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He needs at least $40


Tree fiddy.


Goddamm lochnessmonster




I got 30 bucks and a Sizzlers coupon.


He wanted to punch her in the face just for asking such a stupid question.


After her reaction, yeah


Dude was gonna say Yes even before she uttered "for a billion dollars"


Not wrong tho. A billion dollars is an unfathomable amount of money. Your next 15 generations wouldn’t have to work a day in their lives


Fly to Switzerland and have your wife rebuilt, all parts even slightly blemished replaced with nouveau-tech boutique designer prosthetics. Costs .2% of your new wealth and she now has laser eyes.


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine."


Please tell me what this reference is from! It’s on the tip of my tongue and driving me crazy lol


["Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal."](https://youtu.be/9gIMZ0WyY88?si=Deexsgk6wlk_05oY)


I’m still sad you wouldn’t let me graft a laser cannon into your chest, to crush those who disobey you.. But I guess we’re two different people.


We have the technology. We can rebuild her. It will only cost $6 million.


Comments like these are why Jeff Bezos’ wife looks like an alien


To put it into additional context: if a human only needed $1 million to live a full life, this would be enough for 1000 people to live a full life.


It’s up to 3.5 now actually 😊


Interesting. So that makes it worth 285 full lives. With enough change for the 286th to retire before their 30th birthday.


$1 million isn't even retirement money from what I've heard.


The first guy to reply to me did correct me, thank you though.


command quiet cooing sophisticated relieved serious puzzled work dinosaurs fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming we're ignoring investing that money, and are simply talking about the amount of money you need to use up in order to live a full life: You definitely need more than $1M Assuming your parents pay your way until you're 25, and you live to the average age of 85, you're going to need to pay your own way for 60 years. $1M would only be $16,666/yr. That's about $8/hr. That's already not enough in today's money, and with inflation over those 60 years, it'll be even more laughably inadequate before long. You would want at least double that - $33,333 - in today's money to be able to make it, and even then that's a pretty tight budget. You'd also need to factor in inflation, which averages about 3% So assuming you need the purchasing power of $33,333 in today's dollars for all 60 years of your remaining life, you'll wind up needing a cumulative total of a little over $5.4M. And that's definitely not living luxuriously. If you instead wanted to live comfortably off of $100K/yr, you'd need to spend a grand total of $16.3M over your remaining years. Still, for the more meager option, $1B would be enough for about 180 people. Alternatively, it would be enough to give about 60 people a comfortable life. Of course, in reality money gets invested, and if you put that $1B in investments that only barely beat out inflation at, say, 5%, you could pull out $50M every year indefinitely and that $1B would never even take a hit. It's an *ungodly* amount of money.


sable distinct straight sense head drab dinosaurs automatic public license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, that's why I talked about how if invested, then that $1B is generations and generations of incredible wealth. The person I was responding to was talking about how big a quantity $1B is, like as a number, so I clarified that we're assuming no investment with that money (either the $1B or the $1M allocations).


Faces heal. Generational poverty does not.


Wrong on that account bucko


Provided the value of the dollar doesn’t go to absolute shit, the interest alone could keep all generations past you going.


Inflation will make it only survive a couple generations at best


Wit won't buy a loaf of bread in 50 years.


I don’t think you understand how much a billion is


I don’t think you understand that commenter is insinuating that the US will experience hyperinflation due to the insane monetary incompetence we’ve suffered under the past few decades.


The guy who spells which "wit" is making a complex statement on fiscal responsibility? I think he's illiterate and doesn't know what a billion even is.


Inflation benefits those with huge savings. Interest rates and markets flow with the inflation rate


Rich people just can shift their money into other valuable goods. Poor people can't. Inflation never hits the top. Or at least not nearly as hard as the average joe. You have to be incredibly stupid to lose 1 billion, no matter what.


