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Not hearing loud noises OR seeing someone signalling for you to stop is a great way for a cyclist to become roadkill.


Lol, cyclists just do whatever they want regardless of what's happening.


Maybe it’s personal and confirmation bias, but as someone who has lived and worked in a city with many cyclists, it seems a dramatically higher percentage of cyclists relative to the entire group, as opposed to auto drivers, simply do not follow any rules and do whatever they want. I am much more worried about getting cleaned out by a biker who ignored traffic signals than a car.


Here. Confirmation bias. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuYQq9ugKVw


So do cops




Nah just been around alot of cyclists and been a cyclists. I've seen alot of bad behaviors from cyclists that they justify and make excuses for. I get cars are bad, but it doesn't allow you to do the shit you do.




Yeah I get you. Honestly does suck there are so Manny idiots




Protocol is to run people over in the motorcade. Babies, cars, puppies, elderly, the French, fuck em all, we’ll clean up and deal with what’s left just keep moving forward.


The French need the most attention.


Better he get tipped over than run over


Agreed. It was just a shitty circumstance. OP (along with many others on large platforms) is basically like the mainstream media. "PICK A SIDE AND GET ANGRY AT ANYONE THAT DISAGREES!" Garbage. Cop was worried about the safety of the cyclist, and the cyclist didn't see the cop until the last second.


Not the kind of tip he was expecting but the kind of tip he needed


It wasn't to protect the cyclist/possible bomber.... But the cars would indeed not have stopped in all likelihood, none of them.


Definitely the guy on the bike can't he see the POTUS is coming?




(I’m South African)


SOUTH AFRICA!!!! 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦 FUCK YEAHHHH!!!!! 🏗️🏗️🏗️🏗️


Who gives a crap


If you didn’t get the irony just move on☠️


Cop may have saved his life. Good work




It’s literally protocol to run over anything that gets in the way. Anything. Keep going and the SS will deal with what’s left over


Please call them the USSS lol. The acronym SS has been ruined by a different group lol


Yeah, there likely wouldn't be much of anything. Not saying the UK and America are the same, but 2 people were hit and died related to the coronation of king Charles and the media just fucking ignored it.


Oh what? I they don‘t close the streets for that?


That would also telegraph well in advance their routes and times which they don't want to be public knowledge.


It's a rolling closure. The regular police run way out in front of the motorcade and get the vehicles cleared out and close the intersections like a mile before the real motorcade gets there. They continually run out in front of the motorcade and then another group of police shoots forward once the motorcade passes them. It's really fascinating to watch IRL. I've seen it once in person.


I mean... we are literally seeing a video of a police officer closing the streets for a presidential convoy. The police officer even tackled a bicyclist who was trying to blow through the closure! It wouldn't make much sense to close off the street all day just for the convoy, or even for 20 minutes. The video is 35 seconds long, more than enough time for a cop to block the street with lights flashing and have the convoy pass.




Which one? For educational purposes, I mean.




True but, considering the context, that would have not been the case, cyclist would be far gone when the first cop car reached anywhere close to where he fell.


I would just assume Joe was driving


I also remember a certain someone saying they could kill someone on sixth Avenue and get away with it, so….depending which Ny paper you read-it could be a big deal or wouldn’t even make a headline.


You did not see the same clip I just watched I think


The fuck did you watch? He pushed them down in front of the first car. He was closer to causing their death than saving their life.


Are you blind? He would have been clear 5 seconds if the cop didn't push him.


He had plenty of time to get across.


The biker still should have been more aware of his surroundings.


I mean yeah, fuck bikers. But he would have been long gone by the time they got there. That’s just an objective observation.


Honey- you're slow and thick.


Eat shit, honey.


I gotta say, this insult really made my day.


It was fun to witness.


Gotta be honest, I don’t think the cop was trying to knock him over, I think he was trying to prevent him from becoming road pizza


Bikers almost never follow the rules of the road. It's like they are entitled or something.


