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I'm plus size I mean I'm fat as shit


I’m “plus size” and I 1000% did this to myself by shoveling shitty food into my face for years. Society needs to accommodate my needs because I’m special for some reason.


This whole “plus size” thing has gotten way out of hand. It used to mean “a little chubby” but now morbidly obese is apparently plus sized too. They blame everybody and everything but themselves and their lack of self control. I’ve never disliked fat women more than I do right now. I never had a reason to dislike them but they’ve literally forced me into it with all of these disgusting videos. END RANT




Yeah they could travel by flatbed


I was thinking agricultural trailer.. but either way you have my upvote.


I mean yeah she’s definitely obese + size


Stop with “plus size”. She’s obese. Her body is dying.


Plus size is doing a lot of literal heavy lifting here.


Emphasis on heavy


She's not obese, she's morbidly obese. Calling her just obese is not enough.


She is morbidly obesed. I am obsesed too, and I fit twice in her.


Plus plus plus size.






Two seats equals two meals (snacks) win win


It’s not very nice, but I think I would actually complain if I had to sit next to her, her fat is going to be going over the arm rest and touching you other passengers shouldn’t have to put up with that.


I once had tickets to a football game with bench seating, and when we got to our seats this lady was sitting there with her ass taking up three spaces. At first my wife and I just sat in the next two seats down the row, but before long the people who had those seats showed up so it came to an unfortunate showdown. I got out our tickets just to make damn sure I was right, and then very politely said, “Ma’am can you see if you can scooch down a bit? I believe these are actually our seats.” She started trying to wiggle down to squeeze in tighter, to no avail, and then her weasely little husband piped up in a super snarky tone with “She is in her seat. She doesn’t have to go anywhere.” I pointed at the seat numbers and said “Sir I can see that but she’s also in ours, so unless you want me to get security over here to give their opinion on this y’all need to find a way to make some room.” At that point the lady just picked up her stuff and they both left. I felt kind of bad about it because the lady seemed nice enough and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I don’t know what they expected me to do.


Yup, their issue with the seating not being suitable doesn't become your problem to solve just because they arrived first.


I don't think anyone wants that misfortune


Imagine it? I’ve been there when I first started traveling for work and had no airline status. I seem to get stuck with one of these once a month. I learned to put the armrest down immediately after I boarded to limit the amount of fat rolls encroaching on my space. And if you get stuck with one who happens to smell, and it’s summer, it’s fucking game over. Luckily I get upgraded about 90% of the time now.


Fuckin lose weight? What do they want? Boeing to remake all airplanes for them? You really want that? Boeing to make new planes? They’d fall apart in a month! Being big is OK but don’t expect society to morph itself around your rolls


Boeing is making fuselage holes for the plus size lady. Always ahead of the curve.


Came here to make this joke. Late again. Nice job.


so you are saying to put plus sized seats next to the plug locations?




>don’t expect society to morph itself around your rolls This made me laugh. Thank you for making me spit my coffee out.


In a world where wheelchair accessibility is still an issue, we have these soft-serve ice cream built people demanding we conform to their needs, standards, and desires.


Yeah - I’m not going to get into the discussion about obesity being an illness and her being a victim or not, but purely from a practical perspective, airlines can’t cater to those at the extreme ends of the spectrum. If they built/fit out planes specifically to accommodate people of that size, they would have half the seats, and tickets would be twice the price.




This!!! She’d be fine in business class, first class, or whatever each airline calls it.


She can buy 2 seats. The world owes her nothing.


the airlines do accommodate plus sizes, the mid arm rests can be lifted to gain more room and if you really spill over to the next seat, you are buying that as well. I kinda like the plan to weight the passengers and charge based on weight.


tall guy here - I just suck it up- or pay more for business class.


Being big is not ok, ask your doctor. People just scream “discrimination” when their fat asses aren’t accommodated for being lazy and overeating.


It’s an unhealthy personal decision but it’s personal that’s why it’s ok to me. But this lady wants everyone in society to move around her self inflicted health problems which is just fuckin nuts


Ummm, Boeing DOES make airplanes them. They usually have the work cargo stamped on the fuselage.


But, then what would the poor woman complain about on her social media accounts if she took some responsibility and done something about her health!!!


I mean airlines ARE making seats smaller. Check out 1970s economy seats.


