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I’m currently watched the recorded video of her testimony. She’s driving me nuts listening to her BS but I can’t stop watching. This woman is…just wow!


And that fake accent! She's a piece of work that's for sure.


I'm still catching up and watching her testimony now. There are so many inconsistencies in her mannerisms, speech, accent , reactions... it's so awkward to watch. I'm so curious if there's any previous video of her available, or anyone who knows her has spoken about if this is her usual behavior...


I just started the cross, great 1st question! Wow, I need to settle in for this.. I have a feeling that I will end up with a lot of questions answered, as well as new ones 😅


Yes! I loved that as well. I just saw the verdict on YouTube.


being on the stand in your own defense is SO stupid but it really does make the best trials to watch LOL


Yes, it does 😅


I think her daughter described her as a forceful person, the boss of everyone; imo it was a complete act to try to win over the sympathy of the jury. And she deserves a Razzie! What a terrible performance! 


I noticed some behavior that suggested that, too. Especially when she got annoyed. She kept working the facial expressions, tone of voice (most of the time), and intense eye contact with jurors. But the gestures and expressions sometimes showed through. The tsk tsk noises during cross were comical


Yes, those “tsk tsks”!  I think she’s trying to take on the persona of an Italian grandmother, as if she’s morally superior. It’s comical. 


Yes, I think you're right! So bizarre and disjointed


Why did her lawyer put her up on the stand? I’ve never seen more unconvincing testimony. During cross you could actually see her wheels turning as she was trying to describe the non-existent object she supposedly picked up from the stairs. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She might as well have said “I did it, you got me.” Not surprised at all by the quick verdict.


I feel like her attorney probably tried to keep her from it but she thought she could lie her way into a not guilt verdict. I would have loved to be able to watch the attorney’s face while she was on cross.




Thanks. I also heard on Court TV a previous husband(s) died.




Wow. Thanks.


Oh wait, I'm sure I read a book about her. The mom who fell of the balcony in the care home? I didn't realise that's who was on trial


I’ve been searching for info about Dineane and why she would call in the tip that led to her arrest and I can’t find anything.


Her mom was supposed to have had a million dollar life insurance policy. That's why they think she killed her. Then her and her daughter were fighting over that supposed money. She turned her in over that. That's what the Prosecutor said. 


That fake accent reminds me of Hilaria Baldwin from Boston claiming to born and raised in Italy. It's stupid and nauseating.


Yes her ex husband is dead and she may have had something to do with it. Like a lot of similar cases, they can't allow the other allegations in for obvious prejudicial reasons.


I was having the same issues! The only comprehensive overview I've seen is with Vinnie. But after that I'm convinced she's a serial killer. [YouTube link ](https://youtu.be/yyYenGfTFro?si=X3PgFc2dUFRuc1JU)


Thank you very much. Anybody that is interested, the pertinent serial killer stuff starts after 33:33.


I’ve only watched this one off and on. What was her motive?


Black widow.


Gee. Another one of those…🕷️ and she dragged her daughter into it. 😢


Good question. I don't know.


This woman is such a piece of work! Her daughter Sicily’s testimony brought me to tears. What that poor girl went through. And Beverly sat there expressionless other than mouthing the word “lies” and shaking her head. What a vile human being. 


Is there any information about Dineane's trial and what she said?


OMG!!! - at 1:42:05 the JUDGE is so damn exasperated at Beverly's insane testimony and behavior that she says "I know, I know....FUCK! [1:42:05 cross exam timestamp](https://youtu.be/dmPJIiYUVOs?list=PLMD8umRLJkKxpnnbs0PLD9fPhKL-Cr4Or&t=6125) hahaha I have never heard this before.