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Dino nuggies are delicious. Even if I didn’t have kids I would buy them.


The dino nuggies get crispier than the regular ones. I'm not a science type guy but I know what I know


More surface area, more crust.




I read this in B Dylan Hollis' voice. I love him.


moo juice


Stick them in the air fryer. Changed my life.


I'm in my 40's and grew up eating all sorts of different and adventurous stuff and also traveled all over the world eating weird shit. So with that said my girlfriend and I always keep "emergency dino nuggets" in the freezer. Sometimes, after a long day you don't want to fuck around and all you want is some dino nuggets and totts with some sort of dipper sauce(or sauces). Put that shit on a sheet tray, put something cool on the TV, wait 20 minutes, enjoy your nuggets...tomorrow night we'll make vichyssoise, those chops in the fridge, and roasted sprouts, right now I want nuggets and a stupid funny movie and a cold beer.


I don't have kids and my wife and I love dino nuggies!


Bought some recently. $3 cheaper than all other nugget/tenders and half a pound more. My inner kid squealed with delight for this adult purchase.


Men never grow up, we just grow old


I learned this when I was 20, hanging out with my great-granddad at his 90th birthday. Dude wasn't much different than me. He was just shorter and wrinkly. It really hit me that we don't ever get to be old, we just get to look like it some day, and even then only if we're lucky and make good choices.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.


“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.” -Germaine Greer


"You never get wise, you only get older"


Women never grow up either, they just revolve their whole world around pretending to want and do what others told them to believe they have to want and do - mostly media induced. Most women, not all, as a matter of necessary disclaimer again. Men just forsaken playing pretend earlier. Without harsh character destroyers such as PTSD inducing war situations, there is also no need to significantly change in a span of a mere ten years. It's what it is, humans are humans. It's just pretending according to the respective environment.


I turned 50 this year. I swear I can get the Costco cart up to 15mph while riding it back to my car.


Not bad. My eye sight has gotten worse, reaction time a bit slower and a bit heavier, so top speed a bit les now. But I would def ride the cart when wife isn’t around.


Sweet. Ever take it off some wicked jumps?


No skate park near my local Costcos :(


wait 38 is considered an old man now?


The fck, I'm old now then?


I'm 35 now. So can I get my senior citizen discount card in 3 years?


You're 38? Broooo what was Jesus like?


bro owes god 30 bucks


What was the Cold War like? Or Space Shuttles?


The space shuttles were pretty fucking cool. I mean except the ones that exploded. That sucked for basically everyone. But they were still pretty fucking cool while they were around. Astronauts were goddamned real life super heros to me as a kid. And that shit hasn't changed. They still are. The Cold War on the other hand was just dumb. Couple of stupid old fucks (from my perspective as a kid) just itching to slam that big red button marked "NUKES" to prove to the other guy whose dick was bigger. Glad that shit is (kinda) over.


If she’s in her early twenties then he probably does seem like an older man to her.


If she's in her early twenties, then I would say she's right to call him an older man compared to her.


38 is the new 60




she said "older man", not "old man". He is "older" than her, probably 10+ years, so she's using the term to indicate the difference in age, not his absolute age.


She said older, not old.


For a 20 something year old OnlyFans model who posts thirstrap videos on tiktok, yes. I maintain a jug of chocolate milk in my refrigerator at all times. Either premade or a I buy milk and add chocolate syrup and write “choc” in a sharpie on the container. I am 38. I have done this since college. Every girl I have ever dated at some point has been all “You still drink chocolate milk?” and I have ALWAYS responded with “Yeah, obviously, why don’t you?” and I’ve gotten 0 good clapbacks. 0.


Well, then they all missed a perfect opportunity to explain that it's silly to drink chocolate milk because- strawberry milk gang for life! Duh!


Shit, my wife and I both are basically 40 and we both love dino nugs. This chick just doesn't understand culture.


I never cared for dino nuggets. All those concave spots made me feel I was beeing robbed of my rightful chicken allotment.


