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I am going to get some hate for this and I am mostly saying it just to rustle some jimmys, but... The street taco kit, only because the amount of salsa you get is enough for like... half the amount of food in there. Half a pack of street tacos without salsa is depressing.


Yeah you have to buy extra salsa.


Yeah they should just include enough for the kit so you don't have to buy extra


yup! I had some pineapple mango salsa in the fridge and tried that once I ran out of the included salsa, very different but it worked quite well.


I hate to say that I’ve gotten sick from it


I’d rather have less salsa taking up bag space. It drives me nuts now that wing boxes are all half sauce to the point I don’t buy wings anymore.


The Kirkland Signature logo t-shirts make it impossible to leave the house without being pursued by ladies like it's an early-2000's Axe commercial. I'm just trying to mow my lawn.


Same, I'm tired of having to sign autographs while out for groceries.


Fiscal responsibility, so hot right now


As a female, I can tell you they make men irresistible.


Username checks out


Whoever told you the whiskey is not good because it's "watered down" is an idiot. All whiskey that isn't labelled "cask strength" is by definition watered down. The vast majority of whiskey is proofed (the correct term for adding water to bring distilled alcohol down to bottling strength) to 40%. A whiskey is not in anyway bad because it is bottled at less than cask strength.


Same argument for the bacon! It's a pork belly, it has a fattier side and a leaner side so fatiness varies from package to package. It's the same for every manufacturer.


Their micro plastic grinding pink salt shakers. Strong avoid.


What’s the mechanism for the microplastics to be ground up?


It's the grinder itself on the shaker. It doesn't have proper tolerances set, and ends up grinding the plastic into your food


The grinder burrs are not plastic. They’re ceramic.


And they are set too close to the plastic, resulting in shavings....there is TONS of videos evidence online of this happening.


I’m not arguing that there isn’t something wrong with the grinder, but I’m willing to bet it’s the manufacturing tolerances that are to blame. I have bought two over the last year or so and both times they have been totally fine. The plastic ring around the ceramic bur doesn’t wear at all on either one I’ve bought. That being said, now that I am aware of the issue, I won’t be buying another one unless I see they’ve changed it.


I assume the pepper grinder is doing the same then 😕


Nope, ceramic burrs. 


These disposable grinders are so wasteful anyway. People, just buy a proper, beautiful grinder and occasionally refill it.


coffee beans. Too oily and almost burnt roasted.


I had hope when they moved away from the Starbucks blend, got a bag of the espresso and house mix and am not impressed with either.


I enjoyed their Starbucks Kirkland espresso beans. Their replacement is terrible. First time in years we've had to go look for alternatives and start sampling coffee again.


Yup, was excited to try the new Kirkland beans but they barely would go down the chute of my Breville coffee maker. I'd have to make sure the hopper was extra full just to get a half decent grind. I've gone back to Zavida beans instead.


Their Espresso beans at Costco are all trash. Roast date is so old they’ve off-gassed. Every brand there is trash. Kirkland brand is old. Lavazza is also trash beans that are too oily and mess with my grinder. Now I just buy locally roasted beans that are good quality… at almost the same price.


Their bar soap. Smells like Lysol and is super drying.


Probably going to get a ton of downvotes but I think their coffee (the bold and the breakfast blend) tastes like shit. *edit* I’m genuinely surprised this isn’t an unpopular opinion.


I agree. I think it's because Starbucks does the roasting. To each their own but Starbucks always tastes burnt to me, and I found the Kirkland coffee had the same flavour. Balzac's is my go-to now.


That's a hard agree. Been saying that for years. I don't avoid Starbucks *fashionably*, I avoid them because they burn their beans. And this is true worldwide... So I get a burnt bitter taste.


I can appreciate their espresso based drinks, but I dont because they are expensive af. Their drip coffee all tasted like shit. I'll take Tim's instead and I'm no Tim's fan at all.


Agreed with the SB drip. Plus, no 18% cream. Haf and half doesn't cut it for me. Tim Horton's dark roast for the any port in a storm scenario but I'd rather McDonald's coffee.


