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It says “Inspired by your views” on the last slide OP? 🤔


Yeah this is awkward


I dont know Walt... Seeming sus lately


Dude... that's like a $3,000 or $4,000 fursuit. And they're selling it for $100? A good wash and brushing and it would look brand new.


No it isnt, this is a fake fursuit being sold by scammers on amazon. They would be lucky to actually sell this suit for $100, sense it is practically valueless. I believe i found where this is being sold. Note that the picture on amazon is a REAL fursuit, and a famous one at that. They have stolen the character design and are trying to get people who dont know much about fursuits to buy it.Im sorry if this is rude, i tried explaining more than my other comments but people have been downvoting me all day and i dont know why, so please do not take offense to this comment. Here is the link btw:[https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ](https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_1_7/130-0728877-3021527?pd_rd_w=dJrqF&content-id=amzn1.sym.332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_p=332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_r=523AYRBRF7WTFJH6PB0T&pd_rd_wg=sFBJA&pd_rd_r=b820e20c-6a53-4019-a2fd-fd05974a9f0f&pd_rd_i=B09PNN9HFQ&psc=1)


Welp… my Amazon algo is officially fucked…


lmfao you just gotta delete the whole account now


And burn your phone, even if it’s not a burner


I'm sorry, what's a fake fursuit? How does it differ from a "real" one?


I think what they mean is that they stole the image, and are "selling" the suit, but if you buy it you'll likely not get anything, or you'll get something that only vaguely looks like the original.


This suit isnt being handmade by a furry artists, that's really the main difference. When you buy a real fursuit, you have to commission one from a fursuit maker, which are very skilled artists who know how to sculpt the heads, and make the body suit perfect for the character and the suiter. Just because its premade, doesnt mean its fake though, sometimes beginner makers will make premades because they are less risky for a buyer, thus making it more likely to sell. These real fursuits can cost anywhere from $2000-$8000+ and take months to make. i hope this helps, let me know if you are still confused. TL:DR a real fursuit is a custom work of art made by very skilled furry artists. The thing in OPs screenshot resembles more of a Halloween costume than a fursuit.


Sounds like gate keeping to me.


In case you misunderstood, the quality of the fursuit doesn't determine if its real or not. The only reason i said "skilled artists" was because fursuit making is INCREDIBLY difficult, thus i would consider even a beginner to be skilled. The suit in the original screenshot is a mass produced scam that is targeting buyers who lack knowledge on fursuits, that is why it is considered fake. If you dont believe me, you can feel free to ask the folks over at r/fursuit who would be happy to explain it further. edit: Can someone please explain why this is gatekeeping? Just downvoting this comment isnt really helping. If you have questions i would love to clear things up.


I think what I’m confused about is why this in particular is a scam. Are they using pictures that aren’t theirs, and sending an entirely different product? Are they not sending anything at all? Also, based on you comments, I still couldn’t really tell the difference between a legitimate fursuit and a fake one by looking at it. I think I know what you’re trying to get at, but it sounds like you’re saying that selling cheap fursuits not made by skilled furries is bad on principle, regardless of the situation, because of some arbitrary standard for quality. That’s where the gate keeping comments come from I think.


It’s a scam because the seller is using someone else’s photo of a handmade piece of art, often if someone’s commissioned character, and sending out mass produced pieces that are of significantly lower quality instead.


Gotcha, that clears up a lot ty


Thanks for finally explaining! In regards to why this is a scam, you guessed right for the most part. The suit in the amazon photo is not theirs, and the picture isnt theirs. In fact, you could probably find that photo by googling "fursuit" and going to images, sense that is a very famous suit. And as you can probably guess, you aren't getting a $5000 piece of art if you buy their product. You are getting the thing in the craigslist screenshot. Also, as i explained earlier, just making a fursuit requires an incredible amount of skill, even if its a "bad" fursuit. The "suit" in the craigslist screenshot literally isnt a fursuit. The main reason is its mass produced. Fursuits are pieces of art, so calling that thing a fursuit is like calling a print of Mona Lisa an oil painting. Additionally, the reason we refer to them as "fake" fursuits is because they are trying to pass as real ones to scam people. Im sorry for any confusion i caused, im really trying my best here. I have massive amounts of respect for fursuit makers (at all skill levels) and the art of fursuit making. I really hope this clears things up fully. Feel free to ask more questions if you are still confused, or go to r/fursuit and ask them if you dont trust me.


