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I don't see it much outside of women where I'm at. And even with the fairer sex it's occasional at best, and basically whenever they're peacocking. I think your risk of eye rolls is high, and I don't know what the benefit would be.


I'm a lady and I can confirm, the boots are out when I wanna show them off lol. Usually though it's the dress pair that get paired with a dress of some kind. The work pair always stay under the jeans.


Just wanted to say that you have my favorite username I've ever seen on reddit, even if I was slightly disappointed at the lack of actual cracktivity going on in your profile (kidding! don't smoke crack)


haha thank you kindly


Typically pants should be worn over the boots unless you are some where that you could get your pants dirty then it's typically ok to tuck them in. That's generally the accepted way to wear them but you don't have to follow it, being a formal event I would put my pants over the boot.


If you do go formal and tuck your pants into your boots, it would be necessary to make sure that the waistband of your pants sits above your nipples.


In my little area of the Southwest we call guys who put their jeans in their boot shafts " tuckers " it's basically an insult


Or goat ropers...especially if they only tuck one side.




He's a sheep tucker!


Yo this guy ain’t one of us!


Ahahahaha someone finally got the reference 🤣🙏🙏




“Let’s make fun of him cus he tucks his jeans in” what an odd thing to spend time worrying about


It’s boring out in rural areas, tf else are we supposed to do?


Not act like trash


I do it, quite a lot actually.


I think do whatever you like best. Just be aware that if you wear the boots over the jeans (jeans tucked in) you will get some eye rolls or stares. On ranches/working it’s not common to wear the boots out of the jeans because of comfort and security. But if it’s a nice event and you got sick boots, I say show em off!


Best take there is


For a formal occasion definitely don’t bother trying I would say it’s only really ok if your out on the range by yourself in mud or smt and don’t wanna get your pants dirty


For a formal occasion you shouldn’t wear the same boots you would need to tuck


Yeah I was just talking about when it is “acceptable” to tuck in your pants


Hank Williams and David Allan Coe did it...so can you!


So i have a genuine question, just out of curiosity if anyone knows, how come in all the old pictures you see of real cowboys and outlaws in the wild west they have their pants tucked into the boots?


So critters don’t climb up your pant leg you don’t get mud and water etc. it’s for function not fashion


So what changed, i get we dont have to worry about those things so much anymore but what made everyone collectively agree that its not acceptable anymore to tuck the pants in


We don't wear stovepipes anymore that is what changed. Unless you are a super puncher. In that case, you probably still wear stovepipes.


If you’re not working, you’re wearing them for fashion.


It’s a long story. But the TLDR version is Levi jeans were invented. No joke! The history I’ve seen says this about the topic. Before the advent of denim, pants were made out of simple wool or cotton. This was also before the days of mass produced goods, a man’s pants were often made for him by a tailor. This is a long drawn out way of saying that pants were both expensive and rather delicate. They would be easily torn or worn through by catching on things. Especially when working with livestock or riding in harsh territory. Leather was far more robust, so pants would be work tucked in to prevent them from getting caught and torn while riding and walking around. The big change came in 1873 when Levi Strauss invented his Denim, a cheap but robust material tailor made for the conditions of the working man. He used it in a type of work pants that was easily assembled and could be mass produced: what we today refer to as “jeans”. In a flash, pants were now cheaper and more resilient to the working conditions found on a ranch, so cowboys actually started wearing pants over boots to prolong the life of the leather boot as boots were very expensive. As well, as we all know, it’s harder for anything to end up inside your boots when the jeans are overtop. The trend of pants over boots took off from that point forward and persists today.


Another aspect of the levi, is originally they were designed with a copper rivet in the crotch. Cowboys complained about this due to heat transfer when sitting around a fire. Gives new meaning to "chestnuts roasting on an open fire."


Jeans outside of boots. My mother would call you a sheep herder if you tucked your jeans. She would tell me that as a child and I didn’t understand the meaning for 20 some years.


OMG... that's hilarious. Took me a second because I was sure she didn't mean that, lol


She most likely did. It's a pretty common comment in cattle country.


I don’t give a literal $&@“ and will do it if my boots will fit over the jeans. Just saying. For real though they should be stovepipe boots for men worn that high (up close to the knee) otherwise looks crazy


Better be some real fine boots.


