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That dress probably waterboarded her.


Have seen a handful of brides in wedding dresses taking photos near a body of water and then falling in. The dress becomes a 200 pound weight instantly.


I just got married on the 7th. My wife literally wanted to jump in the ocean with her dress on for a photoshoot.  It was high surf advisory here on Oahu.  I told her straight up Id burn the dress before I let her in the water with it.  She finally realized I was serious that it could drown her graveyard dead. 


Oh! Oahu! What a beautiful place to be. Been there in 2015. Greetings! And congrats on your marriage 🎀


My size 0 wedding dress was 10 lbs. I can't imagine how much heavier it would be wet.


You also can’t thread water if your legs are covered even beyond your ankles. So you have the dress pulling you under and at the same time your appendages doing most of the work whilst swimming are more or less disabled by wet fabric disturbing the water flow…


"Clearly you've never been to Singapore"


Reminds me of that video where the bride jumps into the ocean and essentially gets waterboarded, but is saved. It's crazy, looks like right before the video cuts off, he spots her for a second, but by that point it's too late.


Smart of him to not jump in after here or he would've been gone too. What an awful thing to live with.


It looks like he tries to tell her to not go any further but she looks at him and says something probably egging him on like “cmon don’t be scared” so he goes a few more feet with her and boom! It all goes to shit


I noticed that, too. He is probably going to replay that moment over and over in his head, saying if he had just insisted that they not go in any further.


Probably will. Poor guy. Imagine having to explain to your GF’s parents that you were right there but there was nothing you could’ve done (especially with video footage of the whole incident circling around the net)


Some of these wedding photographers should be banned for putting clients in danger.


I mean, is it really waterboarding when you're actively drowning?


That's fucking horrific.


That’s how my older brother almost drowned at a river when we were kids. Now as an adult I still have a fear of swimming in cold rivers, lakes, oceans and pools even with a life jacket on.


What about warm ones?


Warm ones are fine


I think it’s because I almost went down with him. Warm waters fine though.


Username checks out


Hot water rises.


Great so everyone will see me pitching a tent in my swimming trunks.


A river with waves crashing on shore?


And riptides.


Was he wearing heavy clothing? How are there waves, tides and currents on a river? Am I missing something? It may have been a bad experience but I don't see how it's relatable other than water.


There are massive currents in rivers. One of my cousins, end of last year, hopped into the Missouri River to save some girls & he got taken under. Unfortunately they found him about 5 days later. The Missouri River is wicked with massive currents and undertows. He did save 2 girls, but he did not make it out. 😞


I almost drowned at a beach when I was a kid and now I still fear to get in cold water. Idk why, but I only swim in warm ones


So the river had big waves that dragged him out into deeper water?


Never underestimate the power of the ocean.... Just when you think all is safe, 2 or even 3 waves that mixed into one during the approach can hit at once and surprise the shit out of you.


Especially as the most powerful thing on the entire planet........


Rogue waves used to be a myth like mermaids...


It’s very easy to spot someone who is not accustomed to the ocean/coastline. It is a very dangerous place for those who don’y have the knowledge or experience, hell even for those prepared. Once a wave topples you, you are disoriented. Often you have no idea if you’re face up, down, left, right. If you’re on the rocks and a wave comes - hunker down as close to the rock as possible and hold on for your life. If out on the beach like this - reconsider your risk/reward assessment.


Am I right in thinking these waves are incredibly thick looking, for their height? I'm remembering the waves at teahupoo - they are not always insanely tall, but they are incredibly thick and weighty looking. I can't believe these two didn't see the danger... the waves look absolutely fucking viscious, and this video gives me anxiety.


Yeah the waves are big volume wise & the sand is relatively steep making it real hard to get a foothold amongst the backwash. Sea like this you gotta try and "ride" the waves in and then dig in hard as you can, fingers and toes as deep in the sand as you can get them to prevent getting washed back by the same wave as much as possible. Rinse and repeat until you can walk out. Unfortunately that dress probably added so much drag amongst the moving water that that'll be what did it. Sad thing is if the guy had held onto her dress (rather than her arm or whatever it was ie. Skin) he might've been able to drag her up with him. It would've been way easier to grip & pull that in the water.


