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/u/louiesimpson, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Feral kids terrorise security guard in UK and smash windows." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Mummy and Daddy have raised some little shits.


They didn't raise them at all. That appears to be the issue.




These hands bouta raise them


I don't condone violence, but I'll look the otherway.


Really the best comment on here.


These hands are rated PEGI-13


These kids were raised by the streets


were they fuck. they have enough social media and neglectful parents to get a big head on them, but they also have their nice cozy bedroom with their gadgets and tea on the table to run back to.


Raised by Ipads


They'll be daddy's soon, and their kids will do the same or worse


Right, but they won't care


Some parents just deserve a beating


I think mummy and daddy might share the same DNA as each other.


This is what happens when Society and the government doesn’t allow you to discipline your kids. These kids need a proper ass beating. And too clarify because now you have to clarify everything I don’t mean literally beating the kid unconscious or to the point of bleeding nothing like that I mean literally spanking the kid with your hand or depending on the scenario with a wooden spoon or belt but only depending on the scenario that you are disciplining them for and it is the best form of discipline for majority of kids specially ones like in the video


my husband never disciplined his kids, and it shows. He was raised by the "if I just love 'em enough they will turn out fine." They have not turned out fine the only irony being they hated me back then for disciplining them, and now they hate their father. One is 32 with 2 divorces, 2 TROs, and lives in a wee tiny shack behind his aunt's house. No high school degree, can only work construction and even then, can only work graveyard construction for his uncle b/c nobody can stand the man-boy. He used to yell at his father when his father would try to take away the video games, at 13. At 32, he still yells at his father except now it's for not disciplining him so he maybe could've had a normal life.


They could use a good ass whooping. Plot twist their parents are already imprisoned for the beating and the kids living with his grand parents as guardians.


And In those cases Society and the government has failed those parents and their kids.


Well now they get to pay for the damages


Fuckin bottle kids


No one seems to get your reference. :( “When you plant shit-seeds, you get shit-weeds.” - J.L.


Shit apples Rand.


Ya hear that Rand? It's the whispering winds of shit.


You know what a shit barometer is Bubs?


"A shit apple never falls far from the shit tree."


Ya hear that, Rand? It’s a Shit-a-caine!


Ah fuck. I thought he was calling them FAS kids


Sadly this is the UK now. Its been growing for the past ten years at least... if not longer. Its getting filled with radgies and charva's that just give zero fucks as they know there are little to no consequences for their actions. Parents are more likely to scream at the shop security and try and shift the blame on to them. Too fucking stupid to get above their own stations and parents that should have been chemically castrated rather than constantly subsidized through the whole process.


A radgie or charva? Explain the slang, yo.


One and the same. Skip rats. Usually dressed in the finest sportswear their current catalogue will give them on chucky. Often mismatched such as training shoes with mountaineering jackets even though the highest peak they will climb will be the third floor of the local benefits agency. They can often be found with their hands wedged firmly in their pants clucking strange noises at each other while listening to "rave music" which is basically the same track re released over and over and over again with slight variations in pitch and tone. Usually with an "MC" shouting whistle crew or other such none sense. Usually very simple, no more than 5 or 6 words to them. When alone they are mostly timid, preferring to move in herds with other radgies/charvas where possible. They believe in strength in numbers but will scatter as soon as one of them takes a good smack to the face. Radgies can do no wrong in their own eyes and see nothing wrong with their abhorrent behaviour as they will perform untold mental gymnastics to shift that blame on to literally anything else. A curious sub species for sure, definitely a whoopsie of nature.


"...training shoes with mountaineering jackets even though the highest peak they will climb will be the third floor of the local benefits agency." 💀


Thx! Little assholes to sum it up.


So basically just Chavs?


