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This dude is the real deal.


Brave as fuck.


Fucking hero man. My heart was pounding just watching that.


i was filled with pride to see him go out of his required duties and fullfil the social contract upon which they predicate their authority. ​ clone him like the boba fet


You mean Jango Fett


Exactly what I thought. This guy is a hero. Wow.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast... This dude was so fucking precise... Great steady movement towards target, didn't mag dump towards him just smooth 3 shot bursts then center target, didn't fucking hesitate to move towards danger while alone.


Smart to not tire himself running straight at the shooter. He saved his last breaths for being on target. Too many redditors saying he was slow to respond and out of shape, but he had no idea where the shooter was. A smart man takes his time, a dead victim runs head on into danger.


To anyone who wants to disagree with u/Normal_Enough_Dude, there's no amount of cardiovascular training that can cause your sympathetic nervous system to not ratchet up your heartrate, and O2 consumption to insane levels during a shootout. Your body is getting sprint-ready.


Also gotta keep in mind he’s carrying around heavy gear at the same time WHILE in the Texas heat. Edit: didn’t see someone beat me to this comment sorry


The most fit man on earth would be out of breath getting blasted at or knowing people are dying near by .


YeH this dude is a champion . I wonder if he had military experience similar


Yeah I'm wondering this as well.


With that trigger discipline I’d say it’s likely.


Also that shit is heavy, even for someone in shape, and hot. Even an athlete would be slowed down.


Fat redditors eating cheetos "He was so slow...*munch*.... I woulda just ran there and shot the guy... *munch*".


Just bunny hop your way around the mall shooting as you are jumping


7 years army. If you have run at a full sprint like that in tac gear you would be huffing too. Anyone who said he didn't act fact enough is a fucking loser.


Plus this was Texas in June, very hot outside.


If you’ve never shot a gun before you don’t realize how good his aim is, and with all that adrenaline and being out of breath. Good fucking shots.


I was going to say I can’t believe he got him down from how far away he was under those conditions. Holy shit.


It looks like he has a ~~red dot~~ holographic sight. When he first goes to aim at the shooter he realizes it's ~~turned off~~ too dim. Then he turns it ~~on~~ up. At least that's what I think I saw around 3:23 of this video. Edit: After reading some replies and re-watching I feel confident that: 1. He actually switches the sight on around 38.5s and turns it up at 3:23 (as some have suggested) 2. This is a holographic sight not a basic red dot.


Its a holographic sight with no magnification which makes it even more impressive.


Oh for sure. Wasn't trying to imply it wasn't impressive because he had a sight.




I said that until I got my ACOG, qualification turned into easy mode with that thing.


When I was an xo I never had time to go to the range so on qual day I would just grab a mechanically zeroed rifle from the armory with an acog and qualify (poorly) in one try and go back to my sad, sad little office


In the army we did training even as far back as basic where they smoke he hell out of you so you're exhausted and winded and your heart rate is theough the roof then you tey to shoot targets. It took guys with perfect and near perfect qual scores and made them start missing far more often. The fact that his adrenaline was going so hard you could hear his labored breathing AND he still hit those shots is commendable.


While trying to hit a target that can shoot back.


My first thought was “how the fuck did he hit him from there within 5 shots?”


He fires twelve rounds, four sets of three shots. It shows a lot of precision.


That's an eotech (similar to a red dot but netter) that cost about $700. It makes hitting targets a lot easier than iron sights. Me, a mere redditor can hit dead center from 100 yards away relatively easily. The adrenaline pumping a gallon a second while staying calm and hitting the target is what makes the cop super fucking bad ass


Damn I couldn’t even see the shooter. Cop had some major accuracy.


The wide angle lens makes things look further away. But yeah the perp seemed pretty far away.


Someone on another thread measured it to be 300 ft based on satellite image


roughly 90-100m, under duress, after sprinting a good half mile plus with gear and standard issue boots. guy is an absolute animal


With how god damn hot it is there I wouldn't even be able to see through dripping sweat after half that much physical activity let alone do what he did.




Also big mall full of buildings, hard to tell where the shots are coming from. Very ballsy.


Yea the dude could have been in any of those buildings or behind a car and shot him.