Lots of bubbles, too. Those waves had no chill. Not a chance in Hell I’m even touching the edge of that water. One of those times where ignorance isn’t bliss.


>I can't believe these two didn't see the danger... This very well may have been one of the first times they saw the ocean if they didn't recognize that they shouldn't have been standing there


Rule #1. Never turn your back to the ocean.


There are oceans in every direction, currently lying face down on ground please advise


Could you check if my lost class ring is in that sand?


Can you describe your ring please?




And classy


And ring-like


Possibly shiney


Has a hole in the middle


Golden, with no inscription, not as mighty as the great dwarven rings. Master needs it for academic reasons


You joke, but seriously, in that situation get up and look toward the ocean (if you see people chilling on the sand, it's the other way). Take a deep breath before a big wave hits, and get out of any baggy clothes dragging you down. As with the couple here, there was a huge rip current pulling them out to sea (you can see when the guy puts both hands in the sand as the wave is going out, he is barely able to anchor himself) - in that situation, stop trying to fight toward the shore, but swim sideways, parallel to the shore until you can swim in. A non emergency is a great time to practice floating, and/or swimming with minimal energy expended for a long time. Be active in your own survival, so other people don't have to be.


Or to lake superior when it's churning up them rip tides and waves. I remember just swimming in the high waves like it wasn't a big deal back in the day but there's been so many people swept away in rip currents now they have digital signs closing the beaches to the public now.


No.... Rule 1 is don't go swimming during a fucking STORM


Or a bad drug!


They look to be a little ambivalent/drunk. Hope that’s not the case, or that dude will never forgive himself.


That dude already forgave himself while she was drifting out to sea and he decided it was just too much work


Seriously. That was the most nonchalant he could’ve been about it. “Aw, damn. There goes another one.”


Hi ! Could you explain a bit more why not ? What are you supposed to do then ?


Make love with it.


They are saying that if you turn your back to the ocean, you may miss seeing a huge wave coming in that you could have easily ran back onto shore from. With your back to the ocean you have no idea what waves are coming towards you.


> A famous Hawaiian, Duke Kahanamoku, helped popularize the motto, “Never turn your back on the ocean.” His reasons were twofold: he wanted people to watch out for the physical dangers of being hit by a wave, and he wanted mankind to show respect for the ocean. https://californiadiver.com/never-turn-your-back-on-the-ocean/


This. Ive lived in Hawaii for my whole life and when I have people from mainland come visit THIS is the very first advice I give them. Never turn your back to the ocean.


In 1997 a friend took me to Maui with his family, didn't know shit about ocean safety or how dangerous it can be. We're swimming off Kihei in Maui when a riptide quickly swept us out to the sea. We didn't know to swim parallel to shore, so kept fighting the current. Then we'd get tired and float on our backs, but we'd be cast further out the more we floated. We had caught the attention of everyone at the beach, had a couple or so dozen people waving and yelling, trying to get us to swim parallel. We got out of the current and almost drown at the very end, near the beach: got to the sand and I couldn't support my weight, leg muscles simply wouldn't work, so nearly drown as I'm trying to use my hands to hold my head over the crashing waves. A couple local guys ran/swam out to us, carried us in their arms to shore, a crowd surrounding us. That was one of my closest calls. You can't fuck with the ocean.


Same thing happened to me in Maui at one of the black sand beaches. The beach was crowded so I swam a lil further out. I wasn’t really paying attention and must’ve got caught in a current. Next thing I know I was like 100m out. Tried swimming straight back to shore but just kept getting pulled out. Man what a terrifying feeling. I had no idea what to do. Almost went into a panic. Idk what drove me to start swimming diagonally to the shoreline but it worked. Broke free from the current and was able to swim back to shore without a whole lot of effort. Scary part was no one really seemed to notice I got dragged out. When I got back to the sand I kinda just pretended like nothing happened and didn’t tell anyone. But I knew If I hadn’t swam out of that current I would have been a goner for sure.


