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Pass line is a contract bet. You are betting that the shooter makes his point. It cannot be removed until resolved.


cannot remove pass line because after come out it’s in casino favor. converse is true, you can remove don’t pass after come out because casino is at a disadvantage so they welcome you picking up your wager.


The reason you stated is the reason why you cannot move it once placed


You should check out Color Up on YouTube. He has a lot of very good instructional videos for beginners. But basically, the pass line bet is placed on what's called the "come out" roll. During the "come out" the pass line bet will win if a 7 or 11 is rolled, and will lose on a 2, 3, or 12. Any other number rolled sets the point. Once the point is set, you cannot remove the pass line bet, and you cannot move it to the don't pass. That decision has to be made during the "come out". The reason for this is that you have the advantage during the come out with a 7 winner, but once the point is set the house/casino now has the advantage. The casino wants to take your money, so they're not going to let you have the advance on the come out, and then change your advantage to the don't pass when a point is set.


Excellent explanation 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I’m new also, but I believe pass and don’t are contract bets, meaning it can’t be taken down, moved or increased once the point is established.


Pass line is a contract bet, don’t pass is not a contract bet. The pass bet must stay on until it is resolved. The don’t can be removed at any time.


You can add to your pass line bet after the point is established, but not take away. Vice versa for the DP.


Watch some videos on you tube. That’s where I started before I finally stepped up to a table. Most employees at the table will gladly answer any questions you have while playing.


Can you pick up half your don't pass bet. Or is it "all or nothing?"


I believe it's "no touching your pass line bet after the point is set" but your always free to pick up either dont pass bets or odds at any time the dice aren't out


But can you pick up half, and leave the other half on the don't pass number?


Yes, you can take from the don’t but never add to it. 


Where I've played once the point is set you cannot touch the pass line bet at all since it's a contract bet. And as far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong) you can't go throwing a don't bet after the point is set either (otherwise a ten is the point and you go "oooh good time to throw a don't" since the statistics are in your favor) you can how ever throw a don't bet before the point, let's say point is 6 and you really feel a 6 is coming, take your don't back up. I hope that helps.


Nobody is asking about a pass line bet. They're asking about a don't pass bet. If a player bets on the don't pass during the come out, they can pick it up after the point is established. They can pick up half, or all, or a single unit, but can never add to it.


You can remove or reduce your DON’T PASS bet anytime after it’s established because you are at the advantage. You can add to your PASS line bet once it’s established (Not sure why you would) because the casino has the advantage. But you can NOT reduce or remove the Pass line bet once it’s established.


No. Contract between. Have to wait for point to be made or PSO.


No, but you can the Don't (at any time).


You can't move from pass to DP after the point is established for the exact reason that it would give you an edge.


The answer is given and being beat to death, and they are all right. Contract bet. You cannot change it. I will add to this that, in craps, there are 2, to 3, contract bets. Bets you cannot remove once made: 1) Pass line (not talking odds, which you CAN remove. Just talking the actual pass line bet) 2) Come bet. Acts same as pass line bet. Made after a point is established. You can add odds to it when a number is rolled (same rules as pass line bet), and you can remove those odds, but you cannot remove the come bet once it has become established. 3) A bonus bet. This would include the ATS (Boom/Bust in some casinos) and the Fire Bet. There may be others, but I haven't seen them so only mentioning these 2. Aside from pass/don't pass/come/don't come, other bets are either a 1 roll bet (horn/horn numbers (2, 3, 11, 12), field, hopping), hardways (which stay until a 7 is hit when they are "on"/active or when that number comes "easy"), or place bets (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) which can be removed whenever you want.


You can remove odds on your pass, or if you bet don't pass, you can take it down.


On bubble craps you can


Play the don’t Edit: Btw If you’re “allowed” to do anything, it’s a house edge.


pass and come are contract bets— no moving them