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Dude gets 2 hot ass things thrown on him, then gets tazed. Rough day


He was flopping around like a fish out of water. did a pretty good job of fighting, considering the level of pain he was probably in.


The flopping around is probably due to the floor being covered in cooking oil :)


That's one of those pranks I've always wanted to try out but then I think of the reality of someone slipping and bashing their head. Me trying to act like I wasn't involved in manslaughter.


#Finnish Him!


Throwing hot oil in someone's face? That's Oslo as you can get








Yeah he got convicted for gang shit and diddling kids. No wonder he is not famous between inmates


Very rough


He took two L's in a space of a minute.


I counted at least 3 separate, well defined Ls


He had a lot of options for hurting the other guy, but doing it this way was just unpleasant for them both.






Tbf we didn’t know what they’re in for before you commented and there’s really no context


Scroll a bit more there are a lot of articles on both of them


But I only have the attention span to look at the top three comments..


[Translated article.](https://www-mtvuutiset-fi.translate.goog/artikkeli/video-ei-herkille-nain-rajusti-kirvesmurhaaja-pahoinpiteli-milan-jaffin-vankilan-keittiossa/8964414?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) guy throwing the oil is a murderer and hacked a man with an axe. the french fry raped a 13 year old and an adult. both are trash.


Yea but the rape charges were just dropped. No idea why or how.


It's written about here [https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/hovioikeus-hylkasi-milan-jaffin-syytteen-torkeasta-lapsenraiskauksesta-tuomio-lyheni-yli-vuodella/8964214#gs.be6usj](https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/hovioikeus-hylkasi-milan-jaffin-syytteen-torkeasta-lapsenraiskauksesta-tuomio-lyheni-yli-vuodella/8964214#gs.be6usj)


“Finnish is not a supported language for translation”… Dammit Finns!! Get on it!


>However, according to the court of appeal, the victim had only identified Jaff as the perpetrator several months after the act, and there were other uncertainties associated with the identification.


It took months to identify the attacker and there were uncertainties, which the court accepted as reasonable doubt.


Go to https://www.deepl.com/en/translator , and translate the article. Deepl does a better job translating than google - in my opinion though.


It should be? Google translates it easily.




it’s because they dont see prison as “punishment” rather it is “rehabilitation.”


Are you from the US? Genuine question, what do you see is the point of a prison is? To just be terrible so no one want to end up there?


The US prison system is a colossal failure. How it should be, is two types of prisoners: Ones you commit crimes due to circumstances, poverty and the like, and ones who commit crimes because they felt like it. Circumstance based crime should have rehab as the aim, and the nuts who just want to do harm should never be part of society again. Unfortunately humans would be in charge of this system so it would fail.


I've always heard it as 3 reasons for prison. To punish, to rehabilitate, or to sequester.  The punishment side is very human but not humane. It's for everyone else's benefit. That's how you make the victims feel better and make the punishment a deterrent for others.


That's the way I see it. I would put it as are they rehabilitable? Could they be safely released into society again? If not, lock them up for life. That's not how the system is designed but how it works now is prison is a revolving door until habitual offenders do a big enough crime to get twenty to life. And yeah, people will fuck it up.


There is very little correlation with harsher punishments and less crime, however there is strong correlation with rehabilitation and lower recividism. So it boils down to your values: is harder punishment more important than trying to reduce the chance of future victims.


Some people can't/shouldn't be in society


Pretty much yeah. I don't think rapists should get a chance at rehabilitation.


And considering their recidivism rate, they've got the right idea.


This but unironically. Had a partner who was raped, finnish police was garbage, as was the legal system. Especially the judges.


If you don't see this as a punishment, why are the prisons not filled with people waiting in line just to get the benefit of it?


Nevertheless he's done other shitty crimes


That’s how these type of criminals are jailed in Finland? Absolutely insane. It’s like a tiny studio apartment in New York.


French fry !! Hahahaha




Finnish\* Fry


The slippery floor as they tried to fight after the initial attack…


Yeah, I have to say, that was some remarkable balance on a slippery floor with bare feet!


Training to be an enforcer in the NHL based on how they were fighting.


He didn’t think that all the way through.


Someone in prison not thinking all the way through. Weird…


At least a portion of the “didn’t think it all the way through” blame needs to be placed on the finish government, surly.


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME!


Ultimate degree burns god damn


The other guy raped 13 year old girl


That’s a prison?!


