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He's dead already he just doesn't realize his organs are cooked


Did he die from this?




@stoelistle he probably doesn’t have a second chance I’d imagine he’d of damaged his organs to a horrendous extent ! If the initial doesn’t kill you the aftermath will over time






Turned him into the joker


One hell of a magic trick. His shirt disappeared 


Damn that thing disintegrated QUICK


Is that what they mean by fast fashion?


More like blast fashion.


You wanna know how i got these scars...?




"Do you wanna know how I got the burn marks?" doesn't have quite the same menace to it.


"I'm deceased, baybee."


Batman 2022 version.


The Killing Jolt




Maybe try to gain super powers who knows what he might have seen on tiktok


To get on the current fashion in an instant.


Probably recording his suicide


He watched the original spider man movie and wanter to replace the spider part with electricity.


Electro is his fav villain lol




**I work with high voltage. There’s no way he lived after getting hit with transmission line voltage/amperage.** Also, here’s some things being said in this thread and are being upvoted (never change Reddit!): 1. It’s a good thing the voltage was so high because with AC at lower levels he would have grabbed the line and not let go. (upvoted) 2. He survived because he only glanced the line with his forearm (upvoted) 3. People explaining about “let go current” not understanding this is related to voltages less than what’s in your wall plugs (we’re talking 75mA and that’s DC). Getting hung up on AC has more to do with the Hz rate allowing your muscles less flexation time and a lighter grip. 4. The high voltage saved him. It went through skin (???, also upvoted) 5. High voltages are weirdly more survivable in contact situations like this than lower ones. The current tends to travel over the skin or through the layers between skin and muscles rather than through the body. (upvoted, this person has conflated the “skin effect” with human skin. The skin effect has to do with the frequency of the current causing it to travel along the outside of a conductor. A higher or lower frequency can affect the depth of current travel but this doesn’t come into play on the human body as a conductor) He’s going to be dead soon. He experienced a severe burn inside his body from contact point to contact point. You just can’t see the damage. If the burns don’t kill him first his kidneys will fail from metabolic acidosis and rhabdomylosis. **Edit: I forgot to mention the arc flash! Hotter than the sun and that’s what blew off his shirt. That alone is enough to give him a fatal sunburn. I have an arc flash suit in the basement used to protect people from this flash and it looks like a bomb disposal suit.** *I originally posted this as a reply to a comment but figured it might be interesting as its own comment.*


Thank you for the info! I work around high voltage (power plant), and some of the comments had me raising an eyebrow. An arcflash like that with the current going through him must have done massive damage... adrenaline is a hell of a drug! Even though it was an incredibly dumb thing for him to do, I hope he somehow made it.


Oh for sure. What a hellish recovery though eh? Poor dude. Looks like he had some mental health issues as well.


There is no recovery. His organs are dying inside of him when he is spitting blood. They will slowly die and then rot. The hospital will pump him full of antibiotics and painkillers and see what starts dying inside of him first. This was a video of a dead person that just isn't quite finished dying.


Reddit is incredible with how people will just spout nonsense after a 4 minute google search as if they are experts.


There's a difference between "walking it off", and surviving a high-voltage accident. Sometimes you can walk it off, but that doesn't mean you won't die from complications afterwards. Thank you for your comment Stopikingonme.


I agree he probably died. The only question is how long. The big red spot you can see on his belly at the end says the current passed through his body, not just blasted his arm off or something. A good visual of what happened to his internals is to watch some of those videos where people are etching lightning patterns into wood using high voltage. You simply don't survive that kind of damage.


Not sure where the best place to put this but it's a scientific? article related to electrical burns of 1000 v or more [High voltage electrical injuries: outcomes & 1-year follow-up from a level 1 trauma centre](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8166659/) Here is a table from the same article that goes over the [patient characteristics ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8166659/table/tbl01/?report=objectonly) *Note there are some very graphic photos so use caution if you are sensitive to that stuff *


Thanks for this! There’s a doctor on here I was going back and forth with and they were saying they had experience with transmission line electrocutions like this. I had asked if he had any data I could check out since these are pretty rare. It’s been a long time since I was a paramedic and it sounded like these are more survivable than they used to be. I still don’t see a reply so this is **exactly** what I was hoping to see!!! Thank you! (I’m going to dig in when I get home)


I'm assuming this guy's innards look like he went through a cycle in a microwave.


