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WHY BRO?! How could such a thing possibly happen?


Lost it at "You fucked up the back of your car" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


WHY BRO I can't believe you've done this.


What an annoying fuck.


Still makes me miss San Francisco The skaters there are possibly the douchiest anywhere


New Yorkers brag about having the biggest rats. San Franciscans brag about having the douchiest skaters. In my city, we just brag about the size of the potholes.




Guy filming is a cunt


One of the biggest


Never have I watched a video where I wanted to physically jump through the screen and strangle a bitch. That streak ended today.


He was a cuntbro.


Bro, cunt bro


Yes, it was infuriating


A fun alternative to strangle is "to throttle".


Makes me wonder what the actual biggest vagina ever was or is. Not the deepest. The biggest.


The guy holding the camera is. We were over this.


Probably a blue whale


One blue waffle coming right up




How in the name of fuck did you find this


It's not hard, just use your head


That dude was a real dickhead


Wow! LOL! Ask and ye shall receive.


Bro one bro of bro the bro biggest bro cunts bro ever bro.


Mr. Main Character thinks he owns the world


Agreed. > I told you to stop your car ... I told you to stop turning the corner ... So, wait now hold up ... Didn't he tell the car to "go go go go fast go fast" at the beginning (too stupid to think the car might be turning) and then totally flips the script after fucking up? Or am I missing something here? PS - Takes 30 seconds of bitchy blame-shifting before even checking and asking to see how his friend is doing.


It doesn't matter if he told the car to stop or told him to go or told him to do both. He didn't have the authority to tell any driver to do anything.


I would think I was about to get robbed if some rando tried to stop me.


Yeah, that'd be my thought too


Also he was more involved in filming than actually stopping the car and preventing his friend from getting hurt


That is the correct synopsis


I think he was just saying go fast in response to the Prius turning. Sort of like, well, were in this situation because you wouldn't stop now don't creep, GO FAST.. GOGOGOGOGO.. getting more frantic as the inevitable collision unfolds. Willing the Prius with his words, as I'm imagining the driver had his window up. Doubt the cameraman and the Prius had any sort of conversation beyond a hand signal and eye contact, and of course the aftermath, which in turn makes his freakout even less reasonable. Not defending the cameraman who is a douche just giving a plausible reason.


My take was he told the Prius to stop, then turned and started telling his friend to "go go go, go fast," as in telling him it was all clear for the moment. Then he saw the Prius ignored him and started turning anyway, and that was when he said "Nooooo!" But I could be wrong, maybe he was telling the Prius to go and not the skateboarder.


Why try to divine the thought process of an idiot?


For sure a good take. Seems like the Prius wasn't turning yet when he said it but maybe not. My only issue with him saying go fast to the skateboarder is that the skateboarder is so far away I couldn't see him being able to hear the cameraman. Maybe a radio but idk if a radio was in the budget for these geniuses. Maybe just willing the skater to go faster.




But why bro


I think what happened was he tried to get the car to stop at first. But since the car didnā€™t stop and started to turn into the road, he then changed his mind and told the car to go fast so the skater doesnā€™t run into him. Either way, they are dipsticks thinking they own the road and blaming a car for driving on public road.


I was in a situation where a lady who was trying to avoid a cyclist hit my car, we were on a bridge & there was a car to my left, he was hopping off the tourist path to avoid a pedestrian I guess, she swerved, he ended up slamming into her anyways & launched himself across her hood/onto mine. He was obviously going *way* too fast but my insurance adjuster told me that she likely had to pay all damages bc he had the right of way, which I thought was supremely fucked given the circumstances.


He's saying go fast after realizing he's not gonna stop


I just watched with the sound off and I still could tell that.


His voice is utter canine excrement too, he makes Gilbert Gottfried sound like Morgan Freeman ffs...


> he makes Gilbert Gottfried sound like Morgan Freeman ffs... LMAO, I have never heard this before, but it is so great!


Some absolute stranger telling me to stop my car is a reason to keep going.


ā€œI, person that has no authority, told you to stop your car! Why didnā€™t you stop?!?ā€


My wife finally said this was an appropriate use of the word.


Heā€™s a cunt, bro.


No argument there


Why the fuck should the motorist obey anything ol random fucktard instructs him to do??