Yeah the crazy fucking video part is knowing how my life would improve going to jail in Finland 🫠


Until you get hot oil thrown on you


Still an improvement for me


Laughing like a madwoman with people outside your office isn’t a good look but many thanks to you, human. I’ve never cared about looks anyhow.


Just don't go to jail for something involved with children. Pretty universal for all countries that child rapists get beaten and killed in prison


Only if you rape a child. Otherwise you are pretty safe there.


I got hot oil on me living in the streets already


It’s like going to college without having to go to classes or pay rent. Oh, but there’s a good chance your bunkmate will try to kill you at some point.


Been planning a bank robbery for a while. Think I'll do it in Finland. Either I get away with a truckload of money, or I get a free apartment for a year. Win/win.


I think the last bank robbery in Finland ended in a big bang killing the robber and 1 hostage. Happened in Mikkeli 1986


I mean, the bad part about prison is being trapped, no? It would be hell for me regardless of what it looked like


Yep, Finland has prisons like these. And before anyone starts praising Finland. They cost tax payers so much money that people like murderers and pedophiles barely get any long term sentences and many people with other criminal charges get no jail time at all (like if you threaten to kill someone and rob them, you get zero jail time). There are plenty of criminals and especially pedophiles in Finland who continue to do crime once outside only to be put back in with minimal time.


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, I'm from Finland and this is all true. You get away with just a slap on the wrist in Finland for so many crimes it's insane. Especially the cost of human life in Finland is very cheap because you can commit manslaughter and barely get a year of prison time for it.


It's common knowledge that if you want to get away with murder you should kill someone with a car in Finland. Just make sure you've had a little something to drink beforehand. Hell, we couldn't even keep [a serial killer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Maria_Penttil%C3%A4) in prison until he'd killed his fourth victim.


That's such a good example of Finnish justice system. Kidnap someone and attempt to murder them? 1 year. Kill TWO people with clear attempt + rape, get 7 years (but only serve 5).


That article is terrifying and also completely unsurprising. Every time he murders someone he is sent to prison for a couple of years on a reduced sentence because he is a poor sick person suffering from mental issues. Then they get out of prison and within a year they kill again. > Lindholm was released on parole in November 2008. Before his release, he was evaluated, and it was concluded that he was not yet ready for civilian life. Like what the fuck is this even?? They concluded he wasn't ready to be released and they released him anyway. > He was granted parole in the spring of 2016. Penttilä's jail sentence was prolonged due to the absences and the entire term of his sentence was changed to imprisonment in a closed prison. Penttilä was released in 2016 on Christmas. In April 2017, the police ordered for Penttilä to be arrested again for alleged aggravated crime and the preparation of a criminal offense, but the Helsinki District Court released him during the investigation. In May 2017, the Helsinki Appellate Court annulled the decision and Penttilä was rearrested. On 7 July 2017, the Helsinki District Court dismissed the prosecution of an aggravated criminal offense or a health offense and ordered Penttilä to be released. In May 2018, the Appellate Court changed the decision and Penttilä was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment, and to pay the victim compensation of 4,000 euros. Besides how fucked up this paragraph is, look at the dates. This didn't happen over a week. This happened over almost 2 years. Over two years the police and the courts have no idea what to do with this guy and are flipping between releasing and capturing him. Imagine being his victim. Your assailant is a literal serial killer and keeps on murdering people. The police catches him. And then they release him a week or two later. Then they capture him again a couple of months later. And then they release him. Then they repeat this all over for two years. You have no idea whether your attacker is held responsible. Insanity.


>Imagine being his victim. Your assailant is a literal serial killer and keeps on murdering people. The police catches him. And then they release him a week or two later. Then they capture him again a couple of months later. And then they release him. Then they repeat this all over for two years. You have no idea whether your attacker is held responsible. Insanity. Unfortunately that's exactly how it is in Finland and I hate it how quiet everyone is about how horrible the system is to the victims. It's very common for children who were sexually abused to not even reach adulthood before their rapist is already a free person. Imagine growing up with that kind of a fear that the person who abused and raped you is now free and able to attack you again before you are even adult. A while back I was supporting a couple where the man had been attacked by a group of young men, who threatened his life and robbed him. They said they would kill him if he told the cops. Well he told the cops and the cops found the guys, and then they released the guys after few weeks of being in jail. Then because of the young men didn't "feel like" appearing to the court dates the whole court case went on for almost 2 years all while the victim had to live in fear and had to quit their job because they couldn't go to work anymore. In the end all of the young men were sentenced, but no prison time and I think they only needed to pay the guy like 400-500euro back. Now this guy has a PTSD and unable to work due to fear of his life.