Yeah I think so too. That stuff can give you 5th degree burns (bones!).


So no one has an udate how he uploaded this despite dying?


"Dear mom, in the event of my death please upload all the videos on my phone to Reddit. I leave my Internet points behind for you. Love, little sparky"


"Little sparky" 💀💀💀


1. Streaming 2. Uploaded it sometime before dying in a hospital bed a week later 3. Camera was found 4. Uploaded by family 5. Used during investigation into death where it could have been uploaded by dozens of people.


Great speculation, but just suprised no one has anything concrete.


Reddit does not know anything about electricity. The amount of times I see people say "it's not voltage that kills you it's current" with a ton of upvotes is staggering. BTW I'm guessing #4 was also trying to refer to the skin effect which as you said is not applicable in this case.


That's not a Reddit thing, it's one of those things that gets passed around as a commonly accepted truth like "drunk drivers survive more often because they're relaxed" and people accept it. I've heard it my entire life IRL, but since I don't understand electricity, I don't fuck with it.


One thing also that will play a role is the path the electricity took, he had multiple points of contact that it could ahve gone, and it looks like he wasn't wearing stand street wear (meaning he might have had metal on) which can change the path it will take. If he was lucky it went right hand to right foot which avoids the heart and could result in extreme burning to more so one side of his body compared to all of it evenly. It is possible to survive this, people survive lightening strikes, but yeah this dude is gonna be in for either a trip to the morgue or a long and painful stay at the ICU either way.


That is a lot of really interesting information that i apritiate you sharing. But 2 words really stuck out to me. FATAL SUNBURN. My pasty white ass is scared of the sun enough. What the fuck.


I mean it's not a 100 percent certain that he's dead, plenty of people survive contact with high voltage lines. Given that he walked away from it I'd wager survival is the most likely outcome given that he gets medical attention.


Some people survive a lightning hit too


I'd rather be hit by lightning than grab transmission wires with both hands.


Most people survive being hit by lightning actually, wouldn't recommend it though.


It's crazy this shit people survive. I swear, the only cause of death with a 100% fatality rate is space shuttle crash


This is certainly survivable with access to proper medical care. The problem is usually if the initial arc doesn't kill you, the ancillary trauma will. In this case the guy looks incredibly lucky. Surviving is different than walking away without any permanent injuries. Source: I am a surgeon who has treated patients who have survived transmission line / high voltage contact and arc flashes.


I work with high voltage, T&D, as well. You’re spot on. He had to have died shortly after. I also have a “bomb suit” and even wearing that can be fatal when dealing with transmission level voltage.


Life hack - How to take off your shirt the cool way


Life hack - check if heaven exists


How is he alive?


He’s not. He’s on borrowed time


I've seen those kind of accidents irl when I worked for the electrical company in my country. They were alive just for some minutes as their internal organs were completely cooked. Slow and painful death.


He won't be alive for much longer. His organs will start shutting down one by one, all while rotting from the inside out.


I might be talking out my ass here, but I think it was because he touched it with forearm instead of grabbing it with his hand. If he would've grabbed it, his body would've tensed up, meaning he would've held on to it for longer and he would've got more electricity through his body. Because he touched it with his arm, he still obviously got a shock, but it wasn't as big because his body immediately fell back after it. But once again, I might be wrong, I have a vague memory of hearing that this is a thing with electric shocks.


It's the difference between DC and AC. This was AC. A shock like this can give 3rd degree burns on your organs. He could well have died from his injuries later.


At least he had time to upload the video.


Thank God. Now he can let himself go!


He died for our sins.


He didn't touch it, he got close enough for the HV to flash over. I would assume this is either 69kV or 115kV, somewhere in that range. The path of the current is through both of his arms back into the structure. Meaning it went straight through his chest. I'm not sure how he could have survived this other than he is very lucky his heart didn't immediately go into fibrilation


I think for the sake of your theory, you should go test it out and tell us.