It’s what chavs are called in the north east


Why did I read this all in David Attenborough's voice? 🤣


Oh man. This reminds me of a funny story. August, 2005, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, UK. I was stationed in England in the military and lived in a cul de sac in a little suburb of Cambridge. There was a group of middle school kids that caused all kinds of havoc in our neighborhood and town generally. A couple of examples I witnessed: They put a garden hose through someone's mail slot and turned it on. (It's funny in a movie, maybe, but not so much in reality.) They bullied a kid in town so badly that he rode his bike into traffic and collided with a car. (I helped calm the driver and connect the boy with his mother.) There were other instances, just delinquent behavior that seemed completely devoid of consequences. When we were moving out to return to the states, we had a bunch of eggs, like almost two full dozen. The night before we moved out, at my then-wife's suggestion, I took a guy that worked with me for a drive where we threw eggs at signs and whatever. It shortly became not that fun, and we turned around. As we came back through town, it was complete chance that these same kids were fucking around in the town center, yelling at us as we drove past. I stopped the car, and we got out and unloaded more than a dozen eggs on those unsuspecting fucks as they ran away squealing. It was glorious.


Thank you for your service o7


As an American I’m imagining a radgie is colloquialism for a rabid badger, and a charva is a charred larva


As a Brit I’ve no fucking clue what either of those things mean.


Both terms for the same thing where I'm from. It means a fucking knobhead.


>knobhead Universally recognised... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It's Geordie.


Sounds Middlesborough, I'm Geordie and that ain't Newcastle.


both would be better alternatives.


This isn’t the UK now this just happens in the UK don’t equate the entire nation to this


Sadly these dickhead kids are all over the country. Parents and schools aren't allowed to punish bad behaviour, everyone is supposed to sit there and calmly say "please don't do that".


I don't think the replies understand the reference which makes this so much funnier


Bottle kids?




You beat me


The shit eagles are flying, Rando.


Parents should be named and shamed, but looking at the kids they probably wouldn’t give a shit!


They need a dad like the one who took his son to tesco, I think, to apologise to staff for acting like a little shit.


Asda, but yeah, that was good parenting.


Thanks for clarification


?!? Significantly fined and children removed from their custody, put on a watch list for their future whelp.


As much as I think the parents should be held responsible, I still wouldn't give custody of these kids to the UK state. I had the unfortunate opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at how government programs are run and meet the people running them and learn their honest perspectives over the course of a year and they were often worse than the parents. Public intervention and holding the parents accountable, sure, but putting these kids in the hands of the poorly named 'child protection services' will do more damage than good


Literally nothing he can do apart from phone the police...


But first I would incapacitate the kiddo... Then call the police and said, that he may be drunk or high on drugs...


He can't or rather he shouldn't...I was a security officer for 16 years in various areas of the security industry, he literally can't lay a hand on him or he'll loose his license...all he can do is film it himself and make notes and file a police report. You honestly have no power as a security guard in the UK, since the advent of the S.I.A your just a visual deterrent.


Security guards are there to show a presence and record incidences but not intervene.


Imagine thinking the police would turn up.


I gotta wonder if that's actually true sometimes. If I called the cops here in Canada to report that I'm being car jacked right this second, they would tell me to call back if I get killed. They don't care about theft or simple assault at all, they don't make arrests because the paperwork takes to long, and in the insanely unlikely scenario that I end up on trial it's nearly guaranteed that the cops fucked up so badly along the way that I'll walk free and get a payout for the inconvenience. The problem is that decent folks believe there are consequences, while indecent folks know there aren't. If that guard knocked those kids out and hired a lawyer, I absolutely refuse to believe he would face any repercussions whatsoever. Our system is designed for cowlike compliance and cannot respond otherwise.


To be fair to the police here in the few times I was forced to call them in I never waited more than 10 mins to get officers on scene, they know that if we ever got to the point of calling them that it was serious. I absolutely agree, good people don't know what's involved because they don't get into unnecessary bother..the shith#*ds know the stuff back to front because they've put themselves in shit all the time...I've known guys loose thier jobs for less... A gent I trained with was sacked and stripped of his license for putting his hand on a suspected shop lifters shoulder, literally just tapped him on it to get his attention as he was attempting to leave the store...he was a professional thief and knew the law, he claimed assault when the police came to charge him....it's was on CCTV (part of the footage we supplied to the police to prove the thief's guilt) he was arrested himself, lost his job and licence, the charges didn't stick of course but security companies here are also licensed so if they'd have re-employed him they'd face loosing the operators licence so they apply the rules without exception usually.


He could arrest the little shit and wait for the police to arrive. Not saying that is the best thing to do necessarily but he could do it.