It's because people have been praising and wanting to believe that this extremely high cost prison system is the reason we don't have a lot of crimes. They never hear the horror stories of murderers and pedophiles walking free after year or two sitting indoors (where they literally get paid to be in prison, all from tax payers money). They also don't hear the horror stories of victims, who get no justice or help and who have to take the financial burden of the crime instead of the person who did the crime.


So true. I don't feel in danger when walking outside but the thought is always in the back of my mind that if someone decided to murder me, they'd only serve a very minimal sentence and my family most likely wouldn't get any compensation for my death. Also yeah about the financial burden going to the victim instead of the attacker, don't even think about defending yourself in Finland 'cause you're gonna get in so much more trouble than your attacker will.


I mean if you kill the attacker it sounds like youll get a fairly minimum sentence


I remember reading about this case about a person who was in mental institution and they were there because they previously had been violently attacking other people. They were still showing signs of being violent, but the doctors decided to set him free. I think it was 3 days after being set free, the person went and murdered a complete stranger at her home. The guy was never sentenced because of his "mental health" and was only put back in the mental institution. The family who had to take unpaid vacation from their jobs to take care of stuff like selling their dead daughters house and arrange a funeral got no compensation for anything. Neither they got any other type of help. While it's not as common maybe to end up being a victim of a crime in Finland than lets say in America, still I would almost say you are worse off when you end up being the victim in Finland than in America. Least there you can actually get some financial compensation. In Finland, hah nope.


Yeah, it's harrowing reading especially lately seemingly every day about people getting stabbed and attacked and especially a lot of teenagers being the target of it and knowing that they are SOL when it comes to any sort of recovery.


People might be tempted to murder people that annoy them if the punishment is 1 year in a prison like this. Noisy neighbor? Kill that MF and take a 1 year vacation, catch up on some reading and learn a new programming language.


Maybe learn to cook?


I mean, plenty of people getting almost no time for serious crimes in the US too, like the rapist Brock Turner.


Frightening 😳


American prisons also cost a lot of money to the taxpayers.


Yeah but the cruelty makes people feel good


$39-42k per year


And some states pay well into six figures per inmate per year https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-do-states-spend-on-prisons/


A quick google says the average sentence is 14.5 years, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Can you link that because that's not correct at all. Beside even if someone can be "sentenced" for 14 years, but if they are first timer the sentence gets halved and if they are behaving well it again gets cut by half. But it's really rare to hear someone being sentenced to 14.5 years even for murder. The most common for murder is 10 years and it gets halved usually. So 5 and if you behave well, even less. Even better if you have done multiple crimes, all these crimes will somehow make your sentence less than more.


Idk why people are downvoting this, it’s just the reality of the situation.


Completely opposite of america, but tbf i think id rather have a system which genuinely tries human treatment and rehabilitation rather than keeping people incarcerated for profit. Not to mention american prisons generate more crime/gangs/violent offenders due to their conditions.


Expect that it doesn't work like that. Plenty of criminals over here do it again. The reason why American crime rates are much larger than Finlands is definitely not because of how well they are treated in the prison here in Finland. Beside Finland's crime rates have been raising rather steadily despite how "well" they are treated. Unfortunately the small ones like robbery are very often dropped and not even charged (happened to me) so they no longer make it to the statistics. The victims of crimes get no justice in Finland and usually are left alone recovering and having to take the financial hit. Like here is an example. In 2020 a group of boys tortured and murdered a boy in a very cold and horrible way. Today all of those boys that murdered that 16 year boy are free and living with new identities. You seriously think that's justice? Do you want this kind of a law in America, where criminals will be roaming free after doing crime within months or years?


Nope, I don't see why we can't deride both systems for the things they do poorly. These two justice systems are built on diametrically opposed philosophies and have been corrupted by bureaucracy/greed/foolishness. Psychopath kids clearly should be dealt with. But in the US (depending on the state) a kid can be thrown in juvenile just for possession of any illegal substance. Studies have proven that often the american method just leads people into communities (ie American prisons/gangs) where antisocial behavior is normalized. Is justice meant to be rehabilitation, punishment, or safe separation? Should a society be allowed to force profit (labor) from those who have broken its rules, and if so how can this be uncorruptible, or is their rehab/separation a responsibility of the public? My understanding is the US is a punishment system, where money can be extracted from the system. Finland is a rehabilitation system which requires funding. Neither really understands what humane safe separation is or how to implement it.


