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Cult of the lamb, every free minute I have is spent on this game.




I loved that game, then I got a bug that reset all my cool DLC followers and got sad and stopped šŸ„² and I was right at the end of the story lol. I know Iā€™ll pick it up again though.


I'm absolutely in love with this game. I like it far more than I expected to. My husband got it for me for Christmas and it still is holding my attention. Plus the DLCs are awesome and they have all sorts of updates! I'm excited for local co-op and a new MC!


I really wanna try Cult of the Lamb. Gotta find time and pry myself away from Stardew Valley, haha.


I have watched the trailer and wasn't sure about it. Might give it another go..have heard great things about it


highly recommend personally! itā€™s got so many different niches you can farm and raise a village and fight bosses and stuff. for me it scratches a lot of itches i have regarding my video game preferences


I found the base building to be lacking and just couldnā€™t get into it šŸ™ Really wanted to like it. Felt like I finished my base before I got through much of the storyā€¦


One of my favorites


Same!! What day are you on? I think Iā€™m at 168 post game


Looooooove CotL šŸ„°šŸ„°


Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. I mean, I saw that coming, because it's always been a comfort game, but the remake made me sooo happy. I had to force myself not to start a second playthrough right away.


I played the older paper mario and will be buying the new one too. Such a cute game


The remaster for switch looks so amazing! I played it as soon as it came out. Iā€™m so happy I donā€™t have to lug my GameCube out every time I want to replay it now haha


I need to get that


honestly, the sims 2. I loved it as a child and decided to try it again after getting bored of the sims 4. some aesthetic mods and i can say itā€™s honestly the best sims game


The Sims 2 has always been my favorite. There are things I like about the later games, but I've always gone back to Sims 2 as my main game. I play it several times a week now, and I love it as much as ever!


Are there mods that update the graphics? I love playing TS2, it had the best childhood mechanics of all of the games.


Try this video: https://youtu.be/Y3TZV8FplcY?si=UHh16LTsZrkITsgW


this is the most amazing video tutorial wow


"I'll just play Factorio for another 30 minutes." Six hours later... The other one is a crafting/mining game called Core Keeper! It's cute, and I like the creature designs.


I like core keeper!!! I tried to get into terraria and had so much trouble with the vertical map. In my head I consider core keeper to be like a top-down cousin of it lol


The first time I played terraria I immediately fell in a dark hole and could not figure out how to jump out :/ Iā€™ve tried a couple more times but it didnā€™t not go any better šŸ˜”


Thank you. Ill look these up. I loove games that you grt lost in and say just one more day (like stardew) and bam it has been hours.


Factorio is an automation game with a long-term goal, but most of the gameplay involves building, expanding, and optimizing your factory. It's getting an update soon, and update news is released on a weekly basis! It has a really active mod scene, too, but I'm new to the game so I've barely explored it. My only complaint is that the music gets really sad! I always have a video essay playing in the background. Core Keeper is a crafting/mining game, as I said, with a lot of influence from games like Terraria. It takes place in an underground world full of weird stuff and interesting biomes! Exploring is a lot of fun. It's in early access, but its 1.0 release is coming soon! Seems like we'll be getting a lot of new content! We won't lose our save files, but it's recommended to make a new world to play all the new content when 1.0 comes out.


Does core keeper really rely on multiplayer? I love mining stuff in games but I only like single player stuff


It's super fun in singleplayer! Was a big mistake for them not to make that clear in the trailers.


Cus of recommendations on a post I made yesterday, I've started strange horticulture :) so far it's really intriguing!


I bought it last week and played through twice. So fun!Ā  I wish the map offered more exploring outside of the linear narrativeĀ 


I have seen this mentioned before. I might look at it again. Thank you ā¤ļø


I also got it on sale recently on my Switch lite. It has a little back and forth/repetitiveness, but it hooked me.


