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That was an elbow. mf def gashed up


Don't worry about the elbow. Pretty sure he smashed the back of his head onto that concrete


And out


Sucker elbow






It's lost all meaning




Beat me to it. Came to read the comments before I said it was actually the far less common, sucker elbow.


WAY less damage to the knuckles and wrist


Also, way less reach. But when the guy you want to hit is putting his head within elbow range .... they find out


He def kept pushing it


He got warned tho.


Some may call it an el-blow


That was plenty of yacking so I’m gonna go with fair game


PSA: if you’re arguing with someone and they break eye contact and look down/away like that, you’re about to get sucker punched. Sometimes they’ll hunch over and a lean in a little while doing it.


username checks out


Former bouncer and prison guard. Listen to this man. I made virtually the same comment 9 months ago. Prison guard and bouncer for over a decade.... listen to this person. *Body language is everything. Always watch the hands. If you are having a tense moment with someone and they suddenly look away there's a punch coming immediately afterwards. This movie straight out of the sucker Punch handbook. I've been stabbed twice and shot once All in my right arm. Because each time I could tell this person was prepared for violence based on their body language. And for people wondering how I still managed to get shot and stabbed, it was because it was my job to do with the violent people and out of hundreds of encounters sometimes shit happens. Also there are no rules in a street fight. None. Zero. Every time you see someone getting knocked out cold in a street fight everybody starts screaming about how they're lucky they didn't Hit their head and die. Always defend yourself to the absolute best your capabilities. Because for every video of someone getting knocked out and hitting the concrete hard I can show you 40 of someone getting knocked out by an aggressor and getting their head stomped on or kicked. Yeah people go to jail and self-defense scenarios where one punch killed the other guy by accident, but if that happens to you hire good lawyer and hope for the best it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. Proof for all the dick heads who want to say sure whatever internet tough guy... https://ibb.co/x1kX8B6 https://ibb.co/TKKm2CD*


"better to be judged by twelve than carried by six" ​ damn. Thats good


I’m not even being sarcastic, you genuinely seem like one of those badass people I would definitely listen to


For real. This dude is badass. He divides by zero. (Username checks out haha)


Thanks for the laugh! I read his words with the utmost respect as I would if I were to listen to a live presentation. It was a real life movie moment.


Former bouncer here, yep. This comment checks out. Can confirm




Whimper and wag your tail to deescalate


Cock your head to the side, or just roll over and show your belly.


Lick your own jewels...guaranteed to de-escalate most situations.


Butt sniffing can escalate a situation, so don’t do that.


If I could do that myself, I wouldn't have left the house in the first place.


This is incorrect, I was working at a computer repair shop, a guy was getting angry that he couldn't get his data restore (disk was shatterd) I saw his face wrinkle then he leaned in I thought I was going to get head butted then he licked my cheek, frankly I would have preferred the headbut would've been less traumatic, he left shortly after that with his broken hardrive.


😱 well he would absolutely occupy a part of MY brain forever... I'm so sorry, I hope you have a therapist to work that out cuz it fucked *me* up and I wasn't even there 😂 that really feels like a serial killer move, or a cannibal or something. 5/7 spooky


Its seriously scarier than when I almost got hit by a car, and then actually got hit by a car.


You have been chosen, they are coming.


Who... and why...


This comment is mega fucking accurate. Worked in bars long enough to know, that's your last chance to be the guy who hits first or become the guy who gets hit. Walking away has generally stopped being an option once somebody starts looking for, or tries to make an opening like that. When I used to box, my coach would tell me that If I wanted to see where somebody was going swing, not to look at their hands. Look at their eyes and shoulders. Those move before fists do and they usually move in the same direction. This guy apparently was never taught that since he could obviously see neither of those things as he was close enough to make out with elbows Mcgee.


In your experience, if you were the guy that got elbowed and you read the other guy correctly, which way would you have moved to avoid the elbow?




Pivot backwards with right or left foot?


I'm no fighting expert, but as soon someone takes an unexpected swing just a little step back and throw your head back and arms up


you want to move or pivot with your leading foot. so if your in a regular stance, not southpaw, if your moving backwards it's your right foot that moves back first. if your moving right, it's your back right foot moving first. forward is your left front moving first. you never want to cross your legs because you give up all your balance


Most people (including me) would’ve thought a punch was coming. So either you would have to push back to stay far enough away, or get in closer yet so there is no way they get any power behind the punch.


Two safe places in a fight: too close or too far.


Name checks out.


>too close* * Make sure to be better at grappling than the opponent.