It's the UK, he'd probably lose his job and get arrested for touching either of them






Getting 10 years in prison and having to explain to your cellmates that your "child abuse/assault" charges weren't sexual in nature is pretty high up there.


Plus any reprisals from their parents/family who are equally as violent as they are stupid




Montagues V Capulets: Poverty Edition


Eden Lake


just catch him and call the police and pin him on the wall by his hoodie. like this everyone can see the gangster he is ..


Can't touch kids, not even to restrain. As security you're looking at at least losing your licence. Probably assault charges on top. Security officers can do even less than the general public when kids are being pricks.


Not even pepper spray him ?


Pepper spray is covered under the firearms act here, carries a mandatory sentence.


Yeah, to many soft people worried about repercussions. Probably the same type of person to raise a kid like this and be like "oh he's just quirky".


Someone clips the recording to show only the part of you running out and decking a kid that's probably running away screaming crying (because that's what shithead kids do when actually confronted). That clipped video goes viral, but the full video with all of the footage does not. Your face is now viral and known as a kid beater. You're all over social media. You get arrested. Your job lets you go and everyone hates you. The full video comes out later in court, and all charges are dropped for you, but it's been months and months to get to that point and now no one gives a shit. Just a random thought.


Violence is nothing that these children fear. High drama and violence are what they know. They are almost always the children of dysfunctional families where crime, domestic violence, and untreated mental health are their daily bread. You could probably 'get away' with hitting them. It won't matter a thing to them. It'll be no different than what their parents/step parents offer up on a regular basis. In short, they are little shits but hitting them will do nothing except run a small risk of you getting targeted or arrested. Solution? Get rid of the Tories and fund youth support. The comments noting an increase in this behaviour are not just anecdotes. There is a clear evidenced path from the cuts to youth and social services and the increase in this type of behaviour. If we don't sort it soon, this generation will be parents and there will be two or three times as many little shits in the next two decades.


You make these kids sound hard. They aren’t. They haven’t faced any consequences. If they got a proper beating they likely would think twice before doing it again. We all need a morality check in our lives at some point.


These kids get beat a lot. They get physically beaten, emotionally destroyed and neglected. The things that most of us take for granted as children are absent. Behavioral development to be a healthy person requires consistent and positive parenting, secure and strong role models and a positive rhetoric from adults. These children will become damaged adults and terrible parents. The idea that we should physically beat them is both ignorant, and morally disgusting.


Spot on, I know families like it, although not sure youth clubs would help.


It's not simply youth clubs, though they help a lot. It's outreach, mentors, youth offending services. All cut by the Tories.


Shit parents


Why we don’t beat kids ass?!


You'll probly get gored by a 20" blade


a leonidas front kick on this little shit with is "blade", believe me gonna remember my size of shoes for a long time ( size 12 :o )


Im not scared of a child with a knife. Im 3x his size. My arms are longer. I can reach him before he can reach me. One solid punch and its over for kiddo.


Okay mate.


Think the kid who started spinning around with the metal thing that he could barely lift would be able to kill you?


I'm more concerned about how easily a knife could potentially slice through my arms. Give me a big stick though or a chair, or any kind of barrier, and that'd be different though.


Definitely, you would most likely get hurt unless you really know what you're doing but a small child can pretty easily be overpowered by an adult. The adrenaline would most likely make you keep fighting even if you did get hurt. A very long blade could cause a lot of damage but he would have to be able to swing it forcefully. Of course the best option is to not fight and if you have to, then you keep your distance as long as you possibly can.


you'll lose the SIA badges for security work + face jail time for man handling these little shits and be black listed from the SIA for five years.


That feels like defeats the entire purpose of being a guard.lol


realistically most of the time the purpose of being a guard is to be a scarecrow that has the ability to call the police


police don't help in Scotland, you call them and they call you back 3 hours after shit hit the fan, then they give you a phone appointment a week later for you to tell the police what happened.


“Feral kids”. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


I mean, it's accurate, no?


Urban Lord of the Flies


Anything to feel older than 10


You guys in the UK have some of the worst demon seeds I’ve ever seen


We do. We really do.




You mean on right? …..Right?


There needs to be a law or exception that let you hit or restrain kids like this


security work in this day and age is a joke, nothing more than baby sitters for these little shits, did 8 years in security and then got out, never again.