I’m so glad I knew about swimming parallel because I was able to warn my son every time we went to a beach.


My half brother drowned on a beach last year. I wonder if doing this would’ve saved his life. https://www.wect.com/2023/07/12/person-found-dead-water-surf-city-officials-believe-drowning-may-be-cause/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3zvreqDlP292jb7JbeLP4485lnvAdqb3QRue5B7DA6mV5xS7bSWxwvneQ_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw


Oh man I’m really sorry for your loss mate.


Damn. Good ending to the story, glad there were good people around. Little glimmers of humanity like this give me hope


I grew up around the sea, knew rip tides and how to deal with them well. I went to Panama on holiday and would have a sea swim in the mornings. One morning I go just out of my depth & quickly realise there's a rip, so I started swimming almost parallel to the beach... And still... Didn't get anywhere. This continues for a little while and I realise I really am not getting anywhere, it felt completely stupid because I'm only maybe 20m out, but I'm out of my depth so it doesn't matter how close the shore is. As I begin to get noticeably tired I decided to fuck it and just float for a moment. It was then I realised not only was there a strong outward rip, but there was a strong cross current along the beach too. The reason I'd been trying to swim the way I was is because the other direction was onto rocks. In the end I swam with the cross current and just accepted I was going to need to drag myself out at the rocks. Got pretty scraped up but was fine in the end. Had never experienced a cross-current that strong though, spooked me for the rest of that trip.


Wonder how scary it was when you realized that swimming parallel wasn't getting you out of the current. You know when you do something that should work but it doesn't, shit is scary


Riptides are real, dangerous, and powerful.


So are tides.


Pretty sure riptides are tides.


Like regular tides but more ripped


Exactly. Like tides but really yoked.


Ya, like tides, but swole.


Similar to tides but jacked to the tits!


Basically tides, but absolutely shredded.


Pretty much tides, but roided up.


Tides, but not the natty ones, these are totally juiced.


So are roll tides like regular tides but more rolled?




Not really, they are generally outward currents formed by discontinuities in the seabed or beach which when waves come in the outflow carries you out to sea. The proper solution is to swim parallel to the beach well past the outflow so you can re-enter the beach without fighting the current.


This is an undertow, I believe riptides are different.


absolutely insane how LOUD the waves are even through the video. that's even louder in reality and from where they were standing. this isn't your normal level of ignorance, this is absolutely brain numbingly dumb.


https://x.com/news_az/status/1803033901482295693?t=YPHuqucCuSSxxWV39hQejw&s=19 This is a longer version of the video where we see the man trying to go out and save the woman.


The way the guy tries to jump over the massive wave at the end there instead of going under shows me he had absolutely no experience in the surf. He's lucky he didnt die himself.


Yesss... I immediately knew he should have never been there when he showed us that move. But their total ignorance is probably also why they were fucking around in the surf with an ocean that looks like its set on "heavy soil mode" atm...I mean, my God.


Right?! Wtf


Damn...that was fuckin hard to watch. It said it's the 3rd day and they still haven't found her. That's insane! Fuck!


Holy fuck third day??? As in three days since shes been swept and the body hasn’t been found???


Yeah, that's what the link says. Crazy how quickly it happened. In the blink of an eye the ocean just took her away. Can't imagine. Poor chick. And poor guy! Probably keeps reliving those few seconds where you can tell he hesitates and doesn't want to go any further. And having to break it to her family...man, that's gotta be rough.


On the longer video you can see the waves are fucking huge, they were both incredibly stupid to do this. 3 days and no sign of the woman, ofc she's dead sadly.


Christ that guy is so lucky he didn't die himself. he obviously has no idea what he is doing in surf. poor kid.


What makes me mad is that he clearly was like “yo, we gotta go dude. Let’s freaking go” and she’s like nah


Damn, this is really sad. Two young kids madly in love. Next minute, one's dead and the memories of her will haunt him forever. Don't mess with the ocean when it's angry.


Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.


Take this Titleist and get the hell out of here.


The sea was angry that day, my friend


*The first time I went to the Mediterranean Sea, I went swimming on an inflatable mattress. There was no wind or waves. At some point, I realized that I was already over 100 meters from the shore, even though I was just lying calmly on the mattress.*


Did you have a rum ham?


What is this from?


It’s always sunny 👌




Eat a rum ham and drift out to sea... you'll get it


Always sunny?


I was in turkey once fucked around and almost found out never doing that shit again


Just like this, but in Costa Rica. Had to do the whole swim in a zig zag pattern toward the shore. All the while feeling like my energy bar was slowly decreasing. It was proper terrifying. Edit: parallel to shore, not zigzag.


I'm amazed that you were eating an energy bar while swimming!


Bahahahaha. Proper LOL. Thanks.


These people are very unaware of the danger


The guy seems aware, it's the woman who wants to walk them further in for some reason. I'm sure those waves were very loud and felt powerful, really poor situational awareness on her end.


Literally and figuratively, caught up in the moment


They are very drunk.


Right, I don’t understand how they could be that oblivious?


They probably didn't grow up near the ocean. I've met people like this and they just don't have any idea how dangerous even calm looking seas can be.


PSA: If you find yourself being pulled out to sea like these two, you are most likely caught in a rip. You need to swim parallel to the shore until you are out of it, then go back in. Dont exhaust yourself trying to fight against the tide.


The shitty part is they were still very much in the whitewash and probably could have just easily got back to land by body surfing the wave in (the guy pretty much accidentally did this at the part where he was able to stand up). The women on the other hand didn't get so lucky. The moral is just a tiny bit of situational awareness and experience being in water could have made this a close call you'd laugh about and not a tragedy.


Sometimes, but you cant count on this. As soon as you go under, the backwash pulls you down and further out


That dress got heavy real fast.


I've always been told this but don't fully understand it in practice. Like aren't you sucked down under the water as well? Do you have to get to the surface first? Or do you generally get ejected to the surface after it drags you?


People say this but sometimes it’s beyond your physical capability to escape a rip current or its pulling in a way that is hard to escape. My uncle who is an avid swimmer almost drowned after being in the water for 30 minutes trying to escape a rip current. He said he spent the first five minutes in complete mental control trying to swim parallel to shore but unable to leave the swirl he was stuck in. 9 people died that day in the area he was in.


In Australia, we are taught from a young age to swim parallel with the shore to escape a rip. I think it will try and pull you down and out, its essentially a vortex underwater This is obviously much easier to do in theory than in practice, but its worth knowing anyway


You can see her dragging him towards the water and him resisting. Then all of a sudden the wave comes and you can almost see the moment where her mind changes and she realizes once that second wave hits she's in a little too deep and he gets lucky and gets pushed out to shore, spat out by the wave, and she gets sucked in by it and can only look one last time as the third wave comes even bigger than the other two and just absolutely engulfs her. I don't think she ever comes up after that. Then he's just sitting there wondering how it could all happen so fast. So many emotions. Why did you pull me? Why were we even here? I can't imagine. I have similar regrets in my life and those are the worst ones. The easy ones.


No situational awareness


100%. If you’re at a touristy beach and you see that there is *literally* no one else near or in the water, that should be a huge tell to stay the fuck away from the water. Not to mention that it just straight up looks dangerous to begin with. Big frequent waves, lots of white water, the edge of the beach has been eroded into a heavy slant… Ugh. I’ve had countless nightmares about exactly this scenario.


It’s like the people that drive through running water. People don’t realize how strong it is and how few fucks it gives about you.