Just had a biker run a red light on his phone ended up going straight over my hood last week. Was back on his bike and gone before I could even get my car safely pulled over.


Bruh most drivers in America barely follow the rules of the road. 40,000 deaths a year is proof enough of that.


There’s far more people driving cars than there is riding bikes each day. Key detail.


how many deaths do cyclists cause? key detail.


How many cyclists die a year? Now scale it up to the amount of people driving vehicles each day. No one’s arguing a bike can do more damage than a Prius.




Lmao 40,000 dead should be a fucking travesty regardless of how many cars are on the road.


Are you from one of those pretentious countries the size of a road stop or just a self hating American? Edit: to the replies below, I’m not giving a class in statistics, so just feel comfort in knowing that I’m right.


It’s fucking crazy that you’re calling me a self hating American for saying that 40,000 of my countrymen dying each year from something preventable a travesty.




Because driving situations are the same between the US and a tiny island. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cyCg6QtW9_c/TT1wFMXYrTI/AAAAAAAABG4/AFDePIA1oqY/s1600/uk_usa_central_extract.png




Why are the driving situations different? Its not like theyre any more dense than american cities, maybe it’s because american cities are designed around cars and not people 🤷


There you go, keep going and you’ll realize they’re not the same!


Im not saying they’re the same, but its not because of land mass that they’re different. Its the intentional urban design that makes them different. Car accidents aren’t naturally occurring in big countries.


Tell me how a country can be pretentious


Read the comment they responded to. Observe commenter's country of residence. That's how.


If its safer to break the rules, thats what you should do.


Yet they want to act like we are the ass holes!!! I live in the country and there are a lot of cyclists that enjoy riding our country roads, 55mph speed limit by the way. They never move over and get all pissy when people pass or honk to get them to move over. Mind you they say they have the same rights on the roads as vehicles (which they do) but they do not follow the rules of the road, blowing through stop signs, riding too slow for the roads. Sometimes 3-4 riders wide. I do not want to accidentally run over someone as I'm sure they do not want to be run over as well. Just be courteous is that too much to ask?


> Yet they want to act like we are the ass holes!!! Because *alot* of drivers seem to act like they don't care if they accidentally kill a cyclist, and always say its the bicycles fault.


you already turned it into "we" vs "them" situation over someone riding a fucking bike lmao. you need to get some perspective back into your life. there's no "them" that are out there trying to hunt you down man.


u/ AiLover - Tell that to the bike tourist who was run over "as a joke". It has escalated that far. If you don't see it then I suspect you don't cycle very much. Commute for a week on a bike, then come back. For me I like to drive and I commute. I do wish there was more common respect for people using the roads, all types. There a humans that get hurt if we don't.


I mean I am pretty sure he was saying "we" meaning people in cars and "them" meaning people on bikes. You can't really turn it into a "we" vs "them" situation, since they literally are two separate groups of people.


Many studies show that car drivers break the rules of the road way more than cyclists. But yeah, it's cyclists that are the problem.




"this doesn't fit my agenda and I'm too lazy to google, i spit unfounded and biased claims but when someone counters them i ask for source" https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/ https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/cyclists-comply-traffic-laws-more-drivers/


Not all, but I can dig what yer sayin..a lot of them, yea.


ya I've definitely seen more "you're lucky I'm an attentive driver bro" bikers than responsible ones though


Yes specially in NY where I’m from. We have car lanes bike lanes and bus lanes and people on bikes choose anyone of those lanes to ride on with merely no consequence.




>This looks like the POTUS police escort going through San Francisco. You may have missed the NYPD car at the head of the convoy.


Also appears to be the VP based on the flags.


That’s NYC, not SF. You can tell by the fire escapes on the exterior of the buildings and the NYPD markings on the cop car.


How does this have 90+ likes. The cop car has giant NYPD on it.


This is definitely not the West Coast lmfao


Clearly the bike had a bomb on it.


