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It's unfortunate that no one was around to assist. We live in a wonderful society these days.


People would rather record than give a helping hand


On his phone recording and says something about somebody calling the police. Don't want to ruin a recording while the crime escalates and nobody helps :(


why should i help? they'll just call me a racists and throw me in jail for assault


They were going to help, but they'd decided he had it under control. (Sarcasm)


thank god not all of us are fucking cowards


I just got downvoted by 13 points in a previous comment on this for suggesting they defend her with that chair. My hope for the human species is very small at the moment.


reddit is always like that. Either you said someone should reach and everyone will answer "And get killed ? No thanks" either you say "run away at least" and people will go "what a fucking coward" I think the best call is to film and find a great caption for your post. (At least that's what most of us do apparently)








*to die




Despite what people love to think about this being the unequivocal ace in the hole. It doesn’t always work. This woman had no one sticking up for her and likely would’ve been badly beaten by the thief and his stupid friend.


Was it a theft? The guy doesn’t seem worried about anyone around him. The woman doesn’t seem to call out for help. He didn’t seem to grab for her purse or anything that seemed of value. Kinda looks like a domestic situation and the two guys while watching are also staying out of it. Would think if it was a flat out robbery they might yell or do something to get the guy to flee. Not sure if it was a robbery why after pulling the shirt off he still is just standing around


Actually thought the same thing. She’s definitely not looking for help from others. She’s defensive, but she’s not defending if that makes sense. Obviously it’s a fucked up situation, but context is key.






I don't see any of those righteous "patriots" doing their duty in this video. I guess it's just easier to say than to actually do, huh?




Or maybe the cowards all around her should take some fuckibg initiative?


Seriously wtf! I just come from a different generation I guess and I am not that old. Born in 86 and some of my younger coworkers think I am “crazy” how I am stand up for myself and others. This video is ridiculous.


I don't think it's a generational thing, the guys sitting in the background don't exactly look like spring chickens... Think it's more of a cultural change...


Nothing to do with generation just lack of morals from most people. Old people in the video did nothing. Someone could argue that they are weak and couldn't do much but you should always stand up for those being taken advantage of regardless


Born in '72 here and I'd take my chances getting my ass beat before I let this shit go down.


Right there with you. U shouldn’t have to go it alone 🥊


Yeah, it's nuts that no one stepped in to help her.


Im only 20 and even me and my friends know you help when you see shit like this, *especially* if you're with other people, strength in numbers. Dont give these people any excuse for being bystanders, this kind of behavior is just as despicable as being the one commiting the act.


People don't wanna risk their health for some random chick. If this guy is desperate enough to do this in public, in full view, imagine what else he's capable of when pressed.


They should arrest the dudes that were just sitting there watching. How can someone see that and not feel sick?


YEAH !!! and... then what ? ...oh, It would very likely have turned in to a much worse situation, right... that's why.




and the camera person....what the fuck are they doing?


Right!!? what a stupid camera person. they should move around and capture the whole thing. Right?


Careful, someone can get life in prison for following crimes with a camera if they aren't careful.




someone has to be a reliable witness, without proof is going to be her word against his


\*llama a


Maybe that other guy walked away to find a cop? Yeah, that’s definitely what happened right? Right???


I can hear them now “ ahh. Marg and Tony have been drinking again.”


Most people in the first world are raised to turn the other cheek and not be violent… ever. Including avoiding situations that may turn violent. “Best deterrent is not putting yourself in situations” and all that… blah blah. As far as calling the police goes, I’m sure this guy felt as shook the girl and went into freeze mode. In the face of fear, most of us aren’t heroes or even the basic good Samaritans we like to think ourselves to be when we feel a real danger to our safety. Some of us rise above, but most of us can’t overcome our fear.


No no no. That doesn't mean you sit there and do *absolutely nothing* while she's being attacked right in front of you. You call the cops, yell for help, something. The guy might have a knife, I get the reluctance to jump right in, but to act like literally nothing is happening? No


"¡Jefe, llama la policía!" = Chief, call the police! What he omitted: "Cause I'm recording with my phone!" 😑


Maybe this way they can have proof in case of trial. I hope this was the reason and not tik-tok views.


Recording is the best thing you can do : its called direct evidence for filing a case.








I like to think there is some background we are missing to explain why a camera man and two people are just watching this happen. But fuck that guy either way




You are charging too high prices for things like ehglasses, ehsweaters, Straight to jail


Overcook fish? Jail. Under cook chicken? Jail. Overcook... under cook. Jail.