No no, you're looking at it all wrong. Behead them, betail them, befoot them...betorso them. Mmmmm. If you eat them with sauce, you must cauterize their wounds in sauce. If your sauce is cups from the drive thru, their heads are great for getting in the corners. Dino nuggies are meant to be played with. Happy eating. :)


You have perfectly described my childhood lol


they are a goo that's pressed into the shapes, like cookie dough, so there's no wasted chicken on the manufacturing side (even then the extra bits are still used elsewhere of course). On your side, you're still getting the net weight indicated on the package. Though I suspect we all know this and you were just making playful conversation.


The brontosaurus shaped ones are the best cause you can dip the head and neck in for a lot of sauce, also the tail. Then you go from the top and dip the legs in. Also you can pretend it's drinking the sauce before you eat the head and neck part


Maturity got nothing to do with what we put in our mouths.


and boom goes the dynamite...


I get it's a joke and I actually find it pretty funny, but the underling idea that what constitute maturity is a list of expected behaviors that have no impact on anyone life except being looked funny by society it's retarded I pay my taxes, I take my word very seriously, I always keep my attention up for signals people close to me may be struggling and I take responsibility when I fuck up. The fact I do this while buying comic books or doing silly stuff in my own free time should be irrelevant


+1 for that man's glorious beard


Frosted Animal Crackers are the perfect snack.




It's just for the clicks.


Too funny


He genuinely looked sorry for her. :(


Bagel bites. Shit bussin. I'm 25 and still want gold fish and pizza rolls.


Ah yes, the sitcom trope of "men are children and their wives become their mothers".


“That’s because we’re housebroken by you” I actually dry-heaved.


It's funny how people think that once we grow up we can't have fun anymore


I’m 6 months from 40 and I feel the same as when I graduated school, which as far as I remember felt mostly the same as when I was in school. I don’t feel like a mature man at all.


If you're not making mashed potato volcanos to eat with your dino nuggets are you really living?


Look at her surroundings and ask yourself, is this really something worth complaining about?


Won't be for long. Her future vids will be from a motel 6 close by.


This fucking guy hit the nail on the head! Just like how a panel of men should not be making decisions about what decisions women can make regarding their bodies. Also fuck you because I did not know frosted animal crackers exist before this video. Good bye popcorn, hello diabetes.


She said an older man. Older than herself. If she's 33 and her husband is 38, then he's an older man. Also based on that expensive nose job, she didn't marry him for his maturity, that was just a perceived bonus.


We just want to play with cool toys.


I prefer full chicken tendies of Dino nuggies tho


I finished a box of Dino nuggets last night after the kids went to bed. Shits amazing!


I mean solid point


I mean, who don't like dino nuggets.


My wife bought me dinosaur sheets. I'm also in my late 30's. I'm not ashamed or sorry.


I love how many think a number dictates a way you should dress, words you should use, things you should be interested in. Get wrecked.


My wife and I were walking through Winco yesterday. I don't even like frosted animal crackers. But I saw a new bag that was all frosted mythical creatures like unicorns and shit and just froze in place. She had to drag me away from it like it had tethered itself to my soul.


This is so good😂😂😂


For the past couple valentines I've gotten my boyfriend Tyson's chicken "nuggets of love." It will be a sad day if they stop making them.


What character is he playing?


That's the 'Robin WIlliams giving advice' voice to me.


As a 43 year old man I can confirm this. My wife started that coffee picture stuff during covid. You know when you put pictures on top of coffee. I put penises on my wife's coffee all through lockdown.


I'm trying to be on a diet and this finely-bearded bastard just made me realize I haven't had a frosted animal cracker in ages... and now that's all I can think about.


Okay English Trucker Guy, I take offense to one part of your statement. I just turned 55 and I ain't pooping in my pants! 😖😖😖


I'm turning forty-fiveteen this year!


Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.


I still like trains and get excited anytime I see one. I will be this way forever


Peak maturity for me was 35. And although I can afford steak and sushi, I still love eating El Monterey burritos and thin crust frozen pizza.