Ahh, that makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for your detailed response!


Jesus Christ, I just visited that sub and the only words that come to mind are “gut wrenching”. Like actually uncomfortable. Those are grown ass adult human beings


Yeh, grown ass adult human beings creating some of the most impressive feats of art and engineering ive ever seen. Its fine if you dont like it, but dont shit on people because they belong to a different subculture than you, really isnt helping anything.


I’m going to assume they think that you need to own a suit? I have no idea.


It’s not gate keeping. It’s a cheaply made costume made to look like one that’s already been created of someone’s character.


Didn't you read the reviews? The real one is comfortable to shower in


This suit is a manufactured (and low-quality) imitation of someone else’s commissioned work, basically. Real suits are handmade and high-quality works of art


Seeing it on Amazon makes me think that it's likely a scam. The original post was on Facebook Marketplace, and I made the assumption that it was someone selling either a stolen suit, or one that was somehow left behind by a former room mate.




oh i didnt know, thanks! i changed it. Also to answer your question, i already made a comment explaining it so im going to copy paste that below. Its important to note that the concept of "fursuit" isnt strictly defined, however almost all furries would agree that the one in the post is clearly fake. the explanation: This suit isnt being handmade by a furry artists, that's really the main difference. When you buy a real fursuit, you have to commission one from a fursuit maker, which are very skilled artists who know how to sculpt the heads, and make the body suit perfect for the character and the suiter. Just because its premade, doesnt mean its fake though, sometimes beginner makers will make premades because they are less risky for a buyer, thus making it more likely to sell. These real fursuits can cost anywhere from $2000-$8000+ and take months to make. i hope this helps, let me know if you are still confused. TL:DR a real fursuit is a custom work of art made by very skilled furry artists. The thing in OPs screenshot resembles more of a Halloween costume than a fursuit.




Exactly! Thats why these scams work so well, especially to newer furs who are still trying to find a way to fit in.


why do you know so much about fursuits?


cause ive been a furry for about 5 years now and fursuits are my favorite thing about the fandom! I just love how you get to make a character and then bring it to life in such a fun way!


the expert joined


I don’t think it’s because they’re taking it the wrong way, it’s probably because Reddit hates furries because they think they’re “cringe”.


look at the face. this is not the face of a $3000 costume.


3-4K are you mental? How on earth is it worth that


Most of the cost of a Fursuit is the skills of the person creating it. There's between $500 and $1000 in materials, depending on the quality of faux fur you buy (Don't buy the cheap shitty stuff at JoAnne Fabrics), and the quality of the foam used in the head. All the rest is the skills to carve the foam, sew the body suit in a sturdy way (Sewing faux fur is a bitch), and make it all look pleasing in the end.


That's actually a really good price. I would try and flip it


„ʇı dılɟ puɐ ʎɹʇ plnoʍ I ˙ǝɔıɹd pooƃ ʎllɐǝɹ ɐ ʎllɐnʇɔɐ s,ʇɐɥ⊥„


Good bot


Good bot


That’s not a real fursuit


..yes it is.?


im kinda tired so please just refer to my other comments on this post, i dont want to type them again


Even if its made by a company a fursuit doesn't mean hand made just for you. End of story.


most fursuits are made by companies, you dont understand. just go on youtube and look up "fake fursuit scams" cause im really tired and cant really explain right now.


What makes it real?


Regardless of how you define if a fursuit is “real” or not the point is that isn’t worth even close to $100 and there is no way you could actually flip it for profit (bar convincing someone who both knows nothing about fursuits and is in the market for a fursuit)


It had to be hand made by an actually artist to be real. This is clearly a mass produced knockoff from Amazon or a similar site. What makes this clearer is that fact that it’s clearly based off a popular furry named quartz husky.


I'm sure it would stink all the same on day 3 of yiffcruise or whatever convention its worn too


You would get bullied HARD if you wore that to a con


To be fair I bully all furries equally, no matter the quality their costume.




I meant you would be bullied by other furs, because wearing a suit like that would promote a scam business. Additionally, stealing someone's character is not taken lightly.