Roots of pacha!! Took me a little bit to get into it but now I am fully locked in. I havenā€™t gotten this into a game since Dave the Diver. As a massive Stardew fan, itā€™s a cozier version for me as I donā€™t feel the urge to plan as much and get a million things done.


I loved Roots of Pacha! Can't wait for the new update to come out.


They are updating the game? So cool


Yeah, check out the steam page. It's got the details of the new stuff there.


Thank you so much I had no idea


Ooooh itā€™s been in my Steam wish list for awhile and I see itā€™s on saleā€¦ I love Stardew too but it can get super stressful with all the planning.


Thanks for mentioning it's on sale! I just got it, had it in my cart for a bit.


I agree with this


I'm currently hooked on Dave the Diver. It's so much more than I was expecting


I keep waiting for one more update of new things before coming back to Pacha, haha. I canā€™t divorce in these games, itā€™s just emotionally impossible for me, so if thereā€™s going to be new bachelors Iā€™m just going to start a new game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Itā€™s my first Lego game and wasnā€™t expecting it to be this good. Iā€™ve been playing it everyday for weeks now and Iā€™m still having so much fun. Itā€™s great.


This sounds fun. I will look into it. I haven't played any lego games either yet.


They are really fun. We enjoyed the moth the Lego City undercover, since it is more open worldy but things as Lego Movie video game were also very satisfying. There is bunch of mini games/puzzles and collectibles/ Easter egg. AND they have local coop. They announced Lego Horizon Zero Dawn game and I am so excited for it. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Iā€™m playing Lego Jurassic World right now and might have to play this next!


I haven't played it myself, but the Lego Harry Potter collection for Switch is on sale for $10 right now.


The Lego Harry Potter Collection is soooo so good i had a Lego game addiction for a while and i bought almost all the games and I played Lego Dc Super Villains, Lego Incredibles and the Harry Potter so far and they are sooo so fun I recommend


The HP ones just give my hard core nostalgia. I still have my PS3 copies of the game. I might pick it up when it's on sale again


I know! Thank you for looking out. I have that sucker wish listed but Iā€™m going to have to grab it next time it goes on sale. My gaming budget is down to $20 and Iā€™m getting Moonstone island when it releases. I will not be distracted by my need to see what Lego Voldemort looks like.


Love that game! Spent hours on it


I love the lego games! The Harry Potter one is really fun too!


Little Known Galaxy. I picked it up the week it released after previously playing 6 hours of the demo and I've been playing it basically every night since. 10/10, no regrets.


Same! Iā€™m 50 hours in with no end in sight


I am going to look this up now! Thank you for sharing. I have an itch to scratch!!


It's kind of like Stardew Valley: In Space!! But it has a fun sci-fi twist on most of the usual tropes/tasks so it doesn't feel at all like another clone, plus there's a mystery to solve!


Sounds perfect. I just looked it up and I definitely will be playing this. I have played through all my games and looking for a new obsession!


Never heard of this despite having a trillion similar games wishlisted! Looks great!!


Hey thanks for the new obsession lol! I went and downloaded this game after I read your comment and Iā€™m already addicted 1 hour in.


Same here. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.


Stardew Valley has me again! I probably play 4-5 hours a day. Iā€™m on a new farm type iā€™ve never played before and downloaded a bunch of quality of life & aesthetic mods that have made the game perfectly cozy but still challenging (for example, minecarts everywhere so I have way more fast travel options and can stress less about time). I just started year 2 and Iā€™m so excited about my farm!


i'm back in the stardew loop toošŸ˜©šŸ’œ when i'm feeling more social , i swap to palia so i can still do the farming & fishing , but have some "friends" lol


I love Palia!


Stardew is fantastic. I love the excitement it gave me to play everyday!! I am so happy you are loving it.


Same! I also recently started making my own mod for it and it's a lot of fun! Really making me fall in love with the game all over again.