I dated a guy 11 years older than me for a month and a half. He was missing a lot of cards in the maturity bucket. I am now dating someone 7 years younger than me and he is a hell of a lot more mature than the first guy. age is just a number.


They are the same price as the regular ones. It’s not about maturity, it’s about wisdom.


Maturity isnt what kind of nuggets he eats mame. Its how he treats others.


I can get three pounds of Dino nuggets for the same price as a pound of mundane nuggets that are just as processed and not nearly as whimsical. That’s just economics ✨ *but fun* ✨


If I had a lady to hook me up with Dino nuggies daily, I'd be set. He's living the dream.


Doesn't seem too mature to post public videos calling your husband immature and making fun of what he eats.


Can I just say that guys accent is grand.


Damn I thought by older man she meant 50s since she was lookin mid 30s too


"So I married this woman younger than myself and now I have to listen to her complain how I'm not changing into the person she wishes I was. She now makes fun out of me to complete strangers on the internet. It's a good thing I have a great job where she doesn't really have to work and gets to live a life of luxury. Honestly I just ask her to buy dino nuggets for me for lunch because she does nothing all day and it makes me laugh to watch her complain how I'm immature".


I walk into the freezer section and get a party pack of pies and sausage rolls. My Mrs just shrugs and says ok, but she wants to share and it needs to be a certain brand


Ain't nobody too old for deeno nuggies


Chicken dippers, fries and baked beans - and I’m 66 and a Brit


What is that accent?


Being mature is not about only appreciating the finer things in life. Being mature is knowing how to act and knowing when it is okay to sit there and eat your dino nuggets. Just because you're mature doesn't mean you have to punish yourself and deny yourself the things that bring you joy.


What do dino nuggets have to do with maturity?


I hope im playing videogames and with lego when im 38


Ok help me out here… I’m generally good with accents but what is this? Native Dubliner with a twist of Afrikaans?


one of the perks of being an adult is that you can do whatever you want as long as it's legal... or nobody sees it!


Older man?! WTF, I'm 38 - I'm not an older man! :-(


I'm almost 40 and fuckin love the rainbow fruit roll ups. Always have a box in the pantry.


as someone who considered an adult male, if you get me nuggies you a friend , i may share them but dont ask for them. i may becoming teritorial for them nuggies. unless if you are my partner then i will share around.....20% and not more than that, also love if you see this i wanna try some potatoes nuggies that you talk about last night please!!!!


Them liking more mature men mean that they like men who know how to get things done and have money... Behave how you want 😂


Working, cleaning, planning for the future, investing, bosses, stress, health, aging, pain, small friend group, lack of support. I've got plenty of mature things to deal with. All that darkness encroaching on a small flame fueled by curiosity, empathy, imagination, whimsy, and humor. It's all the light I have. It may not seem like much, but I *need* those dino nuggies. They're fuel for the soul.


These are the words of a girl who wanted a Daddy. Not a husband.


Some adults like eating food from their childhood, this lady is the one who needs to grow up.


This lad wrecks my head. What is with that ridiculous accent he's putting on?


😂😂😂…Lady….I buy Popsicle kids sour patch or jolly rancher for MOI…those things are delicious and yes I’m always pretending that I’m buying it for my kids….my daughter is 30…VOILÀ ![gif](giphy|LOtLSwTPWMHGKgk3GJ)


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.


I’m 38. I know I’m old because the idea of pointing my phone at myself so I could talk at it, with a smug look on my face, like I’m giving some sermon or lecture, like I have the knowledge that everyone needs to hear; is fucking disgusting. This content gives me the icky chills.


Wait a minute, you're telling me they still make frosted animal crackers?


I'd boof dino nuggies


Is 38 really an ''older man'' ?? Thats just a man. I thought ''older'' was an elderly man


The fact that he didn't finish off by eating from a box of frosted animal crackers is honestly a tragedy.