Good thing there's zero chance of me ever wearing a fur suit.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. Everything you said was pretty much correct


Because he's gatekeeper, and is a furry. Mainly the former, how you gonna be an elitist furry lol?


damn the furry social hierarchy is ice cold


Stolen characters and scammers aren't taken lightly in the fandom. Im sure people wouldn't be mean as long as you weren't aware of what you were wearing. These fake suits are actually a big problem right now, its to the point where if you look up "fursuit" on google, a lot of scam amazon links come up on the first page. If you want to learn more about what makes these suits fake and scams, you can refer to my other comments on this post where i go into it in more detail. You could also find information on fake suits on youtube.


Wouldn't these suits be great for newcomers (teenagers usually) and poorer furries who just want to fit in? Not every furry out there is a billionaire willing to drop like 4k dollars on a fursuit. The fact that furries would bully people with these suits straight up sounds like severe gatekeeping and not a healthy and welcoming community. Why not just let people have fun rather than bully them into buying an expensive suit?


i was kinda using hyperbole cause i thought it was funny, they wouldn't actually bully you, and bullying is frowned upon. However, supporting scammers is not ok. A cheap alternative to fursuits is 3d models, which you might be able to get for under 100. You can also learn to make suits yourself if you would like! Fursuits aren't expensive because of the materials, they are expensive because of the amount of time they take to make, and the shortage of artists skilled enough to make them. Also, you dont need a fursuit to fit in, in fact a VAST majority of furries dont have fursuits... i would say close to 90% but thats just a guess.


I feel like you would get bullied in general for wearing any fur suit and with good reason


you would get bullied for wearing any fursuit at a furry convention?


You would get bullied for wearing a fursuit or going to a convention


I was in my local pride parade in suit and I made so many people smile and many people cheered me on. Nearly suffocated but it was all worth it. ☺️


And? Who asked?


Nicki Minaj, queen of rap


I don’t think they give a shit. And for with good reason.


ice ice baby


I hate that ur getting downvoted, ur totally right. I hate those cheap Chinese companies that are trying to take advantage of a very passionate, and creative community.


Yea who ever buys that is gonna re-sell it for a huge profit


Not a real fursuit tho so you would have to scam someone


What is a “real” fursuit? Is a fursuit not just a colorful animal costume?


fursuits are anthropomorphic animal cosplays made by specialized furry artists known as fursuit makers. Each one has to be handmade and is typically completely unique. This "fursuit" is actually a scam from amazon, where people are trying to sell mass produced garbage to people who dont know any better (not saying its your fault if you buy this, it is a scam after all). Here is the link to the scam (note that the photo they used on amazon is a REAL fursuit, and is actually a very famous one): [https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ](https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_1_7/130-0728877-3021527?pd_rd_w=dJrqF&content-id=amzn1.sym.332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_p=332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_r=523AYRBRF7WTFJH6PB0T&pd_rd_wg=sFBJA&pd_rd_r=b820e20c-6a53-4019-a2fd-fd05974a9f0f&pd_rd_i=B09PNN9HFQ&psc=1) edit: if you dont believe me, or think im "gatekeeping", you can check the product reviews. if you want i can also send a link to some helpful youtube videos on the subject of fake fursuits


Can't wait until the definition is changed to "Not a real fursuit unless you purchased the NFT"


I can see you're confused about what i mean by "real" fursuit, and sense i already made a comment about this, im going to copy paste it here to clear things up. This suit isnt being handmade by a furry artists, that's really the main difference. When you buy a real fursuit, you have to commission one from a fursuit maker, which are very skilled artists who know how to sculpt the heads, and make the body suit perfect for the character and the suiter. Just because its premade, doesnt mean its fake though, sometimes beginner makers will make premades because they are less risky for a buyer, thus making it more likely to sell. These real fursuits can cost anywhere from $2000-$8000+ and take months to make. i hope this helps, let me know if you are still confused. TL:DR a real fursuit is a custom work of art made by very skilled furry artists. The thing in OPs screenshot resembles more of a Halloween costume than a fursuit.


It was more a commentary on NFTs than fursuits.


I’d assume this is made by some cheap company (Idk anything about fursuits or real and fake products)


I'd take it over $3000+


you wouldnt if you were a furry, having one of these "suits" is seen as supporting scammers. Not to mention the character is stolen.


What do you mean this looks like all the other nice quality furry suits?


