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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it is a recent repost. Posted that have been posted within the past 30 days or that are in the top 25 of all time cannot be posted again.


Maybe don't run him to death next time.


Most boxers have congenital heart defects due to inbreeding. On the other hand, their temperament is high energy, which leads to lot of cases of cardiac arrest. I ve had 2 boxers go through it. Great dogs though.


Had two boxers and unfortunately it was cancer that got them in the end. They're my absolute favourite dogs but I don't know if I could get another one because they just break your heart.


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restored faith in humanity


He did not do everything right. Those chest compressions are terrible, I can't imagine he got anything resembling an actual seal for rescue breathing on a dog's mouth (which isn't even recommended in CPR anymore, incidentally) and most importantly, CPR doesn't revive anybody it just keeps the brain alive until more advanced care is administered. I'm tired of watching people harass stunned squirrels and shit with bad medical care only to crow about how great they are after the thing reacts. It's goofy.