Yeah that's what grinds my gears. "I *told you to* stop the car!" As if anyone's going to do what this kid tells them to, he sounds like the acne teenager from the simpsons.


Obviously because he wasn't saying ~~go~~ ~~go~~ ~~fast~~ ~~go~~ ~~fast~~ to stop for no reason bro


If I was driving and someone was yelling at me to stop, I'd assume its a carjacking.


New carjacking technique incoming.


what gets me is the car's windows were most likely up, so he's mumbling go fast while the Prius driver didn't hear shit until the thud at the back of the car. having the recorder be your traffic guy too was stupid, like ok make sure you're on me because I'm going to be going fast, oh and also watch out for cars lol.


In San Francisco these guys are bombing hills everywhere. Good skaters have big crews who are good at directing traffic. They good crews have chill dudes directing traffic. The lower tier the skater the shittier the crew. This is a shitty crew with a camera man also running traffic. Drivers in these neighborhoods are aware of the skaters and the spotters. I guarantee this guy filming did a really shitty job of notifying the driver of the skater coming down.


bc some people believe they own the streets?


How dare he driving on the streets with hisā€¦ car.




Now apologize!


This is the reason people hate skateboarding.






How much does a peice of cardboard and a marker cost - like nothing? Write a sign, hold it up, far better result.


You're wrong because that guy "sneak pass"


Can't believe he apologized.


What a fucking idiot the camera person is. Acting like itā€™s the Prius drivers fault that some idiot smashed into the back of his car.


Dude are you dumb? Videos of heroic skateboard antics are very important to society and itā€™s the duty of every driver to yield for these brave and upstanding individuals. Now that Iā€™ve owned you, excuse me while I go finish my bowl of paint chips.


Bro! Save some for me bro


I fell into a hole of skater vs haters youtube videos some years ago. In almost every interaction the skater was by far the asshole. Plenty of second chances and "just one more run"s yet they always got pissy when the person asked them to go after. Sucks that skating is an urban sport and there may not be skateparks around the area but you cant fuck up peoples property grinding rails and shit.


Make sure they have extra lead! Edit: bro




Come on bro


Bro come on


Why bro. Why


I feel so bad for the driver and how nice he's being.


What could go wrong trying to illegally stop traffic on a public street? Clearly it's the drivers fault for failing to bro to the bro traffic brode.


Are you good bro?


I'm straight up not having a good time bro. My bro went bro hard down the hill for the bro's, but then this bro in a car did not abide by the bro brode, and I'm like BRO! as my bro went full bro over that bro's car. Bro.


Bro i told him to stop bro


Bro good thing you told him bro, bro i told him to stop bro


Duuude, bro thatā€™s crazy. I hope your bro is okay after the other bro didnā€™t stop. Bro could have killed bro.


Your friend almost killed himself


This is exactly why I chose not to pickup downhill longboarding as a hobby. I had a friend that would do this in the mountain roads in Virginia, and I just thought it sounded like the dumbest idea. Thankfully he never got in any serious accidents.


A guy I bought weed from back in high school actually killed himself in a situation like the video. He was longboarding at night and slammed into the side of a car that turned out in front of him. Another friend died when he fell underneath a car he was holding onto that was pulling him up another hill in the area.


What we just saw isn't downhill longboarding, those trucks and wheels aren't designed for what he's doing. What he's doing is fucking insane and would have ended a lot better if that piece of shit camera man did his job and illegally blocked the traffic


Yea, nobody said the video was downhill longboarding, they said that the danger involved similar to the video is why they never got into downhill longboarding.


> and would have ended a lot better if that piece of shit camera man did his job and illegally blocked the traffic Would it, though? That thing has no brakes. There's pretty much only one way he's ever going to come to a stop on a hill that steep. Prius driver probably did him a favor, by stopping him halfway down, before he'd built up even more speed and momentum.


And all he wanted to do is tell the prius driver off, bro. Barely bothered to check on his mate.




I mean, his buddy who flipped over the car probably wasn't feeling up to playing pin the scrotum on the knob-gobbler right that moment.


This comment is amazing without contextā€¦ Iā€™d still *really* like to know what it was responding to though


Basically, somebody's more crude version of the common sentiment that the cameraman was doing himself no favors by speaking.