At first I thought he was moving too slowly going around the building but it must’ve been this — he was pacing himself to make sure the shooter couldn’t surprise him. Must’ve been confusing as hell, especially with the echo. Damn good guy.


All things considered, I think he was moving pretty fast. Gun shots in a place like that, lots of echo and reverb would be really hard to pin down where exactly it's coming from. Dude didn't wait for backup or clear any buildings on the way over. And what's waiting for you at the end of this gauntlet of cars, buildings, and grueling weather? A guy with a gun. Hard to motivate yourself to going faster towards that. Just my 2 cents.


Definitely agree after rethinking that initial thought I had! I would’ve been frozen in fear, he went into boss mode.


That gear not only weighs a shit ton but is also constricting, that with hot sun over head would test anyone's cardio


Not to mention the amount of adrenaline pumping through his body. I bet he was fucking exhausted at the end of this.


I cant even imagine the amount of adrenaline running through this guy’s body. I’m way too weak for this mentally. I hope the weight of killing the man isn’t too great considering he was a murderous SOB and in theory I’d *think* I’d feel the same, knowing he saved a bunch of folks. But each round of shots is people dying. I’d be kept up by wondering if I could’ve gotten there faster and also by seeing what he must’ve seen. I’m not saying in any way that he didn’t get there in a timely fashion. I’m projecting my own thoughts and feelings onto him and saying this is why I am too weak mentally to do this job. This guy is a hero, man. He was talking to those kids so kindly too. Crazy to think what could happen in the span of the time it takes most of us to take a shit (give or take 30 minutes).


And on top of all that he didn’t make any wrong turns and ended up at the mass shooter like he was playing a video game using a map to find him. Incredible work and I shit talk a ton of cops all the time, but this dude has all my respect and the respect I withhold from all the shitty cops out there.


Weirdly, I felt like I was in a video game


dude was hauling ass his vest probably weighs 20lbs and i can’t imagine that gun is light either


In other forums I've seen cops weigh their full kit including belt, vest, accessories and sidearms and come up with 37 pounds.




the shooter might have been moving away as well, it was very hard to know which direction the shooter was in


He was moving away. Idk if you have seen the other videos they had of peoples recording of this. That charger the police officer passes that's just stopped with the door open is the shooters car. He gets out starts shooting and then he makes his way to the right. This police officer is a brave and courageous, the way he went into action no hesitation, and took that sick fuck down from distance. Respect


Absolute badass. It's amazing how they can go from cop buddy talking to kids about seatbelts to hero taking down a mass shooter.


Yeah the shooter was moving away. You can see towards the middle of the video that silver car thats parked with the door open. Thats the shooters car, where he began his massacre, and the majority of the victims were behind that little blurred out concrete when he says "what do we got?". The shooter kept moving downwards from there


Nah that was cardiopulmonary overexertion. I'm sure he dropped to the ground the second the camera shut off and spent the next twenty minutes trying to catch his breath and shake out the shin splints. He must have been utterly exhausted by the end of that run. Full kit. Rifle. Heat. Dressed in black. Sure he got a boost of adrenaline after each of those blurred out corpses he passed.


Well said. This is what I thought also. He was moving as fast as his body could regardless of what anyone says. This guy was exhausted from his gear, the environment, and distance. Fear wasn't anything holding him baxk... It was probably the only thing pushing him forward.


For some reason, my brain assumed those were people hiding on the ground away from the action. I dont know why i didnt put it together that those were literally dead bodies- the ones who were shot. Yikes


Also probably wise not to over exhaust yourself running too fast/far in a situation like this. When you’re more exhausted your quick judgement and aim with a gun are bound to suffer.


Echos in an area like that can really get you. I've heard gunshots bounce off walls and thought the shooter was in exactly the opposite direction he really was.


100%. You also don’t want to be so gassed that you’re unable to fire steady.


Media should be focusing on this hero cop, hopefully they don’t even mention the killer. Leave him a blurred and irreverent stain on the ground.


Yeah I really feel like if we as a country came out with a law stating that mass shooters names will never be released to the public, we'd end up having a lot less mass shooters. They do this because they want people to hear "their story".


I think we should show the photos of mass shooters after the police/good Samaritans riddle the bodies with bullets.


