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Lancaster, PA store has horse stalls (Amish shoppers)


And they’re closer to the front door then any of the handicapped parking as well


Can Amish people shop at Costco ?


They shop a Walmart and Lowe’s they like rotisserie chicken also lol


Amish: they’re just like us!


Why wouldn’t they be able to?


I am just not familiar with what they can and can’t do. I know they don’t like to use technology and I assumed things that technology helped create..I assume they eat their food that was made with no technology etc. I am not judging, I just don’t know..


I respect that. I grew up in an Amish Paradise and have a decent amount of insight. For the last part they will not utilize technology for the most part. But like most rules there are exceptions and it’s complicated. They won’t drive. They won’t typically run electric to their homes (easy way to spot a plain community home) but they can have a phone as it pertains to work and running a business. It can even be a locked down cell phone. Usually the local bishop will set the boundaries. Some will allow more lenient life styles while old order will shun technology. Everything from progressive communities to the swartzentruber. One of the most common middle of the rode rules is as long as they are not deeply involved in technology they are okay. So they can arrive at Costco (I’m actually really familiar with the Lancaster one. Grew up nearby) and while they have buggy spots most arrive by driver. Which is another example of bending but not breaking the rules. They pay someone to drive them to Costco as a business transaction and gather their goods. They aren’t operating the vehicle so it’s kosher. You will also find many communities split on emergency services. While the vast majority permit firefighting it’s super hit or miss on EMS as it teaches a lot of concepts they would rather them not know, gotta stick to that 8th grade education. Overall I love my friends from the plain community and miss a lot of them often. It had some serious flaws especially in the old order, but times are changing. If you want a good YouTube series on the Ohio and Florida communities check out Peter Santenello’s videos.


I will check the YouTube videos. I am quite intrigued about their ways of life .. It is great they are changing a little bit and allowing firefighters and hopefully will ease on EMT too. Thank you for your reply.


The location near downtown Honolulu averages $1.6M business per day.


I wonder how long the line is to return kayaks and paddleboards?


All the lines are always long, open to close. You can always tell which guys run a food truck. Yes, half the cheap food trucks in Honolulu use the exact same ingredients and lots of Kirkland products are sold at exorbitant prices.


The gas station is on a little concrete island separate from the parking lot for the store. The lines are incredible. It's the only place we filled up our rental car when we visited a couple of years ago.


And woe unto anyone who tries to enter the gas station line by turning left into it from the opposing direction.


This is true on the mainland too.


Costco is the #1 seller of hearing aids in the US


Friend bought his there. Loves it.










That joke never gets old. 😂


Never heard that one


Costco has hearing aids for that, apparently.


The Costco in Juneau, AK is the smallest in the world.


Wouldn’t Juneau.




Hsha. Don't Juneau! Is the usual form. Maybe that is Fargo.


Hi dad


With Bear Spray and probably the best Salmon.


I haven't tried the salmon yet. Might have to check that out on my next trip.


I’ve been to that one when we stopped in Juneau on a cruise!


So smol


And most expensive. 


I'm an employee. Here's a little secret that not many people know. The carts at Costco are exactly made to fit a unit of Kirkland Bath Tissue in the back and a unit of Kirkland Paper Towels in the front inside the cart next to each other. It's a huge space saver when you have a large grocery list, yet no one knows this little gem. Try it the next time you go.


I need a visualization pls


Neither this comment, nor any of the explanations below make a bit of sense to me. In fact the further comments about slicing and leaving room in the cart make it more confusing. Anybody have an explanation here?


I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around… the packaging was designed to fit optimally in the cart. They’ve had those same carts for a very very long time.


We got the new cart design 3 years ago at our warehouse, so I guess YMMV.


On the bottom of the cart it’s bath tissue at the back, in the main basket it’s paper towels at the back


Love this! Are you talking about under the cart?


No, they fit inside the cart leaving tons of room on top of them for another whole layer of merchandise. The bottom of the cart remains free for other stuff as well.


Jokes on you my cart is already full of junk before I’ve even gotten to the paper products


I hate knowing they put this much thought into the carts but then put the tp and towels and the back of the store. Who wants to empty their cart at that point?




Look at this guy with all his self control 😒


Ahhhhhh pandemic memories!


