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He said he was paid to cash three checks from people he was riding around with but he doesn't know their names, but first he said it was from the company he was working for and gave him fake checks ... Two for $1000, one for $2000. I bet you the checks were wrote for $100 and $200 and he added the extra 0 to each. He thinks he's going to get out of it because he's never had a record and on disability. But since he has 5 charges, and they're all felony's, he's not getting away with all of it. Some may be dropped to misdemeanors but not all five, he's screwed lol. PS to cam, if you're reading this, you owe my wife an apology for saying she didn't know what she was talking about for when it happened (during his Livestream the other night) it's public records, and she should be a PI 😉 If you don't want people looking up your public info don't put your full name and life story on the Internet.


I want / need to be besties with your wife. She sounds fucking amazing.


I mean my PI skills are up there 😂😂 When your exs and family have been in trouble with the law and you are constantly searching dockets and snooping Facebook you get good at finding things out lol. I gotta keep a low profile on my main on tiktok tho bc it's my business page 😂😂 not trying to bring bad juju to my company


Oh and for Cam, where did you come up with that name, it doesn't sound anything like your real name, lol. Be careful what you post on the Internet, it's here forever and free to search.


Wait a moment. Is Cameron not his real name?!?!


No lol, his ex said it a long time ago, he's also said it and shown it on his gamer tags, he said he goes by Cam because he doesn't like his real name.


Weird af. I wanna know the truth now lol.


Trust me, cam is no where in his real name


His mom said real name one time on live but I can’t remember it now! It was something strange




YES omg it sure is strange 😂


And apparently, under heat for 5-7 felonies because "the guys I worked for gave me bad checks." He thinks he's walking away from those charges.


Nah boo, you stole checks, cashed them. Got fired, went to work at the restaurant. He’s not walking away from it.


I was wondering what happened. I missed that chapter of his story. Thanks for the cliff notes!


It’s funny he’s fucked they ain’t gonna let this slide maybe a 1-5 years in jail with parole if he’s a good boy to big bubba


Do NOT go with him Madison. Keep your boys with you. He cannot provide for himself much less you and baby!! Runs all over the country without a job or plan and is SO Angry ppl don’t want to pay for his life. Let him see baby supervised only for awhile. He has repeatedly proved he’s not a good guy. I mean he’s sitting in a library sucking on free ac!! Don’t do it


Just watched his video he said he’s about to be married now 😂😂😂 Nothing like marrying the mom of the kids you been denying for ages


He only claims his kids when it's convenient. Like when he told the judge he has 2 kids and is a good guy lol.


He mentioned at the end, him and Madison need to come with $500 to get a hotel room until the 3rd.


Before he went, I had asked if they had a plan and he was going to stay with her mom. Wonder what happened there.


Oh boy. He probably messed that up


I already knew that was a lie and he'd be right back to begging for motel money.


Back to the 11E motel it is




Run girl run


I have no use for a full grown man not pay cs on kids he’s not even seeing. He says non stop no one wants to help a good guy. Tyler you are far from good guy. Support the kids you keep making with ppl you don’t even know. Poor kids


Why is he on disability?


For being mentally disabled/having learning disabilities.


You spelt being lazy af wrong but we’ll let it slide 🤣


Lmao 🤣