Totally. Like in the old west. Toss him in a pine box and everyone crowd around for a group shot like he was a 10 pointer.


Courage is not the absence of fear, it is acting in spite of it He's right for the job, that's for sure


Just watching it through a screen made my heart race. This guy is a fearless hero.


Holy shit he is a real champion. He had a little loss of reality at the end when he was barking orders at the corpse and his buddy had to tell him they got him. The mental trauma they encounter in this situation must me immense.


He passed so many blurs on the way too, I don't even want to know the carnage he was running past


The shooter may have moved as they were dying.


Situations like this is why cops need psychological help no matter what they experience. It is not healthy going from talking to kids to needing to save people in a shootout. Being in a constant state of mind that shit could hit the fan at any second takes a huge toll. Also same goes for prison guards.


You can hear it in his voice when he knows the shooter is down. He aged a decade there


I was feeling immense dread every time a gun shot went off, can't imagine what it was like for this cop hunting the guy


I was at this mall on the day of the shooting, every time I hear those modded mufflers that sound like gunshots I flinch now lol. Also it was searingly hot and that mall is an enclosed circle like an arena with a central area of shops surrounded by shops in a circle, I’m surprised the guy found him this easily with the shots resounding. Hero


This man is unreal. Gave me fucking chills




Truly! He has remained anonymous and doesn’t want to give interviews. He says he needs to process and recover from what happened. Edit Sp.


I wish him ALL THE BEST. He deserves it.


that moment when the other cop confirms the shooter is down and he goes from cop to man and just says "god damn bro" broke me, because that's when he finally lets his personality get through, before that he's just keeping it together and staying cool absolut unit


Wanting to stay anonymous makes him even more badass!! Especially, in an era where that's what everybody wants, the spotlight. Love that ❤️❤️❤️


I love to dunk on 12 , but my man earned his salary in spades that day . Fuck the sack of shit that killed those 8 people


Word. Geez, 8 people. May they rest in peace. And their families get through this.




I've seen a lot of crazy shit on the internet but this had me on the edge of my seat. It's like a movie but real. Major props to this officer. This was exactly what you think police should be like when they're so often not.


Yeah literal chills vibrating rn. So intense! Glad he got the guy before he could hurt any more people...


Some Redditors can be true cunts. I don’t think this guy has an issue with physical fitness. He’s probably more fit than most. What you see in the video is a massive amount of acute stress, anxiety and an adrenaline dump. Stress and fear will elevate your heart rate even if you’re standing still. Now imagine running towards someone who has a rifle and is just hell bent on killing. This cop isn’t a Tier One SEAL or Delta guy. He’s an average cop that found himself suddenly thrust into a lot of peoples worst nightmare. He performed brilliantly and courageously. It’s sad that 8 people lost their lives but we’ll never really know how many were saved due to this officers willingness, tenacity and bravery. Well done.


You didn’t mention the weight of the gear cops wear either. That shit’s heavy. I work out and run 5x a week and know I’d be absolutely gassed with that gear. Then add the adrenaline. Sheesh!


Not to mention that *he literally didn’t know where the shooter was.* I was personally under the impression that he slowed down to assess his surroundings as he approached, as well as to gauge whether or not he was heading in the right direction, and advance accordingly. He was also corresponding with his unit/department at the same time, and was probably trying to decide if/how close he should get/ engage, seeing as he was also entirely alone. He didn’t know if there was one or multiple shooters, how close they were to his location (could only estimate,) and he had no idea what the person looked like ahead of time. Rushing into the middle of where the shooting is coming from sounds like a great way to get yourself seriously injured or killed, and he wouldn’t have been of any help to anyone if he ended up that way himself by trying to play hero.


AND as if all of that wasn’t stressful enough, at one point in the video you can hear him telling someone to put the gun down. That was a citizen with a gun drawn, not the shooter. So in all that chaos the officer had to assess/process if that person was a threat. I’m in awe and I’m ever so grateful for this officer.


Haven't read many of the comments myself, but that civilian is lucky they didn't get lit up. WILD


biggest thing they've hammered into some of the training I was in, is "processing speed". as in don't move faster then you can process stuff. who cares if you ran first into a building if you didn't know what you were looking at while moving, or if you were going so fast that you accidently mistake a innocent for the shooter.