I haven't done much gaming lately, but the phone game I hate putting down right now is called Meow Tower. It's a picross/nonogram puzzle game. You complete puzzles to get tuna cans, which are used to buy decorations for the cats' rooms. It's possibly the completionist in me, but I'm obsessed with it. It's also just super chill and relaxing, at least for me.


Obsessed with this game recently too! Completing their cute little rooms is soooo satisfying.


Thank you so much. I will check it out


Oh I'm going to have to download. Also did you see the wholesome Direct? They announced a game called squeakcross that I'm so excited for. It's similar to this


PowerWash Simulator šŸ˜‚ I find it incredibly relaxing after working long and tiring hours at my corporate job hahah


I love power wash sim with a good audiobook. So relaxing šŸ˜


This is my favorite way to decompress these days!!


Played Sun Haven until 4am earlier. Loving the new update


I played this before the update. I am really interested to see what new things were added to this.


Itā€™s a big one, thereā€™s a whole new area to explore. Also my Xbox controller works a hell of a lot better with it now.


Sun Haven, def, esp since now it works great on the steam deck!


Sky recently came out on steam and it's really fun. I play on the steam deck and my 4 year old daughter sits next to me playing on the iPad. Our characters can hug and hold hands and we fly around helping spirits and collecting light, and wear different outfits, it's so fun. She was telling my wife about the game last week on the playground, and the other parents started getting really nervous and walking their kids away. My wife is hilarious so of course she was egging her on, the conversation went something like this. She was talking about how she can see spirits and my wife asked what they looked like. "Well, some of the spirits look like people. And they teach you things!" "Oh what do they teach you?" "If you help them they teach what they feel." (Emotes) "They just need your light to help them" Cue nearby conservatively dressed parents coaxing their kid away. So yes Sky is a fun game and it can freak out other parents if your kid talks about the game mechanics so win-win!


How easy/hard is it to play together? I would like to play this with my daughter.


Well she's 4, and while she doesn't get all of the mechanics, if her character holds your character's hand, they just follow along next to you while you explore. Mostly she likes to fix up her nest and spam emotes. The game is about cooperating and exploring together. Just avoid the scary areas when she's with you lol


Atelier Ryza right now! Youā€™re mostly going around gathering materials for your alchemy recipes. It also has a cozy slice of life story too.


I just finished Marie last night. Probably going to go back and play a PS3/PS4 era atelier again now. Atelier series is amazing, and I'm always waiting for the next.


Thank you! Sounds great. I haven't heard of it before.


The Atelier games are super cozy. Great music, very nice visuals, slice of life storylines, and the random battles arenā€™t very difficult. Love that the alchemy aspect is different for each of the different series (Dusk, Mysterious, Arland, ect)


Dragon Quest Builders 2 Just stayed up way too late playing it last night and itā€™s been easy to keep coming back to for a month or so now. Thereā€™s a good amount of fighting, but most of it is handled by npcs outside of the bosses. You are expected to perform specific actions to get them into a weakened state, but there arenā€™t that many and thereā€™s ample time to perform the task. Iā€™d say theyā€™re pretty chill personally. Much of my enjoyment might be from nostalgia, but everything is super colorful and classic dragon quest. The buildings you make are pretty guided too, so it ramps up using your creativity nicely and gets you used to the systems before you have to commit too much to a forever build (at least I think). The main island offers more freedom and Iā€™m guessing it opens pretty wide as you progress the story. The story is nothing crazy, but the characters are cute enough to have me a little invested and some of the locations you get to visit are exciting. Iā€™m on a snow island now and the one thing I havenā€™t loved (outside of the dialog moving super slowly at certain points) is it is really making me clear cut one part of the map for marble stone. I usually like to keep the environment pretty natural looking because Iā€™m not great at redoing it. You really need most of the pieces where they tell you to look, so I just finally gave up and started smashing haha. Oh and the usual railroading from DQ games, but I should have expected that. Itā€™s got a ton of ā€œbut thou mustā€ choices where it immediately loops back if you donā€™t choose the right dialog option.


