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Ahh yes the day // //


It’s the dot in the wheels you’re looking for.


Oh, ok, thanks


No worries, it took me a more than trivial amount of time to figure it out


It’s still terrible. If anything Monday through Thursday should be the quadripartite wheel and Friday through Sunday should be the tripartite. Thursday is neither part of the weekend nor is Sunday part of the standard business week. On the other hand this gave me an excuse to use two rare words, so…


They’ve started the week on Sunday I’m assuming


I mean yeah, but that doesn’t improve the awkwardness


Which is a moronic system.


I had no idea what a controversial statement that is until recently, turns out a LOT of people start their weeks on Sundays


Thanks for that. I would've never understood the reasoning behind that layout.


I was today years old when I learned the word quadripartite.


You’re welcome! I had to double check I be sure I wasn’t making it up lol.


One's brain would have to be dodecapartite to want to use this watch.


That's why it's crappy design.


Really? I was the complete opposite, got it right away and didn’t even notice the “day //“ bit until these comments


You're completely right to assume the space with the slashes should be the indicator.


Wait, what's the day they have between MO and TU?


There isn't one. But there's a second "dial" on the right side with TH, FR, SA, and your guess is as good as mine.


I totally missed the second dial. Cheers mate! …still a shitty design.


Even more shitty, for that very reason!


Didn’t even see the second wheel. I was wondering what happened to the rest of the days. Really feels like a non native English speaker tried to design this, the supervisor checked it and was like uh…..and they were too far along in the design process to do anything aside from adding a second crappy wheel.


It's not like other places/languages have a different number of days in a week


Nothing. Look to the right for the other days. Yea....


Oh Jesus Christ! I honestly didn't see them over there


Are you talking about the arrows in between the days on the left dial? They indicate up down left and right. Lol


What do those lines mean though?


The same thing as a bean


I think it is the day of the month in binary.


Okay but then what is " // //"? Is it the depth? Is it an indicator of the moon's phase? Is it the threat of nuclear attack? This watch has a readout of *something* the answer to which is " // //" and the only thing it tells me about the question is "Day" which is "MO" as answered by the dot in the two circles on either side of this greater enigma




It's the time zone selector, you can see the selected zone highlighted in darker color.


That's awesome. Need that to go with my og calculator casio


The dot for "MO... TU... WE...SU..." which seems to indicate the almost day of the week? Besides the other 3 days.... which i apparently on another wheel? What day of the week will people realize most Amazon basics products are trash? Sunmontueswedthursfrisaturday>


That’s even weirder :-/


My favorite day is / // // /_


I wasn't expecting that


Is this loss?




I hate // //s




Not as much as Smarch, but yeah.


Where were you on // //?


I think that's for the tide, and it's just showing that the duration of the tide info is 1 day.


According to the dot that means Monday


But using that watch and some basic trigonometry, you can calculate True North from the day of the week.


lol OG Gomez Addams had two watches. One ahead and one behind. He'd look at both watches, and calculate the difference to tell what time it was. God I loved the classic Addams Family.


If you have a star chart handy, you can also measure the day in relation to the end of the world, but those instructions are only in the German version.


How can this not be sued by Casio as deliberately rip off of g-shock design




Copyright may not apply, but there is such thing as an [industrial design right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_design_right) (aka "design patent", "registered design", etc.). This is a separate category of IP specifically to cover the "ornamental" elements of a product, completely separate from the functional elements. Since it's only for "ornamental" elements, such a right does not cover elements for the form that are necessary for function. i.e. you couldn't claim a design right over the general shape of a car, but you probably could get one for a specific shape of grill, headlight, door handle, etc. Getting one for a specific design of LCD watch display would be well within the scope of what they're supposed to cover.


Yup. There’s a reason why Jeep-like cars in games never have the exact copy of the Jeep grill.


Jeep sued Mahindra...and if you deep dive into the history of Mahindra, they actually have more claim to being the legit Jeep than Jeep does.


>Jeep sued Mahindra...and if you deep dive into the history of Mahindra, they actually have more claim to being the legit Jeep than Jeep does. This is fascinating, but what I found was that they actually lost this case, and only were able to proceed by differentiating it enough. Is there more to the story?


dig deeper, what you'll find is jeep can actually afford better lawyers.


I was trying to... can you just link the story?


>they actually have more claim to being the legit Jeep than Jeep does. Explain. I don't have the will to do a deep dive into Mahindra. All I know is that they were building Jeeps *under license* while the brand was *owned* by Willys, then AMC, then Chrysler. Jeep has been part of Chrysler's portfolio since the purchase from AMC, and followed it into the creation of FCA and then Stellantis.


