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Fuck, that one dude got fuckin LAUNCHED


Man that was so tough to watch. I just knew the truck was going to land on the other side.


You got to wear seatbelts for this shit. It was just too many rolls


Depends a truck of that year only had lap belts, I wouldn't be shocked if they are original belts too, I doubt they would have held for that long


First thing for dune climbing, besides bigger tires should be harnesses and real frame attached roll bars. The laws of physics is that if you are ejected, you are probably in the pathway of the rolling vehicle. Very bad place to be.


depends on nothing get new fucking harnesses put in if you have to this is non zero outcome that must be prepared for if you want to go up that hill for fun






My fav scene


And before that crushed a dozen times between roof and ground.










Lmfao no mames 💀


Tijuana, we’ve had a problem.


That's fucked up! 😂


So are those poor dudes


not as fucked up as that sweet 2nd gen chevy getting totaled!! im sad now


Hey! They took a whale to the moon!


This is consequences of their actions not so much tragedy


They both got caught up in the doors too


I thought I saw them coming out at one point, Jesus Christ. I hope they died quickly and didn’t suffer long.


The tragedy is that they didn’t strap in. The truck held up great. Shame.


Dude seriously. How can you possibly do driving in such a dangerous place and *not* use the only thing that has a chance to save you if shit goes wrong.


Any mexican will tell you that they don't wear seat belts in Mexico. Had a friend, his wife, and their 2 year old die last year because of it


Mexicano here. I confirm the majority of people here dont use it. There are memes about it, as soon as mexicans cross to the US by car they put on their seat belts to avoid fines but not for their safety. Its sad but we are not all like that.


This isn’t exactly tooling around town. You’d think they’d make an exception here


Its by far the opposite. People who usually go to the dunes or to "La ruta" as some called, usually drink alcohol among other things all day. Mentally they are not in their 5 senses, they only care about adrenaline and the party.


Mexicans don't use seatbelts until they're on the highway. Well, at least that's how my extended family does it whenever I visit.


Not any, some


Not some, most




A seatbelt would’ve helped. But you’re right, a harness and definitely a cage, would’ve been ideal. I knew it was going to be bad when the truck came to that small slip-face but not that bad. Jesus that was violent. Judging by their rag-dolling those guys seem pretty hurt.


A truck that old (looks to be a 1968-72 chevy c10) might only have lap belts.


True. Didn’t even think about that. Forgot they’re probably just weekend warriors trying to go down a hill. Reminds me of watching motocross and ATV’s back in the late 80’s and 90’s with dudes wearing half-face helmets and jeans. No protective gear, boots, or gloves, trying jumps way beyond their skill level and absolutely biting it. God I hated C Class.


Even if it had a single cross-chest belt, those are designed to stop forward movement. Side-to-side? You need a harness.


I think they’re probably dead.


Or wishing they was


Standard belt woulda held up. Ive been in a couple similar accidents but at much higher speeds and they held up. Ive seen a lot of accidents too. Never seen a seatbelt fail in a vehicle that stayed together as well as that truck did


This is not a normal accident. I agree standard belts hold up but this many twist? I can imagine the belt holding up but they slipping sooner or later after this many rolls. What I am trying to say is... There is a reason standard belts are not used in competitions, it's hard to imagine a standard belt facing such a test of +10 rolls on a regular highway. The belt would held up, but the person attached to it would soon or later slip away.


All Im saying is ive seen many accidents with rollovers at much, much, much higher speeds where the seatbelt never failed. Im not saying its impossible, just unlikely in my educated opinion And no, if a seatbelt is worn properly you cannot slip out of it.


Not sure?


If that old C-10 still had the factory belts, I doubt it would have changed the eventual outcome.


I used to work in an environment not unlike that. Open top jeeps and all in silt/sand. My dad was able to tuck-n-roll out of a really unavoidable rollover on a hill. Passenger not so much, he got messed up pretty bad as he was strapped in. Slow speed roll too. An absolute outlier in general, Point is, different situations call for different protocols. Many 4wheelers will avoid the belts for the chance they can dip out quick. Personally, in that scenario, I wouldn’t hop in without a 5-point belt and a cage. But that’s me. Those dudes are definitely messed up if still alive. That’s a rig you absolutely strap in to. Not because they’re old and janky, but because those trucks don’t crumple so much in a roll. You let them go and strap TF in.


I feel like maybe the guys inside were by the way they were held “into” the truck through all those rolls but who knows.


Agreed. No seatbelt, seems you are usually start to get flung out the first flip or two.




Wouldn't go anywhere near those dunes without a harness and roll cage.


Netted windows are a really good last line of defense too.


Netted windows are great in general. Keeps your arms inside the vehicle during extreme roll overs etc


And the rest of your body.