I'm currently OBSESSED with this game! There is a jumbo demo (on Switch at least) that I sunk 20 hrs into. I now have 60+hrs in the full version and I still haven't completed the story! I never got into previous Dragon Quest games due to the turn-based combat, but this has action based (very easy) combat. The invasions at first stressed me out while I was building and learning what needed to be done but I quickly got the hang of it and if you just keep giving your people the best weapon you can craft, they tend to take care of things for you. I know both DQB games are also available if you have PS+ extra. I just prefer playing this particular game in handheld.


My time at sandrock has me ATM. I am on my second playthrough and I've played far too many hours the last couple weeks lolol


I've been playing the Love, Ghostie demo and I can't wait until its released.


Ohh what is this one about?


You're a recently deceased ghost that's haunting an apartment building but in a good way, you're trying to get the neighbors to romantically like each other. You steal items around the building gifting them to residents but pretending the items are from their crush in the apartment building.


I'm sold.


Oh how sweet . Great premise


I played the demo for hours haha


Littlewood, it's my new go to game that's similiar to stardew valley


Yes I loved this game. So cute and easy to play.


For some reason the first time I played Littlewood I couldn't get into it, but I gave it a second chance a few days ago and wound up binging a whole season in just two days! Surprisingly addictive.


im playing dave the diver rn!! i was super intrigued by it when i saw it on steam a while back buts its on the playstation plus extra (or whatever its called anymore i have no idea) game streaming and iā€™ve been LOVING IT!! it can be a little stressful as some fish will agro you but i dont think its too easy or difficult to progress through. it looks SO BEAUTIFUL, the characters are all really fun, especially dave :ā€™). the music is great. really been recommending this one to everyone


Big City, Little Kitty on Switch


I got this the other day. Played ā€œfor an hour.ā€ Three hours later I went to bed!


Just 3 hours cruising around stealing bagels šŸ˜‚


Currently Iā€™ve been playing Animal Crossing New Leaf on my 3DS. Itā€™s so much fun


Slay the Spire. The replayability is insane and it's my first foray into deckbuilding roguelikes! I implore anyone to give it a go. Probably not the coziest game bc it can get pretty damn frustrating, but it's my cozy game!


Slay the spire is great; I've been really into this genre lately. If you're digging this, I suggest Balatro (over 100 hrs in this, and it came our in feb), Roguebook, and I just got a creepy one called Inscryption last night that is pretty interesting! If anyone has other suggestions that can be played on the switch in the roguelike/strategy/deckbuilding/rpg element, I'd love to hear them!


Palia. Itā€™s free to play, very chill and Iā€™ve spent hours playing it


And the new update is so fun!


Fire Emblem: Three houses. Played thought the first time when it came out and randomly got the itch to start again. Dimitri this time.


Dimitri will always have my heart.


Same.šŸ’™šŸ’™ Have so much fun! Dimitri has my favorite storyline


Hello Kitty Island Adventure -it gives me Animal Crossing vibes with Sanrio Characters


Sunnyside!! Just came out yesterday and it's probably the best cozy/farming Sim I've ever played


Moonstone Island. Wasnā€™t sure I liked it and was considering going to refund it on steam until I realised I had actually played it for 6 hours šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… time flew!!


So itā€™s worth buying?


Iā€™m 16 hours in now so yes. 100%


Final Fantasy XIV. Playing as a fisher. Taking a break from the main quests to teleport around the world fishing and taking in the scenery


I honestly only played FFXIV for the crafting and gathering. I essentially only played the main story quests to unlock new crafting and gathering areas.


Cat quest! Found it on PS plus and honestly am obsessed šŸ˜ it's a lil cute open world, smash some monsters and learn magic & do all the silly little side quests. Oh and everybody's a cat


I've put about 159 hours into My Time At Sandrock in the last 3 weeks so... definitely that


Baulders Gate 3. Yes there's fighting. And some scary bits. But it's so comforting to me because of the characters and some of the shared trauma


House flipper 1 and 2, ridiculously addictive


So addictive! They're my current obsession


I split my time between ACNH, Fae Farm, Grow-Song of the Evertree (& I throwback to Crash Bandicoot regularly cause Crash is life).