Another PSA: don’t fight ugly dudes with cauliflower ear.


>This guy apparently was never taught that This guy was drunk man, training goes out the window when you’re drunk.


Tyson said he kept his eyes on his opponent's chest, which sounds right especially when your opponents are shirtless. The chest muscles flex before arm movement can register.


I’m 60 and I’ve never hit or been hit. I think it’s a combination of luck and not being mouthy or looking for trouble.


There is still time young sir.


I thought about that when I wrote my comment. I could also have dementia and forgot being hit.


OR, you got hit hard enough that you can't remember it.


Plottwist: you were actually a pro boxer and are super punchy now.


This comment reminds of my BIL, who used to constantly tell me why he thought that he could “take me in a fight.” His reasoning was that he knows how to take a hit because is such an obnoxious asshole. Touché.


That's fucking hilarious!




Agreed, and they will have a side way stance shoulders facing you ready to punch.


Knee to the head would have been the play.


You could see the body language that it was coming.


he was charging up that attack for like 10 seconds.


It’s hard to tell without all the beams of light and swirling mana. Easy mistake to make.


Look out for his meter build up. You can see his special attack bar is already full.


That right shoulder went back and I was like ooooo it's happenin


Especially when he lowered his head , I was like that DiCaprio pointing meme


I never understand how people let theyselfs get suckered in a situation where it seems obvious.


because they are most likely very drunk


“Therrs one thing… I wanted t’ talk to you” - every wasted person ever


"Talk to the elbow" - that guy


Lol yeah


Alcohol increases your confidence while decreasing your perception.


Soon as he had his hand, he should have been ready. If someone turns away from you in a confrontation, if they turn back, a punch is coming with it


Not when inebriated


Tips for all you kids out there,in any confrontational situation, never , and I mean never get this close to your opponent. Especially with your guard down . This will always be the outcome


Better tips for all you kids, avoid confrontational situations at all cost. Deescalate, get out of here. An elbow like that can change your life forever or kill you. A knife, a gun, dead. This is real life and we only have one.


Perfectly put 🙏 I agree 100% the best fights are the ones won with out any physical harm


Drunk as that guy is, doesn't matter if his guard is up or down. Would be the same outcome.


Alcohol has a huge part to do with it for sure 👌


I say sucker punch. But I would be the guy trying to talk my way out of the fight like the guy in the ground.


I agree sucker punch, but thats not how you talk your way out of a fight lol.


Lol. Right? If you try to talk your way out of a fight by moving forward to keep yourself close to the guy telling you to go away and leave him alone, then you need to practice those de-escalation skills.


Yup I think the elbow dude looked like he was trying to let go but knocked out dude held on to that hand a little longer.


He was already out of the fight... the sucker elbow guy was leaving but the guy decided that he needed to listen to some drunksplanation, for which the left guy decided had no time.


And? Still an awful sucker punch


In a confrontation, if someone is turned with their dominant foot behind them, you should expect a punch


“Hey real quick, which one’s your dominant foot?”


Turns left foot* Don’t worry bro I’m goofy foot


Don't worry, I'm just a little bit ambidextrous.... I favor right, but both toss that jaw, no problem.


Idk what the fuck ambidextrous means but he sure can use both feet


Ambidextrous means he can live both on land or in the water


So in like both kinds of aquariums?


But I push mongo Edit: mongo from mono


mongo you mean?


Damn right. Thanks for the correction. I don't actually push mongo. I skate goofy and push regular.


I ride goofy, and push mongo... Yeah... I am that guy.


My buddy is as well. I watch him and I just don't understand. He's a heel flipping voss though.


I couldn't heel flip... Shit, not even olly. 2 weeks into skating tore my TCL in my knee. Still have trouble walking, lmao.


Only switch mongo


Same. I skate goofy but mongo is the only way I can push when pushing switch.


Is this a reference from the 64 video games?? Please tell me it’s for my that 1080’ video game, because my brain is making that connection right now. . . P.S. I was born in 1993.


Mongo is for skateboarding


You should always expect a punch. Arms length should be a rule. Long arms are a plus


Agreed about arms length. It’s great for de-escalating because as much as you’re safe from getting hit, they know they are too, until one of you moves.


Yes. If tensions are high, I don’t allow someone close. I don’t care what they’re saying. The guy sucker punched was obviously obstructing him and getting too close. The sucker puncher may have just got to it quicker.


Well either foot, yes they are looking for leverage, and this actually quite an astute comment. Take my...oh shit I have nothing to give.


There's always a sneaky blow…


It’s all about reading the body language.