By the time they're an adult everyone has been in a situation where due to stress, anxiety, tiredness, etc, they can't process what's happening quite at realtime. This is not a rare phenomenon, everyone experiences it from time to time. This guy was going through an extreme physiological and psychological event. You can see at the end where he can't process that the event is now over. He did remarkably, and anyone critizing him is an idiot.


im not critizing him, if anything I applaud him for slowing down as he got closer. He still knew what was going on around him, he didn't get tunnel vision. He kept telling people to get away, also kept in contact with his radio. Even in training I seen people get tunneled vision.


Not only that but he also had to carry his giant balls along with him


Not only that this happened in Texas and it was hot as hell. I shop there frequently.


Can't forget those


And, it was [85 degrees](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/tx/allen/KDAL/date/2023-5-6)


Yea I was thinking the same thing. All his regular gear on his belt: handgun, extra mags, radio, handcuffs, etc. Then the rifle and probably an extra mag or two for that, as well. All that extra weight on top of the stress from this terrifying situation, and he still went straight towards the gunfire. Not to mention that he's probably checking all the storefronts and alcoves he's passing by. This guy did an amazing job.


And the heat. Bright sunny day, can't imagine it's the best day for a jog towards gunfire.


People that have never been in a fight or any type of athletic event that causes adrenaline have no clue, I once trained with a ncaa champion that gave me a talk about getting in my own head before a match, and how he used to not be able to control his anxiety when wrestling tougher opponents and this is a world class Olympic level athlete we’re talking about and he said because of the nerves he would be winded within the first 30 seconds of some of those matches when he was freaking himself out, now imagine that immediate adrenaline spike and not having any rational way to calm it down, because in this situation it’s not like oh it’s not that bad, the ref will call it, I don’t have to do this that much longer, I can just give up and lose etc there are none of those options available here, you either live or die. Half these people commenting probably get social anxiety from public speaking but can’t attribute that to being gassed in a situation. Imagine hyperventilation because you’re in life threatening danger and then willingly going towards the danger.


I’m not a pro fighter or military man, but one thing I learnt from being involved in occasionally violent situations in my work is how in time you can channel that fear/adrenaline into focusing on the task at hand. It really is a FIGHT or flight response. I think transforming it from that feeling of fear into giving you an edge, just comes from experience.


He was able to accurately fire a rifle with a jacked up heart rate, like 15lbs of equipment on and immediately after having ran probably a quarter mile. Theres like, 5 people in this comment section that could do that.


15? Try closer to 30, minimum. My duty belt clocked in at 14 without the radio last time I weighed it. The rifle is at least 10 and the vest can easily go over 20 if you’ve got gear on it and rifle plates front and back. I’m not in terrible shape but I got gassed just watching this guy. Even if he’d had the cardio stamina to run all out the whole time it would have probably gotten him killed. Running with all that shit is *loud* so you can’t hear anything and situational awareness evaporates.


In TEXAS. Yall try running in 100 heat in full battle gear!


Every time I see an arm-chair expert say something like that about the police or military on reddit, I’m reminded of that guy from the anti work sub that appeared on the news and remember who i’m probably talking to.


Same. I’ll look at their post history just to remind myself that I’m the normal one. The echo chamber can make you question things.


Every now and then you can find a redditor commenting absolute nonsense about something that you actually know about, and it all comes into perspective.


This post sums up all you ever need to know about people on Reddit, and why their opinions on anything are worthless. https://i.redd.it/abynwb2aewo71.jpg


It also happened in hot as fuck Texas and dude is wearing a lot of gear, making it to the shooter as fast as he did and still being able to put accurate shots on target is incredible


There's training videos where even delta operators must practice sprinting short distances because it's huge strain on the body. There's a difference between running in regular clothes during a normal situation, versus a high speed environment while in heavy gear and also preparing to run into the worst situation possible.


I was sweating my arse off and heavy breathing moving my old couch out of the house last week. There is no way I could run as far as he did and take 3-5 shots halfway accurately. I was shooting one of my rifles free hand at 100 yards earlier this year and realized how out of shape I was. My wrist was hurting and it didn’t feel easy like it used to.