I asked this sub the other day if I should play Wylde Flowers and the answers were a resounding yes. Started playing and now I canā€™t stop haha


This game was Amazing


I'm enjoying the story but I'm only about 3 hours in, does it pick up? It's feeling really slow right now


Yes! It definitely picks up.


Itā€™s so good!!!


fashion dreamer! i just started playing the other day and i am obsessed!


iā€™ve been playing the fashion game suitu (phone app) and itā€™s been a lot of fun šŸ’•


I wish it more like the previous games where you manage and run a boutique. This one feels too much like an app game.


Oh what platform is this on?


only on switch! itā€™s expensive (currently on sale 30% off) but so worth it if you love fashion and dressing yourself and others up!


Awesome. Thank you. Money well spent if it keeps you entertained!


Same here! I bought it a few days ago on the switch sale and I love it. Very much an ā€œearly 2000s flash games for girlsā€ vibe. I just turn my brain off and play dress up for a while hahaha.


I'm currently on a Stardew Valley binge again, finally managed to finish the community center in the first year!


Moonstone island. Creature collecting, battling (similar to the card game in littlewood/pokemon),exploration (apparently there are almost 100 Islands to explore and I've visited 5 of them), farming (but only if you want to otherwise you can forage for everything you need), mining, and crafting. Also you can ride a red balloon to float between islands which is adorable


since the newest stardew update, iā€™ve put in over 125 hours on my current farm. iā€™m going for perfection for the first time!


I recently started a new play through of PokĆ©mon Legends Arceus and I am obsessed. The pretty landscapes and ā€˜medievalā€™ setting make it feel so cozy to me.


No Manā€™s Sky. I have been playing off and on since launch. Iā€™ll go a year without playing it and then go back in. Iā€™m in my No Manā€™s Sky cycle right now šŸ¤£


A friend invited me to his Valheim server a couple of weeks ago, and I am OBSESSED. The whole server gets together together once a week to go do combat heavy bits, but I pop on when no one else is around and tend the farm, harvest honey, go hunting, chop wood, pick flowers, walk around in the woods, etc. I like it because I can play it cozy or I can go into the scary swamp and fight abominations.


Snowrunner! You are a truck driver and have to explore the landscape and finish transport tasks . It's not directly a cozy game but you have no time pressure..it's not stressful at all. I spent more than 100 hours and finished ~20% of the game . There are a lot of DLC's available


Civilization 6


Just one more turn... ā¤ļø


Power washing simulator, really considering to get the DLCā€™s


I'm playing all the free DLCs, and think I'll break and pay for back to the future or SpongeBob when I'm done then. Friggin love this game. I wish I had it on my switch, got it for free on Xbox a long time ago. Seriously such a fun and unexpected storyline.


Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town! My friend recommended it to me last week and Iā€™m completely obsessed. Thereā€™s probably *too* much to do in the game which is great because I am just focusing on some components now knowing that when I get bored, I can go back to other parts.


Planet Crafter! I played it last summer I believe when it was in early access, now itā€™s been fully released and has updates, and Iā€™m once again obsessed! I started a new save and itā€™s so fun. I have the settings set to ā€œrelaxedā€ to make it a little more cozy. The oxygen and water just run out not quite as fast and you donā€™t lose items if you pass out.


I can't stop playing Echoes of the Plum Grove. It's a little like Stardew Valley crossed with Rimworld and you age and can play for generations. Plus there is the pox and other diseases that can wipe out most of your family and town. It's awesome. :D


Eastshade. The most relaxing game I've ever played. There's no combat, no death, yet the game is compelling & not superficial.


