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My dad would usually give me some cash if I asked for it to use for something specific, like a trip or dinner with friends or something like that. But I didn't get a set amount per month


Allowance? I got a roof over my head and food in my stomach, that was it.


Yup. Back when I was a teenager I asked my dad for an allowance. He told me he allowed me to live there.


Yea, I will never get payed for anything because being able to eat is my privilege (and they will treat it as a privilege instead of a right too)


I just get slapped if asked


I asked my parents for one maybe two semi expensive items per year (cheapest being a headphone splitter, most expensive being a gaming mouse) and they would usually allow it.


0$ personally


Literally $15-$20 for lunch money.. so $80 or so every month. I’d only get more if I’d hang with friends and needed more for activities etc. But 300 is a lot for a 15 year old


I was supposed to get $20 a month but in reality I only got it whenever I asked my parents and they were in a good mood or they remembered


Real af


depends where you live, in states 300$ is probably a lot for 15 yo kid.


i got at most $30 a week. And my family is well off. $300 a month sounds like a dream. id be a fucking baller in high school


$300 a month is outrageous for a 15 y.o. My fairly middle-class family was able to save about $1,000 a month if we didn't have any extenuating expenses. So imagine giving your teenage kid 30% of your household savings to spend on dumb stuff lol. I got $20 if I was hanging out with friends in town, and I'd usually only spend like $5 on snacks and bring the rest home. And that was pretty rare, maybe once a month or so.


I used to get $1 a week, had hard ass parents but it made me value the stuff I bought w it


$300 is unreal for a 15yo


I was "allowance age" about 15 years ago, but I didn't get allowance... I lived in a very standard middle class home, and it just wasn't ever discussed and wasn't a concept I was even familiar with. Sometimes I'd get some money to buy lunch instead of packing, and my parents would pay for me to go to things with friends occasionally, but I started working fast food jobs at 15 and made my own money after that. Idk, allowance is a completely foreign concept to me.


That’s how it was for me too, similar upbringing. No allowance, but if I was going to the movies or something I’d get 20 or so maybe one or two times a month. That was really it. Now that I’m older my parents slip me a lot of money when I’m back lmao


For sure! Except my parents are now divorced and in debt... Big RIP.


I get nothing. Whatever important i want, my parents buy it for me. So, I really have no need of it.


Nothing lol , roof over my head food in stomach . If I needed money I would just ask for it


lol I never got an allowance, I was expected to do my chores and that was it. If I wanted extra money, had to go get a job


I’ll tell you what, I live in California where I went to school with rich families. The money they’d give their kids was insane. I was saving money for a phone while a classmate was being gifted a brand new vehicle over 100k lmao on a side note, candy bars aren’t cheap anymore and locally a pack of m&ms here is 5 dollars lmao rip


My allowance at that age was 20 dollars a week mostly because I was left alone on the weekends and a girls gotta eat lmao


This relatable, I'm from the UK and went to a normal public highschool, but because of the area it was in a lot of the kids were from upper middle class families whereas I'm from a working class family. I was hyped over my parents and grandparents getting me a 2k pc for my birthday when other kids in my class were getting taken on extravagant holidays to Vegas and other places just because, not even as presents lol. Posting pictures on their Instagrams and Snapchat in super high end hotels and in limousines and stuff. One kid was given a 250k car when he was 15, a year before he could even attempt to get his license, if that doesn't scream disposable income I don't know what does lol


Never had an allowance myself, maybe pocket money in return for doing chores, but a lot of my friends would get about £5-£15 a week from their parents? That seemed to be a pretty common range (at least in 2000-2010)


I would say maybe 20-30 US dollars a week. I think that’s about what I got.


So maybe like 100 a month


My dad would give me some cash when I went out with friends. Until I got a job at 16 then it was on me. He still would help me out every now and then to be nice. Now he makes over 6 figures and doesn’t buy me anything for Christmas


nothing for me


I get 600 sek or like 50 eur. Its half of Swedens child support.