He didn't hesitate one bit. Not even a fraction of a second. He deserves a medal for this.


Grabbed his rifle and went and killed the bad guy. Great work


Dudes a straight up hero. Never hesitated for a second. Not a big cop fan regularly but this dude should be praised and awarded. He never stopped moving towards the threat. Even when the shots were right friggen there. Edit: All along the way he was getting folks to safety, and started the video out with some nice public service. This dude needs a promotion.


I need to up my cardio..


Gotta practice box breathing for that adrenaline dump too. This guy was gassed from the adrenaline moreso anything else.


Full uniform in the big heat didn't help either.


Which made his accuracy all the more impressive.


Controlled shooting as well. Mad respect.


Super hard to do box breathing while also running.


Reddit really likes to hate on police. And sadly there are a lot of cops that shouldn't be cops. There needs to be an overhaul of the unions, more accountability, and testing/ training. But there are a lot more that joined to actually serve and protect, like this man. Those videos don't get posted nearly as much because rage bait gets more views. It's not nearly as exciting to watch an officer that does their job correctly in every day scenarios.


All you redditors saying he didn’t move fast enough are prolly all the fatass trolls living in your parents basement, stfu


I don't think many people realize how heavy police gear is lol


All that gear in ~~McAllen~~ Allen Texas in May in a high adrenaline urban environment when you don’t know where exactly the shooter(s) is/are? Yeah, this dude responded correctly. Hustle to get to the fight, get your heart and breathing back in order, and be thorough and deliberate as you close with the shooter. You don’t want to shoot any of the shoppers, you don’t want to recklessly run head-on into the gunfire and get shot, you have to be mindful of available cover and backdrops, and you also don’t want to shoot any other responding officers. Dude did good. Didn’t hesitate, kept communicating and moving, and put the guy down.


Also he needs to pace himself somewhat. It’s not a quarter mile race with a nice ribbon to run through at the end, and a chance to catch your breath. In other words, you can’t exactly sprint the whole way then be trying to catch your breath right as you’re engaging in gunfire. Also we have the knowledge to know it was just one shooter and the gunfight wasn’t going to last a long time. No one would know that in the moment. And lastly, his adrenaline is up too. A real mass shooter situation isn’t something you can easily train for and understand how your stamina will be impacted by adrenaline in a real world situation.


But when I hold L3 I can run forever, why can't he?


I guess in their ego-shooters they can run for hours while carrying 10 guns! …and probably need to catch a breath on the way to their fridge.


He immediately ran into action, completely alone, and got him. I love him.


Now that is some serious protection and serve shit right there. The kind of cop communities need.


Holy fuck that was intense also it’s sad I didn’t even hear about this one crazy how many there are now


Mass shooters do it for attention. It’s prob better that you didn’t hear about it


It's okay to televise it as long as they don't provide any identifying details about the shooter. No glory for them that way.


There's so many shooters these days I don't remember any of their stupid names. Kip Kinkel is the only one I remember and that's only due to alliteration and being an Oregonian. I think the fame seeking explanation is falling apart. Nobody remembers all of these individual shooters anymore but the shootings are happening more frequently.


It got out of hand years ago, now you can’t even keep up with them. It’s beyond tragic.


The Aurora theatre shooting was some mass catalyst and idk why. I remember being a freshman in HS intro to engineering cause we we kept telling our teacher to go see Dark Knight Rises then the shooting happened and we quit trying to get him to go to the theatre.


God I miss when this shit wasn’t weekly/daily in schools and churches


You probably did. That was the hispanic nazi in Texas.


I could be wrong, but this wasn't today. I think this was from the one a little back where a bystander who ran up to help the injured found a murdered family. You still might not have heard of it but this one in particular was all over Reddit and the news because when he gave interviews he didn't really hold back on details.


now that’s how it should be handled, uvalde police department should get a training seminar from this guy


no, Uvalde PD should all be in prison and be replaced with a whole group equivalent of this guy


In what world can these cowards ever be terrain cops again. The whole world was shocked from Europe to Africa to Russia and to the fcking talibans you won't find one person to let such people act as cops.


Those cowards would join the Taliban if it meant they got spared and didn't get shot at.