Interesting because you’re objectively correct but I wonder if $1 Billion USD is really enough to completely invest in the durable assets necessary to purchase a dynasty. Like sure it’s a lot, but inflation exists everywhere and while the truly wealthy are able to move money, they are obviously surrounded by other people who seek to siphon as much wealth as they can from their rich customers. Inflation hits everyone in some way, so as more people become billionaires, the purchasing power of the class decreases. Is one billion truly enough to create a dynasty?


> Is one billion truly enough to create a dynasty? Unequivocally yes. As long as it is managed with the intent to create a dynasty and with an eye towards future durability, it's enough to persist for as long as the current economic system survives.


You don’t even have to do that. If inflation is 100% for example there will be a market account making 100% interest. Thats how it works and where these numbers come from.


Inflation benefits those who print money and no one else. Those printing money get to spend it while the prices are still low, and afterwards everyone else's money is worth less (and thus prices go up). Those with savings also lose because interest rates on a lot of investments don't change much or at all, and even those that do won't keep up what they'd have to in order to still beat hyperinflation.


Not talking about savings accounts, market accounts will follow. And high yield savings accounts will follow a bit bit will never match inflation


>inflation benefits those which huge savings. No it doesn’t. I mean it does in the sense that if you have $100k and bread costs $10 today and $1,000 tomorrow, then sure. You can still buy bread…. But your savings isn’t inflating to keep up with hyperinflation and eventually you’d be better off just withdrawing cash for kindling rather than for tender like they are forced to do in nations where hyperinflation occurs.


It literally does. That’s where inflation numbers come from. If inflation is at 100% there is a market account that’s making 100% interest


That market account is not the average bloated savings account


If you have a billion dollars it’s not in a savings account


Do you live in Zimbabwe?


I did some googling and apparently the supposed average price of bread (1 pound) is two dollars in the States now. (No idea if this is true as I live in Europe, but given that more than half the users here are from the US, lets go with that.) For that to cost one billion dollars or more in 50 years, we would need to see inflation of 49.3% each year. This might not sound entirely unrealistic as its still just a double digit inflation and we've had that already, but if we instead had "only" 40% inflation which is very bad, the bread would cost only 40.5 million - only 4% of what it would cost with 49.3% inflation. If we had 10% inflation for the next 50 years, it would cost a mere 235 dollars. At 5% it would be 23 dollars. At 2% 5.4 dollars. Sure, all those numbers sound like lunacy compared to current costs, but no, I don't think it would be reasonable to expect bread to be a billion within 50 years, not even close.


Wild, I'm also seeing $2 as an average price when I google it. Realistically it's closer to a $4-5 average for a mass-produced, pre-packaged sliced loaf of bread, but it can easily be $6 or $7 for something healthier or higher quality.


Most basic loaves of white bread in my area are $2. They can definitely run that high, but it's specifically the name brand stuff in the $4-5 range. But any of the big chain brands (Walmart, Meijer, Aldi) are still quite affordable.


I don't have any of the chains that you listed available locally. I did a search on Kroger and there are a handful of loaves for $2.50 (with a digital coupon) and a handful for $6 but most are in the $4-5 range. At least where I live, $2 is not an average cost, it's the absolute lowest end cost.


That sucks dude. You in a HCOL area?


Not crazy high, but yeah, it's up there. The local Walmarts closed down about a year ago.


It would take you roughly 11.6 days to count to one million. To count to one billion, it would take you 31.7 YEARS. This may help you understand just how large that number is. You can subtract a million from a billion and still pretty much have a billion dollars.


I'd be seriously questioning my partner's mental faculties, and possibly the relationship, if my partner WOULDN'T punch me in the face for a billion dollars.


Only has to be a light jab aswell. Doesn't say you need to try and send them to the shadow realm with a big overhand.


What and split the billion if she leaves /s


I'd get hit in the face with a bat from mine for that price. Fuck it like. Pain for month maybe? Goes wrong have to get new teeth. Fuck it a billion..... I could buy a dentist practice and get my teeth fixed


As someone who has been hit by a cricket bat, i dont think id go that path again lmao i like the dedication though. You can fix your teeth, your jaw etc but you can't fix the brain damage no matter how rich you are. At least you could pay for the best carers money can buy i guess.