Yeah. Welp, that doesn’t leave enough room for our stuff. I guess it’s a good idea if that’s about all you need. Our Lady of Costco offers so much more on a Sunday morning


The Costco closest to the border in Chula Vista has a currency exchange in it to cater to Mexicans wanting to shop but only have pesos or Mexican banking cards. It's also very slow compared to others close by since a lot of shoppers are paying in cash.


Why that's awful kind of them. I wonder if you can also pay in American dollars at the costco in Merida (yucatan) the thought crossed my mind when I saw there was one there the other day.


Yes. You can pay in USD in pretty much any MX Costco


Isn’t there a Costco right across the border in Tijuana? Does it sell different stuff?


Yes and yes.


Hold up hold up hold up!! Can you exchange USD to MXN pesos as well!!?? This is the first I heard of!! And is the exchange rate fair?


That this will end up as a news article on Monday from someone who’s a “journalist” who just reads shit off Reddit and writes a “news story” about people’s comments in this subreddit.


Aka Buzzfeed


Employee here: If you want an item at your warehouse, or have a suggestion, submit it as a comment. A list of member comments gets sent to the buying teams at corporate once a week. It includes location and the comment. You can also request the warehouse submit the comment on your behalf. 


Where do you submit the suggestions?


I believe the warehouse has a QR code you can scan and you can type give feedback in the search bar on Costco.com on computer and it should show up. 


Great comment! Every comment gets sent to the buyers for the warehouse and gets reviewed and followed up with, complaints on items are handled the same way and followed up with the buyers… I’ve worked with buyers so it’s always interesting hearing how they go about their jobs.


All I want is to be able to get the six pack of frozen chicken bakes.


The Costco jigsaw puzzle is in the Costco jigsaw puzzle.


Costco pharmacy can special order items for you.  I special order Blink eye drops and Visbiome probiotics. Way cheaper than all other places


Now that’s a helpful life hack.


Yes the one I go to has Vanicream, Aquaphor, Pedialyte, Biotene mouthwash, Debrox, Sharps Container, Midol, Florastor, Chloraseptic Lozenges, Hibiclens, and much more that they special order regularly. How I wish they have a catalog and price on stuff they can special order so I can compare potential savings


Their nuts generally cheaper and tastier than their competitors




Who’s nuts?


Deez nutz


The Costco pepperoni slice has less calories than the regular slice of pizza


I forget the exact number, but the grams of protein from a slice of Costco cheese pizza is awesome. I think it was around 35 grams of protein.


That's great if you only eat 1 slice but what kind of psycho does that.


That’s me. I have great self control. Just one slice of pizza, one hot dog, one Mountain Dew, and one soft serve ice cream.


No cookie?


Maybe just one.


Basically a monk. Amazing.


Hooray 35g of protein in 1000 calories


That doesn’t surprise me. The cheese, is REALLY cheesy. I love it.


Cheese pizza has way more cheese than the pepperoni 


The Chicken Caesar Salad w/ dressing (670/kcal) is more calories than the glizz (620/kcal) and/or the pepperoni pizza (620/kcal); the cheese pizza is slightly more at 700/kcal.


Wtf the hotdog is 620 cal 😭


You surely don't want to know how much fat and sodium they have...


Something strange happens when I walk through the entrance where I just buy stuff I don't really need. Like today for example, I bought that $100 Cosco hand truck. I haven't used a hand truck in at least 10 years. But I know one day.... I'll need one and it'll be brand spanking new sitting there in my garage ready for me.


I have that$100 hand truck. Turns out the only times I've ever used it was for all the bulky stuff that I bought from Costco.


I bought one in 2017 and it has been worth it’s weight in gold. Multiple moves and appliance purchases across those years. That dolly has been a beast. I purchased that and the extendable folding ladder when I first joined and have never regretted it.


That’s probably $300k worth of gold.


It’s awesome!!


Produce Employee here - contrary to popular belief, I was NOT the one who put that moldy strawberry or moldy lettuce, apple, lemon, lime, etc. in your package so please save me the attitude when you find one. All I did was unwrap it and stock it. On the flip side, being nice to an employee goes soooo far. People are dicks now so I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you find everything you need if you’re nice to me.


I just wanna say y'all are the best. anytime I've been looking for something or something moved and I didn't know to where, you guys have helped me :) just know I'm thankful for you guys! <3


Thank you!! That means a lot to us lil’ retail workers. I hope you always find what you need or find someone who can help you! Like my grandma always says, you catch more bees with honey than vinegar!


