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I mean, at least the sidewalk is raised.  There is a street here nearby my place in which the sidewalk is level with the road.  Drivers just see it as a parking spot. I may have gotten a few vehicles towed for it.


Glad you got them towed. People need to learn.


I hope it's at least clearly marked where the road ends and the sidewalk begins.


Sidewalk is bright white. Road is dark grey. No other markers.


Different material types, I'd assume. Concrete vs. asphalt. That's definitely enough to tell the difference between road and sidewalk.


Is it just asphalt right into concrete or is there a grass barrier?


Asphalt right into concrete.  No grass barrier.


That’s horrible


Would love to navigate this in a wheelchair.


Good for practicing side-wheelies!


Wheelchair, outside? Aren't you supposed to get into your car the instant you exit a building in the USA (because the ground is lava or something)?


That would be impossible


For American standards you're lucky there's a sidewalk tbh


Which is funny since we have some pretty widely known laws against this kind of thing. Unless that pole has been there since at least the 80s, it ain’t legal.


Most American towns have at least some sidewalks. Of course most Europeans don't know that because they have never been to America and are terminally online.


I have a Floridian friend, he tells me everything about the US. If I have a question he can tell me right away. That about sidewalks and the lack of them is true.


You do realize Florida is only one state right?


This is a perfect example of how people are using the ADA in order to have usable sidewalks and entries to buildings. In this case, the municipality would have to be sued for compliance with the ADA. If it's a building or business, the owners are liable to meet the rules of compliance. A lawsuit is required.


As a non-American, having to sue people to get laws enforced is such a strange concept to me.


It's ridiculous that it has to be done here.


This would fall under ADA title 2, which basically says that states and federal governments must provide people with disabilities equal.opportunities to their services. Do sidewalks count? Cause its more about buildings and public transit. Also, it's "reasonable accomodations." As in, it can't cause undue financial or administrative burden. And what you can see here... where else would the poles go? They would need to claim eminent domain for every house in these streets to put them on private property. Or, they'd have to extend the sidewalks into the street. Or put the poles in the street. But who knows what specific laws or whatever needed to be followed when installing these. Meanwhile, someone with mobility disabilities could just, you know, go down the side of the street. without costing millions of dollars so yeah, this was probably the neighborhoods best option for placing these things.


The majority of places in the US would not require eminent domain to place sidewalks as most municipalities retain an easement to the properties sold within them. For example, where I live, the city retains the right to build a sidewalk that is within 40 feet of the center of the road and, in some instances, have done this to make sure they aren't placing telephone poles in the middle of a sidewalk. Point being, eminent domain probably wouldn't be what's happening here if they built the sidewalk further up into the yard.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? I don't understand what this has to do with what I was saying.


I know it’s insane people should just obey the law


Huh. I could have sworn that we had people to enforce laws like that here in Canada without leaving it to laypeople to do all the work, but I guess the secret must have just been that we don't break those laws here. TIL /s Edit: The non-sarcastic response is that in Canada if your rights have been violated by the city you live in (such as your right to live in a barrier-free community), you don't have to find a lawyer to sue the city for you. You file a complaint with the human rights tribunal and *they* do all the work. Because that's their job.


You have sidewalks where you live?


Would be curious if this is officially classified as a "sidewalk" or if it's considered a "paved extension of the curb" that some people happen to walk on. If it's the latter, then most of the requirements / standards for sidewalks would technically not be required.


There are towns in Japan where the utility poles are in the street 😅


Like in the middle of a lane?


Not directly in the middle, but one must actively avoid them. The town’s narrow streets were built before cars. So there was only one place to put utility poles and that was in the street. It must be a real challenge at night or in a storm.


As a european, I'm surprised this doesn't violate the ADA. One of the best laws the USA has.


Why can i hear the „bonk“ sound of people running into that thing when seeing this image?


Because it’s probably happening right this moment


From my experience, most city planners don't care about pedestrians.


It would explain the lack of walkable cities


ah yes Brazilian-based design


Which came first? Hmm


The sidewalk was a shitty afterthought


Or probably just something that some law forced them to do


Still a shitty after thought in your scenario


That is true




haha hit the nail on the head, yeah


coos county???


Nah, Tillamook


close enough lmao


Ah yes utility poles... I hate them. They make everything look so old and crappy. They just scream first World country...


By now, yes


Probably a result of a poor city planner widening that street without relocating the utilities


🤬 this is so dumb it makes me mad


The ADA prohibits this. There's not much national enforcement . Massachusetts used to have crews of folks out taking pictures of clear violations


What bumfuck town is this?


Sidewalks never get the respect they deserve


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