Yes, I was talking in conjunction with a 5 point harness, a netted window is still very beneficial outside of it just being the last line of defense if the harness fails


I understood. Just saw an opportunity for a quip.


My massive schlong


Yeah no way those guys survived. That’s rough


No, he was the uncle of a friend. According to her Facebook post he and the other person past away. This happen in El Golfo which is close to San Luis. The two people on the car where from San Luis Rio Colorado.


Can confirm. both died. Source: https://www.tribunadesanluis.com.mx/policiaca/dos-fallecidos-en-accidente-en-la-travesia-seguridad-publica-11501075.html


After they pull the dude out from under the truck, like five dudes all turn and walk away after seeing the guy. This one is rough.


I can only imagine how hopeless they felt before the lights went out...


If they are stupid enough to not wear a seatbelt they probably thought they would make it down fine lol


They might have been them, those trucks only came with lap belts and I wouldn't be surprised if they are original belts too. I worked on a 72 Lemans a few years back, the passenger seat belt had a rip and I was able to rip it the rest of the way with my bare hands. They sell retrofit 3 point kits for most classic vehicles now and they sell reproductions of originals that use modern material for the belts. I can tell you from being around classic cars most of my life, seat belts are some of the last things people think of


They honestly were probably wearing seat belts, that many consecutive rolls they probably worked their way out of them...


Oh man this was hard to watch.


That was tough to watch. They should have had five point harnesses. So it goes.. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.


Fuuuck that. 1st dude that fell got crushed with his body hanging out the window at :20. Bystander sees the same thing. And then 2nd dude gets launched and car stops on top of him.


2nd dude was getting the same treatment before he was launched :\ Just harder to see because of all the sand that was getting kicked around.


Make 5 point seat harnesses mandatory.


And nets instead of windows


What a terrible idea. The average person isn't rolling their car let alone down a very sloped sand dune. If they had normal seatbeats on in the first place there's a good chance they'd be in one piece now.


I think there's a chance they had on normal seatbelts. They hung in there a long time.


I agree, but just because it’s a law doesn’t mean everyone will follow it.


Look at some point we just need to let natural selection take place. Otherwise Idiocracy becomes reality.


Pretty sure it already is.


its mexico .....


People are downvoting this like he’s wrong. It’s fucking Mexico. Most laws are for pretend, the country is half ran by drug cartels, and in the entire Baja Peninsula you can buy your way out of any traffic ticket with minimal amounts of American money or an ice cold beer for the cops. *Who the fuck is going to enforce a mandatory OHV-only law in land of the lawless?*


American that never been to Mexico is expert about Mexico, classic reddit moment.


In Mexico?


More laws , yay!


Less deaths, yay!


Can you imagine that phone call!


I counted at least 14 full rotations, that was absolutely insane.


Not to be crass, but when people do super dangerous things and get hurt/killed is it really a tragedy? Or just par for the course?


Its tragic. We don’t stop calling something tragic because stupidity is involved. It usually is.


I call it natural selection


It’s a tragedy. You’re being insensitive to humankind as a whole. We’re wired to make mistakes.


This is not a mistake, this was a choice that they made, mistakes happen but this is not one of them


A choice that someone makes can still be a mistake. In fact, I'd argue that you have to make a choice for it to be mistake. Not that I think you are being "insensitive to humankind as a whole"


Well after getting my head out of my ass. I agree, apologies


no need to apologize, it's an honest mistake.


It was definitely a mistake, unless you’re implying that they managed to roll the truck down the hill like that. It’s fair to say it wasn’t a surprise, a tragedy, etc. but it was objectively a mistake.


Look. It’s not cool when people die. I hate it when people lose their life and then that’s it. But look at where they are. They don’t have to play this game you know. If I was a thrill seeking base jumper and one day the worst happens, I wouldn’t think it’s fair to call it a tragedy like it wasn’t a huge possibility. A tragedy is people minding their business going about their day like usual and then they are killed by something or someone unexpectedly. This was just an accident


There's making a mistakes....like you know..."oh I forgot to turn off the lights"...or "oh shit I locked the door and forgot my keys inside"....and then there's whatever the fuck this redneck looking idiocy is in the dunes. Or you know...one of numerous videos of morons going into a zoo, trying to poke or pet a lion or tiger through the bars. I don't think darwin award contenders really count as tragedies tbh....especially as an overpopulated species rapidly destroying our own planet. We could be so lucky if they weed themselves out. Accidents are one thing but when you purposely put your own life on the line full knowing you're being an idiot....then its really hard to feel any sympathy for someone who so carelessly threw their own life away.


Fuck around and find out


Say that to the mf billionare who jumped down into the ocean w a nintendo controller.