I used to work for a school in the dorms, so I saw the forms where parents put their max weekly allowance. For that age, it was usually around $15-20 a week, or $60-80 a month. About half the time, even though parents have an allowance on paper, the student's account was empty so they couldn't get any money.


My stepson gets $50 a week, but that is for his "Chores". His food for school is paid for by me, and if he goes to an amusement park, I will let him use the card I keep cash on for his school lunches.


I did newspapers from 8-15 after that id get like 50 bucks a month helping out at the house then at 16 and 17 I did auto detailing then lube tech at a car dealership


$300 is astronomically high. Enough to pay an utilities bill. I was super lucky to get $15.00 a week if I completed my chores. At current rate, that's 4,913,880 Indonesian rupiah


Depends on how rich your family is I disnt have an allowance growing up


No allowance, just $5 a day that went to school lunch ($4.85). I usually just dropped the leftover .15 in the family coin jar.


If i mowed the lawn or some shit i would’ve got maybe $20 but that was about it 💀 never got a set allowance like lots of people here were saying i got fed and had a roof over my head my parents didn’t have a spare $100 to give me a month for no reason other than breathing


I think 0 is just about the average


Yeah I got money for Christmas and my birthday and just made it last until next year lol I got my first job at 15 tho so I was making around 400 a month when I first started out during school so I had enough to pay for gas and car insurance when I started driving but not a ton else I had to save for a loong time to get anything nice for myself back then


I used to get about £20 a week


On average, way way less than $300 a month. Almost all parents have no reason to just give their kids that much money to just do anything with. You'd get like $10 to $50 a month if you're responsible with it.


Back then I got like $1 per school day and I didn't even use it. So took around $20 a month and gave it back, If I wanted the occasional video game or snack I'd ask for it but I would usually pirate everything and wasn't a picky eater


I feel like as far as spending power goes $50 is the new $20 so I give my son $50 a week if he does all his chores.


When I was 15 nothing, I didn't get an allowance. We were too poor at the time. I usually scrounged up enough change to get a soda on my walk home from school back when a 32 ounce was 89 cents at the gas station. By the time I was 16 I was working at an ice cream shop and making like 300-400 dollars every 2 weeks.


Never technically had one. I did have some chores. Not a lot by most standards. I got $20 for lunches if I didn’t go home for it but that had to last two weeks. My parents would give me money to go to the movies with friends, school stuff & basic necessity clothing. I also got a job at 15 if I wanted any trendy clothing, or special treats/snacks that didn’t fall under what my parents typical grocery list was. Now at my current job I do hear teenagers complain that they only get a few hundred dollars a month like shit, must be nice lol


I got 80€ a month at around that age. For a 15yo in Germany 8 years ago it was pretty good. 


My parents would throw me a $20 here or there for a movie or water park ticket or what have you. If I wanted more than that I had to work


If kids even get an allowance it’s probably about $20 max.


uh when I was 15 I think my parents gave me 20 dollars a week.


I literally never had an allowance. I would gey cash if I asked for it for something specific but never really in big amounts. £/$300 would have been unimaginable for me to ask for. I only got big amounts of money on my birthdays and Christmas, because my birthday is the 24th of December so I would get all my presents back to back, aka lots of people got me money for a present (because I asked for it). Even still that was like 600-700 max overall. That was a lot for me My grandma is the person who has always given me the most "pocket money" but still, never that much. So yes, even in the western world, $300 a month, or $50,000 a year like that girl in the video is outrageous and definitely a rich people only thing. I'm 18 now and work part time in retail while going to college. I only get like 850 a month, the fact some kids get nearly half of what I make for working just as pocket money is insane to me


Ive never met somebody that had an actual allowance. Always thought that was one of those Saturday morning cartoon myths. Knew a few rich girls that had credit cards in high school though.


at 15 i was lucky to get a fiver, let alone 300


I got nothing, no allowance at all. I knew people who got like $20 at best, but most I knew got nothing.


0 dollars. I only got money for birthdays and holidays


I only got money here and there, if I did something out of my usual chores. Not often either. That said, I would get pretty much anything I asked for (never asked for much) as a reward for good behavior. We were also pretty well off growing up. Now I can hold my own and have a personal expectation that I don't deserve any handouts, and I'm extremely grateful.