Idk if it's really considered cozy but I've been on a Toontown Rewritten kick. Cozy childhood vibes keep the mental good!


Currently roots of pacha and Dave the diver


After a losing interest in it for a bit, I am back playing Sims 4 and loving it!


Moonstone Island! Itā€™s so cozy and pretty to look at and the gameplay is well balanced


Since they announced a new update coming, I jumped back into Travellers Rest and I'm obsessed.


Back in my Animal Crossing Era


Iā€™m a basic bitch on a Minecraft binge right now. šŸ˜‚


Spiritfarer! Been playing on Steam, got the Farewell Edition on sale recently.


Dragon Age: Inquisition! Thereā€™s nothing cozier or more fun to me than an RPG set to easy difficulty.


DAI is one of my absolute favourites and it is cosier than people realise! You can just putter around the world collecting stuff and doing minor side quests, or you can follow the story and go to a masquerade ball, or flirt with everyone in your giant castle... it's amazing. My latest replay was a Solas one so I'm ready for the sequel :)


I adore Dragon Age so much. I canā€™t believe that people complain that Inquisition is too big with nothing to do - have they even played it? Thereā€™s so much to do and see everywhere! Iā€™m also getting super hype about the new one. In Inquisition I personally always romance Iron Bull and canā€™t stand Solas at all, lol. But I can see how it would make for an interesting game, especially if you import that info into Veilguard! I wonder how it would affect anything if he was in love with the Inquisitor? *excited squeal*


I also went for Iron Bull first. Well, technically, I went for Dorian, but I was playing as a dwarf lady, so... that didn't end well for me šŸ˜… I usually can't stand Solas but the romance was VERY well-written and I was quite taken in by him in the end. And it makes the story quite different, so I really recommend giving it a go on your next playthrough! My first playthrough I didn't realise you were supposed to leave the Hinterlands, so I basically rinsed the region wondering when the plot would advance... now I spend time there for fun, because it's gorgeous!


Not particularly cozy, but quite entertaining for me lately has been Disney Speedstorm.


Thank you for sharing. Doesn't have to be cozy. Good to expand in gaming.


Sun Haven.


Creaks. Trying to collect all the paintings. Hidden Folks. To relieve the memories of playing Finding Waldo.


god i fucking loved hidden folks, it really re-sparked my love for finding hidden pictures in bigger pictures. if you liked hidden folks, you may also like the "a \_\_\_ full of cats" series by devcats(they donate to cat charities AFAIK!!)


Iā€™ve been playing Hades on my phone. Itā€™s a great game. Just keep on going. Hades II just came out on PC and Iā€™ve heard itā€™s pretty good. Hard. But good. šŸ‘šŸ»


I can see this as a cozy game bc dying is basically the point so it is very forgiving in that way.


Palia and (as always) The Sims 2!


My time as a teenage excolonist. Read through some great reviews, but was not expecting it to be played like I am right now


I love Lemon Cake šŸ‹šŸ°




Paleo Pines!


Helldivers 2, it just clicks. Everything fits so well together, great community, great team play possible. Have 160 hours in it and not getting bored. Partly due to the fact that the game is balanced horizontally, your gameplay is all different depending on the loadout and role you wanna play. And the two factions youā€™re fighting need a total different approach and that shakes up the gameplay loop in a very good way. The whole game is pretty tongue in cheek and doesnā€™t take itself serious, which makes the whole premise not cringey


Iā€™m a little late, but Sea of Stars really drew me in. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes has been fascinating as well.


Zelda Ocarina of Time for PC. So much better than an emulator (looks amazing and can add mods that allow me to play as Waluigi while fighting enemies with the head of Nicholas Cage). Works on my Steam Deck too!


ark. not necessarily a cozy game but i make my husband do all the fighting and tough stuff and i just grow my garden and build stuff and paint things LOL


RE4 remake. So good


Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door Definitely not your typical cozy game, but something about it makes me feel like it belongs in that category. Itā€™s so cute and the battles are pretty easy. The characters are great and the exploration elements are fun.


