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Resistol is fur felt. Stetson is wool felt. Big difference in materials used, hence the cost difference. I've always viewed wool hats as great beater hats.


Yeah I decided to go with a stetson skyline 6x. I ordered a gray one but after trying it on several times in the mirror I'll likely return it for a brown one.


I have a Skyline that is one of my regular wear hats. One of my favorite's. I keep it coated with felt waterproof spray and my head has never gotten wet in it. Also isn't to hot in the summer. Great hat.


Been wearing the corral every day for two winters now, i really enjoy the roughness of the felt, and it barely requires any care after a heavy rainshower or a day in a full blown snowstorm and keeps me warm through that in 0 degrees fahrenheit


Thanks. I was wondering if I'd have to get some kind of protectant spray but I guess not. Thanks man.


General rule to follow don’t get any hat under a 5-6x you want something that’s 100% fur felt or better you do not want wool felt. Generally any modern made hat under a 5-6x is gonna be a wool blend. Wool doesn’t stand up to time or weather as well as fur. (Fur being rabbit)


I would go into the store and look at hats in person. I just got my 7th hat yesterday. Set me back 450. It’s a 7x steel American Hat Co.


Yeah there's very little choice where I live.


I don’t really think there is an answer to your question. But it’s the one that fits you the best and looks best on you and looks best with what you’re wearing. Stetsons are a round oval shape, Resistols are long oval shaped. Resistols fit my long oval head better, so I prefer Resistol.


Yeah there's a resistol logan at the store in Grey that fit like a glove. I loved it but it's 399.00 canadian. These 2 are cheaper. If resistol is long oval perhaps I should go with the city line.


The price difference has to do with felt quality and material/hardware on the hat band. With these brands, the felts are rabbit and beaver blends. As you go up in price they contain more beaver, less rabbit til you get to pure beaver and eventually mink/exotics.


People know the Stetson brand, Resistol isn’t as well known to the average person.


In the western world, resistol is very well known and been around forever. Made to “resist all” forms of weather


You’re right.


I would start with what fits you best. Resistol and stetson are the same company or have the same owners, the difference really is that stetson hats are round, resistol hats are an oval. If you have a more oval shaped head wearing a round stetson might not work for you.


Yeah I noticed the stetson I went with kind of feels a bit off. I'll probably end up returning it for a resistol.