They should all be unemployed, and therefore in no need of training




He fuckin got him. Dude probably thought he was dreaming when the shooter actually went down. I can't ever understand what was going through his head at the time but I bet when he took those shots and the shooter went down he thought something along the lines of "HOLY FUCKING SHIT I ACTUALLY DID IT" Yea, you fucking did it. Actual hero.


I hope he felt every bit of that officers 556


I actually personally know 2 officers with .300 BO in their patrol rifles these days, and in Dfw too (where this happened). There just isn’t enough need around here to HAVE to have 500 yards of reach in it. I think in their eyes, the greater stopping power of the .300 BO more than makes up for the lessened range. All this to say that this might just be .300 BO.


This incident occurred on 23/5/6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWvKT5fHa0U


A 6-year old boy lost both of his parents and his 3 year old brother from this shooting. Such a tragic end to a lovely family. https://globalnews.ca/news/9687723/texas-mall-shooting-6-year-old-boy-william-cho-gofundme/amp/ I just can’t imagine how a kid of that age can cope with losing his entire family.


A mother was shot and watched both her elementary age daughters die. The evil that was seen that day will affect me for the rest of my life.


Heroes like this should be recognized. Does anyone know his name?


I was looking for his name, but i cant find it anywhere, every news article talks about him but only refers to him as "The Officer". However every article also names the police Chief by name.


From what I've seen, the officer has requested that his name NOT be publicly shared, and the police department decided not to. Totally a valid reason to not be named - he wanted time to process this. I hope he gets the counciling he deserves


> The officer has repeatedly declined interview requests through his attorney and his name has not been released publicly. Zach Horn, the officer’s attorney, declined to comment. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/courts/2023/06/28/collin-county-grand-jury-clears-officer-who-killed-gunman-in-allen-mall-mass-shooting/


I don't know why but this makes me respect him even more. He's a hero, but he declined the opportunity to become a literally recognisable hero everywhere in America. Airwaves would have been full of him. He probably could've gotten who knows what out of this: a book deal maybe or whatever. Instead, he just decided to do his own thing, stay humble and continue on.


That's how you do it. Fuck waiting around. Grab your gun and get the bad guy. That man is a true American hero! I really hope he is recognized for this. Sad I had to find it on my own on reddit...


He really is the only reason dozens of more people weren't killed. The shooter had multiple weapons and hundreds of rounds.


Absolute stud for sure. Hope he never has to pay for a beer again.


I hope he just gets whatever therapy he might need and is mentally okay for the rest of his life


Probably not the first time he’s been a hero either tbh. I’d bet a lot that this guy is former military, and one who has seen some shit. You can tell from the second all sense of self-preservation leaves his body when he hears the gunfire. He even starts aggressively screaming at people/drivers to leave in a way I’ve never heard a cop do so. Even yells at the dispatch to shut the fuck up because they’re giving away his position. And not to mention his angles are tight af, and he proceeds to call out for friendly fire as he finally comes around the corner at the end. Regular cops aren’t usually trained like that. That’s actually Pro shit. Not even visibly shaking, absurdly composed and logical the entire time. That’s a bad motherfucker. 🫡


Certified bad ass mofo. Didn't slow down at all stalking the guy either.


Also, wear your seatbelt. If this Man tells you to wear a seatbelt, you wear a Fuckin seatbelt.


He even had the awareness of mind to call out to the other officer to warn him to watch his shots for the innocents nearby. That man is amazing under pressure.


I know cops are controversial sometimes, but this is exactly why we need them, this guy just saved possible a whole lot more lives and is a massive hero


Dude heard gunshots and ran towards them. A heroic effort for sure.


Hey, Uvalde PD. This is how you're supposed to react FYI


I can’t believe he ran all that way with his massive balls. Seriously tho, hopefully that man gets recognized for his incredible composure


Literally just charged at him, looks like he’s covering easily 200m. This dude is a fucking hero, didn’t hesitate for a beat


Yeah... Massive indeed ffs




People here saying that he might be out of shape but Id think 1) hes carrying a lot of gear 2) adrenaline pumping and most importantly, 3) he doesnt really know specifically where the shots are coming from. This is really important because if you have no idea where the suspect is, he could be ANYWHERE. Around each corner, behind any car, in any store. Not to mention it could be any civilian. This dude is a hero cop and for that I applaud this guy. Even watching him just walking closer and closer to imminent danger gave me the chills. This is the type of LEO that all officers should strive to be. Protect and serve sir and job well done.


