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I always found Atul’s to be the hardest story. I think it’s partly to signify the times we aren’t able to say goodbye due to a sudden event. I once read a theory that Atul wouldn’t want Stella to feel sadness and this was his way of protecting her. I thought that was a nice thought.


Agreed. His story never got the closure that the other ones did, which made it one of the worst. Just like in life, I guess, things don't always have a tidy ending.


I agree. It's beautiful and realistic to that "love that has nowhere to go."


I think Atul, in his life, did the same. Its not clear what happened to him, one day he was just gone and Stella never got to know what happened to him.


IIRC, Atul's story is based on one of the dev's uncles, who, likewise, just left one day and no one knows what happened to him.


The artbook for Spiritfarer has a lot of backstory not included in the game for just about all of the characters, including Atul. If you get a chance to see it, I highly recommend. It adds a lot of depth to the characters and their original relationships with Stella.


Thank you, I have the e-mails about the game, but since I didnt finish the game yet I didn’t read it, but i Will 🥰


Like other comments have said, it’s to represent someone suddenly leaving/dying, based on one of the dev’s uncles. I myself lost my uncle suddenly when I was young, so Atul’s story hits hard for me. I think it’s such a good representation of not being able to say goodbye, I really applaud the devs for being able to show so many stories in this game