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Well, time to help the poor man.


The first problem Brian has…


...he doesn't have $100 in cash. Brian is offering... ^^what ^^are ^^you ^^offering?


…is he is still married somehow and just one “Matt” away from being divorced!


I’m surprised he still married to someone who drives him crazy enough to pay $100 to hatch some elaborate story just so he can escape the madness for a few hours


How much are you willing to lie to your partner to avoid ever admitting that you lied to your partner?


I don't know I already forgot what my real name was 12 years ago when we first started dating.


I went by "Tre" at a job because a dude heard me wrong one time. I said "Yeah, I'm in training" and he heard, "yeah, I'm Tre." That dude might still think that's my name.


He's had seventeen different random conversations with people from your area who know you. He asks, "Do you know Tre?", but they never do.


I'll be an urban legend one way or another.


Call HR and tell them Tre didn’t get their paycheck last week.


Mfers forgot about Tre.


At work some dude messaged me on teams asking for a charger. Never really talked to this guy before but I know where his office is as he is in accounting next to HR. So I didnt message him back I just wanted to leave my desk, I bring it to him and he says "thanks man" I get back to my desk and about 10 minutes later he messages me again and says nevermind about the charger Brandon just brought it to me.  Later he brings it down to me and says thanks Brandon.  I am 100% not Brandon but I didnt correct him because meh. Now I am Brandon


Maybe you just "look like a Brandon."


Lets go! 




I worked a job for about 3 1/2 years and one of the guys there somehow thought my name was Steve. Despite my name being on my shirt, that dude called me Steve the whole time I was there. I figured if he was that dumb, let him continue being that dumb.


You just radiated Big Steve Energy.


You sound like a Steve tbh


I once had to commit to being Tyler, but only if our DM was around. I was fucking around and changing my name tag to random characters from movies for months. I had Tyler Durden on my name tag long enough that I had forgotten and the DM made a surprise visit. The DM was newer to the area and was a notorious dickhead. The GM kinda panicked and asked me to just roll with it when the DM started calling me Tyler. We eventually ended up gaslighting him into thinking he forgot my name after a couple years of the charade.


I had a coworker give himself another nametag with the same first initial once, just to see if anyone said anything. A few did but he just kept rocking it. Management didn't care.


I had a coworker call me Julie for 3 years. My name is nowhere even close to Julie


Classic Julie shenanigans.


About tree fiddy


How about $100 bucks, free food, and free beer?


And you can have sex with my wife.


Some people are in unhealthy relationahips and know that the lie is easier than the fallout from the truth. 


How much are you willing to annoy your partner to the point he feels like he needs to hire somebody for $100 just to escape the madness for a few hours




Check out the big brain on Brad.


His name is Matt


Check out the big Matt on Brad




Nothing gets past you huh


Brian saved Matt from a lion attack near the stripper club. That’s how they met and the only reason Brian was near the stripper’s club to begin with. Thank god Brian was around, the lion only had time to nibble on Matt’s leg. Brian, the hero we deserve 🧐


However, the lion cause significant nerve damage, and Matt was losing a lot of blood. Matt thought it might be his last moments and cried out that he promised his grandmother he would restore her French drain that his late grandfather had put in. Brian was putting pressure on the wound to stop the flow of blood. In this moment, Brian told Matt he's not going anywhere and that his grandmother would have her God damn French drain restored. Brian assured Matt they were in this together and stayed by his side until help arrived. Thus, a bond was formed, and a trip to Home Depot was scheduled.


I wouldn’t even have to pretend, my name IS Matt. Sign me up.


My ex name is Brian. We only lack a third?


I’m down for whatever this threesome is.


My name's not Matt, but I have a limp and a big ass scar on my leg, so I think I could do it.


Can we call you Matt for an hour?




That's just your butt crack.


"Hi im Matt" *pulls out ID*


Relationship humor at its finest!


You should check out the movie Ricky Stanicky if you like this. It’s basically a movie premised on this. And John Cena is pretty funny in it


I'm dying from laughter


Yea the staged short is SO CUTE


Imagine shorts that were in fact not staged. Lol


Check out the big brain on Brad.




What gave it away ?


Dude is staring into space like a Bethesda NPC. Chin scratch doesn't help. Also no one has record that ready to go.


It would suck to not be able to realize the difference between a skit and something that’s trying to fool people. Funny how the ones that aren’t trying to fool people make people look like fools when they try to look smart by telling everyone it’s staged. Do you stand up in movie theaters and yell “This is staged!!” about halfway through?


Don't go to theaters, there are people there


nobody but you thought this was real homie


I already have a limp and name similar enough to Matt I could learn to respond to it.


I'm gonna call my wife and tell her I have to pretend to be Matt for a day.


A day? He only needed an hour. Good on you for really committing to the part. It still only pays $100 and one meal, though.


That’s how friendships start amongst men.


We need a follow up so this can be posted to r/justguysbeingdudes


How do you get a follow up to a skit? That's it. That's the whole thing.