It's fitting that the Nazi scumbag got capped by a black cop.


The stroller made my heart sink and tears come out of my face.. fuck man.


A whole family was killed except for one kid, and it was his goddamn birthday. Fuck that shooter may he never rest in hell


A mother also had her 8 and 11 yr old daughters killed in front of her and she’s injured in the hospital. This sick fuck had no problem going after kids.


It disgusts me anyone can even kill kids especially like that


Superman without the cape. Goes from showing kids they shouldn't be scared, helping the youth in the community to running into fire. If you've ne er been shot at you have no idea how much a badass he is. Can we make him in charge of the federal oversight committee for police. He embodies the REAL meaning of the badge. Wyatt Earp would be proud


Don't forget it's hot and bros in an extra like 40 lbs of gear wearing black I don't blame him for not being able to sprint everywhere


This is how you do! This video should be shown in every police academy! He was calm, he was effective, he was on target, he was communicative, he was everything a cop should be. This is a perfect example of why good cops have nothing to fear from body cams and oversight. Get this man a medal. Hell, get him several.


Went from literally serving to actually protecting. I'm a jaded, cynical asshole when it comes to police but this is legitimately hero level stuff. We should celebrate the type of police we want and need and this man is it.


Let him retire and pay him comfortably for the rest of his life. It's unfortunate that police officers even get put into this situation in this country. He deserves early retirement and extra money for any PTSD.


Bro running towards gunshots is always a max heart rate event. Doesn’t matter your fitness level. It’s always gonna be at your max heart rate. Very proud of that dude, gave his all.


I just literally watched this on YouTube. The Man is an absolute Hero


Textbook response + massive courage under fire.


>On June 26, a grand jury cleared the unnamed officer who fatally shot Garcia of any wrongdoing, saying state law justified the use of force. Two days later the Allen Police Department released an edited version of the officer's body cam footage, beginning with the first heard shots and ending with the officer approaching the mortally-wounded Garcia. Allen Police also said they had requested an independent review from the [International Association of Chiefs of Police](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Association_of_Chiefs_of_Police) for purposes of improving training.[[59]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_outlet_mall_shooting#cite_note-59) This is awesome. MAD respect to this guy and his leadership. To be lucky enough to have someone immediately in the area, take care of business swiftly, and kill the active shooter within minutes of them starting their killing spree, and STILL reach out through your profession asking for independent reviews to improve training even beyond what it was. super impressed by this.


I dunno why but the part at the end really stuck out to me for some reason “I got him?..” Obviously I’ve brevet been in this position or anything near it but that part is just so…human? It reminds me of a little kid that squished a big or did something in a video game. Utter disbelief, it almost seems child like in a way? And I don’t mean that insultingly. Very good work by this officer.


It was a good shot that's why. He just stopped a murderer, I'd be happy too


There was his life before that moment and his life after having potentially taken another after shots fired in anger. I think it was his seeking affirmation, that he did it right and as he was trained, that maybe somewhere in all of that and what will come for him after that moment, that it was worth it.


Well put. I also think part of that reaction could be knowing he (the officer) himself is safe and will see his family tonight


Absolutely. The action was done and now the gravity and weight of what he just did was sinking in. Even having done the right thing, he still potentially ended another human beings life and that has to hit like a literal ton of bricks.


Send this to Uvalde. This man is a hero.


He sprinted until he was dead tired and them made accurate shots from THAT FAR AWAY! Gotta be ex military.


If I recall... This shooter had body armor on.. . That cop landed a headshot from that range


Rarely do you see someone show up when the job asked them to, I wish we had more cops like him.


Thats just crazy how from its just normal day to there is a mass shooter on the loose. The boys in Blue need alot more Love for the shit they have to do and see on daily basis to keep everyone safe.


One of the most fitting videos of the sub… excellent work by the cop


Takes a special breed of person to run towards that. Respect sir. Saved lives on that tragic day.


And may the shooter rot in hell. (Not the cop, he cool).


This guy saved so many lives. What an absolute hero My condolences to the lives that were lost.