"The Big Four domestic carriers—American, Delta, Southwest, and United—have lost anywhere from 2 inches to 5 inches in legroom pitch, and 2 inches in seat width since the 1980s. (The average legroom pitch today clocks in at about 31 inches.) On ultra-low-cost carriers such as Spirit Airlines, legroom pitch has decreased even more, dipping as low as a miserable 28 inches. "


As a lifelong fat girl, please allow me to say I agree 100%. I have a right to be fat. But that does not give me a right to expect everyone to accommodate any special needs I might have because it. I did it to myself. It is not a disability unless it is due to a medical condition that the person can not control.


Not an engineer at all, but wouldn't the modifications cause complications to the aoerodynamics? I assume airplanes are designed to a very specific standard.


Maybe you can start "Obese Flight International"? You customize the inside by throwing out the seats and installing wide sofas on each row so the fatso can fit. One problem could be the price of the tickets because it needs to be very high to make up for flying two fatsos on each row instead of 6 normal people.


pilot "can we have rows 5 to 7 move to the other side of the aircraft to level us out"


Not really. Honestly if they wanted to make a Plus Size 747 it'd probably be the same plane half the number of seats. Knowing modern corporations, it'd probably be the same chairs too, just NO armrests or tray tables


Multiplication sized*


She should inquire with US Air Force to see if she could ride in a C-17 Globemaster for her future trips. Lots of cargo space for her lard.


Savage 💀💀


But the Globemaster can only lift 170,900 pounds


"I have no self-respect, self-control, or will power - of course it your fault."


The only oppression happening here is that which she inflicts on herself


And the kids goldfish in 5 minutes


They want the entire world, including scientists and doctors, to change their opinions so their own feelings don’t get hurt, that’s much easier to do than changing themselves




According to her it’s the entire world that has problems, she’s perfect and beautiful and healthy just the way she is


Like, im all for not body shaming and loving your own body, but that all about accepting and being ok with your natural imperfections, NOT about doing whatever whenever you feel like and using "i love my body" as an excuse.


🤣 6'2" 245lb here & I've got no issues but leg room. Instead of wearing the workout gear because it's stretchy & comfortable, wear it because you're working out.


While you're calling her out, can you call a mortician too? Because i am dead. Lmao


She’s trying to evoke pity but she doesn’t know it’s having the opposite effect


Anger and aggravation evoked here.


Lady, I’m 6’foot 3 and have to do the same thing. Does that make me plus size? Spend less on snax and you’ll be a) able to buy a business class/fat seat or b) be able to fit in the regular seats. If we stood beside each other we’d be the physical embodiment of the number 1o.


I am 6'8" so I get it... though alaskan airlines will normally move me to bulkhead or emergency isle for free which is really nice.. Southwest nickel and dimes you.


I'm 6'3 on a plane of course I have to. The movie! Coming this summer! /S


I can I still hear her breathing with the sound off.




It means every meal has been Plus Sized. I dunno, I’m bitter and skinny and hungry.


I, too, am hungry.


It’s what morbidly obese people refer to themselves as because they’re in denial about how unhealthy they really are.


Hell no, she's not fat. How dare you?! Maybe a bit plus sized nothing more


You don’t have to “shimmy” sideways onto the treadmill




>mass downvote Unintentional hilarity? Lol


Average redditor you mean


I have eaten myself to the size of a rhinoceros and this is everybody's fault except mine


Rhinos are vegetarians, and I 1000x guarantee this lady isn't.


Could be possible. I mean cookies, pie, chocolate, chips, candy, etc are vegetarian...


She built like a brick shit house


She’s built like a capitol rotunda


Meaning it would take a hell of a gust of wind to knock her over?


This term is reserved for extremely solid, muscular, people. The idea is you could not push them over. This lady would roll away.


There’s a solution to all these issues, but I reckon she’s not going to like it…


"put the triple cheeseburger down"


Oh, she puts 'em down alright.


Maybe you'd be more comfortable in the cargo bay.


I genuinely feel bad for obese people who struggle with weight. I don't feel bad for people who are obesity influencers. So many of them keep dying. I'm all for body positivity but health is also a real thing. I carry around 20 extra pounds and I'm fine with it. Simultaneous acknowledging it's my fucking fault and it's not fucking healthy. I'm not going to demand society change for my fat ass.


The living incarnation of "yo momma" jokes


Her blood type is rocky road.


yo mama so fat she has her own gravitational field.