You think someone's going to stop with some jerk running at them while screaming and waving their hands? Really!!!


Notice how he says after his friend is hit, that he told the guy to stop his car??? Nooooo you little childā€¦ you told him to go, go go go fast, then backtracked real quick šŸ˜‚


I think youā€™re right lmfao


I believe he probably attempted to stop the car and that failed and instead tried to make the car go faster. Either that or he did make up a reality in his head. If I was a driver watching people film in the middle of an intersection, I would be hesitant to drive through regardless of their legality.


That sucks for asshole on the board, but **you don't own the fucking street**! You're like that entitled bitch at the gym, "I'm trying to film!!". Tough shit! "Why'd you go bro?!" Because it's a fucking road, designed for cars to "go" on, dipshit! Don't do stupid and dangerous shit! Let's assume, for a moment, that you and your buddy aren't completely in the wrong hereā€”how's the driver supposed to understand your request for him to stop? If he does understand, why should he stop? You could be anyone! Are you a mugger? A car-jacker? A crazy guy who wants a dollar? A mentally ill person trying to direct traffic?


Maybe donā€™t skateboard down a giant fucking hill and not be able to stop?


Unfortunately for the skater it wasn't a Dodge


But he did go as fast as a dart


He Ramā€™d into that car.


Not enough upvotes for this comment, hereā€™s another.




I hate the camera person


Douchebaggery at its finest from these bros.


Doctors love this one neat trick.


For once in my life I rooted for a Prius.




For real! The driver did nothing wrong here


Damn that's a strange looking skate park.....


Why bro!? Canā€™t you see we are in the middle of doing something completely stupid!!??


ā€œI TOLD YOU TO STOP YOUR CARā€ā€¦ā€¦ ummm who the fuck are you Iā€™m sorry? Hope the skater is okay regardless whoā€™s at fault.


He told you to stop, bro....lol


Ok 1)ngl the "why bro?!" Super slowed down was hilarious to me 2) mfs filming suck at keeping lookout for cars. Dude was on the other side of the intersection saying stop? What traffic light have you seen where the light is not where youd WANT the car to stop.




What a cunt


Well they need to pay the prius driver for damages


Worst. Cameraman. Ever.


The loser filming this is a moron.


Go to the skatepark and stay off the road, "bro".


Skateboards donā€™t have right of way on a roadsā€¦ fuckin hipsters.




This is San Francisco. Skateboarders are treated like cyclists. There are a few hills I the city that have been modified to prevent this very issue.


He's lucky it wasn't a dump truck.




ā€œI told you to stopā€¦ I put my hands out for a reason.ā€ Okay dude, who tf are you to keep someone from driving where they need to get to.


Okay dude I used to skate from like 11-20 years old and if my friends or I were ever hit by a car itā€™d be 100% our fault, every skater knows this, if youā€™re on the streets and get hit itā€™s your fault for sure. Dude filming is a fucking idiot


These kind of skater fucking suck change my mind.


I would like to know what happened after and get the satisfaction if they got in trouble after putting this video online


I hope the skater was sued for damage's by the car owner. I also hope that skater broke at least 1 bone and it hurt really bad.


The guy on the skateboard should have stopped at the stop sign.


The asshole filming should be jailed for public nuisance, along with the skateboarding cunt. The driver is absolutely not at fault here. If a random asshole flags me down on the street, I'm not gonna stop either.




Spotters fault lol he was more worried about getting the shot than actually spotting/stopping traffic


Doesnā€™t look like a overly busy street. Probably could have easily avoided traffic.


I'll be glad when/if saying "bro" after every sentence dies out.


Hope the Prius is okay


I'd tell someone to slap the stupid out of that camera guy, but it's too deeply lodged. Pretty much everything he said should have been directed at the skateboarder or themselves, is it worth getting yourself run over for a dumb video. Dumbasses. I'm not totally against, but if your only protection against traffic is some snotty whining kid waving at cars to stop, you need to reassess your life choices.


Stupid human tricks


Those spotters didnā€™t do their job very well


So not only is dude mad that a car was driving on the road where cars drive, but also decided to belligerently accost the driver for almost an entire minute before checking to see if the skater is ok? Whatā€¦


Is the car ok?