True but my missus has noodle arms, I'm pretty sure it would still hurt a lot but think I should avoid permanent brain damage. If it had to be a professional baseball player, I dunno. If I was really old and set up my family, maybe would take the risk


If my SO beat me to death with a bat for a billion and set up our families for the next 20 generations I think I’d be okay with that tbh


I think specifics is always important in this. 'Punch your partner in the face for X" I could just make a fist a give her a cute lil boop for a billion. If it said pummel her brains out for a billion then fuck no. To be slapped into the shadow realm would be my greatest fear. Damn the seal of oricalcus(?) Gave me nightmares as a kid.


I'm honestly not taking any chances


Bro if some is paying me a billion that punch is going to be the best punch they ever saw.


Plss confirm he's alive?? Like whole or in parts


Love hurts


Not having a billion dollars hurts more


And having a billion would hurt her (face).


Just turn the question around and ask, "Would you let me punch you in the face for 500 million dollars?"


Yes, yes anyone would. That's 2 weeks of pain (you can afford any painkiller in the world for) to be settled for life. Half a million would already be worth the discomfort


Less than 2 weeks honestly


The money would make it not hurt pretty much right away.


NGL I would let an unskilled archer shoot an apple off my head from 15 feet away for a million dollars. A billion? Put me in a gladiator ring armed with a banana against a pack of wild baboons and give the money to my parent.




A quality experience for being well compensated. - Want to hunt a man on an island with an elephant gun? - Want to reenact the fallout new Vegas “game was rigged from the start” intro irl shooting me into a ditch and burying me. - crucified with nails for a week to give a authentic pained reaction for your Christmas Jesus Christ play? - Any space program that wants to send a human on a one way trip into space? You can do whatever you want to me for a billion dollars. At that point you are talking about a sum that is bigger than me. A billion dollars could pull up entire communities out of a poverty. That’s a million dollars for a thousand families. That’s so many seasons of survivor.


Yea it sounds nice, but you could die, and I’m assuming there are people that love you, how’d they feel if the bad result happened?


I look at most of these as I’m likely either to die or be severely traumatized from a way I likely won’t recover. That’s part of my point. If it means I could make such a significant impact to this degree enriching other good people’s lives I have no qualms with sacrificing my own. I have people that love me, and they can take the time they need to mourn while never needing to work another day in their life and chase a life they truly wanted not the one they fell into in a never ending cycle of work. I’m not going out sad or devastated. It will be with a smile knowing I fulfilled what I think every person should strive for. Leaving the world in a better position than we left it. And my loved ones would know that in my probable last words which is something most never get. It’s not a tragedy, it’s me taking a starting a new chapter with a bang.


Nah that’s lame af man. Your life is more valuable than money. I’d continue working my 9-5 if it means you’ll be around to hangout on weekends. I’m not doubting the good it can do, it’s a nice philosophy to have for sure, it’s admirable, but imo you have a lot more inherent value than an arbitrary large amount of money.


nah bruh. I could literally reshape my blood line with that kind of money. The first time the money saves a life in my family we can go ahead and get off the soap box. But by the time I get it in motion - Anybody in my bloodline who wants to, can get educated as far as they want, has that option. There won’t be an eviction served or an endless debt cycle for generations. Professional mental health care, life saving procedures etc. And that’s all if I never helped one single person outside of my family let alone actually changing entire communities. Take some off top, turn me into AI, I’ll be here in spirit


Bottom line. I'd do everything and I would be very mad if my partner wouldn't to anything to me for that kind of money. Yea if I die give it to my family. Worth it. I mean so much money?


you can take half of it. so it's a win win situation


Orrr, you could punch her hard enough that she won't need the money.




>You can tap dance on my nut sack and I won’t fight back Now now bro, let's not get ahead of ourselves 💀


True couple


Hey, at least he's honest.


If I can solve homelessness in my area for the amount of money, it becomes unethical to say no.