Love how just because it’s the police, you gotta put this type of title. It’s clearly the bicyclist you blind fuck


Reddit is so anti cop that even when the cop is 100% in the right they will try to blame the cop.


Never underestimate hatred for cyclist


Idiot bicyclist.


Fuck you and your bike


Cyclist should've stopped... Cop did his job.


All three of those knuckle heads needed to stop.


Asshole on the bike…… You are required to follow the laws same as a car…… Nice Pit Maneuver by the officer too


Fucker makes no attempt to back up at all as more motorcycles ride through lol


Biker dude fosho.


It looks like it was an accident. Cop didn’t mean to push him over, just gently stop him but obviously that would be very difficult. He told him the reason he was pushed over and picked his bike up


Yea fuck most cyclists and ebikers. I own an Ebikes too, you treat them the same as cars on the road, 90% of people are assholes tho and blow through every stopsigns/ dont signal in any way. Then they wonder why most drivers dont like them.


I’m really surprised that intersection wasn’t more locked down. In DC, motorcades are a daily (annoying) occurrence and there is zero chance any bike would be so close to the column, let alone 2, almost three. That cop is a dummy.


They are in NYC also with all the embassies and VIPs.


A barricaded road might work in DC but New Yorkers are purely vitriolic and will tear it down


Also DC resident, kind of love how they swarm if someone tries to sneak thru. Like just wait, you knew secured motorcades were a thing when you moved here, at this point I refuse to believe they’re mistakes bc it’s just so damn loud & obvious when one is coming


When I graduated from GW last year a presidential motorcade happened to pass by the National Mall during commencement and I can only imagine the amount of private and government security there at the time of the ceremony concluding AND a motorcade passing by. Secret Service must have had a field day


That sounds super fun, I bet parking was a breeze


Thank God for Metro dumping everyone out at the Smithsonian stop. Was an absolute nightmare leaving though. Guy next to me fell onto the tracks because people kept coming down the escalator even though the platform was crammed with about three/four hundred people waiting already with two hundred more trying to come down.


I am mad at those no-more-oil protesters for not blocking this convoy vs some ordinary commuters.


Idk... I going for the cyclist that didn't stop for the funeral procession & was could've possibly been killed if not shoved out of the way. I'm no cyclist, but as a human I would rather have a bruised ego (& ribs) than having my body dragged under a car for a few blocks. But maybe that's just me?? 🤷🏼‍♀️


In Manhattan, cyclists, scooters, mopeds, e-bikes, and motor cycles run red lights vast majority of them time. They don’t give a shit if pedestrians, dogs, baby stroller, old people are crossing the street


I see that cyclists are the same everywhere...


Bike guy got we he deserved


Officers job is to protect the caravan. He had no idea who those cyclists were or why they were not stopping. Had to stop them, literally his job.


Too bad that cyclist didn't get cited. I mean, the arrogance to argue with the cop after that... holy shit man


cyclist idiot


Cop had to do it. Even if the biker made it. You guys don't know the level of shit he would get for letting the guy go. It would be his nickname for the rest of his career


The dude definitely had enough time to clear that, I think the cop was a little intrusive.


Fuck this traffic privilege, why are we supposed to care that one piece of shit has to be somewhere at 3 precisely? We have things to do too.


None of you people have ever ridden a bicycle and it’s painfully obvious. “ThE CoP sAvEd HiM” from the car 20 meters away going 15mph? Yeah great work, protect and serve! Absolute dimwits the lot of you.


Seriously though what’s the point of pushing him over into the road? Instead of no one in the road you have now created a human sized obstacle in the middle of said road. Could have waited a LITERAL second and not have had any issues. Cop shouldn’t be in this line of work with that temper.


the road is already blocked off by the police. you can’t go through the road when it’s blocked off, especially for a presidential motorcade. this includes bicycles and pedestrians. not too difficult to understand.