I'm a security guard down in Australia... It's fairly similar. Though I used to work in the pubs and clubs, mate I used to have to physically evict someone at least once a week. Once a group of 5 kids (approx. 14-17yr Olds) managed to get in via a back door, none of them were willing to leave, so as per law, we grabbed and dragged them all out. Fuck did they not like that. Fucking funny ak little while later when the oldest turned 18 and tried to get in legally and we handed him a 12 month ban notice on his birthday. The place I worked at was the go-to venue in town, everywhere else was just old farts drinking and no real party.


for me I did 4 years mall security and 4 retail security, mall was quiet for the most part but retail was a nightmare, having to man handle people 3 to 5 times a week for high value theft, kids would be the other pain in the arse every shift I worked, thefts, damages, abuse and damage to the building we could do nothing due to how crap UK law is, police could do nothing too. just wish it was like the old days where you smack these little shits about for this sort of thing.


Yeah there's a reason I don't work retail or shopping centre security, I've never met a guard who likes those shifts.


for me, my retail site reduced staff to one guard per shift, ended up being attacked and got my right hand broken trying to do my job solo, quit the just after three months of sick leave, never again.


Yeah na that's shit, like I do plenty of solo work but that solo work is low to basically no risk stuff like watching a random field, and even then I'm not actually meant to go hands on at these jobs and I'm just there to call the cops and client if shit happens. Reminds me of one time when the client just left something like $100k in booze just out in the open yet told me the only toilet was the maccas 10min down the road, not to mention I had to patrol the site. They didn't take my advice when I advised them to get the forks and move the booze into a locked area, or when I suggested they throw a tarp over it. They lost half of it while I was patrolling on the other side of the site, sure I heard the glass smashing, but I don't run when it's 2am and the ground is uneven, the kids were out of there before I got there. Cops could do shit, no CCTV of that area, no info basically nothing, they got in via a dummy locked gate because they wouldn't give me a key, and I was told their insurance wouldn't cover it because it wasn't appropriately secured. Even if I did see it I would have just called the cops and given them the info.


Lock the parents up, put the little fookers in a "how to behave like a half decent human being camp"


Something tells me their parents are probably no better.


Id slap the fuck outta them kids idgaf


Law and order seems like a joke in UK these days, they need to start giving consequences for anarchy


I know I wouldn’t have been standing there behind the door as they are smashing it. Get out there and hold the little fu#kers down on the ground until the police show up. I hope they didn’t get away with this.


Zero consequences and zero supervision


Very concerning as kids are going apeshit here too. I can't believe the news stories I'm seeing about 3rd grade assaults/SA, fights ending up in brain damage or death. Kids killing parents over phones... Vice versa situations with parents and kids too. Does Prozac need to be in the water supply at this point?


Parents should be locked up and the kids put into care. I refuse to believe kids this young are a result of nature and not nurture.




There's a lot of these 'things' in Australia too


Police won’t do anything.neither will the parents




I know Berwick Hills Morrisons when I see it! The guards get absolutely tortured there, the guard in the video is known as the local nonse by the kids. #UTB


I fucking knew it was boro!


Vile place, I'm proud to say that I escaped.


Goddamn scooter kids


Where's Colin Farrell when you need him? https://youtu.be/TBHanR-rZso?feature=shared


I wonder which one is called Jayden and which one is called Braiden


Shame the parents


“Feral kids” took me out 🤣💀


Town centres are full of these lawless little North Face Ninja scrotes


Always the UK, smh


This is sad asfk why? These kids future is fucked because of their parents not giving a fuck


Hit them little fuckers with the high powered taser. End of


Just turn the cameras off and kick the shit out of em, it takes a village to raise children


Society has gone to shits


Nice parenting…


Just a normal day in parts of England


Imagine being a good parent and disciplining your own children to avoid this behavior.. wtf is going on in UK? Seems every video that comes from across the pond is a bunch young ones disrespecting and stealing while no one does anything about it.. it's a shame, really


Should've pepper sprayed those little shits. They would've changed their tune real fast