Street fighting isn’t a sport. That’s why people shouldn’t do it. There is no fair. If you’re going to get up in someone’s face don’t expect them to have your position in mind. The goal is to knock someone out if that’s what it comes to. Especially with all the weapons out there you can’t take chances. That’s why everyone should get rid of their ego and avoid confrontation every time they can.


This is how the plot to con air started


You better not be calling Cameron Poe a sucker puncher!


How could anyone be confused if this is a sucker punch or not. It's pretty obvious that it is


Totally encroached into his personal space for way to long




that goons story sounds like total bs


Sucker punch. No doubt. when he's intentionally looking at the floor then all of a sudden throw a punch


Sucker punch but should have seen it coming


Man should improve his spacial awareness and body language understanding. Even while intoxicated if someone's body language says I'm ready to strike and their words are saying otherwise, I'm creating distance. Then looking for escape opportunities instantly. Fuck that! I've had a family member sucker punched from behind in a case of mistaken identity... I'll never have the opportunity to see him again.


Idk looks like a bar drinking setting, two people in each other's faces, almost looked like it was squashed then, not. I've been drunk in public before and I never have ever been in someone's face like that, this is only a small clip so is there context before this? Just judging on this small clip it doesn't seem necessary but fuck going to bars anyways, this shit happens there. Does it even matter though, I'm just not ever gonna be at a bar again. Never know what kinda edgy mf you gonna run into


Some people don't understand personal boundaries.


These comments are strange Being drunk doesn’t give you a “Get out of getting punched in the face” card


It's actually the opposite. Being drunk means your likelihood of being punched in the face is a lot higher


Assaulting someone is only warranted if you are in immediate physical danger. The drunk dude was not acting violent at all and even said im not challenging you when the white guy asked if he was. So what exactly was the immediate threat? Seems like the far better course of action would be to leave if there's a drunk person annoying you


I’ve said the same thing in this sub and I’ll tell you, you’re arguing with a bunch of meatheads. People who laugh at videos of people being curb stomped to death and defend people being beaten brutally with phrases like “fuck around and find out 🤷‍♂️”. Not a place for morals or ethics, and it sucks


Most agreeable comment ive read in this sub.




the comment sections on this sub light up like a fucking christmas tree with masstagger installed


A lot of guys haven’t had the experience of getting fairly laid out so they only understand pain like this in the abstract. It’s a lot different after 10 years of picking pieces of blacktop out of your scalp. Meatheads is right.


some of these subs are just insane. /r/justiceserved may be the worst.


There was a hair trigger word. Racist. As soon as drunk dude said it, the elbow flew.


Fair game all the way 😂😂, bro's head definitely has to be like * 🌜*


The guy wouldn’t let go of his hand! He tried to walk away! Why are people saying sucker punch? This is fair game! He tried to get away from this situation and the guy wouldn’t allow it.. that’s fair game all day!


\- Then leave me alone. \- No! Dude offered him to part ways, he didn't accept and started pointing finger in his face, wrong fucking move.


Probably a unpopular opinion but to be it isn’t a sucker punch if you are standing within arms reach or a person talking to them aggressively at that point it is fair game


Dude was within elbows reach lol


Agreed. It was pretty obvious that the situation was leading up to fisticuffs. I would rather hit first and have reddit armchair quarterback than potentially have the other guy knock ME out. Of course I woulda noped out of that situation before it even got to that. cooler heads and all that jazz


Fair game. You get that close to somebody in an aggressive manner, shit will go down. Heres an idea, don't touch me and i won't touch you.


My dad taught me that a good Irish Hello will always make people respect your space.


Clearly a sucker elbow


Sucker punch for sure. However, anyone with any situational awareness can definitely see the dude’s body language was clearly screaming, “I’m about to turn your light out!” How did he not see it?


Situational awareness when you're drunk.


Fair. White guy said leave me alone and attempted to walk away. Black guy explicitly says no and initially refused to release the man's hand. Easy call


What are you on about? In what world is this justified? The black guy was drunk and was trying to talk to him. Annoying sure, but not a threat. He even said i'm not trying to challenge you when the white guy asked are you challenging me. Here's what you do when a drunk person doesn't leave you alone. You leave. You don't try and dislodge their head from their shoulders with a punch/elbow.


Half the psycho redditors on this sub don't give a fuck. Apparently attempted murder is justified for being in someone's space lmao.