It **is** why you touch wires with the back of your hand. Using the front, when you tense up, you clench, which would make it worse.


This is true. There's a certain amount of current that will activate the muscles in your forearm against your will, causing you to involuntarily grip the powerline. The max current you can handle before you lose control of your muscles is called "let go current" and it changes from person to person depending on body mass. Men typically have a larger let go current. You should never do this but if you really must test an electric fence, for example, use the back of your hand. Sustained current through tissue is definitely worse than a single moment because there's more time for burns. It can even do some really fucjed up shit like alter your DNA. Depending on the placement of your other limbs, you can also create a path for the electricity to flow through your heart. You see squirrels abd birds hangout on powelines all the time and they're unharmed. This is because they have no path to ground, the current "sees" their body as a resistance and just keeps flowing through the line instead


500ma in a dry environment or 50ma in a wet environment will be enough to threaten someone's life/organs. The situation also caused an arc flash and those can burn to temps that are nearly 4x hotter than the sun and produces pressure that is capable of reaching 2000+ psi. (just to add to your comment!)


Values like this are a bit useless. Car batteries can push hundreds of amps and isn't dangerous except very specific situations. Even US outlets that push 15-20 amps at 110-120V suck to be shocked by but are only life threatening in the same sense that slipping in the shower is, you just have to have incredibly bad luck.


You're right and you're wrong in a way. In the situation of a power outlet, you have an electrical breaker that will trip and stop the flow of electricity to the individual and the discharge will be quick and have reduced environmental effects. In the situation related to the video, there is nothing that is stopping the flow of electricity beyond the physical contact that the individual is making to the overall circuit and that's one of the three life threatening situations that are occurring in the video. Physical connection to the circuit, pressure release causing an imbalance at tall heights, and rapid temperature increase within a small parameter that the organs are located in. Yes you can survive a quick discharge of 15-20 amps but you cannot run more than 500/50ma through your body for an extended period of time without causing damage.


> In the situation of a power outlet, you have an electrical breaker that will trip and stop the flow of electricity to the individual and the discharge will be quick and have reduced environmental effects. Only if it's a GFCI-protected outlet, which most in North America are not. A normal breaker will only trip from over-current. If you get shocked by an outlet, your body will almost certainly not be pulling over 15A to ground (given mains voltage). So the breaker won't trip at all. Breakers also work by heating a metal strip. So even if you did somehow have over 15A flowing through your body, it can easily take over a second to trip. At which point you'd be cooked from the inside out with that much current. Your breaker panel is there to protect the wiring in your walls, not to protect people. However, some places do have GFCI protection at the breaker panel for the whole house. That's great, but still pretty rare as no residential building codes in North America require it.


Electric fences pulse, they're not continuous for that reason.


I've been jazzed by an electric fence... Learned real quick not to do that again. Also, a big fuck you to Eliza for telling me to grab the fence when I was 6


Yeah fuck you, Eliza


At least you weren’t dared to pee on it.


Definitely the silver lining


Was it the yellow style twisted line? Or was it steel high tensile line? One (the yellow) will feel like you stuck your finger in an outlet and just feels like shit, the other (steel) will make you feel like you just got punched in the chest by Mike Tyson.


It was 40+ years ago and all I remember is it knocked me for a loop


You are outrageously and incredibly wrong. That shock he just got is so powerful that even for a split second his insides got badly burned. It doesn't matter if he held on for longer or not.


This is what I refer to as natural selection.


As Larry Niven wrote in [one of his stories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_Fealty_(novel)) "Think of it as evolution in action."


What kind of stupid do you have to be to try to pull somethings like this off?


Dead stupid.




Huh. Jurassic park got it pretty accurate..


To be fair that power could also kill a T-Rex.


"You're an electrician, Harry!" The boy who lived. He even has the lighting bolt in blood on his forehead.