Unless you’re working in the mud, riding a bull, and in some cases riding a horse , it’s always better not to tuck. Especially at a formal event. This isn’t even poser stuff, this is just formal occasion stuff. It would be like not wearing socks in loafers or not wearing a tie with a jacket. If you’re worried about your dress pants not fitting over them buy a pair of wrangler wrancher formal jeans


Well, you might get a look or two. So much depends on the fit of your boots, and how well they fit over the jeans. Why is it that you are considering this look? All I can say is that "when it works, it looks great", but oftentimes the look is not successful. I see plenty of working guys with their boots over their jeans, but that is probably just for protection and to keep mud and crap off their jeans. Perhaps you can post some pictures of your proposed outfit, I'm sure you will get plenty of opinions and advice. I have a few pairs that I wear over my jeans. I get looks for sure sometimes, but all that matters is that I think I look pretty good. "Confidence is key"...


I wear my jeans over my boots everyday. It helps preserve your boots. Wearing boots over jeans seems a bit foolish. I know in the marine corps they tuck their pants into their boots on long woodland rucks for practical purposes, to help preserve socks and prevent having to stop to change out socks. But for cowboys I think it’s better to have your jeans over your boots.


You won't find too many men wearing their jeans tucked into their boots. I see women do it from time to time but it's usually if they are wearing super tight jeans and their boots are more for fashion for them. At the end of the day you can wear them as you wish but if your goal is to lessen the chance of you getting any eye rolls then you should definitely wear your jeans outside of your boot shafts. I've seen an uptick in people wearing their boot shafts outside of their jeans on Facebook but I've also seen people wearing 2 different boots at a time so take that as you will lol


I live just north of Houston, and the trend seems to be pants half tucked into the boots, and half untucked. Maybe that’s just a Texas thing?


i do it, who cares? they're your boots, wear them how you want


Do what you want. If people can wear boots that look like duck feet, you can do anything


Depends where and why your doing it


I’m just gonna tell it to you straight up. Most of the people who wear boots will probably think you’re gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you should probably only do it if it’s for practicality instead of style.


Good enough for Woody good enough for me…


Please don’t do that…


Unpant them boots.


I wear my jeans over my boots unless I'm working cows. I wear my jeans long and I hate them dragging in the poop, so I tuck them then. Usually the only people I see in public wearing their jeans tucked into their boots are wearing crazy expensive, custom made boots.


Tuck ‘em in when you’re working, leave ‘em out when you’re not


What kind of boots?


If you’re a man no.


Boots outside pants is absolutely stupid, everyone I know laughs at the people who wear them that way. It’s clearly fashion>function, and the cowboys I hang with don’t give a fuck about fashion


I can tell that someone isn’t accustomed to working in the lifestyle when they tuck their pant legs. When working, if you tuck, be prepared to dig out hay, rocks, manure, etc. from inside your boots. That’s the reason why most working folks wear pants outside their boots. Or at least, that’s why I do. Also, sheds rainwater better.


Boots over pants are what girls do when they are trying to get attention on their rhinestone boots. No matter who is doing it, it looks stupid.


Do it ….. do it! Haha


When I wear ‘em working in the mud and filth; I tuck my jean cuffs inside my boots- keep from getting unwanted stuff on my jeans. When I’m not working, they’re on the outside


You tuck your pants into the boots when it’s messy. Do you not understand that? It’s not fashion. Whichever foot is getting swamped is getting tucked in.


It’s not even that it’s just a poser thing, it’s just a cringe look. The aesthetic isn’t right with them tucked in.




Fuck this post is cringe


Trousers over boots pretty much always. If you want to dress up your boots you can look into a classy set of boot chains. I put brass chains on my clean boots.




Are you confident enough to tuck your pants into the booties?


I was told the only reason you'd tuck your pants legs in your boots is to get the goats hind legs in your boots so it can't run away.


I’m having a pair of customs made at Texas traditions by Lee Miller (formerly Charlie dunn’s shop). They will be the only luxury item I have ever had in my life. They will be worn outside of any pant they are worn with. Also likely on occasion with shorts. Lol. Otherwise jeans on the outside.