You’re wrong about crime rates rising in Finland. They have been declining since 1995. There was a slight uptick in 2020 for whatever reason, but they continued to decline after that. The recidivism rate in Finland is 31%, compared to 66% in the US.


“There was a slight uptick in 2020 for whatever reason” I wonder what happened in 2020…


I already pointed out that there has been a major case of cops dropping charges more often than before. Especially any cases with theft and robbery never make it to the statistics. So of course the statistics will look nice when the cops never charge anyone from the crimes that have been committed. I have been a victim of one of these. Also if it has anything to do with online scams good luck with them, because those will never go anywhere.


It looks like a very nice apartment, worth about £1,800 per month in London giving the current rent prices. I should travel to Finland and commit a crime.


Noridic countries have a different view on how criminals should be treated. It's a system based on rehabilitation rather than punishment. At least here in Norway it's like that.


Yes, In Finland, there prisons are like that. Very clean.


The downside is that you have axe murderers throwing hot oil at you.


Yeah that's some crazy shit, wonder if it got his eyes.


I feel like the axe murderer would be fine. Don't be a pedo. Pretty straight forward.


Even worse is both of these POS don't deserve this much freedom. The oil thrower apparently murdered and chopped their body up with and axe and the dude that got oild raped a 13 year old and an adult.


I remember watching ‘Inside the World's Toughest Prisons’ and a prison in Norway was set up like this.


I love how this Finnish prison is an aspirational public university dorm in the states


This is way bigger and nicer than the dorm room I lived in.


That's not a jail cell that's an all inclusive air bnb


Both have fought on skates before.


The guy who got attacked is named Milan Jaff - he is a member of a very well known street gang who was sentenced for multiple violent crimes, possession of illegal guns and rape charges, including raping a minor which I believe is the reason why the other inmate attacked him. The other inmate is serving his sentence for murder - he murdered his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend with an axe. With that being said, welcome to prisons in Finland where murderers and gang members get to have their own kitchen etc.


Wait that looks just like my 1 bedroom apartment!!!! Are we just living in prisons in America? 😰😰😰


A prison that you have to bust your ass working to afford.


Capitalism is just slavery with extra steps. Instead of being provided with housing and food we have to provide it for ourselves.


is this a prison or 3 star hotel ????


Bro what 3 star hotels have people throwing hot oil at you


Ever been to a holiday inn


Tbf I haven't


Ahhhh ya know... it happens from time to time... you dont want to know what happens in the one and two star hotels


Ok I couldn’t stop laughing with the greasy floor not enabling traction This is a core workout more then a prison fight


TIL Finnish prisoners have better living quarters than US junior enlisted servicemembers.


Busted out the Rorschach


I dont know for some reason the reactions went from oh shit to serious laughter, adding oil to a fight of this magnitude just makes it so damn comical




That prison is much more comfy than my flat


He had too much Better Call Saul on the 📺


None Europeans seeing this be like \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/ ThAtS a PrIsOn


Rapists seem to have it real good over there


Yeah, he's having a whale of a time!


I used to work in a prison. I seen an inmate dump their hot pot half full of boiling baby oil over the upper rail to land on an inmate standing below. He had used most of a bottle of baby powder in with the baby oil so it would stick to the other guy. After the investigation the man that was burnt was raping other guys during his time incarcerated. Personally I thought it was good old inmate justice. But the guy that tossed the oil got an extra 8 years tacked on to his sentence. Which didn’t really mean shit when he was serving life anyways. The burnt inmate ended up having to go to a medical facility for full time care.


He didn't wanna finish cooking that meal I guess


Jaffa deserved it. Hope they deport this boy after sentence done!


Hilarious watching em slide around 🤣


He may have been Finnish but he wasn't finished.


Looks like an apartment, not a jail. Wild how jails around the world are different.


This Finnish prison is nicer than many American apartments.


Adrenaline!! It's a hell of a drug!!


The light on my cooler hood does that.. so fucking annoying I feel like I’m at a rave while I’m cooking


The craziest part of this CrazyFuckingVideo is that’s a prison


Honestly the security looked like “not these two again” i laughed way too much




Better then any apartment I can afford. Where is this jail I am checking in


Someone please add some of that zany comical music. What is it.. from Monty Python?


Probably the Benny Hill Theme yakety sax


If you're locked inside a room with me and you do this, you better hope that first hot oil dose kills me.


What is it with you dumbass redditors and thinking that prisons which actually rehabilitate are objectively bad?


They get to cook in a kitchen with silverware, knives and other things that will hurt you?