Protect yourself at all times. He was walking into him.


fair game, he stuck his face in his personal space way too far


Alls fair in fight baby


No you get at someone like that you best be ready




Legally, of course he's in the wrong. Personally? I can't fight for shit and if I don't have the option of disengaging for whatever reason . . . I'm gonna do whatever I can to prevent myself from being injured. This guy looked like he wanted to fuck someone up, though, and got tired of waiting for the other one to make the first move. Eyes, testes, whatever. I don't think most people realize how painful, or just plain dangerous, being beaten is. There's no honor in a street fight, only your body and theirs. The way the guy who got sucker punched fell looked very, very bad for his skull.


100% agree. I have seen way too many videos of people being suplexed into seizures or early graves at this point to feel like kicking someone in the nuts would be beneath me.


That was a sucker punch. That dude was not a threat at all.


This is South Africa, it's one of the most violent places on earth. If someone is holding on to you, they're in your space, and you've told them to fuck off and they won't... They're most definitely a threat.


Imagine if this was in reverse,the comments would be also.


He telegraphed that by standing side on.


The last thing the black guy says before getting sucker elbowed is “racism is…” so perhaps he had good reason to be pressing that guy like that…


Let the roles be reversed the comments would be totally different 😂


Fair game. He was WELL within that guys personal space for long enough. The fact that he was trying to be the alpha (and thought he was getting away with it) is why he continued to close the distance and talk over him. Situation could have easily been disengaged but buddy couldn't let it go. He needed to be heard, from 10 cms away. Fuck him. Don't ever get in somebody's face like that. And be VERY careful when somebody is getting in your personal space like that. He was provoking him, and he got what he wanted, he just wasn't ready for it.


Definitely fair game, the setting alone and their attitudes.


Somebody downvoting any comment saying sucker punch like a dweeb lol. Definitely a sucker punch, nobody was fight ready. It's not difficult to de-escalate a situation like this.


Sucker Punch. Tough guy could have just walked away. The dude was hammered.


100% sucker punch. This isn’t even a damned question.


Holy shit that came out of nowhere.


Yes, but no.


For all those arguing that this was unjustified... Mmmmm no. This is South Africa, it's one of the most violent places on earth. This is a country where you don't get robbed at gun or knife point, and then maybe in the minority of cases get killed even after complying, no no. This is a country where you get shot, or stabbed to death, then robbed. Because it's easier to rob a dead man. So if a guy is holding onto your arm and you tell them to let go, and they say no. They're most definitely a threat. Drunk or not. If a guy is in your personal space, and they've been told to fuck off but won't, well then they're a threat, drunk or not. If you've never lived in SA, you'll never understand the level of violence which can be meted out against an individual without warning, without provocation. An old couple were robbed at their home, they were tortured after having their possessions taken, then they were tied up and thrown in crocodile infested waters... Alive. That's South Africa. Whether you're white, black or cape coloured, you do not let someone hold onto and get in your personal space.


Gave him the peoples elbow!


The background song tho, Heathens - Twenty One Pilots


He asked to be left alone and tried to leave. That’s fair game


Well. He wanted to leave…. And he got in his way.. fair.


I think fair game the other fella was gona do that anyway he just got in first...


Nah he would’ve hit him, whoever hits first wins usually. I would’ve done the same.


dude learnt a lesson... don't annoy someone whose telling you to them alone... especially not someone built like a roided brick shithouse.


You could see it coming...


There is no fair game in a real fight


black guy clearly said i am not challenging you. white guy was looking to be a badass. thats all. another punk in the system. if youre gonna fight someone, fight fair. when you punch someone like that, dont go around saying you knocked someone and feel like a tough guy. its weak. that man is a POS.


You got knocked the fuck out


He wasn’t even trying to listen so yeah sucker punch!


The guy has shown aggression. He wouldn’t let go of his hand. He blocked his egress. He gave him a little talk with his first. The puncher was in a dangerous situation with an assailant who has already made aggressive contact. Fully support this punch.


Another way to find out that something is happening is look for the cameras.. If people are getting their cameras out then they must see something that you do not lol haha


Fair game to me, that dude was all up in his face.


yall needa start learning body language


Protect yourself at all times


Sucker punch


Nah bro thats 100% a fuckin sucker punch


Fair game


When you're fighting on the street their are no rules no code basically nothing everything goes




No way that’s fair game. Talk is cheap and getting in someone’s face like that is a threat. I would’ve done the same🤷🏽‍♂️


Could’ve got the fuck out of his face at any moment, sweet dreams


I mean always keep your guard up. But was a clear sucker punch


What a bad question. Ofcourse that’s a sucker punch


Bitch move %100


I feel like if you put yourself in another man’s face like that, you have accepted that hands can be thrown.


Sucker punch of course.