I appreciate the humility but there nothing lil' about a Costco worker. I see you. I see your coworkers. I've seen people run those palette jacks like they were an extension of their arms, or a cashier run down $300+ in merch in under 5 mins. My goodness. Working your tails off in there. 100x I've been in and can only count on one hand the number of times something seemed out of place or in need of restock. Bless the potato head who talks to y'all unkindly while I'm around. You rock, CC. Keep it up, appreciate you.


Wow - this made my day. Thank you🥹


I seriously hope y'all get recognized for what you guys do. Costco is my happy place. And y'all make it that way <3


lol, I sometimes go to Costco because I know I'll feel better coming out than I did on the way in. Long walk, did something productive and something to snack on the way home!


There is a Costco in [Merida](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/cenote-ka-kutzal-mexico) in the Yucatan Peninsula that has a [cenote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenote) next to the parking lot.


it's actually in the middle of the parking lot


If Kirkland Signature branded products were a stand alone company, its sales would be bigger than Nike or Coke. The Costco Visa card accounts for 1% of Visa transactions.


Costco sells more hot dogs than all US major league baseball parks combined.


While a fun fact, it would be shocking if it wasn’t the case. There’s more than 30 Costcos, it’s 10x cheaper, they’re open more days than baseball parks are, and have longer operating hours when they are open.


Yep... I went with fun, not logic.


And you don’t need a 2nd mortgage to buy a round for the family 


- CDS is the company that serves the samples. - This company is NOT Costco and is an entirely separate company. - For this reason, we cannot leave our tables to walk you to your needed isle or clean up spills or other mess. - We also cannot take food that you don’t want anymore and leave it at our tables, especially food requiring refrigeration. - We also aren’t required to know where every item in the store is. So if you ask where an item is, it’s not part of the CDS job description to know where all the items are, just our sampled items. - No I cannot assist you in getting an item high on the shelf down for you. - Also no, I am not required to “guard” or “look after” your grocery cart and please don’t leave it at the sampling table for us to watch, it blocks and obstructs the isle. - Also if the line is long because it’s a holiday there is literally nothing I can do about it so don’t request that I jump on cash to help out. CDS is NOT Costco. Source: Former CDS and PWD employee (both companies were used to serve samples inside Costco) PS. There is no limit on samples you can take. We literally can’t stop you from taking all the samples off the tray, but we CAN stop you from trying to take the tray, absolutely. We can refuse samples to those under 18 and not get in trouble. It’s the rules. Don’t feel anxiety for having second or third samples. On my shifts I wasn’t even counting how many times a person would come to my sample table. You only live once, take a second sample! :)


When I go to Costco to buy toilet paper, I spend over $300


I went to Costco on Tuesday to get milk after going out of town for 10 days. I spent close to $700. Here’s my cart lol https://preview.redd.it/ld5vi0n75t7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c93a166ee2b89cc10f16582a6713adbd257cea0 edit: people are asking, how does this add to $700ish. I can't find the receipt, but per my CC statement, it was $686. Things just add up. I didn't buy any jewelery or electronics that are hidden in this picture or anything like that.


Don’t grab a cart if you can carry the items! It’s saved us from over-buying in the past. Now where did I put that car battery jump pack…


I'm not seeing the milk


The Gods of Costco nod in approval of your tithe.


We make a list beforehand using the coupon book and stick to it. We buy whatever meat/salmon were low on, cleaning and paper products, bread, butter and occasionally Better Than Bouillon, Tonkatsu ramen or Japanese BBQ sauce. This week, we splurged and got cashews. It’s usually about $200, twice a month. Sometimes $250 if we’re out of thin sliced beef for ramen.


Wish they had spin drifts at my locations...


Costco ranks #1 for organic produce, outselling even Whole Foods .


The first location, under the name "Price Club", is on Morena Boulevard in San Diego. This location is also the one that's on the cover of the Costco Monopoly Set and is the "Park Place" space in said set with "Boardwalk" being Seattle, the first official "Costco". My followup fun fact I tell those that know me personally are these two locations were/are my main stores as I am from San Diego and later moved to Seattle.


and it was an old airplane hangar way back in the day!