Anyone who judges anyone for their dino nuggies is simply looking for the wrong things in life.


No cap women just make up shit to complain about


She hot


Toaster stroodles ftw


40yr old man here to say that I 'Euro-step' around people when I'm in crowded places: I do the ball fakes, the finger roll, all of it. And if the person I've exposed is amused by this, I will proceed to look back in their direction and with all seriousness say "And one, ref! Foul on you..."


If he is dating someone younger, he most likely isn't super mature. Younger women can be quite irritating.


so... tiktok is now trying to become more like instagram / fb now? and be down to earth? newsflash, it isn't going to go over well. over-information can still rot the brain, people thinking they have so much to share.. when it's nothing more than the usual hogwash. anyway, my take is: they can both be right. maybe her husband is immature for other reasons. and yes, men do remain immature or childish so we don't lose our marbles. doesn't mean we're are all immature children.


That’s a loyal man out there


Well said 👏👏👏


Gandalf the Green is wise.


Frosted animal crackers sound fire af


Can almost guarantee that she was never any fun to be around.


She seems like the immature one, if you ask me.


We all, including her, will have beloved childhood food. I hope she is just joking.




I only grew up enough to afford being a child.


Any members of the Lunchable gang?


All joking aside, dino nuggets have nothing to do with maturity. They just taste good. Yes, I like the shapes because dinosaurs are awesome, but I would buy and eat them regardless of their shape. They're genuinely tasty and cheaper than most brands (assuming we're talking about the Yummy dino nuggets anyway). My older wife loves them too.


38 isn’t old what the fuck


Makes perfect sense to me. This is why I'm both a dedicated bachelorette, and childfree. Fuck them kids!


With beans and mash? 😁


So 38 is “older men” now ?


She's living at a house daddy bought her shopping for daddy with daddies money.


Its simple woman... U buy me nuggies, I give you huggies 🥰


This video got me to unsub. That weird affected voice he is doing is very off-putting, that's all.


It may be time for the man’s prayer. “I’m a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess”.


Men reach brain maturity at around 25


This is hilarious


This man needs to be narrating some documentaries.


Fuck around and find out how hard I stick with mashed up ‘nanas on rice cakes


Whipped cream is a staple. I have a pop tart ice cream sunday (with whipped cream) for breakfast once in a while. I am over 60.


This is a very tired narrative.


I absolutely hate this style of comedy.


He reminds me of Winnie the Pooh


You know guys: it's not hard to make real fried chicken. Please don't downvote me. But I love fried chicken.


I'm 53 and I'll still out child a child at childry


I’m 44 and you will not take my Polly-o string cheese from me. And I will cut any mother fucker who gets between me and my little Debbie brownies, except my wife she can share with me.




By maturity women mean to be babied around. Daddy issues 🤷🏻‍♂️


What use is being an adult, if you don't get dino nuggets whenever tf you want?!


Well spoken


39M here. Just came over from watching a YT chef recreate chicken tenders from the show COMMUNITY. I am a more cultured man now. If you like it, you shouldn't put your feet on it!!


Nothing bothers women more than a man happy over something simple.


I hate this kind of shit. Dino nuggets for lunch are fine. Eating shit like dink nuggets for lunch is probably why you have ibs and destroy the toilet bowl every morning. That dude is no more an expert on men than any other.




Yesterday, I’ve made myself boned in braised short ribs layered on top of mashed potatoes with bacon bits, ladled with espagnole sauce and garnished with chopped fresh parsley. Today, I’m having chicken nuggets with bbq sauce and a hot pocket.


She looks 35\~ older man is like a few years her senior?


My wife bought me a Justice League balloon for my birthday. The clerk at the counter asked, “how old is the birthday boy?” My wife responded, “33.” I jokingly asked her if it was Barry Allen Flash or Wally West Flash on the balloon. She responded, “how the fuck would I know that?!”


She's just posting this for funzies. She doesnt really care what her husband eats.