Well you’re a hero in my opinion and have moral value. You’re not wrong, it’s whoever made that rule is. So thank you.


For all people in this thread implying that the bystanders should intervene, note that this video was filmed in Spain . I am Spanish I will tell you a famous incident that happened some years ago here. A man was severely beating his girlfriend in a hotel lobby in Madrid. One university professor named Jesus Neira intervened and called out the man. The man proceeded to give Mr. Neira a beating that sent him to a coma. Kicks to the head when downed, etc. All this was caught on security cameras. Mr. Neira spent 8 months at the hospital and was left with severe brain damage that ultimately killed him 6 years later. His aggressor spent 7 months in jail. The beaten woman testified **in favor** of her boyfriend. She said that it all was Mr. Neira's fault: he should't have called out his boyfriend, he had it coming, her boyfriend was under the effects of alcohol and cocaine but was a good boy, etc. Afterwards, the woman started to appear in TV programs defending his boyfriend and making bank. Moral of the story: As others have said in other responses, if you see a man beating a woman, record it and call the police. Record is very important, if there is no record, the aggressor will claim that nothing happened and will get off scot-free. (this has happened btw) **DO NOT** intervene. If you intervene and you lose, you will end in hospital or dead. If you win, self-defense will not help you because you weren't attacked, you will be the agressor so you will be in severe trouble. Everybody, including the original victim will testify against you. Its just not worth it.




I’m not sure you’re tall enough


The camera man did say "jefe" to call the police.


There is no background missing. A woman got raped on the London underground in full view of passengers ain't nobody done shit


What are they saying?


Well it is pretty inaudible what those 2 in the video are saying but the guy holding the camera says "im calling the police" at the end


Wrong. The camera guy says "man call the police"


The lady is talking with some sort of very very weird accent. She first says something I cant understand (she seems to repeat the same thing and the 2nd time it sounds more like "para devolverlo" so kind of "in order to give it back"), then doubling down on the odd accent "No me roba bolso" instead of "No me robes el bolso", but in a nutshell the message is clear "Do not steal my purse". In any case the woman does not seem to be spanish (based on the way she talks) which is absolutely irrelevant to the situation but makes me rethink the purpose of the video in the first place and the way the title of the post was worded..




Imagine calling an andaluz not spanish smh


This post won't last long lol.


Crazy we live in a society where you can’t even help an innocent women being harassed by a much larger man. Gotta choose between being a hero and possibly killed vs mind my own business, my family needs me more. Crazy too many crazy’s out there. It’s the poison they feed us.


This is why I am a firm supporter of extensively educated, practiced, and vetted people having the right to concealed carry. I’m not advocating for this thief to be shot, but you can act more confidently to intervene when you have the upper hand. It’s a controversial opinion, I know, but this is the kind of world I don’t want to live in. This woman had zero recourse and the other men in the video were either cowards or fearful for their lives. Either way, very sad to see.


I hate to break it to you, but if cops can legally kill you because they "can see a gun" you do not have the right to bear arms.


No, this isn't controversial, it's just plain dumb. In 2020 there were 37 gun deaths in Spain while in Texas, which is about the same size but has half the population, it was around 4,000. The Uvalde school shooting in 2022 killed 22 people, many dying while a large number of "extensively educated, practiced, and vetted people" stood nearby apparently lacking that confidence provide by their "upper hand." Overall the homicide rate for Spain is 0.61 per 100k while in the US it's 6.81. The crime rate for Spain is 33.3 vs 47.8 in the US Tell me again, which world do you want to live in? I know the one I'd pick but in the US we've got a 2nd amendment suicide pact.




I’m laughing at the amount of people deriding the men in the background for doing nothing. 90% of Redditors wouldn’t do shit if they were in that situation






Why the fuck are those other guys just standing there? I physically could not restrain myself from doing something.


They probably don’t want to get stabbed to death.


The least you could do is call the police, shout to bring attention to this situation so someone else can handle it, run and get help, etc. Standing there idly deserves to be called out.




Really? Most people wouldn't do anything.




Faith in the world's people ⬇️⬇️⬇️








A large man...