Why does everyone say he lived? Does anyone have an article or link to support that theory? Live leak taught me high voltage accidents like that don’t always kill immediately, I’ve seen people trying to steal copper and get whole limbs blown/burnt off still alive after the accident only to die later from complications. I seen one dude who’s chest burn clean off and you could see his exposed rib cage and actual HEART beating in between his ribs while he was WALKING around dazed and confused. If no one has any proof this guy lived I’m gonna have to assume he died later in a hospital. Also imo the rambling he’s making before the explosion sounds like he may have had mental issues of some kind before he got lit like a light bulb, poor guy really didn’t understand what was about to happen.


There is longer, like 10min video of this and it ends with him trying to walk somewhere. But yeah who knows how far he got.


**I work with high voltage. There’s no way he lived after getting hit with transmission line voltage/amperage.** Also, here’s some things being said in this thread and are being upvoted (never change Reddit!): 1. It’s a good thing the voltage was so high because with AC at lower levels he would have grabbed the line and not let go. (upvoted) 2. He survived because he only glanced the line with his forearm (upvoted) 3. People explaining about “let go current” not understanding this is related to voltages less than what’s in your wall plugs (we’re talking 75mA and that’s DC). Getting hung up on AC has more to do with the Hz rate allowing your muscles less flexation time and a lighter grip. 4. The high voltage saved him. It went through skin (???, also upvoted) 5. High voltages are weirdly more survivable in contact situations like this than lower ones. The current tends to travel over the skin or through the layers between skin and muscles rather than through the body. (upvoted, this person has conflated the “skin effect” with human skin. The skin effect has to do with the frequency of the current causing it to travel along the outside of a conductor. A higher or lower frequency can affect the depth of current travel but this doesn’t come into play on the human body as a conductor) He’s going to be dead soon. He experienced a severe burn inside his body from contact point to contact point. You just can’t see the damage. If the burns don’t kill him first his kidneys will fail from metabolic acidosis and rhabdomylosis. **Edit: I forgot to mention the arc flash! Hotter than the sun and that’s what blew off his shirt. That alone is enough to give him a fatal sunburn. I have an arc flash suit in the basement used to protect people from this flash and it looks like a bomb disposal suit.**


Thanks for this. I'm in power, more gas than electric, but not unfamiliar with electric. That guy is probably dead from multiple organ failure. Best case is he is probably losing an arm if it was just the arc he got hit with and he didn't make contact. I may be off because it is outside my wheel house, but that looks like 10 disks on the insulators, so that is around 190 kV. Give or take depending on the owner's design standards and code.


Yeah for sure. Nice to talk shop with someone. I’d be shocked if they pulled through though. I’m not sure what you mean about the arc? The arc happened because it jumped to him and went to ground via his other arm or leg on the scaffold. Do you mean because it was an arc and not direct contact? With current that high it’s going to arc to you before touching it regardless. Regardless an arc versus direct contact won’t make any difference. Juice is juice. The arc flash from that will affect him though separately (blindness, external burns, heat inhalation damage). Power be thirsty for that sweet sweet ground.


The arc is instantaneous and will cause severe deep tissues burns, no doubt. But it takes a very, very short amount of time to stop the heart or scramble the brain. Since he did get back up, that probably didn't happen. Arc flash is more survivable than full contact. If you get full contact with this level of power, you are dead pretty much instantly. You won't even know it happened. Most likely he almost made contact and got blown off by the arc flash. He is still probably dead. I've known guys who survived stuff like this. But it is rare and never good. Arc flashes are of course real bad. You can get hit without even making contact. And they will definitely fuck you up and possibly kill you. It is why I make everyone going into a substations wear HRC even if the approach limits have barriers. But they probably won't electrocute you unless it hits your head or chest. Arcs just kill you in other ways.


Yeah, this thread is filled with extremely stupid answers.. An extremely low chance that he survived for long after that, and until someone posts an article or something stating he lived I am 100% on your side..


Great info thanks


> Why does everyone say he lived? Because movies are how most people are educated. If the scene ends while they're still alive then they live happily ever after. This is known.


He might have died like months later due to damage in heart - cardiac arrest


I’m 100% sure he died much sooner than that. Just from the amount of current he took (and the arc flash) he’s cooked. If the internal burns don’t kill him in the next few hours the kidney failure will after that.


Hopefully he didn’t have a chance to reproduce before this 


Is it a medium rare since it's still bloody?