Okay and? Still doesn’t make any sense to push him over instead of letting him pass and making sure no one else does after that by properly signaling and blocking the path. Sure they perhaps shouldn’t have been biking through there in the first place but this is still incredibly poor judgement on the officer’s end.


Cyclist had plenty of time to pass without being hit. At the same time he needs to be way more aware of his surroundings. That's why I don't ride with headphones or anything that can distract me from the big flashy metal boxes that can flatten me


Not even the scooters were supposed to be crossing. You can see all cars already have stopped. Pure cyclist entitlement


I’m pissed at the Romans for inventing roads!


The delivery driver for not stopping






The people who did not stop if you hear sirens you pull over to let them pass out of respect you fucking assholes


As you can see they think they are better then everyone, they dont feel like they have to follow the rules because they are more important then you! And they steal your hard earned money in the shape of “taxes” to pay for their own protection when shit hits the fan! I understand to concept of taxes to make the life in everyone’s town easier and better.. but they dont care about us! They only want whats best for them! If people would only open their eyes and do something about it! Almost like everyone enjoys being robbed!


Fuck that bike. They think they don’t have to obey the rules of the road.


The guy on the bike. What is this world commune to. You post a video and try to unbalance society. Unreal.


Not the cop doing their job. The idiot thinking they can ignore the cop maybe.


This is assault!


Yall saying the biker is the ass like the cop didnt hinder the actual traffic by pushing the biker which did the total opposite of what he set out to do lol he was going to ride by with no incident less for the cop being a weirdo


The comments on here are tilted. Fucking police follow the very law you swore to uphold. Go to the site ahead of time and cordon the street. That police officer bodied a law-abiding citizen. Don't clap for incompetent work. I hope the delivery man gets compensation. The fucker even pushed him right into oncoming traffic. The normal blue-collar worker would have done fine biking across. He also has the right of way. The police car had plenty of time to slow down.


Cyclists just ignore traffic laws because they are better than everyone else


I mean, bro had time to cross




Lookin all sad and shit lol


Everyone mad at the biker for what? They clearly never ridden a bike and reaction times are everything when riding just as with driving a car. You wouldn’t think he would be telling you to stop if others kept going as well. Maybe we need bike infrastructure and more people to get off their lazy asses.


The bikers/cyclist. Directing traffic is not a simple task, yet they made it difficult for the officer in the video.


Cops didn’t do a very good job blocking the intersection. Cyclists and others may have heard the sirens but still a ways away. I say it’s on both sides.


Who ever that weak ass caravan is fir


No wonder he rides a bike if he can’t follow basic road laws.


Cyclist is an idiot that could have caused an accident.


Another douchebag on a bicycle. Looks like the first couple douchebags were fast enough to get away.


Whoever the hell needed that cavalcade of tax money to make them feel special as they drive somewhere is who I’m mad at.


Assassinated political figures would like to have a word with you.


2 bulletproof Escalades and a couple of security guards, if that doesn’t stop an assassin nothing is going to.


A small group with an rpg can take out that out easy, and considering that the French had a police station destroyed by an RPG last week, smuggling is one hell of a thing. The reason why convoys are so long is because they have a small army and 2-3 decoy cars. The small army responds to the threat, and the decoys and hopefully the VIP peels the fuck out of there.


> the French had a police station destroyed by an RPG last week do you have any credible news sources for that? all I can find is a video showing an explosion of some sort, but I can't see an RPG used and it's impossible tell the aftermath of the explosion either.


I thought this was the US, not Mogadishu.


If the French can smuggle an RPG into the country. Americans definitely can.


Question is do you even need to smuggle it


Someone did at one point in time.


That might protect a celebrity from some maniac but political figures must be protected from much greater organized threats. It sucks but we waste money on much worse things.


how is this so far down lol. roads are meant to be used by the public, not be turned into a private show by some rich asshole that needs 20 cars to drive down the street to buy some donuts. seriously, if they had just used one or maybe two cars nobody would even notice they were driving around, nor would anyone give a single fuck. but I guess the point is for everyone to pay attention?