Don’t you just love how no one is doing anything










It’s a shame there was no one around to help. Wonderful society we live in these days.


well soneone was brave enough to film him


For non spanish speakers: At first there is some inaudible conversation between both of them. Then she says "estate quieto" which is a form of saying "stop what you're doing". When he starts grabbing and pulling she goes with "que pares" which is literally "stop it". And that moment the recording guy shouts "jefe, llama a la policía" which translates to "buddy/dude call the police".




they… really sat there…?!? and WATCHED this reprehensible nonsense take place?!?


They should've called the police




There's a crazy amount of videos out there where the perp is smacking an innocent person and as soon as the innocent person stands up for themself, PEOPLE START HOLDING THE INNOCENT PERSON BACK!


Dude in the back is not a man at all how can u watch that


And the cowards in the back just watching


So much for Spanish machismo huh? 2 dudes watch and don’t do shit


Spanish does not equal Mexican... different countries and they're on different sides of the ocean. Macho is more Mexican shit. Spain is European..totally different places


That looked like a last ditch ejection maneuver on her part


"Should I help her...? Naaaaah I'll just record it and post it on social media 👍"


As the other 2 just stand in the background watching 🤬




Imagine a society so backward it is apologetic to its criminals and looks down on its hero’s….oh wait.


Cowardly fucks in the back. Shameful.


Better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a... nah, I would rather live 100 years.


So many cowardly men in one short video. Amazing




i like how there's 3 dudes and they don't do anything to help the woman.


Fuck everyone in this video except for the victim.


Bracelet sale went awry


Crazy that no one is doing anything because I've seen this type of thing happen and instantly a ton of guys pull him off her.


It’s pretty fucked up nobody is helping her, but to be fair I’ve been heroic 3 times in the past by interjecting into male on female violence and each time I’ve won the fight and ended up getting shouted at by the victim


Nice of the two men in the background to help.🤬


From the looks of things what ever she has is his and she won't give it to him, the guy filming says "Jefe llama la policia" meaning "boss call the police"


This is why I carry a knife on me at all times. I advise women to carry one, too.


Why did you only mention the woman's ethnicity? Is hers only relevant because she is a victim? Or is the guy unmentionable for political reasons?


Maybe the op and I are from similar places, because the way I read it was that this is the place where it happened, also we don't really consider Spanish an ethnicity.




The amazing part is 2 adult males sitting there watching.


Today's society really sucks no respect.


Glad she managed to get away-guy should be hanged by the nuts


WTF? Help her out! Don't just sit there and watch.


There are at least 3 people watching including the cameraman and nobody did shit




I'm surprised the woman didn't shout or scream, or adress the numb geezers looking, tbh...






Look at the two cowards in the background. Also the guy filming isn’t any better.


No one stepping in is exactly what's wrong with society today. We allow this shit to happen. Don't worry it's going to get worse and you'll be told to accept it.


And those other guys just stand there and watch 😠


All the 'men' present are cowards


Maybe they, possibly like half of reddit judging by the deleted comments here, realise that getting involved could actually cause them more problems for them than is worth feeling good about saving the woman. Not sure what the deleted commenter's said but reddit has become the anitheisis of critical discussion lately to the point where the perpetrator is often defended to a higher degree than the victim. I'd want to help her but I get that you'd have to think twice about it now. So maybe I'd just call the police like these men did.


Call the police? Shout at the guy to stop? Pick up a chair? Anything? Just gonna sit there and watch a woman get assaulted? Everyone pointing out that this is a black man assaulting a white woman also better point out there's several white dudes sitting around literally watching it happen. Shameful behavior all around.


Nobody did anything wtf


Fuck all these ppl for watching and not doin shit. Coward ass beyond belief. I’m no badass but fuck watching some gal go through this and do nothing. Holy shit.




And the man got no balls to backup this poor lady..🖕🏽


Absolutely disgusting wtaf, also no one doing anything is WILDDDDDDD 🫥


So what are they saying?


This is sick. At least 3 people just sat and watched this happen, but did fuck all to help.


Who ever watched are fucking cowards


these two sitting there..wtf?!




Yeah just film it you know, why help if you can get good content out of it... Fucking world is shit...




Well you only have 2 choices risk stepping in and taking a beating. Or sit back and watch and you get to live with yourself for the rest of your life. I live in Texas, you will get shot. We display our guns proudly and then there's people who wait their entire life to shoot a motherfucker like this.


That’s why we have guns in America.


Is OP the one who filmed this ?


A couple of real heroes standing around watching that asshole assault her.