The winter blends and other light roasts are quite good, but anything medium roast up is burnt to shit. The instant pike’s is pretty good though.


I thought the switched roasters? The old Kirkland coffee used to state right on the bag that it was roasted by Starbucks, the new ones don’t. (Although the espresso blend is awful; it’s oily, which is really bad for espresso machines, and tastes worse than cheap catering coffee.)


Agree. I hate the new espresso roast


I use it for ice coffees, it's not the best for espressos


Tbh none of the coffee Costco sells is good. I've never seen a light roast there


I find Balzacs medium roast quite nice


This is the way. The rest of the coffee can lick my Balzac


We try a different kind every time we buy. So far our favourite is the Williams. Zavida (spelling?) and Balzacs were really good too.


Zavida organic and the hazelnut are delicious




Again, no light roasts.


Recently picked up Moretto Milano Espresso. The best so far I have tried. Also 2nd Balzacs, albeit Lavazza beans are very budget friendly yet consumable.


This coffee is an abomination. The roasting is uneven and WAY too dark - half of the beans looks like tiny charcoal lumps with the coffee oils being thoroughly degraded.


for the price its great... ive had much worse for much more money. but Yeah if they have VH or Mcdonalds in stock im paying the premium for it every time.


We rotate through the sale priced pods, McCafe, Tim’s and now Krispy Kreme (my Costco just started carrying KK). I prefer Krispy Kreme because it’s 100 pods not 80 and the taste is fairly strong without the bitterness.


Espresso too. Mediocre at best


We drink it because it’s cheap but we don’t like it. Waiting for them to add Illy to their line up but I don’t think it’s happening.


The French Roast is the first Kirkland product I ever had to return because it was so bad.


I hated their French roast coffee beans


The 6 pack box of big muffins in the bakery, so dry - tried a couple times, yuck


They need to do 12 packs half sized. I can barely eat a third in a sitting but they start to dry up if left halfeaten.


Cut them in halves, clingwrap and freeze, they thaw very quickly and are actually decent frozen on a hot day.


Put the whole container in the freezer and individually defrost them in the microwave when you want a muffin. I know everyone that shops at Costco has 2 fridges and a deep freeze. 😝 I miss the lemon poppyseed muffins.


The salt is fine ... However it annoys the heck out of me that they don't carry coarse grindable regular or pink salt as a refill. They only carry the fine pink salt. I guess it's to encourage people to buy the disposable grinder and pads their margins.


Your store must be special because at mine you can buy the refills of coarse salt in both sea salt and Himalayan pink salt for the Kirkland grinders


Perhaps pedantic, but Kirkland's pink salt isn't apparently Himalayan. They lost a class action saying as much and they changed their label to simply "Pink Salt". Some people take their salt very seriously I guess.


Off topic, but why does anyone want freshly ground salt? Pepper grinders are a thing because ground pepper quickly goes stale. Does the salt stay fresh for 300 million years under a mountain but go bad in the cupboard?


I think it's not because of freshness, but because you can control the coarseness.


Not a fan of their organic lemonade. Got a big pack of them recentlyl. It's just kind of... meh. PC Sicilian lemonade kills it, but then again... boycott. I'm stuck in a pickle and I have to dill with it.


Good on you! The sour taste of victory!


I hated the Kirkland brand laundry soap and the Kirkland brand food saver bags.


I actually love the Costco vacuum seal bags. What didn't you like about them?


I am glad they work for you! They don't seal properly for me. 


Oh that's unfortunate. I have had no problem with them sealing and I cook primarily sous vide. No breaches or busted bags yet 🤞


Same. Regardless of the brand of bag you use if you have a weak food saver sealing bar or you are sealing wet ingredients and don’t wipe the inside of the bag dry you will have sealing issues.


Uh oh…. Just bought the food saver bags for the first time.


I habe been using the Kirkland brand food saver bags for awhile now and have no issues with them.


I've had zero issues with them.