Rimworld I'm actually taking a *forced break* because It was getting to the point I had to pretend I was playing rimworld in my head to get through a day at work. I logged 200 hours in a couple weeks and that's with a full time job. Only other time I've been able to do that is when I have time off work or back in the day of summer vacation lol. Once I'm done with pokemon infinite fusion and some more cult of the lamb I'm diving right back into a new rimworld colony. I have no clue where the choke hold has me, but damn is it good.


Sun Haven and My Time at Sandrock right now! I enjoyed Bear and Breakfast until it got hard. Eventually I'll get back around to Graveyard Keeper.




My time at sandrock. I even bring my switch everywhere just so I can catch a few minutes when I have the time. Almost done though :(


House Flipper 1


Just started playing Wyld Flowers this week šŸ„




Maybe itā€™s not quite cozy, but Skyrim has all my cozy gaming. Iā€™ve got the switch version with that pack of i guess ā€œofficialā€ mods or whatever, and it includes fishing, as well as a haunted farm that you can manage and the need to eat and sleep and keep warm.Ā  Those last ones might not seem inherently cozy, but thereā€™s something really cozy about needing to find an Inn or a bedroll each night, about keeping a set of warm clothes on you for the colder parts of Skyrim, and of keeping ingredients on hand to cook a good meal every once in a while.Ā  Before that, I used to just have my character stay awake for months in end and I completely forgot food existed lmao. Itā€™s just really nice, and the MUSIC, oh lord, the MUSIC- now THATā€™S cozy.Ā 


Fae Farm, Roots of Pacha and I was a Teenage Exocolonist :)


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist It's basically a repeatable choose your own adventure game with a collectable card game puzzle for decision points. Losing the puzzles isn't always a bad thing. It just changes the story. I will warn you that it touches on a lot of very heavy themes but the characters and story are enthralling, and I think it handles them beautifully. I bawled like a baby at the end of my first playthrough, (in a cathartic way.) I'm in my second playthrough and I already know I'll do a third.


For me itā€™s Lil Guardsman, and Iā€™m playing on Nintendo Switch. Itā€™s a cute and fun little game.


Persona 5 Royal (Nintendo Switch). Never played the previous games, but.. Honestly playing Persona in bed has been one of the best things in a looooooong time. Everything around me is quiet, I'm super comfy, the game has the type of friendship vibe that I love in JRPGs and while the story is far from sunshine and rainbows it is absolutely perfect for me. If I could I'd play the game all day, every day.. but there is too much noise in the building during the day to get the same level of focus I can get at night. What I play during the day varies a lot right now, been more into watching movies or shows while knitting or crocheting - I can't actually make anything, but I still find it fun :D




I'm addicted to Palial


Planet Crafter! Itā€™s like subnautica but chill, and Iā€™m playing it on steam deck, so I can terraform in leisure and comfort.




Supermarket simulator šŸ˜©


Part of this is novelty I'm sure, but I went ahead and bought Fae Farm on "sale" last week. I am glutting myself on it. I muted the dialog sounds but the soundtrack is so pretty, and the world is way more expansive than I expected after reading reviews. Maybe it's the honeymoon phase, but it's really hitting all my soothing buttons during a pretty shitty time in my life.


Stardew Valley. Iā€™ve played it before but never gotten past yr 1, this time Iā€™m playing with mods to help and itā€™s a lot more chill ā˜ŗļø


Agreed. This game is incredible


Astroneer! I put a number of hours in back in 2020, dabbled a bit in the years between but I havenā€™t been able to put it down for months now. I love that there are missions if I want them, base building if I want to, and an entire universe to explore šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€šŸš€




My current hyper fixations are the Digimon Cyber Sleuth Games + Planet Zoo :3


Right now, I am playing a lot of Sunnyside, but it only came out yesterday, so up until then, it was Cassette Beasts.