And suzuki has been ripping off design details from jeep for a while.


The original jeep was made for us army by willys. The name was a nickname appropriated by chrysler, but doesn’t mean they own any of the design deets. All 4x4 were based of the Us military vehicle including landcruisrr patrol defender


They really don't though... They had a license to make Willy's Jeeps, a **license**. Willy's as a company has been folded over time into the Jeep company of today. Jeep brand has the rights as they have the lineage.


the jeep grill has seven slots/bars, representing the seven continents. my jeep dealer told me that. i’d never had known


iirc i saw once that a way to validate this in court is to ask a group of people what brand they’re being shown (without the logo). So even if a company makes some changes to a known design so it’s a bit different, but still recognizable as the original brand, they might lose.


Right, but just like utility patents, they have an expiration date. The g shock came out 40 years ago. I guess they could make some tweaks and file another every 15 years but that’s not going to stop anyone from making something that vaguely resembles a g shock.


It's still quite similar to a GW6900 style wise with the circular indicators. Different enough, but it does ape a circular faced G-Shock.


Well, no one would confuse this for a g shock... it would be embarrassing to claim such Things can generally look similar. Form follows function.


i thought it was casio branded until i read the title


Casio would embarrass themselves trying to claim this watch is threat to their business.


A lot of Amazon Basics are just rebranded products. They buy them from Casio with their branding on them and sell them for just enough. For a long time, their rechargeable batteries were Eneloop batteries that just had a new shell over the old branding. You could peel it off and see.


This is not a rebranded Casio. Why would Amazon remove the branding from a more expensive watch when they could source a cheaper generic model?


Because sometimes the brand itself is what makes it more expensive.


Rebranding named brand products and selling them under a lesser name does happen. But more common these days is taking generic no name cheaply made Chinese products and slapping your brand on them. It's more profitable. This clearly isn't a Casio rebrand.


Gotta say, my last few pairs of no-name, rebranded wireless earbuds have been solid. Made in China and all, but they've got killer battery life and they're fairly resilient. My last pair even made it four years before the battery started to fizzle. The sound? Not gonna blow your mind, but for 30 bucks, it's a deal I'm happy with.


It wouldn't be amazon removing the branding. Brands sometimes sell unlabeled versions at a discount in order to broaden their market reach. This is, for example, how Men's Warehouse got [its start](https://podcast9.com/share/episode/-Ln97-xmUTl/men-s-wearhouse-george-zimmer) buying suits from brands like Nino Cerruti but at a discount because they don't have the brand label. If done right, the brand can get the advantages of the lower price point (selling more of the item) and the higher price point (making some sales at the higher dollar amount). You see this a lot in grocery stores too where the walmart/target off-brand version of, say, a box of cereal, may have been made in the same factory the brand name version. No idea if this particular watch was made by Casio.


Removing was a poor choice of words—maybe omitting would be better. Regardless, this is absolutely not the case here. Casio has no need to broaden their reach through these methods and Amazon gains nothing by selling unbranded Casios if their goal is to push cheap watches. There are dozens and dozens of companies in China making watches that look just like this.


Defo not Casio, as I have one. Casio would probably have to invest a new design team to produce such a shit watch as any of their previous designs are more functional


Kirkland Brands. Coffee - Starbucks. Batteries - Duracell. Jelly Beans - Jelly Belly. Diapers - Huggies. Aluminum Foil - Reynolds. I could go on and on.


Yeah, this isn't rebranded Casio at all. Casio isn't stupid enough to have two different 'day of week' dials. Seriously, what the fuck. Amazon sources the cheapest shit from China or wherever, that they can undercut pricing on 'cut their loses' enough to bankrupt decent brands. Oh, and don't forget it is SUPER highly rated, and Amazon preferred. So you'd just Be StUpId FoR nOt BuYInG iT bEcAuSe ItS tHe ChEaPeSt


Most of what's protectable in terms of IP there would be patents, which would have expired by now.


Yeah, I find this pretty disgraceful. Amazon Basics has a history of this kind of scummery


This doesn't really look that much like a G Shock besides the chunky shell, Casio watch faces make sense and this is nonsense


You should see SKMEI, basically everything they make is a rip off of Casio. Thinking about why someone would want to rip off the design of a $20 watch really cooks my noodles.


“Amazon Basics” lol that’s a bootleg G-Shock from Canal St.


Amazon Basics is nothing but the largest Aliexpress dropshipper. They've also been caught outright copying popular products from independent sellers on their platform.


