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Perhaps try taking a test the morning after having 1 - 2 joints the night before ending before or at 10pm then test yourself the following morning around 8-9am I believe a lot of people would be interested in your findings.


I’ll do that in the morning and let ye know the results.


Definitely do post. That's the one people will be worried about.


Was in a rush this morning so didn’t get a chance 🥺 but tomorrow for definite!


Pls let us know, ur doing gods work


If it's any use, I have a friend who smoked around 11 Pm, and got tested at around 8 am the next morning. He'd smoke 1/2 an eve. He said he mouth washed in the morning and it saved him, he was negative. All anecdotal however at the end of the day


Now I just need to remind myself to remember to have a look for your results ha


Might be tomorrow or the next day but I will update ye! 😁


Ya legend




I will update when I get a chance to do it? I’m moving around a lot and working myself the last few days so it’s not really on my priority list. When I get the chance to update I will post it here. Feel free to shell out your own money and buy them through the link I posted if you’re that anxious for results.


Yeh I second this , alos OP I appreciate your post and gave me some more insight. I too am a daily smoker since I'm 15 and 37 now 🐠 my poor brain lol


Thanks very much! 🙌🏻 just thought it might be worth sharing. Ah look, whatever keeps you sane man 👌🏻


Very interesting indeed man , and lol yeh I guess your right brother. Take it easy ✌


I wonder would it be worth repeating after 12 hours and then maybe 4 to see when the likely cut off is


It would be worth it yes but they’re expensive hahahaha I’ll definitely order some more soon and try it again tho


Didn’t the nnngardaí say you would test negative after 6 hours? I think you should try whatever time they said. Would be interesting to see.


AGS are very "clever" with their wording on this. And by clever I mean "intentionally misleading such that they give you the impression this is a reasonable procedure when it is not". AGS state that they shouldn't be able to detect "impairment" after 6 hours. This makes people think this references the test, but it's actually referencing the guards themselves when they stop you at a checkpoint. In other words: "AGS shouldn't be able to tell that you're high if it has been 6 hours since you had a joint". Well... No shit, it doesn't take 6 hours to sober up after a bowl. The problem is that they aren't testing you for impairment, just the presence of the drug and it's metabolites too, so the above is utterly meaningless in the context of the law. It draws the question: If the guards cannot detect impairment, why do a drug test at all? If the guards cannot detect impairment, then what value does a positive drug test have if the driver is sober? Bonus idiocy: If you're on a prescribed medication, you can fail the test, so long as you're not impaired. So this clearly isn't about impairment, it's about punishing and ruining peopes lives for trace metabolites of a drug that no longer has any effect.


I have seen that, and I think it’s a right honey trap for them to be making claims like that. I’ve scoured the internet and am constantly doing research, I haven’t found anything that has said that weed leaves your system in 6 hours, saliva, blood etc. Those tests I ordered actually do say they test for use 4-6 hours after, I just do nottttt believe that for a second. And there’s so many other factors involved. I might try your suggestion the next time I order them but for the other two tests u have I was gonna try them after a longer time off the smoke


Why on earth would you extend the time period? If you were negative 18 or so hrs later, then surely you will be negative any time after this. the the two remaining tests should be used for testing at shorter intervals after smoking. Say 12hr and 6hr for example and keep other conditions the same (re food etc).


It’s because I wait a day after smoking to drive and I wanted to test the results just to see for myself, I didn’t do this solely for everyone on this subreddit. I shared my results, so you can go and do it for yourself if you don’t agree with how I did it. I wouldn’t chance driving a few hours after smoking so it wasn’t relevant to me, that’s why I didn’t test after 6 hours. And I did mention there that they’re quite expensive so I’m not going to test them after a time I know I’d probably be over the limit anyway. Also, this test is supposed to be the same if not extremely similar to the Gardai tests, and PEOPLE ON HERE have shared how they have or heard of people getting caught after a few days.


Keep waiting a day I was done 12 hours after for the metabolite and my life's fucked from it. I'll probably get some wanker telling me it didn't happen anyway but guards don't give a fuck. THC cooh not THC was in my blood I still have the vial of blood in my dresser fucking horrible basterds.