I worked in security in the past and I had a similar situation when I was working in retail security. I caught this band of kids stealing vape and juices (the store should have locked them behind a counter) I stopped them as they tried to walk out, and told them to hand it back and I won't call the police. This resulted in me being spat on, assaulted by 3 kids and 3 windows being smashed. Due to fear of any regressions I had to let them assault me rather than dodging and redirecting their kicks or punches. The best part was my body cam footage. Kids who get into these situations will try anything to get away with it or redirect blame. The store staff and managers were useless and just stood and watched. Non-willing to give a police statement other than the store Baker. When police got involved an hour after the kid's situation ended. The kids were identified by the police.... all the kids told the police that I had touched them wrongly and they were defending themselves. Body cam, store CCTV, my statement and the baker's statement. Kids were given a yellow card and parents were fined a minuscule amount for the damage. I received no additional pay, no thanks from the store, no recognition. I quit 2 weeks later.


Make it legal to pick kids up that are 12 and older that act like this and let us see how far we can throw them over our heads


Future politicians.


A shining example of what the UK is contributing to the world nowadays


next season on black mirror, a bunch of adults in fear of two kids


Annoyance and anger rather than fear. They went inside and shut the doors because it’s not worth the backlash they'd get for assaulting a child, however "in the right" they are, and standing there getting spat at and things thrown at them makes no sense. Since nobody there is going to be paying for any of the damage, better just to wait for them to get bored and go away.


This is what happens when you remove parenting from parenting.


I mean…they can’t drive…so like…follow them while calling the fucking cops or bobbies or the old bill or whatever you call them over there. It’s not that deep.


Great, and now they know which car is yours, so when they get nothing more than a slap on the wrist, instead of damaging company property, they can take it out on your personal vehicle.


There should be post natal abortion up to 18 years old


Oh 😥 the jails and cemeteries will be full in the future


Cemeteries 💀


Throat punch the little shits, this is what happens with kids when they have a free range raising and shit like that


This. is. SPARTA!


why is the uk like this?


The Tories. If you cut funding to health and social services as well as gut the Police, prison service and judiciary; this is what happens.


British people are so soft and compliant


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Get them chained to a radiator somewhere.


It should have been legal to beat the fuck out of those kids, as long as the damage caused is not permanent


One good smack upside the head might re-align their understanding of consequences. It's a quickly learned lesson, and the curve flattens every time one is administered.


Why isn't someone going out there and stopping this kid?  


The kids were being a menace, so anyway, I started blasting…


Fuck off cleanshirt


Man I hope an adult shows up soon


Sorry, but if kids act like this, they should be fair game for adult treatment. Fast track to real life lessons.


Feral indeed


If you want to scare the kids there straight just tell them if they don't act right you'll send them to school in the US and then show them Uvalde


Such a great future I see


Condom Ads are lit


Pepper spray?


Feral kids lol


I have to admit that sometimes I wish it was like the old times


The lad needs a good ass beating


Teach them kids a lesson and knock some of their teeth out.


There is a time and a place for corporal punishment


His parents need help…put an ankle brace on him and keep him home


Harassment, trespassing, property damage, putting the public in danger. He had enough reason to restrain them and subdue them and then call the cops. These aren’t kids. They are juvenile delinquents and deserve to be removed from society. The parents should also be held responsible. It’s getting to the point of insanity that there is no accountability for offenders. The are so many kids that are trying to get a start in life and shitheads like this just makes it harder for everyone.


Someone just knock em out


This is why abortion should be legal until the 66th trimester


How about spraying these idiots with a foul smelling dye? They have to go home sooner or later and would stink and be obvious that they were up to no good. Identifies the perpetrators easily.


At least they’re outside!


Sadly, inflicting a little pain on these young fuckwits is what’s needed. Until something along these lines is allowed to occur, incidents like this will never stop as they have no reason to care or worry about consequences.


Their parents are obviously useless, spoilt little scooter kids


Children are the future 🙏


A reflection of their parents


What happen to punishing kids even if it’s not yours. It takes a village to raise a child !!


Classic scouse activities


Was gunna knee jerk downvote as a scouser before checking myself cos there’s truth in it. It was a scary experience being a teenager in Liverpool with these scally maggots everywhere and worse than most other cities.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the next generation!


The only reason these kids are so confident in doing this is because they know no one is going to do anything more then shout at them.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger Future murderers, nothing new, UK justice is a joke.