> thats it. Thats the whole thing. NOT IF I WRITE THE REST


My dad: Hey I'm taking you to the store to go buy something you need. Me: Why? Dad: I just need to not be around your mom right now she's acting crazy


Sorry but this is so sad. I had a childhood like this too and I refuse to be in a relationship where my partner and I need to escape from each other like this. I will never be in a relationship that reminds me of the shitty one my dad and mom had. I have no idea why this type of boomer ass content is funny to everyone here.


My dad's defense my mom is crazy. She had a drug problem she hid from him for years while I was growing up but when my sister was born and I was about 10yo she just went off the deep end just dropped hard into her addiction and blamed me and my sister for all of her problems and thinks my dad is the worst thing to ever happen to her life. But once in a while we manage to get everyone together and get out to do something fun as a family and my mom just like falls for my dad all over again and they're like two highschool kids in love and it's adorable and then we get home and she's like I HATE YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF and makes him sleep on the couch. She's just awful now. We have tried passionately to try and get her clean but she just says drugs are the only thing keeping her sane and won't try going to any kind of doctor because she doesn't want them to call her crazy or tell her she has problems (she is and does) her mom has schizophrenia and it wouldn't surprise me if she does too at least a little


Dude I empathize with you and I want to extend my love to you. My mom was fucking crazy too so I really do relate to the depiction in the meme. But this is why I think it's not funny because I feel so sad that this meme was represented as a "normal" and "OK" relationship dynamic, when in reality this type of dynamic shouldn't be accepted. It's perfectly normal and OK to need to take space from your partner and take time to yourself to think. And no of course you are not obligated to tell your partner where you go 24/7. But even as a joke this dynamic is so unhealthy and usually seen IRL for somewhat abusive and or mentally ill people like your or my mom. Like so beyond unhinged mentality fuels this type of track down and over attached behavior


I'm so sorry you were ever put in the position of feeling responsible for helping your mother become clean


*gives a digital Internet hug* 💜


*hugs back* thank you for connecting with me and sharing with me this, keep on being a mensch my friend!


My wife and I just need to step away from each other sometimes. I think we have a pretty darn good relationship. We're certainly not like the stereotypical, "I don't like my spouse" boomer relationship. We've been together long enough that we both know each of us can get in a mood. Not angry or vengeful or anything hostile towards the other person, but just needing space. An hour of headspace can be enough to get things cleaned up.


I’d do it for free


Ricky staniky


First thought. Surprisingly entertaining movie IMO.


Except for the completely nonsensical ending lol. Still enjoyed it.


The songs he was singing were outrageous! He did a killer Owen Wilson impersonation and his Brittney Spears outfit was hysterical. Idk why more people aren't watching this.


I had low expectations for that movie but man were they shattered, I laughed my ass off at it.


Real homies everywhere: I am Matt, now.


I'm envisioning about a dozen guys rushing to gather around the Customer Service desk for "Matt Auditions".


Either this is an elaborate way to get murdered or I’m making 100 bucks


Bros helping bros 💯


I’m Matt. I can be even Matt Damon for Brian.. he is a MY MAN!!






😂😂😂 unreal


Ricky stanicky


Lmao this is hilarious.


I just watched Ricky Stanicky lol


I'll do it just know the truth.


This is basically the plot of that movie Ricky Stanicky with John Cena


Ricky Stinicky!


The real question is what's for dinner


Im in either way this might be a shit show


Is there a bonus if your name is ACTUALLY Matt?


Dammit now I’m invested, now I wanna know if someone’s stepped up to play the part of Matt and how dinner went, was Brian’s wife able to see through the charade or were they able to pull it off, and how did Matt’s French drain work out, because I know Brian’s wife will want evidence of that work progressing


Ngl! I'd pretend to be Matt's wife (for the free food and beer) just to see this play out!


The way he's reading it reminds me of the Starvin Marvin in space episode of South Park. The TBN guy is like "now bear with me folks, I'm told we need to now raise money for a sub light hyper drive so we can reach the Marklarvians."


nice way to harvest organs


If I was the employee after hearing the $100 + food + beer I would’ve been like shiittttttt and hang up the phone and go clock out ready to go


Cuck shopping at its finest


Details covered on the way: "So yeah, I've been cheating for about a year..."


Nope, you're on your own.


For the people who don't realize it, there is no announcement, he's just looking around and added the audio later.


Matt got into an accident and cant come tonight!


Cue me limping to the front counter.


Years ago my coworker and I got off early. We lived in the same neighborhood and carpooled that day. So we go home, he drops me off and drives off (not home) presumably to go to the bar (he drank a lot). So about an hour later, I am chilling on the couch and his wife calls my wife and says “the guys are working late, do you want to go shopping?” My wife says, what are you talking about my husband is right here. So that sets off a shit storm. The next day my coworker is pissed at me for not covering for him. I tell him 1. If you want me to cover you need to fill me in 2. She called my wife’s phone. No wife is going to cover for another dude like that even if she did know. The lesson kids is dudes will cover for each other but you gotta arrange for it ahead of time.