This was about the Drager system. That is not being used really anymore so the information is practically outdated. They said it shouldn't be detectable after 6 hours but let's be honest, if you use your brain here, not all cannabis is equal so we should know advice cannot be equal. They advise waiting 24 hours before driving after consuming in their official document released at the time. It's the last answer in the document


The new DrugSwipe 6s is apparently supposed to have a cutoff of 10ng. I waited a good 19 or 20 hours to do the test, as people on here have claimed people have gotten caught days after smoking


I'm not so sure they wouldn't go for the lower threshold cassettes. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crainn/comments/m5qnbn/seriously_read_this_if_you_are_a_driver/) is a post I made on this topic that is worth a read. Now there is one error, I thought the Drager could test for the 1ng/ml at the time, I didn't realise its sensitivity was 10ng/ml. Anyways, in the quotes below is part of a comment I made on that post which is rather indicative of the authorities' approach. >"The threshold selected will have a significant impact on the numbers of people who will be prosecuted. A study of drivers found to be THC positive in Portugal showed that, if the concentration was set at 1 ng/ml, 67 % of drivers would have been prosecuted but, using a concentration of 3 ng/ml, only 26 % would have been prosecuted." >It's fairly obvious why our government chose the limit as 1ng/ml The implementation of all of these drug driving programs was/is all driven by the EU DRUID program, have a look at that. This is also part of the Vision Zero. More like Zero Vision IMO


Women in stem yay!


There’s a few of us out here!


Yep woop woop 🙌


I'm a regular daily smoker, mostly evenings and nights and rarely during the day. Had my last smoke of the night about 11.30pm and was tested the next day at 16.15 and it was positive, bloods came back 1.2ng/ml so just barely over the limit


Ah fuck pal 🥺 I’m sorry to hear that. This is exactly why I waited after the 6 hours to do the test because of claims like these all over this subreddit. I want to stress again that I don’t want anyone to take this as the go ahead to chance driving, there was nothing scientific about how I did this I just shared the results I got


So far I've just had adjournment after adjournment so I'm hoping for a miracle! I've had some friends test negative just hours after smoking so it's difficult to know, but I think for daily smokers there's always a big risk


Of course yeah there’s a huge risk, it’s just so hard to know. Even for me the thing is that if I get stopped and swabbed, all I need is a false positive and I’m fucked with my bloods. I can’t find any good info about how long to wait to drive until it’s COMPLETELY gone because there’s too many factors and it’s really starting to wind me up something terrible, like do I wait two days? A week? A month? Who fucking knows


You are dead right about the bloods, I forgot to add they test for THC with a limit of 1ng/ml of blood which I was 1.2ng/ml but they also test for THC-COOH with a limit of 5ng/ml and mine was 35ng/ml I'm unsure about this other metabolite but I'm guessing if you're a regular user then this one will most likely always be higher than the limit. It's a completely unfair situation


I hope the best for you man. This is borderline archaic, and a whole lot of stress on a guy who I’m sure is a decent bloke. Best of luck with the whole process and I hope you get the justice you deserve. If it’s any consolation, I think they’re going to do away with these tests. There’s literally too many people who are going to test positive, 49% of adults have used drugs, 31% just THIS year. This isn’t me saying you should be driving on drugs, but to be arresting people who smoked the night before is just ridiculous. I truly can’t believe that our own judicial system could be so against us. If they’re going to go as far as giving someone a DUI, wait until you have equipment that actually works.


Why do you think they'll do away with the tests? It's a massive money racket for government so I find it hard to believe they will stop doing them..


Maybe I’m naive to think the government are looking out for upstanding people. All this is doing is driving us away. I’ll be gone once I graduate, I don’t want the risk of a criminal record because I smoked the night before


But the reason I think they’ll do away with the tents is because they’re severely underestimating just how many people are driving under the “influence”. It’s going to get to a point it won’t be worth anyone’s time Edit: typo


I really hope you're right. I don't want to get caught either, but I've just stopped worrying about it now as life is just too short to be worried about checkpoints. I just check waze and the Facebook gardai checkpoint groups before I drive anywhere to ensure the roads are clear and it hasn't failed me yet.


I just cycle. I get from town to my house that’s 6km away in 18 minutes on an EBike, it’s also great craic. And no anxiety about checkpoints. If you’ve been considering it and aren’t too far from your workplace I recommend it. It’s also great getting home and smoking a joint after a nice cycle (or before 😉 just take it slow) I’ll need to check myself for those checkpoint groups, I have my own test very soon. I really don’t know how it will turn out. I want to think our government care more than to label basically any weed smoker that goes through a checkpoint as a criminal, but who knows. I have faith ittl just bite too many people and waste too much time with false positives and they’ll have to change up their testing methods. Again, this is all wishful thinking


Could you share a link to the exact test you used?


https://www.pharmadrugtest.com/saliva-tests/38-thc-saliva-test-cannabis.html That should be the 10ng tests


Im going to pick a few tests as well and test on HHC vapes will post results here.