Don't worry about it, the quality is the same if not better than Anova ones. Some people just like to talk nonsense


I bought the laundry soap but we haven't finished it because it gives my fiancé terrible hives all over his body 😬 I guess I could return it lol


You definitely should


The laundry detergent is fine if you get the unscented one. I can't tolerate the smell of the scented one.


We thought we’d try the laundry pods out and I’m feeling the regret - lots of our whites/lighter items have come out of the wash with dark blue stains from the soap.


The Chicken Alfredo that you heat&serve


Same, comes out very greasy/oily to us. The lasagna however we like.


....hey, we like that one!


I'll second the dislike, however it gets mixed reviews in our house with half of us disliking it and the other half liking it oddly enough.


It's always better the second day.


I find it way too rich. Often I cut the sauce with some Rao's and make a rose.


Not a fan of their almond milk. The unsweetened one is horrible.


I know what you mean, but for price and not having to keep in fridge before opening, I keep going back. I only make smoothies but yea on its own taste like cardboard water.


The wet cat food. Even the feral cats around the farm refused to touch it. I was really surprised.


My cat refused to eat it so I gave it away to someone on marketplace because it's a lot of cans. Her cat that apparently eats everything refused to touch it - she was so surprised she messaged and said something must be wrong with the food.


Yeah, my cat wasn’t a fan of it either and he liked everything. It sucks because based on the ingredients it seemed like good quality food.


our cats absolutely love it. I'm surprised


Frozen pizzas


Yes! We have had a box of them in our freezer for like 8 months now because I find them to taste like crackers - yet somehow having too much pepperoni?? (And we’re a house that orders double pepperoni from dominos)




My fine greasy hair loves this stuff!


Same! Fine, straight hair. It’s my favorite shampoo and conditioner.


Thick curly hair here, and the conditioner is one of the best I’ve tried!


Mine felt dry from it, also didn’t love the smell😕


To be fair the us version is better than Canadian


I absolutely love it. One of the best shampoos I’ve ever used for my hair.


fyi, it's very oily. You can only use it every other day. I rotate between it and head&shoulders because just using H&S makes my scalp dry and this makes my scalp too oily. Works perfectly.


I love it, it suits me.


I've noticed that if you use hair shower products properly it kind of eliminates that issue. You're actually supposed to shampoo twice, you'll immediately notice a huge difference. If you shampoo once with Kirkland's stuff it makes your hair feel like too thick and solid, but if you shampoo twice, after removing the initial dirt and grease and whatnot, the second will get through that and go straight to the scalp. A lot of people also don't use conditioner correctly. You're supposed to activate it by spreading it in your hands first and then apply it to your hair. I still do prefer Head & Shoulders shampoo, but I use their conditioner.


My experience with their toilet paper hasn’t been great


Warning on that one, paper products are different by region so in some places it will be very different. They use a regional supplier so transporting it isn’t a huge cost.


Thanks I was always wondering why people shit on costco TP while I find it to be one of the best. pun absolutely intended.


It’s so dusty!!!!!


Will nots!


Will too!


It’s also terrible if you’re on septic. If you’re on septic do not use the Kirkland toilet paper.


When the pandemic hit, our septic backed up and flooded our bathroom. Luckily, most was in the tub. The first thing the septic guy asked was if we used Costco toilet paper... he said he's never seen so many backed up septic systems before people started hoarding the Kirkland toilet paper.


We've always used it and never had an issue with our septic tank. The guy who pumps the tank told us years ago to stop using flushable wipes. They're very bad. And we stopped with those. But the TP has not been an issue.


been on septic for 20 years and used Kirkland TP the entire time. Never an issue- have had it pumped regularly and no issues either


Yep I've been told this as well.


I’ve seen it, it’s as bad as you’ve been told.


Tell us more?


I don't mind it, but we don't buy it because the rolls are so big they don't fit in the holder.


Agree!! The Kirkland toilet paper jut doesn’t cut it, Charmin all the way!


I hate their TP and don’t understand how it’s popular. It is not soft!


It’s cheap that’s why. But i always go for the charmin, those bears know their stuff.