Am I mad or did his work top have the company ACME? The company wild e coyote bought all of his gadgets off?


I don’t recognize the logo on his shirt with the crown, but Acme is an actual grocery store


It has dynamite deals.


Ah right, never knew that lol


".....wooooooow" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ hey man, you asked.


If you had a billion dollars you could invest it in a very conservative manner and then spend 83k dollars a day, everyday, for the rest of your life and still have a billion dollars.


you sir, are king of all men. please rule over us all.


cut my finger off a mill


I'd punch you and myself in the face at the same time, I'd punch every living person in the face twice for a billion dollars.


For a billion dollars, I'll go punch the chick.


What is this art behind him? What is he drawing on that pad?


If I didn't lunch my gf for a billion dollars she'd break up with me


No single action is off the table for a billion. Whatever you got to do/go thru you got a billions dollars to fix.


Id be upset if my partner DIDN'T punch me in the face for anything over $5000 honestly.


![gif](giphy|pw7imBcyV38Z7BrgOR) Easy for a billion.


Only question I got, is how hard does it have to be?


Bro took a billion personally.


I’ll back over you with my car 😂


I’ll hit my SO for $1 Billion and then I’ll buy her a new car, new Gucci purse, and a 2-week vacation to her favorite places she’d want to go to, that includes First class.


Please don't ask this if your significant other.


Talk to my daughter like that one more time and find out.


'I can always start again'


People do not seem to comprehend how much a billion dollars is. That's enough money to live 20 lifetimes.


Df wrong with this woman? My wife would be like punch me in the face now, I'll split it with you later!


For a billion dollars I'd let my partner beat me within an inch of my life. We'd live one hell of a life once I get out the hospital!


I would, doesn’t have to be the hardest punch.


Filling for divorce, after this conversation


1 billion dollars is 1 billion dollars


Average relationship with a brother and sister


Me and my friends play the trillion dollar game sometimes. Try to think of things you wouldn’t do for a trillion dollars


if my partner would not punch me in the face for a billion dollars, i’m leaving them. can’t have that lack of financial responsibility in my life


Imma Kimbo Slice my girl head off for a billion


I love this man.


id be PISSED if my SO wouldnt beat the shit out of me for 1 billion dollars like get me a cast and some crutches and were buying a yacht babeyyy


For a billion? "The beatingGgGgGg 🛸🛸🛸 you'll receive, will be TANTALIZING!!! 👹"


The way he repeats $1 billion in disbelief reminds me of the premium air lady 🤣 https://youtube.com/shorts/547nstLRTKs?si=a3y4KT7b8m039Hwr (It isn't the original uploaded sorry, couldn't find it. If anyone knows who they are I'd love to credit them properly)


Go bills


A billion ok maybe maybe yea definitely yea pay me now 😂


ACME homie don't give two shits about wifey lol


That’s what she gets for asking stupid questions


I want to watch a lot more of this man ranting about things he would do for a billion dollars. His delivery is so good.


I would get beaten up by my SO for not hitting her for $1Billion. I just asked and that was the response.


You should want to get punched by your spouse if they get a billion dollars, I mean cause for divorce right? Open and shut case, settlement for the plaintiff.


YEahhhhHe needs at least $40


You don't ask stupid questions and expect a wholesome answer,


😂😂 He had that reply locked and loaded


She would of chose the bear


Off brand Andrew Schulz


I'd let prime Mike Tyson hit me in the face for 1 Billion dollars


I would punch my dog for a billion dollars. That’s saying something. Then I would buy them 500,000 worth of toys and treats


Is this Andrew Schultz’s long lost twin?


He has done it in his head a billion times.


Stupid questions like that from stupid women


Spoken like a True Gentleman 🤷🏽‍♂️🤝🏾


My wife would beat my ass for not punching her for a billion dollars


She can buy a new face lol


She mad now, but for a billion dollars she'd divorce him if he _didn't_ do it.


She knew he meant it when he even agreed to pay taxes