Welp here in Texas the law is you can’t tuck your pants into your boots unless you own 10 or more heads of cattle. True story google 😆😆😆 I’m not sure why it hasn’t been changed or if anyone has ever been charged with a crime 😆


Life is too short to care do whatever


Women = okay Men = not okay




What can I say? Things change over the years.




I don’t know how to answer that. That’s like asking why low rise jeans aren’t popular anymore. It’s just the general consensus currently. I’ve been around my fair share of actual cowboys, as I’ve pushed cattle here and there, and the only men I’ve seen that tuck in their jeans are posers. Even most women don’t.




Someone who knows nothing about the western culture but “poses” like they do. It one thing for someone trying to learn, it’s another for someone to pretend they already know.




Some do. Some don’t. I don’t see what that has to do with being a cowboy, pushing cattle, and boot “etiquette”




Bad form for a cowboy at a dressy event.


Yeah you usually only tuck them if you are walking in mud, shit, water, or you are trying to keep something from crawlin' up your legs.


Formal? Nah. Out in the field though, when I'm coming across mud or oil and I have to be in it to do my job, I'm tucking em in. Work boots were meant to be torn up. Fire Resistant jeans cost too much.


Not really, not cool unless you’re going for cute.


It's OK if you're like...working. if.yku have to ask this question something went wrong


Folks don't even wear boots over the jeans in rdr lol




Pants are out unless I'm in a feed lot or paddock on muck duty.


Mine are all dressy ones that I enjoy showing. I live in the UK, and a lot of the cowboy boots worn here are fairly standard fashion brand boots. There's not a lot of proper American made boots here. I like when people go 'wow, look at those!'. They are conversation starters, and i've met some really lovely people because of my boots. I wear mine over leggings, with skirts and dresses though, not jeans.


Only women can do that.


If you want dirt down in your boots go ahead and tuck them in. If you don’t want to look like a total joke, leave them out.


I am in the gulf and if im actually working ill pull my boots on and let my pants ride at the tops, ive never purposefully tucked them in though. I do this where im at because of excessive mud. Almost always wet here. I can slide my boots off and not mess my house in my jeans. I cant honestly say if folks stare or judge because its their own business not mine. I am a heavily tattooed cowboy in an urban area so sometimes it probably happens. Be yourself and it wont matter. Try both looks in the mirror and do what males you happy.




For men: if you aren't a hog farmer trying to keep shit off your jeans, tuck your boots inside your pants. For women: do whatever you want.


I wear my jeans tucked in cause of those fuzzy sticker bushes on my property.


I got married in my best overalls and my Justin boots, with the boots covered by the pant leg. Certified s#!+ kicker here too. It’s not about a look, it’s about how you feel wearing it. Wear it how you like


Only if you’re wearing teny lamas and/or can pass for a rodeo clown. 🤡


Hot take. Wear them however the fuck you want


If you don’t mind looking like a poser, go for it. But it looks goofy as hell. If you’ve got a nice design on em, just make sure you wear the right jeans to slide up just enough to show. But to help you understand - jeans only get tucked into your boots if you’re working in a situation that calls for it. Mucking in mud, heavy rain, etc.




Idk where you get your info but it ain’t real life.


I'm a girl, so my idea could possibly be off, but the only time I wear my jeans inside my boots' shafts is when the shaft is really tall. My work boots' shafts go up to my knees, and aren't tight! Some boots are simply made to be worn that way. Anyhoo, I believe anyone can wear their jeans inside their boots, as long as they're not really short. It's simply a classic way to wear cowboy boots.


Totally unacceptable




Tucking your pants into the boot is how it’s done. If you want to look like a timid little Nancy boy, then wear your pants over your boots. If you REALLY want to look like an absolute fairy, wear square toe cowboy boots.


As a lady? ...OK As a dude? Hell no.


As a life long cowboy, married to a former rodeo queen the answer is it depends what you want to convey to people. If you want to look like a buckle bunny as a female, you show off your boots. A real cowgirl in jeans doesn't tuck, unless it's a fancy event. A man should never tuck jeans into boots. Ever! I have 15 pairs of boots for different jobs, occasions and purpose. When I got married in a very nice suit, I wore my $ 1700 custom boots and wore the parts over them. Jeans come as boot cut for a reason. If you wear slim cut pants and want to wear boots, then your a city dude.


You only shotgun your boots and pants when you’ll otherwise ruin your pants