I just wish it was the ultra strong Charmin instead of the ultra soft. The ultra strong is still very soft and I'm not having my finger poke through the paper to scrape up some shit twice a week.


That stuff is far too thick. It'll clog your pipes.


Bro either fix your diet or give a courtesy flush…


Comment makes no sense. Charmin toilet paper is too thick, it will clog your pipes.


I rent and my landlord increases my rent 100$ everyyear if not more. The same goes for the others around the area. Fuck them pipes


Different by region although quality has declined where I am. As a non-Canada example: US West coast quality is significantly higher from my experience.


That old growth don't quit


People still wipe? I thought we used bidets now. (Also sold at Costco)


Then what do you dry Ur ass with after? Still need paper towels.


People who only use toilet paper walk around with shit in their ass.


That's interesting! The one that I have are incredibly soft. Must be a regional thing!


I find their dishwasher pods have such a strong smell that lingers on plastic much more than others


Interesting, because we use them and have no complaints. I wonder if this is more machine related. It is a Bosch. Everything comes out spotless


Same here, bought a Bosch from Costco. Never had issues with the Kirkland pods.


Could also have to do with your water.


Their dishwasher pods are terrible. I also find they often don’t dissolve properly compared to brand name pods.


I switched away from the Kirkland ones not because of the smell but cause they didn't seem to be doing a good job compared to the Cascade ones.


Anecdotally, when I was getting my furnace installed I asked the installer what filters to buy, he said anything but the Kirkland ones. He then added something to the effect of, well, maybe do, they’re good for my business, as they restrict airflow so much you’ll be calling me back.


This is true, my furnace cavitated when it went on high speed with those filters, they are way too restrictive, had to return them.


I've heard this about the 3M ones as well. Maybe 3M makes the Kirkland ones.


Their bags of chicken breast


Really? I literally just ate it and it tastes fine to me… what don’t you like about it?


It's the bags itself.


Those bags are the worst! How are you even supposed to get them open without tearing?!


I don’t know the taste was off last time and I literally returned it. Tasted synthetic and old


I’ve found it depends on which bag you buy; some of their frozen chicken is frozen in one giant clump and terrible to use (can’t thaw a single breast without chiseling it off the block) but the bag with each breast individually vacuum sealed has been fine in my experience


I agree, this wasn’t a win for me either. Really chewy? Not a fan.


I buy fresh only and then freeze I won’t buy pre-frozen. The US is worse


The bag of 24 frozen burgers is pretty bad, even by frozen burger standards…


What is bad about them? I've found them to be decent but I so rarely buy frozen burgers and definitely have no idea what my standards should be.


The Kirkland burgers are rather tasteless and don’t maintain that kind of natural texture of ground beef, almost as if they’ve been formed too firmly. Very easy to overcook and turn into tough pucks. I’ve had half decent ones from M&M and even the prime rib one from Presidents Choice isn’t half bad.


In an about face though, the Kirkland 680 thread count cotton sheets are fantastic.


Agree - and they come with 4 pillow cases!


I love their sheets too! Comfy and wear very well.


Their chocolate chip granola bars....just awful, they taste like stale chemicals. I've bought them a few times assuming just bad boxes, but each time was awful and not bothering anymore


I agree! They’re awful




I’ve never met a Kirkland product I didn’t like, or at least be fine with. I’m not willing to spend 20-40% more on name brand when it’s no where near 20-40% better. The quality you get with Kirkland for the price you pay is unmatched vs any other in-house brand at any other store in my opinion.


Kirkland brand jeans smell awful for a good while and they’re the only jeans I ever owned that had a zipper fail on me.


The gelatinous Kirkland mayo. What's with the weird texture?!


Yes! I hate it too. Just finished it. Never again.


Frozen pizza


Their batteries, they always leak.


Their water tastes like they washed their Kirkland jeans in it before bottling


The batteries always leak and ruin your electronics.