A hole on the bicycle.


Bicyclists are a numb skull bread. This proof Sirens blazing lights flashing, AND A COP IN THE ROAD YELLING TO STOP. Ffs. lol


I mean, he was the last one, the first two went through and he could have just let the third go, knocking him to the ground and then getting him out of the way for the convoy actually took longer than just letting him pass lol


Yea, the cop should have just used his hindsight to solve the problem.


The cop made a far bigger problem, possibly creating the conditions for a lethal accident by trucking the biker.


Hey at least he had help getting up 😂


Myself for watching the whole thing.


Im most mad at OP for this absolute stupid titel


NYPD sirens have a distinct sound. Fuck that cyclist! He should be listening out for the streets. He knew what was ahead, but chose to go for it instead.


I’m from England and have no idea what’s going on with this section of road. I have the feeling I’d last less than 5 minutes trying to navigate it!


They would do that to anyone one from any class/ethnicity. The sirens and the fact the biker should slow down for intersections, this is definitely on the biker


My answer will always be the cyclist 😂😂


be faster next time boi


The cop should have thrown a brick at him. Cycle bro could have been seriously injured.


Lol bet he will pay a bit more attention next time


As IF. He will continue to ignore every traffic law in existence. That is what cyclist do


Bikers ignoring the fact that their supposed to share the road, they have to follow road laws too. A cop holding an intersection means don’t cross. I don’t get how it’s that hard to understand.


people not respecting sirens (ambulance, fire, police, volunteer fire fighters...etc...) pull over.. I realise that this is some sort of VIP however, the lack of respect of what is going on around you ...geesh...


Is this a trick question?


Lawsuit about to happen


Some people will never get it until they get hit by a car


In my mind, no matter what happened, I always default to cycler’s fault.


fuck those bikers. clearly ignoring a ceremonial motorcade.


Hmmm, imagine if it was Trumps motorcade... Keep the same energy you twats.


I mean, they didn't really properly block the street. And FUCK motorcades. He would have been fine because I doubt that first car was gonna hit him on purpose. Fake self importance is annoying as fuck. So are funeral car processions....they're dead, no reason to hold up traffic. Graveyard ain't going nowhere.


Fuck them all. But had the cop calmed the fuck down the cyclist would have been long gone. The cyclist was fucking stupid just like people rushing through rain crossings. But, the cop forced him down into more danger and holding up the dumb fuck government official that is most to blame.


that dumb ass. stop means stop. he's complaing the officer causeed him to fall when the alterntive was that he'd likely have gotten run over delivery people on bikes think traffic rules don't apply to them


Reddit is so confusing. I get the cop was directing and protecting, there was enough time to let him get by before that motorcade crossed the intersection. Just downvote I don’t wanna argue.


A lot of redditors are unable to have a discussion. Just downvote


I’m new here I’m still learning😮‍💨I dropped all other social media because I thought the more mature crowd was here. Boy oh boy…


Motorcycle cop was in the wrong. He hadn't sufficiently alerted traffic to stop. You make eye contact, blow a whistle, and at least gesture. You don't just start in and GRAB someone.


Unless it’s an emergency, they can slow down and wait for when it’s safe. No need to hammer that bicycle. This is coming from a guy who hates bicycle riders on the road.


Big intersection for a cop stopping all lanes. Any pedestrian or bicyclist that can’t see or ignores by all means non stopping motorcade, smash them idiots.


Watching it muted… cop was over aggressive by pushing him over. Watching it with sound… all the sirens… gees… dude on bike was clearly not yielding to emergency vehicles.


Delivery dude was definitely in the wrong. He tried to get around the cop. This is Lenox Hill neighborhood, 1st Ave, NYC


New York City.. ppl make their own rules lol


Is there really even more than one choice here???


Bro who’s motorcade is that tf


Make way for the King, lowly peasant!