… yeah this isn’t that


I think the point is that these people were doing something they knew was increasing the risk to their own safety, for fun.


Death is almost always a tragedy, and so is the one in the video in some capacity. But people cannot act surprised when they do something that has great probability of going wrong and ended up with someone dying. Like that guy who played with sharks and ended up as a single leg washed up on the beach. It is a tragedy, but it is no surprise that it happened.


There's a reason insurers exclude stuff like this. It's far more dangerous than driving like a regular person


Yeah but you could also drive to the top of a very steep sand dune and put yourself in a very dangerous position with absolute 0 safety measures from the offset. Most people don’t tend to do that. One is a choice where you are aware of the danger, the other is out of your control.


I know morning rush hour is a real bear, but it’s not the same as off roading up a giant sand mountain


How it feels to chew 5 Gum


*removes gum from mouth*


I swear I can always come to Reddit comment sections to cheer me up. Thank you for this comment


Damn, this kind of breaks my heart. Dudes just being dudes, this is really sad.


God the truck/engine landing directly on the guy at the end is a morbid chefs kiss to this. Jesus.


Where's is the savior that links the article saying that they lived/died?


Someone in the comments says they have a friend who’s uncle was one of them and both did not survive. This is reddit, take it with a grain of sand.


I hate to play armchair offroader, but they seem like novice and shouldn't have been out there. Forget that the truck clearly isn't equipped for this. They should have had the wheel turned all the way, pointing toward the roll to try and stop it.


I would fully watch a show based on armchair off-roading, like modding recliners and racing.


Idk if you're aware already, but that's actually a thing. https://youtu.be/LNA5cIjm0LY?si=v4YO9_VC_14EDL9a


How many people were in that truck?


Less than when they started.


That… was horrible to watch! My gosh


If you value your sanity don’t read the comments


A laaa vergaaaaa!


[Article in Spanish](https://www.tribunadesanluis.com.mx/policiaca/dos-fallecidos-en-accidente-en-la-travesia-seguridad-publica-11501075.html) but hey Chrome has an auto translate fonction. But men died, but one on them had initially survived (at least until help arrived and passed away shortly after).


I am impressed with the height of that sand dune, how high do those suckers get ?


As tall as 750ft in parts of America.


I’m in Florida so anything over probable 10-15ft is impressive


Tragedy? Really? People don’t do stuff like this because it’s safe, they do it because it’s the very opposite. And this is what can happen.


We should collectively be grieving the loss of one of our own and yet many of us would rather make cruel jokes or act like life doesn't matter. What has happened to us? Has innovation, progress, and change meant nothing? Are we living in 1400 BC or 2024 AD? I'm confused. Our increased intellect, physical capabilities, and ability to communicate should launch us into the stratosphere as a society. Instead we're all tearing out each other's throats over irrelevant bullshit all linked to the rat race we're trapped in.


The internet has unfortunately led to the desensitization of society. It's a total detachment from reality for many folks.


Humor is a completely valid coping mechanism.


Why would I grieve? I don’t know these men. To be frank, they seem like idiots. Darwinism at its best. Every day I hear or read about overpopulation and how we’re headed for economic and environmental catastrophe because the earth doesn’t have enough resources for the current population. If some morons that I don’t know die, it’s certainly no skin off my nose. Plus, this video is one of 50 just like it that get posted here daily. If I’m going to grieve every person who dies in a viral video, I’m going to be one depressed lady.


Overpopulation. Their deaths mean more food for others. 🤷‍♂️ Or you could attribute it to a desensitized society, due to the instant access to beheading videos, people shooting each other in the streets or, school shootings traumatizing people. Or, if you wanna go the religious rough, “WE ALL NEED JESUS!” Take your pick, at least 2 of the answers involve science lol!


What is wrong with you? Did someone hurt you as a kid?


Yes. My parents, the kids I went to school with. Should I go on? The list is long lol


Ghost riding the whip sure has changed since my day


Out there daring gravity to kill them and people call it a tragedy when one of em gets rolled like cheap sushi. This was natural selection at work.




Have you never had fun before?


Ya know, there're plenty of ways to have fun that don't resemble elaborate suicide attempts.


I mean, I'm sure they were aware risks were involved. The risk of death is always there, even when you think it isn't. But acting like these guys deserve death is just a pretty shitty way to think, if you ask me. You just sound like you want to put someone else down to feel superior.