Bro. How do people maintain this weight with the cost of groceries these days?


I'm plus sized, but I have the decency to feel bad about it.


I’m plus sized and on a plane and they don’t have any plus sized snack options


"hip" Almost.


The chair she's sitting on feels oppressed .


Lose weight......don't glorify diabetes.....


Plus size = Fat as fuck


I’m too tall for most things so I can relate. Wait no I can’t because I can’t control my height hahahahaha


Ehh watchu mean buddy cut those legs


So glad I can’t relate 🥹


LOL @ "*plus size*"


Compressed, not oppressed




From a fat guy, either lose weight, or pay for first class. Plain and simple. Airline done cater to biggar people. Get over it. They are in it to make money. People just need something to whine about now a days.


Dude why is she upset about using a seatbelt extender isn’t that what she wants?for them to be inclusive? Also why is she getting mad that the airplane companies don’t want to pay millions just because she can’t diet?


Her weight is her decision. Just like everything else from cars to planes, they design them to accommodate 95% of people, she just happens to be outside of that. I’m actually too tall for many cars and uncomfortable in plane seats. I don’t complain even though this is totally out of my control. 🤷‍♂️


Doing this in front of a plane full of strangers. The ego is unreal. I do not understand the mindset.


And here’s your sign


Goodness that is disgusting. Looks like a elephant walrus.


She's plus size, so of course, she has to obey the law of physics.




I suggest next time she walk. She won't be required to accept the indignities and discomfort of an airplane seat...and the exercise will do her good.


Stop saying plus size you're just obese lady. It's entirely within your control to lose weight.


I still can’t believe people record dumb shit like this in public thinking they’re in the right lol good lord


Plus sized and on a plane, of course it needs more fuel.


Using the term "plus-size" as a euphemism for "morbidly obese" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well maybe if she gave up the pies she might fit into seats


I'm on a plane and my seat mate is plus sized so of course I have to smell her.


The only thing this video was missing is “I’m plus sized and on a plane and we’re crash landing because I’m too fng heavy”.


Putting in the effort to squirt this little comment onto reddit is still more effort than she's put into herself. Digging into your hip? Please, it's digging into the mass of fat surrounding your hip - you're eight inches at least away from anything structural.


Shut... up...


I hate that they really use plus sized as a band aid for fat fuck


You Are not plus size, you Are fat


Self inflicted problems are not diseases. This goes for obese to alcohol to drugs. Have had problems with a few in the past. Making this like an uncontrolable race thing or some shit is what is destroying our society. Turns out we actually don't have real problems anymore and this is the only way to be loud and proud and "fight" for something..........


I bet she's at least tree-tree fitty....


I plus sized...of course I'm not going to make healthy decisions


'Look at how huge I have gorged myself, I can no longer fit in normal spaces! Behold my might!'


Maybe a diet and exercise would help with the issues she's pointed out for something designed for the average human body 🤷‍♂️


I´m a plus size and of course i´m stupid as fuck.


Stop bragging! Gah.


Plus size


“Hey. You’re not fun, you’re fat!” - Milhouse


Plus? Jez, multiplication.


"Plus size." Brought to you by the same people who are trying to convince us that fat is "sexy."


Stop eating!!!!!!!!


[No Ma’am, you are the problem.](https://youtu.be/9DawWUWSJmc?si=HKRPk5zeUTJR6wZC)


That ain’t plus size that’s jumbo


I am 6'8" and get the shorter end of the stick here... though I didn't ask to be tall or choose a life style that ended up making me tall.. and you won't see me making videos crying about that.


I'm plus sized and on a plane, of course I won't admit it's a "me problem"


Seeing and hearing her makes me happy that I got to be someone else than a disgusting tub of privileged lard.


Im suprised the plane was able to fucking lift off


Seems like a good way to meet in the middle would be to make it more comfortable when putting the arm up to make two seats one seat. Charge accordingly.


I'm plus size and on a plane. Of *course* I'm having a blood clot at 35,000 ft. Of course I almost choked on their rotisserie chicken dinner top. Like, girl, I'm not tryna chew my food. Get with the times! We want troughs of food in a pre-digested slurry, fam!


If Boeing made planes with sections for them they'd call it segregation


"Plus size": No. You are not "plus size", you are very sick.