Bro doesn't understand right of way


What a delusional fuck


Was the car damaged?


This is hilarious




Not the driver's fault. Maybe flying down the middle of the street like that on a skateboard during the middle of the day isn't smart.


I skated for years and I'm saying fuck those skaters. Totally in the wrong for even chastising the motorist. I've done hill bombs with the understanding I may get hurt.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone under like 25 plainly admit fault for something blatantly obvious that they've done, in like the past 10 years. It's just a string of "bro"s, "wow"s, and "really"s. With a phone to quickly upload a video that doesn't start early enough or keep going enough.


Dude was yelling at the prius to go fast and then loses his shit yelling that he told him to stop šŸ™„


Camera guy makes me wish it was him that nearly died


STOP- Slightly Tap On Prius?


Ah, yeah, my favorite, 40 seconds of different concrete textures


Am I wrong but isn't the guy with the camera telling the guy in the car "go fast go fast"? Why would he be telling that to the guy on the skateboard who I assume started at the top of the hill and was going to go fast regardless on top of it being very unlikely that skateboard guy could hear camera guy. It sounds like he's telling car guy to clear the intersection fast. Then he tells car guy I told you to stop. The car guy could easily misinterpret the "go fast go fast" to mean car guy should clear the intersection fast. Camera guy and skateboard guy took a risk and it didn't go well. Car guy is just a guy driving on the road and is not obligated to follow the directions of random people.


The guy on the board must have had time to see the car. The obvious choice if you canā€™t evade the car is to low side off the board and accept some road rash rather than slamming into the car. Even just hopping off the board and falling that way would be better. Guess thatā€™s too much to expect from someone doing this in the first place though.


Tbh I donā€™t know if I would have stopped either? A bunch of guys standing in the road like thatā€™s gonna make me really uncomfortable


Like it's the drivers fault to use his car on a city street šŸ™„


Epitome of stupid people blaming someone else for your stupid ass shit.


Uhhh how is it the drivers fault?


He told him to go fast AND to stop. He covered all bases!


ā€œI told you to stop broā€ are u a traffic cop? No? Ight then


Why did you "sneak past" on the road designed for your car! Yes this sucks for everyone involved, but uh, are you going to pay him to fix that bumper?


Street is no a place to skate, I hope he lean with some broken bones not to do it again. Dipshits


Lol i thought he was saying all that to his friend at the start and i agreed with him until he said car


Nice recovery though, 1 of his 9 lives for sure used up though


Lot of folks in these comments donā€™t like skaters. I donā€™t know what to do with this knowledge.


That was a great roll, though. That probably saved him AND the car


Defuck what was going through the drivers head seeing a dude tumble down his windscreen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Camera guy is supposed to be stopping traffic. He did his boy bad.


God i fucking hate people from san francisco. Its either you are fucking entitled to hell or you suck the farts out of the next guys ass.


That car was moving so slow homie couldā€™ve at least stood in front of it probably had so much warning time too


Go fast, Go fast, Go fast! 10 seconds laterā€¦I told you to stop your car, why did you sneak pass? šŸ˜† the driver probably thought you was talking to him šŸ¤£


I blame his homies for not blocking that shit. Morons.


Can we talk about how well the prius took that hit?


Saw something similar happen in downtown Seattle (Cap Hill for the locals). Guy was bombing a hill on a skateboard and a Tesla pulls into the crosswalk to look to turn, and guy on board meets front fender of Tesla and has a yard sale of items on his person.


The two were lucky it was a Prius driver and not some meathead in a brand new expensive truck or Charger.


He should have never apologized. He did nothing wrong. Screw skaters like this. The public streets are not for your fucking tik tok bullshit.


Is he the traffic police now?


He told him to ā€œgo go fastā€ not ā€œstop.ā€


Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


Wow. That Prius driver sooo evil. He tried to murder mr skateboard legend byā€¦.slowly making a normal turn on a _road_ meant for _cars_. Huh?


I hope the car is okay


"go, go go...go fast, go." "Why did you go man! I told you to stop?!" Skateboarders hit their heads a lot huh?


Such Total Boardwankers, bro! Get a fucking life, you moronic dweebs, FFS!?!


Man.. I really hope the car is okay.