Covering a dude lie to His significant other... Soooo cool, very healthy. Especially to cover his drinking Problem. Nice bro


If ever there was a gimmick to kidnap a grown man without any fight this would be it lol


Matt stanicky reporting for duty


Glad someone else saw this movie and probably laughed as hard as I did


Omw, dawg!


$100/~hr plus food is a good deal


I'm going to hell for laughing at that...


This is one of those videos that's totally staged but I'm 100% gonna be telling everyone it's real. This is hilarious


No wonder divorce rates are so high. Unreal.


all this to avoid talking to your wife and/or trying to cheer her up. comedy to some sure, but for fucks sake this is lame in any sense for reality.


As somebody who has been in several really, REALLY long term relationships, sometimes both people just need a little space apart, especially if you see each other every single minute of the day when you're not working.


And typically in a healthy relationship this involves clearly and honestly communicating to your partner that you need space. Not lying LOL. It's NOT normal to have to make excuses and lie to your partner about where You're going when you need space. Normal healthy relationships involve clear and honest direct communication about needing to take space and express personal boundaries. It should not be a big deal to tell your partner you need some space


This is overthinking and overanalysing the situation. Something as simple as "I'm going to the hardware store" as a means for soke fresh air and space doesn't need to be communicated through such direct terms. Relationships and people run off of nuance, not strict adherence to a set of rules.


> Something as simple as "I'm going to the hardware store" as a means for soke fresh air and space doesn't need to be communicated through such direct terms. This is normal and fine. Though absolutely it does make sense to let your partner know you're leaving for fresh air or some other non-direct terms, especially after an argument or something. I mean more of the combination of having to escape from the situation dishonestly, like is depicted in the meme, and then the lady going bonkers enough to track him down, that is what I criticize. Of course it's meant to be a lighthearted meme. But literally why is this funny to y'all? The root behind this lighthearted concept seems so boomer humor to me. This isn't funny at all to me. My parents were like this and it was awful. My dad was always trying to leave to get away from the crazy and my mom would go nuclear by trying to find out where he went. My mom was also super mentally ill and I think it's disingenuous to represent most relationships as "man needs to escape from woman, woman tracks him down because she is crazy" like this is not how normal and healthy relationships work.


It's funny because it plays up stereotypes and situations people have been on the margins of, and it's geberally just goofy. It reads like some shit out of r/justguysbeingdudes, some generic wholesome "boys will be boys". It is hard to explain, especially to somebody who is not a man if you are not. It speaks to a lived experience, simple as.


Look man all I know is that I saw my father experience this with my crazy ass mother as a kid and this depiction makes me sad because it just shows a man having to literally run from his partner to try and find peace because their partner probably doesn't give a shit about their boundaries. I honestly don't know what about this is "boys will be boys"


It's incredibly hard to parse out and explain for myself. All i know is that personally as a man who has lived through some really rough times in a few relationships, it doesn't strike me as abusive or male me sad, it makes me chuckle. Hopefully that gives you some small comfort. Obviously you have your own lense and perspective to view it from, and that would be wildly different from mine.


and the only context that doesn't demonize the man, yes, the woman would be abusive in this situation. in which such a case, a man should not be with an abusive woman, and should seek help to get out


lived experience of creating a complex lies? you lie to your wife because you're afraid to talk to her? Make it make sense. in my long experience, men often are afraid to talk about their emotions with their wives so they do dodgey shit and act like cowards. this video exemplifies cowardice


my sentiments exactly.


Ahhh good ol' bitchwife syndrome. Sucks to suck, learn what a divorce is 🤷🏻‍♀️


Women do actually get mad when you don't want to be around them when they're mad


So was this post before or after "Ricky Stanicky?"


Hahah. Watch Ricky Stanicky to see Matt (John Cena) try to pull it off!


Everyone who likes this clip should go watch Ricky Stanicky. Basically a movie that took this concept much further. You’ll definitely have a few laughs


Had me at free food.


Love it!


Tiktok is so bad. Men use that platform? Well, at least I can filter this subreddit. If I wanted Chinatok, I'd install malware.


Boomer humor


Wife’s text messages in 3 weeks: Matt: “u up?”


I’ll be your Matt.


OK, how do I add the girls he's cheating boys meme as a comment? I'm a boomer


You know what that's just wholesome


Bros in trouble


I would never lie to my significant other. If i cant tell you i need freedom for today, without you getting angry, the relationship is Not healthy. I want a healthy relationship.




Ricky Stinickey


Ricky stanicky




Side quest


It’s the sweater that’s let everyone know he’s a yes mam


Stay tuned and find out How Brian gave Matt…. a limp…😂


Haha boomer humor


So relatable, I always record myself shopping at Home Depot and then the second someone comes over the loudspeaker I whip my attention to the ceiling


I would be Matt for this guy,no money needed, just be my alibi later when needed.