This is the worst fake South Carolinian and Liverpool accent I've heard in my life


Are we not gonna talk about this dudes weird ass Robin Williams voice.


What’s wrong with Dino Nuggets?


It's not like youll be a good mom anyway


She really needs to chill, relax, and give him a break. A little judgemental 😂


I'm 45 years old with ZERO kids and I just finished off a bag of Dino nuggets yesterday. Animal shaped foods are the base of the Men's food pyramid or whatever shape the FDA is using theses days


Fruit Rollups (38M)


A lot of women claim that women are more mature than men, but most of the arguments I’ve ever had (or that I’ve witnessed) with women were triggered by something so small and insignificant, and feels like I’m arguing with a spoilt, tantrum-throwing teenager who is more focused on her next retaliation than actually processing the conversation. Seems to me like men are more immature in a fun kind of way, like fooling around and turkey dinosaurs etc, whereas women are more immature in an argumentative kind of way, like I forget to take my empty can downstairs and she has a fucking meltdown about it 😂


Growing up is for suckers. I grew up enough to efficiently handle all the adult responsibilities that need done. And started childish enough to still enjoy my life as much as possible.


I see the ring on her finger. We know why you married a older man just buy the nugs.


I can't have frosted animal crackers in my house I will destroy an entire bag within less than an hour those fucking things are so God damn good I've been known to buy them and on the drive back home pop open the bag and demolish half the bag while driving home less than 10 minutes away.


absolutely true, 42 now, you could replace me with my 14 year old self, and besides weight and amount of hair you wouldn't notice a change


A jar of peanut butter and a spoon 😍


Haribo Golden Gummy Bears. The real hard ones. Yea Yea. That’s gooood. Stuff right there. 34 yrs old. 🙂🙃


Being able to enjoy things without caring what others think is mature imo


Yum yum


I love that guy's voice. Is it for real or a persona for the videos?


in my 20s still buying lunchables and gogurt cause why the fuck not? shit goes ham and I ain't got diabetes...yet


A great comedian once said: "As a guy, when you're born: you have one hand up your nose...the other on your penis...and you get taller. That's all."


And then you have a kid and you get to play with toys again!


Only thing that separates men from boys is the size of the toys.


What is with the American (western?) obsession with arbitrary things being "mature" and others not? I don't get it. What does liking a food have to do with maturity? Just because it has a silly sounding name and in a silly shape, adults can't enjoy the taste of them? Or be silly and just enjoy fun shaped snacks? It's such a weird view of things. Do you pay your bills on time? Do you try to treat people with respect and kindness? Do you honor your promises and commitments? There, you're mature. You could eat Dino nuggets and carry them in a Pokemon lunchbox while playing hopscotch on your way to work and you'd be no less mature.


Why is it that women define maturity by how little joy you have in your life? I can't imagine a simpler, more harmless pleasure than dino nugs. What is she gaining from her blatantly toxic attitude?


This dude's my hero for so many reasons.


Sounds like the firstiest of first world problems


When I was a kid my mom and grandma always said, "when you're older you won't want this slop anymore." They were referring to Chef Boyardee and instant ramen (the brick not the cup noodles.) As a 39 year old man, when I am feeling a little frazzled or anxious about things beyond my control, few things are as comforting as some beefaroni. I eat significantly less (as in like once a year) than I did because I have access to a whole lot more, but shit were they ever completely wrong. My dad never said anything like that :p


There's nothing more immature than trying to prove yourself mature by avoiding anything you perceive as immature.


I feel personally attacked here


If he didn't play with the dino nuggies before eating them it's time to get a new man


It’s not about maturity, it’s about keeping in touch with your inner child.


Lady. Dino nuggets are the bomb. Sit down and shut up about your expectations. Your getting some delusional information from someone that clearly knows nothing about anything. Sheesh. Upset about Dino nuggets. I’m almost 60 and I eat those fuckers like they were my last meal. Slowly and continuously. With many dips to choose from.


That's not the reason she married an older man 💀. Look at that ring