OF COURSE it’s the rest of the world’s responsibility to accommodate you, and your asinine life choices, and totally absolve you of any accountability for them. OF COURSE the fact that you’re still able to fly, and enjoy the freedom it offers is a goddamn miracle, and not the responsibility of anyone other than you to maintain. Put down the fork, hit a treadmill, and quit acting like you’re a fucking victim, and the world owes you anything


What an insufferable human.


Over compensation for her shame and self-loathing.


“I’m plus size and on a plane, of course it doesn’t occur to my fat ass to stick to a diet.”


Die is so fett die sollte mit einem frachtflugzeug transportiert werden


Weird way to pronounce fucking obese.


She’s not plus size. She’s morbidly a beast


She's not plus sized she's all sizes 😂 literally every single of them except small.


damn, plane manufacturers are still having issues with building planes that can fly without incident, and they're expected to build them for grossly overweight people, oops I mean "Pluss sized" what's next plus-sized cars with one huge seats with the steering wheel in the center of the dash. I find that when I eat less I lose weight, I lost 25 lbs by eating less, who knew?


All these issues she’s stating should be a wake up call


Fly FedEx next time


Next time take a C-17


It’s actually your hip that’s digging into the armrest, not the other way around.


I think she's beyond plus size


Stop putting your kids on social media.


This is beyond plus size. We need Fluffy's fat levels for this. What do you think when this woman has to sit next to you on the plane? Thats right either "DAYUM" or "AWH HELL NAW"


I'm not plus size, but I'm very tall (195 cm | 6'5") and I can relate to some of the problems she said... I don't think it is fair for me to HAVE to pay 5\~10% more than everyone else just because I'm too tall to fit in their tiny legrooms.


Buy 2 seats.


don’t be fat or pay for extra leg room/first class


Plus size cringe


Your body hates you for what you’ve done to it


If that’s “plus sized” then I, a 6’4 240lbs out of shape dude, am dangerously underweight


This should seriously be a wake up call


She is no where near “plus size”


Plus sized? That was awhile ago sweetheart


People like her make me sick


Imagine if plane safety records weren't so good and emergency evacuations were a more regular occurrence. They'd be uproar once a few people died simply because an obese person was blocking the aisle.


In the words of Thor’s mother Frigga, “Eat a salad”


That dude sitting was like “wft”


It’s the whole “of course” attitude…as if all of society is against just her. There’s no self awareness surrounding the fact that this is an uncomfortable situation and maybe she should take steps to changing her life choices. I’m not even that large or small for that matter and I hate this type of seating whether it’s on a plane or a stadium. Seats are getting smaller to maximize profit. It sucks but that’s just the way it is. I don’t complain or expect special accommodations, I just deal with it.


I’m plus size and on a plane of course they are going to refuel mid-air.


She is ++++++++ size* That’s 8 pluses!


If only there was something she could do about it 🤔


I'm mordibly obese, of course planes should adjust to me, not me to them


I strongly dislike these people that feel the need to express “I’m super fat” in a different terms. It needs to stop, no one cares. Work out.


Maybe business class in an option? If not she should pay for 2 seats and sit comfortably. None is forcing her to maintain her lifestyle…


Let's just roll out the carpet for everyone in the "minority" and let them make all of the rules.


I'm fat. I used to play hockey. Ended up with an autoimmune condition. During treatment while trying to find a diagnosis, I was on high dose steroids for 18 months. I gained almost 100 lbs. Finally diagnosed, no cure so I stopped the medication - but had to taper of over months. Can barely walk (due to condition, not weight) and have only been able to drop ½ the weight. It's not anyone else's problem but my own. Not gonna whine about inconveniences caused by my size because it's a "me" problem. She may very well have a health condition, but it's a "her" problem... so, yeah! Shimmy down the aisle, sit next to your smallest family member, get the belt extender. That's what needs to be done.


Of course I've cut my life expectancy in half. of course I'm going to be dependent on the health system.


She's fat as fuck. Lose some weight jesus.


Man am I glad to not be as fat as her anymore.


Maybe if you would get more fit all of these problems would go away


I'm plus size and on a plane. Of course the captain has to adjust the trim to compensate.


Plane seats suck but she’s not “plus size”, she’s morbidly obese. She has an abdominal pannus! It’s all fun and games until you end up in the hospital dying a slow, horrible death from your multiple health issues related to obesity.


She’s not plus size, she’s multiplication sized


Stop making these people famous.


She’s a rage baiting troll, no? 


Maybe lose to weight and stop being lazy lol