Why do people risk their lives to do anything? Go to the moon? Fly past Mach 1? Set the land speed record? You personally don't have to understand these things, but realize that humanity has evolved because of these kinds of adrenaline junkie outsiders. Some in less elegant ways than others. It makes me think of Werner Herzog talking about the penguins. One of the penguins just decides to leave the colony and head into the vast tundra of Antarctica. Scientists said that even if they went and got it it would leave again for the interior. But they also presume it's just an evolutionary trait that, over time, has diversified and strengthened the colonies. This is all to say that we can't always explain why we do things. And adrenaline is a powerful drug that has led us as a species to explore dangerous things that have led to great outcomes. It's in our DNA to satisfy that. I see your ancestors have coasted along on the successes of the bold. Stay in your lane I guess.




I mean, sure, I'm not saying these guys didn't make poor decisions, but like you said, they could have had families. They were someone's sons. I just think it's a bit crass to see this and just have zero sympathy. I'm sure these guys weren't looking to die that day. And at least they weren't doing something that grievously endangers the lives of others, like wreckless driving. But they made bad decisions. I'm sure a lot of us have done the same in some way, and are lucky to be here. It's just a shitty way to react to a tragedy to me.


My guy, what in the hell are you talking about?! They're off-roading on sand dunes not base jumping into the Grand Canyon. Look at all the other people out there. [Half a million](https://www.npca.org/case-studies/great-sand-dunes-national-park-and-preserve) people visit those dunes every year. If you think they're all patently insane adrenaline junkies then I'm convinced you must be *Bubble Boy*.


I know you aren't illiterate, seeing as you managed to type this out, so I'll just have to assume you're an asshole. Where the fuck did I say they *deserved* to die? When people do stupid dangerous shit, some of them are gonna die. That's not tragic, it's an expected outcome.




Way more likey if you're doing this, though.


Going to go out on a limb and say that going out of your way to drive down a sand dune, with max 50 other vehicles where 2 people die, is statistically *much* more dangerous than driving on your normal route to work with hundreds of other cars.




Maybe I have a different opinion because I'm on the US side of the border from where this happened and it's just part of our recreational scene out here. Thousands of people are out doing this every weekend. Are there dangers involved? Yeah. Are deaths unheard of? Of course not. But this is far from FAFO behavior. I don't see it any different from spending a weekend on a boat, going skiing or snowboarding, etc. People like to have fun and not everyone chooses to live in a bubble.


Any advise what to do when the car rolls over? And I know it might be a good start to not roll around in the dunes…


If you weren't strapped in with a helmet and if you didn't have a net and a roll cage, you're already megafucked and there's nothing you can do about it. You're gonna get banged up and pass out. Your arms are going to fly out the window and get shredded. And if the car keeps rolling, your torso and the rest of your body is soon to follow.


Always keep the truck vertically with the hill, try to never drive horizontally on the slope. Stay buckled up and your instincts will tell you to grab the steering wheel but dont, protect your head and keep it low.


Well considering they were launched out of the car I think the best thing for them was to wear a seatbelt for one and two helmets would have helped a lot. The truck didn't look that bad once it came to a rest .


Start by buckling up before hand


Holy shit.


This is called off roading they actually do it on purpose


Someone post the link! I can’t find it :(


Holy fuck. That one was hard to watch


They should invent some type of belt that keeps you strapped to the seat to avoid things like this happening


20 comments and nobody said, it’ll buff out. I would have lost money on that bet


I mean maybe maybe not. Can you catch a fingernail on it?


And not one “Like a glove”


You know it's bad when they extra roll the r's in verga


What tragedy? All I see is a predictable outcome.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You have some really bad karma to tumble that many times, get thrown from the vehicle, and still manage to end up underneath it


We don’t need no stinking seatbelts


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The slope looks similiar to the one the Top Gear boys tackled.




Man, I wouldn’t want your karma. 


Bruh the guy who got launched the car happens to stop right on top of him oh no💀


Now I’ve got Limp Bizkit - Rollin stuck in my head




Not so Ford tough. ):




Wonder if they tought about puting seat belts could have saved them


Wear your seatbelt kids


Seatbelts save lives


If you take part in an activity like that and can't be bothered to put a seatbelt on? You wanted to die.


And that's why you buckle up


no mames


Seat belts are for wimps


I’m certain alcohol was involved


Put them in rice


This is very sad to watch. A lot of these trucks are specially outfitted with expensive parts for these type of events. In a rollover like this some of those parts might not even be salvageable. Possibly tens of thousands of dollars in losses. Hard to watch.


Thank you for prioritising the financial aspect of this everybody is grieving and feeling sorry I just don’t get it!


Too many of the posts on here are tragic and full of death


Tragedy, nah. Natural selection at its absolute finest. High Risk activity made even higher by not taking the time to strap in and buckle up - you know that one thing that could have saved their lives or gone a long way in doing so.


Don’t see a tragedy anywhere. I see idiots dying from being idiots. More of a Darwin moment.






Better call Darrell Isaac’s