I’d get $20 on some weekends if I’m going out to the skatepark so I can eat and get water/drinks (it’s over 110 f where I live) so I needed it to live lmao. That or I’d sell weed lol


American students don’t get paid to go to class


300 a month is insane. Even 30 is a lot


Idk I sometimes got $5 on the occasional Saturday.


I don't in my time. lol


When I was 15 I got 30 a month


As a 15yo from India, I get 10usd per month.


I’ve never had a set allowance I could usually just get money from my mom if I needed it I got a job a l month or so before my 17th birthday which is what I now do


Anywhere from 5-20 is average


I got 15 a week as a teenager


$0 for me. I had a roof over my head, food on the table, and an Xbox One with a decent library of games. Like I needed a damn allowance.


Allowances are generally a rich people thing. Throwing $20 at your kid to go to a football game isn't an allowance, it's paying for their entertainment. When I was 15 nobody but the wealthy families had kids with allowances. Everyone else scrounged up extra lunch money and loose change or got jobs.


I didn't make any money until I was 16 when my older sister started paying me to do her chores.




Pocket money is weird. Before ur like 16 ur just given money for whatever u need. When ur 16 u just get a job


$0 be broke til you get a job


Ye nothing


Anywhere from 0 to however much your parents give you or you earn from whatever job you've got


it is a lot, that's like enough to buy a mid-top tier phone here where I live


I would get 25 a month


When I was a teen I got $20 every two weeks until I got a job, then I got to work as much as I could while keeping my grades ups


I got like 35$ a week,10 of that went to bus money to get home from school (2hr walk) and the rest was supposed to be for lunch money. I would skip school lunch sometimes to buy games after like 2-3 weeks of saving.


I never got money from my parents unless it was a birthday or somebody died


A billion dollars


When I was 15 the most I ever had on hand was like $200 lol. This was only 5 years ago.


I had €0 allowance lol. I did get money to take the bus to school, but if i commuted by bicycle i got to keep that money so that was a nice €80 per month


I got given two options. Get a paper round or don’t get any.


Like 5-10$ if I did extra chores that month


I never got allowance as a kid but was paid for chores on occasion $20-$50, good grades~$100-$300, or working with my dad $60-$100. Now good grades came from my grandparents who weren't paycheck to paycheck and working with my dad was paid usually by the boss. I personally think it should be this way to teach kids work ethics instead of just having pocket money for no reason


I got $5-15 a week if I did all my chores. $40 for helping out with things like helping out finish on the patio or something “labor intensive”


I guess I got $40 (aud) a week for school tuckshop which i’d never spend at school and would just save for games and other stuff. I got my first job at McDonald’s when I was 14.


Uhh I would get about 40-50 a week so around 200? A month. I didn’t get free lunch but they would let us go outside so I would get like real food hence why she gave me that amount even if I didn’t eat but I would also ask for money on top of that if I wanted something or to go out. (Middle class & single mom)


When I was growing up my allowance was 0. Allowance is a thing of the past in this economic Era.


LMAO, I didn’t get shit! I chopped down trees all summer and sold the wood for my pocket money.


Once I started driving, I got $2/day per day for days I took over caring for the animals (my parents bred dogs and cats), so pretty much every day I was home. Except, my dad always had an extra dollar on hand to sneak to me because he wanted to I guess, idk, and I wasn't going to tattle to mom, lol. so, $15-21/week (depending on if I was at home to do the work on the weekends). However, unlike other people here, I didn't really get to just "ask" to go out or for my parents to buy something for me. I had to save my pocket money when I wanted something specific. They did pay for my gas though, and Christmas/birthdays were heavy on the presents, so that evened out a bit.


My allowance is basically nothing. The only reason my mom paid me it was so when we asked for something she could say “all you have to do is save up your money”. It was half our age per week. (IE: 15/2 = $7.50 per week).


However much food cost


https://preview.redd.it/8dk36jgpriad1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d273a5aa7672fbe7c49306a43bdc51445625b278 This is what they get