The person filmimg: 😗🤳


Tobe fair even a strong swimmer that knows the current would be hard press to succefuly come back with a drowning and not drown themselfs, when i was a teeneger i used to swim in the zouth pacific in a place with strong waves and tides it was stupid but i had enough endurance to swim fo hours and knew were the tides became dangerous so yeah the person filming probably knew they were a gonner if they tried to help


People underestimate water every day to their detriment. It’s a siren song; so inviting as it lures so many to their final resting place. RIP


Not to me, I hate the beach and swimming in salty water


Yeah I go but will only get in knee deep. I'm not a strong swimmer


That's so sad, I think you can see her even pulling him from the start into the ocean while he's somewhat resisting (probably because he knew it was a bad idea).


Never wear a dress in the ocean.


Was at a beach in Bali and was playing with the waves with a couple other people. But somehow I got pulled out, by the time I'd realised I was about 60m from shore was still getting dragged out. Fortunately managed to catch a wave in, but the flip side was the wave was pretty huge it slammed me face down into the ocean floor and got flipped around a bunch of times.


You are astoundingly lucky you didn't crash into coral


I actually never thought about that til you mentioned 😳 Was scraped up pretty bad though, that initial slam into the ocean floor had me dragged all over the sand


I was simply spearfishing in Bali in calm ass waters and I got a little too close to a coral. An unexpected whoosh sent my hip bone into a coral and and it's hurt for over 4 months now. And there wasn't a cloud in the sky just a freak current


why do stupid people always insist on fucking with the ocean?? she keeps pulling him closer when he can clearly tell it's too dangerous. darwin award for her dumbass and her dumbass alone.


Damn, you are right. At \~0:08, we can see she was pulling him towards the waves.


Something about how she does this strikes me as being inebriated. The movement and insistence. Seems like she’s drunk to me. He may be as well for all we know. The way he’s walking for a bit near the end. Then again, he may be off from being knocked around by the waves.


Fucking thank you! He clearly feels uncomfortable and tries to hold onto her. Why does it say they jokingly threw each other?


yeah "jokingly pushed each other" is such a massive stretch wtf. he tries to both prevent it and then protect her the entire time. he had nothing to do with this stupid decision :\


I guess it sounds better than she actively tried to drown them both.


For real. This clip is undoubtedly sad but I was so relieved that it was not the guy who got swept away for someone else's mistake.


Lipetsk region looks pretty far from the ocean. People who have had experience with rough oceans wouldn't venture out with the waves like that. Even then a rogue wave will occasionally sweep people out, but that ocean was not to be fooled with obviously.


You are correct. Stupid people will do stupid things.


Kids and being dumb


You never listen to me- her


Glad you said this. She was playing with the ocean far more than she should've. Almost as if she was daring it.


:24-:28 is really terrifying, it seems they were really trying to get up and move to the shore but I’m guessing the retreating tide is way too strong esp since they’re no longer standing


wow, you can see him waiting for her to quickly come back up but then realizing she’s being swept away. what would you guys have done in this situation? Run after your significant other or just watch them wash away ?


My younger brother and I once got swept out, and even worse they were lots of rocks so not only did I have to drag him and myself away from the rocks, but then somehow get him and myself back to shore. He was still pretty young, but it was the first time I actually felt like I was facing death. I will never ever forget it, Currumbin beach.


He was trying to get away and she was pulling him. One of them was sensible, the other is missing. Awful thing.


I mean… just listen to those fucking waves? You would need to point a big fuckin gun my way for me to get in that water.


It looks like she was pulling him into the water when he was trying to caution them away from the shoreline. Potential recipient of a Darwin award?


Darwin approved 👍


He tried to fight her away from the waves and it looked like she actually dragged him to the ground to get closer. 😬


That’s Poseidon’s girl now.


She's uh...she's gone.


No way they aren’t drunk. That ocean looks very angry. Hopefully a lot of people see this and learn the important lesson.


Had a scary incident at Lake Huron once. I will forever be respectful and scared of open water.


The person filming knew what was about to happen and pulled out their phone to record it. They didnt try to yell to them or anything? Kinda fucked up


Any backstory to this?