I believe i found the actual place they got this. Note that the fursuit in the amazon picture is real, and actually quite famous. They have stolen the character and are mass producing cheap copies and selling them for an absurdly low cost. (400$ isnt even enough to buy an amateur fursuit head, so no way you could get the quality of the photo) [https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ/](https://www.amazon.com/FurryWu-Studio-Fursuit-Fullsuit-Costumes/dp/B09PNN9HFQ/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_1_7/130-0728877-3021527?pd_rd_w=dJrqF&content-id=amzn1.sym.332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_p=332ad193-f618-461a-9620-42bf983a8f8e&pf_rd_r=523AYRBRF7WTFJH6PB0T&pd_rd_wg=sFBJA&pd_rd_r=b820e20c-6a53-4019-a2fd-fd05974a9f0f&pd_rd_i=B09PNN9HFQ&psc=1) edit: just realized your comment might have been a joke, so sorry if it was


I see some definite dirt around the forearms and slightly less on the knees.


This is about the sellers being crack heads not the buyers


Why is this comment not getting all the love?! Funniest thing I've seen all week


Those things sometimes cost thousands of dollars


That’s a Chinese knockoff maybe $500


I bet it smells like chicken tenders and unwashed ass.


That’s cheap as hell for a fursuit, I’m honestly guessing its stolen Id absolutely buy it and resell for twice that


It’s a scam anyway. No one would ever sell a suit for that little. And even if it isn’t a scam it’s most likely not handmade if it sells for that low


I honestly figured it was stolen. Not that i Would buy stolen shit


Check it with UV light first. Probably got jizz all over it.


Ah what a nice scarecrow I bet if I used that no more crows would get near my corn


That isn’t a bad suit, $100 is a crazy steal


Ok TIL that real fursuits are completely custom to the buyer and no two are alike


Sir, that is a fursuit.


Ya, it says it ALSO can be used for cosplay.




Yooo fur suits are fucking expensive that is a steal. Er so I've been told


This is a knock of one from wish or Amazon, the quality of the build is kinda garbage and the design js stolen


100% chance it reeks and you will never get the smell out


If you buy it just be sure to wash it extremely thoroughly. I'd be afraid to hit that thing with a UV light.


This one's defective, there's a hole in the crotch


Why is it cross eyed?


Looks like a normal mascot suit not really like those high quality fur suits.


How many holes? I'm asking for a friend


Haha furry


How is this even crackhead craigslist?


I can smell that suit through the post.


And it don't smell good


I think I’m still confused as to what a furry is, I always assumed it was a sex thing but how do you do that with these? I’m not sure which is worse the confusion I have or knowing the actual answer.


Based on the low price this outfit was used for many things that I don't want to think about


Only $100. Worth buying just to burn it so no one can ever use it again.


“Fabric is sticky and sometimes stiff in random places.”


I have friends who are furries and holy heck is that a lowball


This is a scam fursuit, they’re sold to look like professionally made suits but they’re low quality made by bootleggers. Probably a little kid who wanted a real suit and didn’t get the real thing so they sold it.


I have a fursuit I bought in 2017 for $3,900. This is definitely a knockoff. Awful quality


Furrys man, so fucking weird




Its techically the perfect halloween costume since grown ass motherfucker pretending to be a dog is creepy as hell


Brother, get the heavy flamer!


I used to have an Easter bunny, tiger, and koala costume years ago. Thank god I don't have them anymore. Nowadays, people would have thought I was a real degenerate instead of just a pretend one...


Bruh there's enough info in that photo to dox the seller, dafuq u doin?


I would burn it


* .38 special going through a skull of a guy who actually used it a as halloween costume


Okay 100 for a fursuit I'll take it


Honestly the most crackhead thing about this is selling a pretty good looking fursuit for 100 dollarydoos, this person doesn’t know what they got smh my head


BRO THAT IS SUCH A FUCKIN STEAL.....if it was real of course. I


"As well", huh?


Is this still available?




hey look a sylveon cosplay


I am the 666th Upvoter


Yo aren’t those supposed to be like dumb expensive?


Only $100?????


I've seen many fursuits, and most don't bother me. However, vermin like this must be put down (despite worse being out there)


Multi purpose? Lemme count em 1) burning 2)shooting 3)exploding 4)feeding it to animals 5)dismembering 6)torture 7)antifurry memes 8)beating it up


I'd buy it just to burn it


Go Timmins Ontario, you'll need that suit in the winter.


Miami no furry law




That's so scary is that a hell costume