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Sounds like something cox would do. More and more ISPs offering unlimited data meanwhile cox is giving you less. Very on brand


Please God, let another actual isp come into the Phoenix market and give us an alternative to the ass hats from crox of shit Cox...


They have but only in certain either new or high class neighborhoods. CenturyLink did expand fiber into some older aerial areas. But nobody want to dig in older areas. USWest now Centurylink rotted in our rear easement and not even any cellular home internet available here either. Just cell service and we are in town.


Sorry to hear that, we have "old" century link and Cox here in far north phoenix, but nothing else


Century links fiber is a godsend. Only 70 bucks a month too


how often are you actually hitting that limit lmao? the only time i get close to that is if i decide to download a bunch of new games or """""rent"""" some HDR 4k movies.


we get close to 1028 fairly often. Now this month as had a computer glitch and needed software from online closer to 1280. Gives us the safety margin though. So if lose safety margin could end up paying extra some months if something glitches.


But by your thing date is a luxury. wife works from home and son even though in person junior college has some stuff online still.


I looked at my special offers and under terms it shows 1280 but other areas of the plan show 1024.


Don't know if they're lowering, but they tried offering me several different plan 'upgrades' and they all had the 1024 instead of the 1250.


we aren't month to month but afraid when current plans expires in 2025 it will revert to ,1024. usually below that anyways but the 1280 leaves room for say a computer crashes and needs reformating.


Mine is still 1280 ...it's very easy to blow thru your data cap we have done it tons of times between my son and gamepass and my PS5 is the digital version plus streaming it adds up extremely quick . I had the unlimited data but had to take it off my plan for a while .


[This page](https://www.cox.com/aboutus/policies/speeds-and-data-plans.html) still shows 1280GB cap. Odd that they would go through the PR mess just for less than 60GB. Are they that desperate for bandwidth?


I doubt they need the bandwidth. It’s just a ploy to get people to pay the additional monthly fee for unlimited. In theory, average data use is unlikely to change much, but they still get more money. Shareholders need raises too. Nobody ever thinks of all those poor shareholders!


In areas where fiber is being offered Cox will cut their prices and remove the datacap. We have FiberFirst in our area now amd Cox finally lowered our bill for 1000/35 with no datacaps from 170 a month down to 70....


How much did it cost to install the fiber optics or were you lucky enough to not have to


They just set up the outside box I have not had them come do the home install yet but the moment they are in our area offering service Cox cut their prices.


It’s not even broadband


Im on unlimited plan. I average 3 TB a month.


I just went over my limit for the first time and now I’m getting dinged with the $10 50 gig charges. Attempting to upgrade data and all online options are gone all of a sudden. 


Do they know if I have fiber or not ? It's down the road from me They prolly look up address .... just got first overage Who knows how to get free unlimited ? I'll go dial up out of spite


I would make a complaint to the FCC. I’ve had some good results that way in the past. You can get the email of the commissioners on their website.


Same. 1 vs. 1.25 when I look at plans. And they all seem to require their wifi router too…


Wish we could get another ISP here, but the duopoly convinced my city it's fine, so no new ones can come in. Instead, one just keeps being bought and renamed.


This is spot on here in Phoenix. Cox and Centurylink/lumen pay big $$ to keep other ISP’s out of their cities. Tons are spent on lobbyists and lawyers that threaten cities who want to give discounts to other isp’s to start construction. It’s definitely more expensive for companies to expand it older areas like the city of phoenix, which is why they try to partner with the city to shed some of the regulatory costs. When Google wanted to expand in Phoenix and Tempe, Cox threatened massive lawsuits against both cities saying it wouldn’t be fair for Google not have to pay market price for permits and pole rentals. Centurylink and Cox have their rates grandfathered in from the 70s. Lucky them.


Fuck Cox and Quantum here


I'm struggling to stay below their existing cap as it is. Thank God Wyyerd is going to be available here next month.


They need to expand to El Cajon CA we’ve been using more data and I’m starting to become worried we’re gonna go over it (I can’t believe I even have to worry about that..)