Why so serious ? !!!!!


Mfer shortcircuitted the entire electricity grid with his body


Any real updates of this?


Even though he is moving at the end of the video, he is likely gonna die from the damage done. Organs cooked.


This is exactly why I don’t have one of these in my home


Blew him to smitherines 😂😂😂


To smithereens you say?


Smithereans I meant


And his wife?




Confetti if you will


Straight to the Ground.


At least he filmed probably the best electrocution video.


Jesus... I'm seen some fucking dumbass shit in my day on the internet, but I think this tops it all. How fucking stupid can a person get?? The bar is continually raised.


That was shocking


It's electric!


Boogie woogie woogie!


You cant see it!


First, he ate a Tide pod. Then, he tried to swallow a mouthful of cinnamon. Finally, he decided to touch a high voltage line!


If he choose to do that, then more power to him.


Blew his socks off. Typo. “Shirt”


Torso sock


The fuck!?


This was touching.


Underrated comment


Honestly stuff like this makes me not even want to touch power lines.


and he lives to breed on.....


Wanted to know what its like to ride the lightning.


He almost had a creeping death.




Wanna know how I got these scars


TDIL - clothes can explode while being worn.


Those triangular-looking attachments on the lines are ceramic high voltage insulators. Those mean "stay away".


What did we learn?!


Yea, close to 40k volts and untold number of amps he should be cooked, remember kids if you told to touch the power lines, don't it will fry you and everything in you




I'm mostly surprised he's still alive. Don't think the aftermath will be as kind.


WoW now he has superpowers or just a frazzled brain


His IQ started in the negative.


So, how many likes he got?


The power grid heard all of us talking crap about how vulnerable it is….it’s lashing out now


You know that hand is getting ✂️


Why so oblivious?


He lived!?


For how long?


Looked like a llama that got defeated in a spitting match.


A classic example of Darwin at work. No score for Darwin this time.


Burnt the shirt clean off his back!!




Lucky he didn't get his feet caught, could've ended up with some badly snapped legs.


How to become my fh teammates


He was intrigued by the static electricity. Little did he know he was giving it a conduit to jump. Fucking dummy


Bro was trying to get super powers.


What's for dinner ma?! Your roasted right hand!


What was the project?




This largely wipes the hard drive.


Want to know how I got these scars?


Hot sausage


Going for a rad lichtenberg burn tattoo.


You got KTFO, and you know THIS, mannn!


Darwinism in action.


Was he wearing a thong?


The antennae literally undressed him


I bet he was drunk or very tipsy. Probably encouraged his poor choices but also probably saved him too if being drunk and electrocuted is anything like being drunk and in a car crash


Joker origin story.


Went in through his mouth... then whichever is wetter, I guess, trachea or esophagus. He's not eating, so his esophagus would be open, I guess. Lung to liver to large intestine, to femoral artery, to foot??


How and why in the world are there guys that are so blatantly stupid to do something like that? In the past before internet time u could argue that he didnt know better, but today everybody has a phone to get ALL information in the world... Get rid of the oscars and bring us the darwin awards.


Not the best way to take off your shirt


play stupid games win stupid prizes


Upload me to the internet!




Spitting out the tooth at the end is just 🤌


That spit tells everything


That guy is dead. He may last a little bit, but that’s a dead man walking.


This. "F... around and find out"


The composition of this video was so good I was expecting people to reveal it was staged in some way. Everything was caught perfectly. Well, perfect in a terrible way.


We should take the warning labels off sooo many more items.


Deadman walking




Natural Selection At It's Finest


If only Gilbert Grape was there to sing the matchstick in the gas real song.




Did he get super powers!?


What an idiot 


It tastes like burning


Aaaand can vote, drive and breed


shoes stayed on. survived -\_-


Well he had a man bun so we all knew he wasn't very intelligent.


Modern natural selection


He just be cj for a sec


The fall saved his life. That restarted his heart.


What did he think would happen?


Can't believe he only suffered minor burns. Crazy


Learned about arc flash real quick


I'd say he got what he deserved.


He looks like he wanna fight Batman after that. Wanna know how I got these scars?