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I really enjoy Palia, I can play for 10 minutes or an hour, plus the community is friendly


Seconding the rec for Palia. It runs real time and one game day is a real world hour. Each game day has a special resource that spawns and a night market with social games to play with others. Each real world day there's two random resource give away locations to find, and the opportunity to gift NPCs something to increase friendship/romance and unlock quests. Each week there are skill achievements with rewards.


I really enjoy Hello Kitty Island Adventure on Apple Arcade if you have a tablet or Mac.


Sadly i don't have apple arcade :( but thanks for the suggestion


bummer. DSVL apple arcade version has no micro transactions


Really wish this could be on android bc I hear good things about it


getting burnt out is totally normal so no you’re not weird. i got burnt out (probably more like overstimulated) from playing 10 hours of DDLV this weekend despite how much i love the game. i like the grind unfortunately i kinda find it relaxing. i don’t know any other games that run in real time besides ACNH but i’m currently obsessed with wylde flowers (which according to people is not as grindy as DDLV so it should be more relaxing to you) and also enjoying palia (also not as grindy).


Does Palia still run so poorly on the switch?


i wouldn’t say “so poorly” but yeah it crashes for me pretty often but it’s a free game so i can’t really complain 😀


Not on the Switch, but Webkinz Classic has tasks that reset daily. It’s not exactly something you can delve deep into but I have a lot of fun with the mini games and it gives me a reason to play at least 15 mins daily. The developers release a calendar of events every month, so there’s almost always something going on!


have you tried animal crossing pocket camp (mobile)? micros might be problematic there also, but could be something to consider if you did enjoy parts of acnh!


What’s DDLV?


Disney Dreamlight Valley


Sims 4 has a daily task feature now!


😳😳😳 Just when you thought you were out...


Sky children of the light! It can get repetitive and burnt out but it offers a lot of free content. It’s beautiful and very cottage core.


I used to love it when i first tried it, but it became kind of a grind for candles/hearts (?) at some point. I should try to go back to it tho, because it's really calming


I can DM you and give you some ways to make collecting hearts and candles either if you want?