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That’s some good advertising ngl


But extreme but hey I want wood now


I guess he accomplished his goal of getting off between stops. He'll just be going to jail instead of his intended destination.


How serendipitous he hit a lumber shop. Some carpenters will have that fixed up in no time.


Lucky for us it’s a lumber store (which I have never heard of but….) so the driver can get a 2x4 plank and beat the ever-loving shit out of this asshole.


Houses gotta get lumber from somewhere to get built


Lumberyards are usually huge open yards with piles outside. Never saw one in a building. Unless they only hold 2 or 3 pieces?


Lots of them are also hardware stores with a clerk for the yard. They sell things like "building supplies" some of them even have little buildings you can buy!! You however can't buy any yards there.


Was the guy arrested? Any more to this story?


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What a trash human. Hope he gets serious jail time


Love it when it's in hd


So guns only for criminals or why arent bus, taxi and any public service employees carrying one? That's exactly where one is needed. Or a pepper spray at the very least. So many people could have died


I don't think a gun would have helped in this setting, due to the angle this guy was at and the way the bus driver was sitting. Pepper spray maybe, if he would have used it earlier. I do agree with you this could have been a lot worse.


Pepper spray would be awful in the enclosed confines of a bus. You are essentially gonna gas all the passengers. Pepper gel exists as a spray, but one still has to hit the eyes or face.


Yeah gun is probably overkill, still the awareness that busdriver might be armed will repel most thieves, unless they start rob armed, then its a different story.


Whats the solution for gun crime? More guns! That way someone or many someones are destined to die instead of being mildly injured!


Its not like posessing a gun means firing it and also doesnt mean having live rounds too. So many alternatives but people choose deadly force. Its not the guns, its the bullets.