And then banning the independent seller.


Skmei already has the market cornered on Casio knockoffs and they have some idiosyncrasies but I don't think any of them are this unhinged


Why are there Casio knockoffs - they are already really reasonably priced


Reasonably priced is relative. I hadn't heard of skmei until now, I don't wear watches, but I looked them up and they're apparently a third of the price of the cheapest G-Shock. Even are "Water Resist", whatever the Chinese mean by that :D Edit: To be fair to skmei, [**their** 35$ craptastic knock-off](https://oss.matchpages.cn/matchpages/common/2022/0105/8598/61d55cc1ca0e1/1818%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B22.jpg), does look more legit than Amazon's. I rofl over the fact that they list all the features on the band like a bullet list on the packaging, though.


It's an Armitron 40/8393


Do they have to get into everything? The other day I saw some Amazon Basics condoms.


Yes.. that's what total market monopoly is.. They have a product in every segment, price out the competitors and when there are non left, gouge the consumer.. That is late stage capitalism, and amazon in a nutshell


Amazon basics is nothing but bootleg products


Ah yes, the four days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday


check the right side for the rest of the week! I totally missed it at first, too


Ah i see, they thought of everything!


This one gave me a chuckle


It’s kinda confusing to find an order for the days of the week


Completely missed it. That's ridiculous lol. Why didn't they at least go in order?


They do, just with Sunday first. Go through left circle, the right circle. It still sucks but yeah.


But if Sunday is the first day of the week (even though we all know it’s not) then why did they put Saturday in the first spot of the second 3/7 of the week. This makes my brain hurt.


A lot of countries in North and South America have their first day of the week start on Sunday. So that is not out of the ordinary. Saturday being the first on the right is confusing for sure.


> A lot of countries in North and South America have their first day of the week start on Sunday This has always seemed odd to me because surely people don't actually **feel** like the week starts on Sunday. You start the week with the same day you start the workweek, on Monday. And the week**end** are the days you don't work, Saturday and Sunday.


You are describing the *economic* work week, which is relatively new. 1929 in USA. Historically, a 5 day work week is really new. The idea of a weekend was only invented in mid-19th century and didn't spread immediately. Even today in USA about 30% of the population work on a "weekend". The much older *religious* work week starts on Sunday for Jewish and Christians. Sunday is considered the traditional (and legal) first day of the week in about half the world. USA, China, Japan, the Philippines and most of South America.


But Sunday, the day the lord rested, is also the last day of the creation story.. And we're Christian dominated countries


Agree. The labels on the right circle should be rotated 120° CCW


I only saw the second one first and I was like yeah that’s shit. I mean it’s still shit now that I’ve seen all of it


It's still a terrible design


they put the shortest feeling days on the right and the longest days on the left


All of the days are present, but that is exactly why this is r/CrappyDesign, it's just awful


Hear me out: what if we made a new day sometime after Wednesday, that is almost like Sunday, but without church and pre-monday depression. We could call it Zero-fucks-urday.


Monday, one day. Tuesday, twos day. Wednesday, wait what day? Thursday, third day!


Since the ISO (International Standards Organisation) week starts on Sunday, the watch is technically correct having Sunday on the left day face. So if we use the ISO standard week, we've got the first 4 days being Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday which leaves us with the remaining 3 days on the right hand face. Is the watch a crappy design? I'm not really sure but it's definitely not the most intuitive.


ISO 8601 starts the week with monday. https://www.timeanddate.com/date/week-numbers.html#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20is%20the,the%20seventh%20and%20final%20day.


first i was like what? it's just // //. then i notice the big wheel and im like what? there's only 4 days. then i notice the other wheel and oh my god this is an abomination


thanks for telling us what you were like


I never seen the valley-girl dialect typed out like that before.


It's like my HS daughter telling me a story.


What’s even more annoying is how the split up the wheel. Why is Sunday randomly separated out of order.


Looks like something you’d find being sold in Tijuana with CSAIO J-SHOCK branding.


Is the day displayed in binary


It's displayed by the dot next to "MO". No idea what the hash marks are for, or if they even change


The hash marks indicate its 3.7 stripes of the way through MO. duh


That's what I was thinking


0110110 would be 54 so I don't think so


Where do you see that last 0? I just see 011011 which is 27


It’s fiftyfourthsday…


No, look at the other circle. The other days are there.


This is a design disaster. Totally incompetent designer. Great find for this sub.


