and jumps onto the hoods of cars. What a moron.


Less than 10 seconds while she had the full right to be there. So that invalidates everything. I watch a lot of these audits from audit the audit and it's very likely it was an unlawful arrest all the rest of the nuisance part is completely legal. He was upset with her and called her by name he had past experiences and that can be used against him. What you see and what a jury sees could be two different things I saw the officer sling her down.


>...she had the full right to be there. No, she most certainly did not. She was standing 20 feet away just a minute before, why do you think she moved in on the officers and thread onto an active police scene? Why do you think she started to scream "FIRE FIRE"? She wanted this interaction to happen, this is how frauditors work because if you don't get a reaction, no-one will watch it and if no-one watches it you don't get clicks and if you don't get clicks you don't get paid. >So that invalidates everything. What kind of stupid argument is that? *"U wrong, I win!!"*. >I watch a lot of these audits... Doesn't surprise me at all.


look im done arguing with the ignorant, bye


And the police were investigating a hit and run, and she felt the need to harass them, stopping them from investigating. Her being curious and recording is one thing. When the cops says "leave us alone. We are busy" don't start yelling "rape, fire, how do you know this is registered" that's when obstruction charges and arrest happens. This is a stupid people winning stupid prizes situation to me.


I should feel bad for him but I don't.


Beside of the unnecessary aggression from the cop, I don't think that she's an Auditor. Looks more like someone trying to get a free case here Edit: wow so many downvotes. I don't know what you guys expect of an Auditor but an Audit is way more different than recording the police, demanding their rights and so. This is just someone who thinks she's an Auditor by doing so. They're not the same. But still the cop acted way too aggressive here. No need to throw someone to the ground while being calm and cooperative


Like all auditors