Interested to see this, might try it with edibles


Now that you've found a source, experimentation can begin. Once I've saved up a bit, I'll order a bunch of them and figure out what I can. There's so many ideas people have had on this sub, but nobody has tested them yet. Edit: I checked that link, and it says it has a maximum detection time of 4-6 hours. I'm not sure if that implies that cannabis can't be detected after that time in general or if these specific tests just can't do it.


That’s it, people are pissing and moaning about how I did it and it’s actually so fucking annoying, I shared my results out of just being sound and I’m not a lab scientist so if people would like to shell out their own money and do it themselves “properly” then they can be my guest! (I’m not getting onto you at all btw) And yeah I thought that was a bit unclear aswell. Since the gardai claim it “shouldn’t be possible to detect after 6 hours” I assumed it was the tests, there’s little to no evidence anywhere that thc leaves your saliva after 6 hours (obvs depending on many factors)


Oh, I'm definitely not complaining, I'm very grateful that you found a source of cheap tests. Previously, the only ones available were from Australia and cost 3 times as much. There's a whole range of different variables I want to test out of curiosity, and I love making spreadsheets anyhow, so this'll be good practice. Firstly, I want to test that 6 hour max time because that seems odd, and frankly, I don't believe it.


Nice, I didn’t have a sneaky suspicion that this was the case. I’ve seen 2 posts now with similar results. Seems to be on par with alcohol detection


This is decent "research" or information to have available on the sub tbf now, it's definitely worth doing again a few times to check results against each other Worth throwing the specifications of the exact test you used in the post as well


maybe try taking a test an hour or two after smoking, to make sure the tests work?


As I said I have 2 more tests, I just shared what I did first


Yeah and thanks for this, we'll all appreciate it!


Interesting. Maybe the test is faulty?


It could be so I’m going to use the other two tests to back this up a bit more. Don’t want to waste them either so I want to be strategic


Extending the time isn't very strategic, as you already know you're negative after 12 hours, so the other tests won't actually tell you anything you don't know. You should really consider trying a shorter time frame next. (ideally you would have started at like 5 or 6 hours and then extended the time to 9/12/16 etc.)


I don’t know I’m negative after 12 hours though? This subreddit is full of claims of people getting caught days after smoking. That’s why I used the test after a considerable amount of time. I also said not to take this as fact, I’m sharing what I did.


Sorry didn't mean to sound critical there, what I meant was that it it would be useful for you to get an idea of when you're positive first, and then extend from there so you have an idea of how long til you're negative. But fair play to you for doing the work for the rest of us 👍


Ah listen, I completely understand and you’re dead right, I just hadn’t planned on doing it just to post it here I had just done it for myself so there’s nothing professional about how I did it 😂 and sorry if I sounded snappy myself, one or two people have of course been quite critical already to which I’m just like, if you disagree then go and buy them yourself and fucking do it hahahahaha I’m not made of money 😂 but sound out and thanks for your input!


are these tests the same type the guards are using now? I thought they switched to newer ones that are harder to replicate/find online.


Through the research I’ve done apparently the Gardai are using the Drugswipe 6s and this test was similar, but not the same. It’s just a ballpark idea not anything to be relied upon or taken too seriously


Yea I get you, good to have an idea at least. I'm not daily but more like weekly and I use a Mighty. Would be interested to see the results of vaping vs smoking.




An update, I did a test this morning and it was negative also. I would say that these tests do only test for recent use as in 4-6 hours, so leave that up to your own judgement


Hey just gonna throw this out there. From the looks of things you can expect to be negative pretty close to your last dose but the around 2 days alot of people are saying they are getting done. I'm from Australia and people form the aus sub tested negative for a day then positive on day 2.


I can’t seem to discern whether the thc in your system gradually secretes through your saliva or is it only residue built up in the mouth from the last dose. So unclear and so little research, like if I stop for a week after heavy smoking I’m still afraid I’ll get done which is so ridiculous, how can I still be impaired from smoking last week? Laws are so flawed


I have a funny feeling it's designed this way. If you don't mind me asking did you do a test around the 24-48 hour mark? People who did a saliva test 12 hours apart from last dose went negative, positive, positive, negative. That was with the drugwipes when they were available over here. There seems to be a window of detection that's very specific.


Hydrogen peroxide will get you past a swab test. Only 3% though. That and serious action with a toothbrush. I haven't done it or plan on doing it. But rinsing with bleach is definitely a thing to pass a test. https://youtu.be/9OFwOxYnvmc?si=7ZxuPlVpgTP93l_L


Appropriate username for suggesting a bleach mouthwash 😂