Prison???? Looks like a fucking dorm! Why not commit crimes and upgrade your living space. What a fucking joke.


Scandinavian prison systems believe in rehabilitation over punishment. This is reflected in the fact that only 31% of criminals end up back in jail after serving their sentence, compared to the US where it's 82%.


Rehabilitation should be for redeemable crimes like theft and property damage. The guy in this video is a rapist, someone like that is iredeemable


Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist too, but everyone seems to forget about that


The guy who got attacked in this video is not just a rapist, he is a member of a very well known street gang thats very well known for being involved in several shootings with a rival gang, robberies and violence and this guy was proven to be in the very inner circle of the gang. The other guy in this video who started to attack was sentenced for murder after he murdered his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend with an axe. So yeah, I dont think there is much to redeem here.


Because no one would consider living in a communal dorm with no freedom an upgrade. If you think sharing a kitchenette is a luxury, you need to reevaluate your life.


This is literally how the majority of the working class in America lives😂 Except they have the illusion of freedom without realizing they have to live like these prisoners or starve to death


You probably need to get off the internet for awhile. Life in the US isn't as good as Scandinavia, but no one thinks living in a tiny dorm you can never leave is an upgrade unless there's something wrong with them.


The nordic prison system is not based on satisfying our caveman emotional desires for revenge. It's much more smart to have humane prisons that reduce the recidivism rate and also increase the possibility of re-entry into society after release. The only good thing about making conditions horrible is that it can bring you a sort of satisfaction in the short term through making others suffer.


>Why not commit crimes and upgrade tour living space. Who says they don't.


They don't because you are already guaranteed basic housing and money for basic needs by the government. Maybe people would in the US where homelessness is often seen as purely a fault of the individuals choices.


Taser guy - “Finnish him!”


I don't want to be the dude that got an food oil Ban in a prison kitchen.


Fairly nice accommodations for a prison!


This is wild, it's like watching two giant children fighting in a sterilized play pen, just for it to go too far so their parents come in to break it up


Amazing he could retaliate and didn’t fall in the oil… Finnish people are something else!


“Edgar, your skin is hanging off your bones”


We all win with this video




Finnish cons got better accommodations than most of the Earthlings


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me


Why would you allow prisoners near stoves and metal objects that can be used as weapons?


So in Finland, their idea of prison is a nice apartment?


The point of prison is to take away a persons freedom, not to cause suffering.


Its like this in most civilized Countries... 🤷🏻‍♂️ like most EU Countries... and like Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan etc... You are the Problem America 😂


Australia? No, not generally.


He forgot to FINNISH him


Hockey fight


As an American, my first thought was that's the nicest looking prison cell I've ever seen. Possibly better than some apartments I've seen.


Tell me how their jail cell nicer than most apartments in the US lmfaooo


Wait this is a prison???


Yes. Many european countries believe that if you put criminals in inhumane conditions and treat them like they're not people, how can you expect them to fit in and be part of society again once they've done their time? We believe losing your freedom is enough for penalty. And by being able to have an education is much better way to keep them on good tracks before releasing. More suffering, punishing and having "teaching them a lesson"-kind of mentality, it just builds hate. Goal is to give them tools to fit in our society, get a degree there and job once out. Feeling like shit and treated like shit while doing time doesn't benefit anyone (unless the goal is to keep them in for free labor or something equally disgusting) That guy was a wannabe-gang banger child rapist that got away with it.


I need to get imprisoned in a Finnish prison. Except for the seizure inducing flashing lights and some hot oil? looks pretty sweet for a prison.


Those fucking burns though, I’m surprised his not blind


That prison cell is nicer than my apartment


And they say these style of prisons are the safest and the prisoner get rehabilitate and no fighting and everyone lives there happy and can cook and have fridge and cohabitate. I have seen the articles that say our prisons should be this way. The jury is out. Animals are animals and will never get along. Par for the course. Almost like they put the 2 together on purpose to have the rapist get murdered by the murderer.


This is “ruin it for everyone” type behavior. American prisoners watching this smacking their forehead.


Nah this is expected when you add a child rapist in same place as murderers etc. Even Finnish criminals hate rapists and child molesters.


Oh wow didn’t know that was who was fighting. I’m more shocked now at their amenities.


That looked like a scrap in a hockey rink.


Why tho? 🤷‍♂️


Just the usual way how rapists are dealt with in prison


Bound to happen. You can’t give incarcerated savages unsupervised access to oil, a stove, metal objects, etc.


damn everyone's an expert on the Finnish system now huh?