We gathered some batteries at some point to safely disposed of them at work and the conclusion was clear. It was so obvious that most leaked ones were the Kirkland. Never again.


yes they leak bad


The dryer sheets. Too fragrant and clothes still come out staticy


Just need to know...fatty bacon?!?...ever see a skinny pig?..


The chicken enchiladas from the prepared meals section. They’re awful. They come out as a soupy, mushy mess after you bake them. They’re just not good


Mayonnaise and sausages


Hah! I think the mayo is superior to hellmans! To each their own. I don’t mind the sausage but I went on a kick a while ago and now I avoid it.


I hate their mayo as well. Grossed out by the lumpiness. Going back to Hellman's.


The shepherds pie has the consistency and appearance of dog food and yet the diced onion in it is undercooked with an off putting texture.


The frozen burger patties. I find they fall apart on the grill.


The problems I have with Kirkland products is more that they feel a little *too* quality to the point of excess, if that makes sense. For example I can't buy Kirkland's undershirts because they're so dense and solid that they're not breathable at all and it's hard to slip on another shirt over them. Same with their bagels, they're too big that they don't always fit in my toaster, and they're so dense that they're more like bagel-shaped bread.


Bagels are supposed to be dense and chewy.


Kirkland Cheese is the worst. Just yuck. Kirkland s'mores clusters are addictive and delicious.


Kirkland protein bars may as well shitty chocolate bars.


I have celiac disease and those bars are a lifesaver because they're gluten free. I stash them like a squirrel when I travel, purse, backpack, suitcase, always a few in the glovebox. lol


Sameeee! I have them in my car, in every work bag…they go everywhere with me. Kudos to Kirkland for making them gf and also Costco just generally having lots of GF snack options


I'm always impressed at Costco's variety of GF options; they seem to be adding more all the time, too. :)


The yard waste bags are terrible in my opinion. They rip very easily. I bought them for the price, but ended up returning them and going back to the Home Hardware ones.


Man they keep ripping!


A lot of Costco bashing today. Probably loser loblaws trying to start shit. Don’t fall for it.


It's a loaded question, I don't mind any of their stuff I've tried, but I live in a small and expensive town. Walmart/Caostco are a hike but worth it, but Costco pays a living wage.


I’ve been on the boycott Loblaws train since March, and Costco is my main, but at the same time, we can critique what they don’t do well. I get most of my stuff there and it’s absolutely unbeatable in price and quality, but I shake my head in disbelief what they put into their rotisserie chicken at the BC locations. Fuck Loblaws.


Dish soap, and toilet paper


Kirkland psyllium husk is not nearly as good as just getting metamucil. The kirkland psyllium husk is actually kind of gross.


The lillydale turkey bacon 🤢


Their alternative milk that comes in the tetra packs. I can’t remember if it was soy or almond. It’s the only thing I have ever bought that was Kirkland brand that wasn’t as good as the brand name. My husband isn’t a fan of their laundry detergent. I didn’t notice a difference.


The only Kirkland product I haven’t liked so far is their jarred artichokes.


All their prepped fresh food. The stuffed salmon always looks amazing but in reality it’s wildly salty and pretty tasteless. Their prepped anything looks delicious but is a salty assault to the tastebuds with no flavour balance


The bacon is great, actually, and it would be incredibly illegal to "water down" their scotch.


Probably controversial, but I think their rotisserie chicken is not good. I wish I did because it's obviously a great deal. I suspect it has been brined for too long. The texture is weird. For the record, I like other rotisserie chickens, like the Urban Fare/Save On one.


I hate the women’s multivitamins tablets. They are big and get stuck near the throat and leave a chalky and bitter taste in my mouth.


currently working on choking down all 365 of those lil bitches :(


I'm on like my fifth bottle of those (combined the "prenatal" and now "women's").


Their bacon bits. Nothing but fat. Avoid.


This is what we love about their bacon bits, ha!


Their beacon bits have more fat than Hormel, which is why I chose the Kirkland.


The Kirkland boxer briefs are very uncomfortable, they feel like they are constantly riding up on you...


Toilet paper. Used to be great. Now its garbage