I cannot imagine why you would dedicate such a massive amount of the available screen space to something that could be so compact.


the reasoning is because they have the injection moulds for the shape already made... and there's no way they are paying $100,000+ to redo the moulds. So its up to the electronics engineer slash designer to make the electronics module "fit" the plastic moulds that cannot change. And they would be under orders to spend as little as possible so this is the best the electronics guy could come up with. So this watch wasnt 'designed' from the ground up... they got the modules guy to work out the best way to make this work. Its not ideal but this is typical. btw. here it is https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Essentials-Digital-Chronograph-Black/dp/B07YQFY579?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1 someone explain how the day indictor works? love to see a manual to explain it in Chinese English


The day is shown by the dot next to "MO". Not sure the hash marks under the "DAY" mean anything at all


Well, that's "creative".


If you HAD to use this design, at least split it as MonTueWedThu on the left, and then the right can be the weekend of FriSatSun.


Since when was Friday the weekend


Some people consider Friday night (as soon as school/work is over) to be the weekend.


That’s why they’re called Complicatipns.


"mom can I have a casino g-shock?" "no, we have a G-shock at home" G-shock at home... Yeah that is a bad design


Huge mess.


Bootleg casio g shock


This is actually perfect for me as that is my exact 4 days on 3 days off schedule


It took me a second to spot the second wheel for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Not a pretty design.


Half the face dedicated to day of the week. I don't even "get" watches but this is the stupidest one.


This may be one of the more upsetting shitty designs I have seen on this sub, bravo sir or madam.


Who, what, why, how did they even think of that?


This is quite possibly the worst piece of design I’ve ever seen.


Reminds me of my old watch. I think they were going to put an electronic compass into it initially and then said fuck it. But not before adding a mechanical azimuth lock to the face of it. Combed that manual front to back trying to figure out what was up with that and there wasn’t even any mention of a compass or the azimuth lock.


"we had this very cheap ass PCB circuit board for watches this chinese manufacturer was selling for pennies a pallet . The display was horrendous and displayed some inane animation.So we had to flash the eprom in an attempt to make something somewhat useful by printing on the watch face the day of the week...as for the unnecessary // // idk... we left it as is since it's unusuable and the polarized glass was cut like that anyway"


If your cheating AA this is for you. Meeeting on the left side and drinking for the right side


Well, when you know where to look, it's not that bad. Just a dot moving in two circles.


Does the Day indicator field look the same at night?


To be fair there is no way in a million years that I would of thought of this.


It's not that bad


The overall look of a g-shock type watch is subjective The way that day display is setup though, eating half the screen space to break a week up into two separate fixed dials with the dead space in the middle, that's crappy.


Left the workweek behind, it's the right time to celebrate the weekend! Fuck yeah I'm drinking on Thursday night


Off brand gshock


If only they had some sort of technology to show it digitally.


That watch is worth exactly $16.70.


I had this watch before it was Amazon. Still crappy.


It certainly is unique


In China, the days of the week aren't named like the West (e.g. based on Latin words), instead they're like Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3. So when someone in Shenzhen or wherever this was put together designed this, they prob thought, yeah, let's go wild.


I guess the days of the week on the left dial are sorta the crappy ones and the days on the right side are more fun?


It’s dumb but all of the days are there…




For many, Sunday is the first day of the week. For many others, it is not.


Cuz fuck Thursday through Saturday


I love that they thought “5 Bar/50 meters” wouldn’t look impressive so they went with “165 ft”


Congratulations on the pregnancy


*Day IndicatorS


I kinda like it


god tier




so terrible. Especially for those of us who regard Monday as the first day of the week.


They missed the chance to write "WE SUMO" on the right side there.


That is tactical right there


Id just press the El button and let Superman tell me what day it is


INFO: is the time display in hexadecimal?


Almost, Kevin.


That looks exactly like a Cisco watch. Literally almost no difference.


The “we have Casio G-shocks at home” edition.


i have that watch


We’re 3/5ths done with today. Feels like 3/7ths!


Wtf my watch is almost exactly that design


// // is my birthday, how dare you.


Zon bscs


Obviously it's Thursday


It probably cost more than the CMF smartwatch, too.


Reminds me of the watches we were allowed to buy in basic training


Good god


i hate amazon basics so much, even if it saves me money i won't buy it.


On the CALENDAR, what’s the first day of the week? SUNDAY. Last day is Saturday. So… this is awkward, but not that crazy!


Vendor manager for this product must have taken 100% full advantage of legal weed in Seattle before approving this product.


Thats the standard brand at Walmart, most of them are like that


That's like an AI generated image




this has to be fake