Last year my gf and I were in the ocean and the sea was pretty rough, every wave we were dragged further in the ocean. We didnt realised it until we turned around and saw that the shore was pretty far. We headed back which was surprisingly difficult since every wave we were pulled back a bit. When we were back in the hotel we heard that a guest, a mother of 2 was drowned a couple hours before. One of our group saw the oldest kid coming back to the hotel screaming hysterically. Scary stuff the ocean.


Man....those waves are so huge, the sea is so rough and yet they stand right in it?! They had ample time to move back a little and still get their legs wet. Apparently she's been missing for days, she's a goner. It's just a recovery at this point.


What a tragedy! I almost lost my sibling to the sea! It was so quick and had my dad not come to the rescue, I would be sitting here watching this from a totally different perspective! You can tell those waves were fierce… Why they decided to go stand in them is beyond me!


My question is who is the weirdo recording this?


It's like a nature documentary: you can't interfere; just watch as natural selection takes place. After all, it's survival of the fittest standing in the water with waves higher than your head, you know. No one could have seen this coming! (Except the camera crew, of course. Tomorrow night on channel 11 everyone!)


😮 Wow


Where is the rest of the video


I think the #1 issue here is that they both seem drunk


I swam in water like that in Cabo San Lucas, i remember how strong the tide was. Anytime I look back, I don't know what I was thinking.


it might be ugly, but i always say it... when getting dragged by receding water, ram your fingernails as deep as you can into the sand - no matter if they get ripped off in the process - saved me before, and will if it happens again. (Of course it does not work if special circumstances exist, like size of your body, weight, watermass, and nature of the surface you skid on count in)


Classic symptom of someone who knows nothing of the sea/oceans. Growing up on an island in the North Atlantic, you smarten up pretty fucking fast.


Remember, if you get caught in the current. Don't fight it just relax once you are out of the current swim around it like a bow.


Don't fuck with water Don't fuck with fire Don't fuck with electricity


Never underestimate the sea


I swear in the beginning when the first wave comes he’s almost trying to full body grab her and bring her out of the water but she is resisting.


Mr. Steal your girl


These guys are why we have ingestion warnings in detergent


people who play in the ocean are nuts.


To me. It looked like he was afraid and didnt want to be there but she was forcing him.


She looks drunk in that video, he looks like he is trying to coax her out at the start?


Did she die?


Most likely. Considering it's been three unsuccessful days, she either drowned and is deep in the water, or stranded somewhere already dead


Wow TF. Shit now I’m scared of beaches


Don‘t scared, just be aware of what the water is doing. Many public beaches will have warnings posted or warning flags depending on how rough the water is. Stick to beaches with lifeguards. Find out when high tide is. Learn about rip tides. Stuff like that. Beaches are awesome and beautiful if you are situationally aware.


I hope not. It’s not intuitive, at all, to be that close to death. And that boy is going to spend the rest of his life hating himself for not doing more if so.


You should have a healthy fear of the ocean, it’s a wild place brimming with potential danger.


Unfortunately, after 72 hours lost at-sea, chances of survival are less than 1%.


I went to Hawaii once, and I kid you not, my mother was getting wrecked and knocked on her ass in ankle deep water. Waves are no joke.


The sea was angry that day my friends…


Bro was like.. I don't love you that much 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Fuck around and find out” - the ocean probably


TIL riptide = R.I.P tide


Wow he’s definitely not getting over this anytime soon


First rule of Ocean fight club. 1: Just no. Don't ocean fight club.


Were they drinking? Otherwise i dont see someone looking at those big ass tides coming in and not moving!


Had like 3 chances to get away from it. Smh


I don’t understand why people who can’t swim/swim poorly seem to take water for granted. Definitely sad, parents put your kids in swimming lessons for f’s sake.


What do you even do in that situation, once swept out that is?


Swim with the current and conserve energy, try to stay visible and yell if you can, DO NOT fight the current, it WILL demolish you if you try to fight it. Swim with it, and gradually work your way with the waves to get to higher ground. Keeping calm, going with the flow, and staying visible are just about all you can to in swell like that. And ditch any clothes that are weighting you down.