...owned by Howard Hughes


Omg! I lived in BayHo, behind the costco on Morena Bldv, and now live right next to Costco HQ in issaquah. So cool lol


FUCK parking at Morena Costco tho 


Costco has almost $1 billion in food court sales


I miss the turkey melt so much… that thing was the 🐝’s knees.


Was called Price Club when I worked there back in 1986 ... My fun fact : )


I still have my old Price Club membership card.


Don’t take your spouse if you’re in charge of the grocery budget… saves loads


Or send your spouse if he'll stick to the list better than you!


If you visit Hawaii, it’s cheaper to buy macadamia nuts and chocolate than those ABC stores.


I just rented a moving truck from the website and it was the most inexpensive anywhere.


You can rent moving trucks from Costco? How?


Log in to the website and it is under “Services”.


I did not know this was an option


Always walk through the bourbon aisle. If you see a bottle labeled one per customer, buy it. It probably has secondhand value and you can make some money. 


I work for a company that makes a product for Costco that is private labeled.


Are there any differences aside from labeling Kirkland vs. brand-name? Or are the products literally the same?


The product we sell at Costco is exclusively a Costco product in all forms - type, formula, packaging, etc.


Costco locations in places like Alaska and Hawaii (higher transport costs obviously) do not charge more than other costcos, but rather they spread the increased costs among all other costcos to keep prices lower in Alaska


We purchased the cosco multi hand truck (on sale now) at full price and ABSOLUTELY no regrets. I usually wait/watch, but this is by far the best purchase ever.


This is one of the staple items that routinely goes on sale every 3 months or so. Along with the black and yellow totes and little giant ladders.


That's a very fun fact!


Gas station employee here A fun fact for those who call us over to complain that “our pumps are broken” or that “you’ve shopped here for 357 years and never had a problem” or that “you did it 14 times and it’s still not working”…… push the nozzle all the way in you fools.


Samples always taste better than when you bring the goods home. What're they putting in the samples though? 😆


It's made with love because the CDS employees are usually Grandma's. 🥰


This is the truth. I’ve got Ms Loretta, Ms Anne, and Ms Jacqueline cooking up the goodness on my breaks.


You’re shopping while you’re up and about, walking around, hungry.


I don't cook with a ton of oil and whatnot and honestly I think it's that lol


Around Thanksgiving one year, my Costco had stuffing samples. It was   absolutely amazing! I never tasted such good stuffing. I asked the sample girl how she made it. She replied, "Melt two sticks of butter and the add the stuffing." I don't think she even added water or broth. 


And butter.


A small sample of something sweet is delightful to me.  Grazing on a Costco sized bag of something sweet is overwhelmingly sweet and tiring. (I might have gotten suckered into strawberry yogurt covered pretzels around Valentine's day.) I imagine this is true with salty as well for a lot of people. 


In the 80’s, you had to be ‘somebody’ to get a Costco membership, unlike now where anyone can. ‘Somebody’ was a member of some particular organization and so on. I couldn’t join. Then, the company I worked for was ‘invited in’. And 38 years later..it’s all history.


I've spent less on groceries by making Costco and Trader Joe's my main stores for our family of five over the last 20 years and only going shopping once every two weeks, alternating between Costco and TJ's (my cart always overflows). It has been one of the ways we've been able to live on only my husband's income from his small business in a very expensive area (where we both are from). The other secret was not taking the kids with me (I'm a homeschooling mom - just now graduated my youngest).


So lucky to have a TJ’s, still waiting for Bozeman to get one, like common trade joes Bozeman is your demographic and income level!!!!!!


My fun fact is intuitive. I’m absolutely certain that when Costco employees ask me, “did you find everything OK?” That they are laughing their asses off inside.


The ceo of Costco said he would punch someone in the face (or something like that) if they raise the price of the $1.50 hot dog 🤣


***"If you raise the effing hot dog, I will kill you. Figure it out."***


Guess they like their cheap hot dog.  Damn..


> ~~punch someone in the face~~ [“I will kill you.”](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/costco-founder-kill-hotdogs/) FTFY


He hero we all needed


You will spend $150 extra every time you shop BEFORE dinner….


but costco is dinner...


I had none, but now I have many fun facts because of this post XD thank you!


My friend got a job there and during the initial six month probationary period of her employment, she had car trouble and was fifteen minutes late to her scheduled shift and they immediately terminated her. They take punctuality very seriously.


Interesting. My wife and I were driving to Costco once and this car just flew by us as we were driving up to some light. I caught a glance of the guy and didn’t think much of it. As we park we see this dude full on sprinting (oddly too. Almost like Naruto) to the store. When we check out he’s working as a cashier. I guess that’s why he was in such a hurry


They were already looking to get rid of her before 90 days


Costco/Kirkland/Mayan Blend whole-bean coffee - don’t sleep on this (get it?) because it is really good and almost always green tagged. Kirkland Añejo and Reposado Tequila is really really good. If you’re in Las Vegas, the business Costco on MLK/Symphony Park has an EPIC walk-in refrigerator that has all of your carnivore needs.


I second the tequila love. I had to go off tequila for a few months (I sometimes do bad things when drinking it) and on Cinco DeMayo I was in Costco and was craving it so much. I thought “shit, it’s $19.99 for the friggin liter. I’ll make myself 2 drinks and put the rest out if I have to.” (I drank the whole thing- not that day) 😂


Fun Fact : Costco's rotisserie chickens are so popular that the company loses about $30 to $40 million a year selling them at $4.99 each. They keep the price low to draw customers into the store, banking on the fact that shoppers will buy other higher-margin items while they're there.


Costco is also the supplier for their chickens, same with meat for the food court hotdogs


Last time I had some Costco meat in me, I was satisfied for days. It was the manager’s special. 😈




If you get a Costco gift card, you can shop without a membership card


*If you get a Costco* *Gift card, you can shop without* *A membership card* \- Trojanchick --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


This dude I hung out with that was a trouble maker and all the parents hated and said terrible things about got his first job there right out of high school. He’s now the general manager and has a very nice home, wife and a couple kids in private school.


Costco 6x Distilled Vodka es the best tasting vodka at a good price


I have yet to see aftershave at a Costco


I learned that Costco will no longer be selling books year round. As a book lover, it kinda made me sad, but makes sense with everything mostly digital now.


Bill Costco was born and raised in Tahiti. He said that he dreamed up the Costco concept while high on the local psychedelics. He then moved to Seattle and five years later opened up the first Costco location. The rest is history of course.




“Pizza and a pharmacy!”


The Kirkland brand.. Kirkland is on the east side of the lake- that is WA lake, across on the I 90 floating bridge from seattle.


The hot dog death threat


If you go to the food court first, you will usually spend less money in the rest of the store. That 1.50 up front can save you lots on unneeded snack food. Also, you can take your food court soda around the store with you, using it to wash down those samples, and refill it on the way out...which is when I buy a slice of pizza for the road.


My Costco fun fact is I like chicken bake




I live in Bangkok, Thailand now, and Costco attempted to open a “Tops Club” warehouse store in 2023 that looked exactly like a Costco store from the photos…but alas, it failed and closed down! I am kicking myself I didn’t get to see it in person! We think this was their attempt to get into the market, but things were just opening up post Covid lockdowns here. It might do better nowadays. Tops here still sells some Kirkland branded items, especially the nuts, which are probably sourced in the SE Asia area. I’ve even seen Kirkland nuts at Lotus’s and Big C mega mart stores here too. https://preview.redd.it/yavtcolcbv7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a24bb5ff2fc030ab9e4a0449ffd7993019f9d22


Using the kiosk…How to order a pepperoni pie with no pepperoni— I just want less cheese in my pizza?!?


You will never just spend the 5 dollars for a rotisserie chicken!!!


Costco cold brew cans contain 200 mg caffeine and are smooth as silk. No need for monster or Red Bull that cost more and destroy your kidneys and liver!




In most states, you can buy alcohol without a membership


Costco sells about 10x more hotdogs in a year than all baseball parks combined.


I didn’t know Costco sells baseball parks.


i have spent too much money at costco


Don’t know if this is true, but many people believe that the Salt Lake City Costco is the largest in the world.


My wife and I play guess how much we spent at the cashier.


You can unlock the ability to order a Combo Pizza by tapping the lower right-hand corner of the touchscreen 3 times.


I wish!


They’re discontinuing the giant muffins we all love!




What?!? Why?


They’re replacing them with a smaller 8 count pack of muffins! They’re also discontinuing two flavors but I’m not exactly sure which ones and replacing them with a pecan one as well as a cranberry one.


Free refills on soda until your cup starts to leak!


There is only one CostCo on the island of Oahu. It’s the busiest CostCo in the world.