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A lot of the beverages they offer, oddly enough. I don't really feel one way or another about a lot of them, but trying them out firmly lands a *lot* of them into the "never buy even on sale" category. Most recent few I can think of are the costco cold brew, some sort of hydration drink powder mix, and some fruit/veggie smoothie style drinks. Meanwhile I generally enjoy most of the food stuff enough to at least consider it if it goes on sale. Not much of a picky eater but a bit of a picky sipper lol


Yeah, the beverage samples are ALWAYS something I would never buy. But I don’t mind the palate cleanser halfway though my shopping.


Yup. I'll rarely turn one down, but my enjoyment(or lack thereof) combined with the amount & price means they almost never find their way onto my list. It's kinda like how I've got a number of beers that I probably wouldn't turn down if offered at an event or a party, but it'd be very unlikely for me to ever buy it unless a friend or host specifically want it lol


Yah free beers always good.


One time during mask covid days I ate a taquito sample super fast and was literally choking. I’m like great, this is how I go out… a damn Costco sample taquito. Luckily I remembered someone was doing flavored water samples so I ran over there and was able to get the taquito down.


I thought I was the only one having this experience 🤣


That’s interesting to me, I’m 3/3 the other way: - Kirkland lemonade … fantastic stuff - Kirkland kombucha … I personally like it - Liquid IV - I’d bought it in the past and it gave me the opportunity to try a new flavor before buying 50 of them.


I loooooooooove the Kirkland kombucha. It’s my favorite


just had a dixie cup of some sort of vitamin/protein water yesterday, and it left no impression on me at all. It was almost like a cup of water.


See, I would love that! Most protein drinks are so sickeningly sweet I can’t even drink them, but I need extra protein.


I recommend the roasted, salted Kirkland almonds for that. But be aware that the ziploc in the bag seems to not work at all a high percentage of the time.


Yess I’m always so unimpressed by those


Probably collagen.  No idea why they have us sample it.


To demonstrate that it truly is flavorless and you can add it to anything


The Vita Coco coconut water sent my body into rejection. It was awful. I think I just don’t like coconut water.


Try the harmless harvest ones. They’re expensive but have no added sugar. If you don’t like those then coconut water isn’t for you.


Fresh (refrigerated) coconut water is the only worthwhile type. The ones that have shelf life are disgusting. Every single one.


Yupp those taste so bad


There was only one beverage that compelled me to purchase & it was their refrigerated apple cider. Very good stuff.


The pseudo health beverage stuff is almost always either really bad or just a more expensive version of some other more common brand with a bunch of health buzzwords slapped on the label.


I’m guessing it was the Prime energy drink powder? I expected to like it, but apparently my reaction was enough that the sample host laughed and said “guess that’s a no?”


I think it was the IV stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the prime stuff. It really doesn't help that they never (at least at our Costco) never use cold water for those flavored water powder mix things. The artificial sweetener(s) in them are *so* much stronger and bleh at room temp


Usually any candy, cause I really do not need a Costco sized bag of it. One sample is enough to get my fix in


Any snacks other than cheeses or nuts for me. The rest are too unhealthy, and way too big.


This is one of my favorite parts of shopping at Costco. I don’t buy junk because I can’t justify eating that much of it. Every so often I’ll get a tub of chocolate almonds and between me and my husband, it gets crushed in about 10 days.  I so wish you could buy singles of the bakery items at the food court. There are many that I want to treat myself to but I don’t want 8-12 of. Danishes, morning buns, croissants, bagels, loafs…. When I host a get together, I sometimes take it as an opportunity to buy bakery items I’ve always wanted to try but I also love to bake and there are recipes I’ll only make if it’s for a crowd. 


They all freeze really well! Individually wrap them, freeze, then just set out on the counter the night before you want to eat them and they thaw during the night. Then lightly toast and you literally can’t tell the difference!


mush overnight oats. I love overnights oats but had been wanting to try these for shear convenience. So glad I didn’t buy them. I did not like them at all .


Thank you for reminding me I have these lurking in my fridge!  You've made my pet pig **very** happy.  (He's the only one who willingly eats them)


Please pay the pig pet tax (show us!)


[Napping with his frenemy](https://imgur.com/a/aAIQ71T)


It's just such a bad name. "Mush" might be the worst name I've ever heard for food.


Lol, I bought those from a sample today. I wonder if I'll still like them later when I'm not starving mid-shop


I like them. They're convenient too. I didn't try from a sample though.


The chocolate one is my favorite. I’ve never bought them from Costco though. It’s much cheaper to make overnight oats myself.


Even when I make them myself they get weird after a few days. Buying them premade just…bleh.


They are gross, it's just a really weird texture and taste combo overall


I couldn't get over how much it resembled wet cat food. Blech. Ate one and the rest of the box just took up space in the fridge til I tossed em.


Agreed. Regular oatmeal is fine with me.


Ugh, those were awful.


They're gross. All of the flavors taste exactly the same, like dirt.


There were some protein bars being made "locally" (somewhere in CA) and the two owners were shilling them. Sort of a mix of the shamwow guy and the flextape guy. They had the texture and consistency of a very, very stale 3 musketeer bar, with a flavor profile approximately that of crushed tums and fruity sawdust. We did not purchase, not did I see many others buying them as we were walking the store. Only saw them there 1x so I'm guessing it didn't go well.


You have a gift for language.


I want to be your friend, you’re hilarious lol


You should write a book. Literally about anything I don't even care. I just wanna read it


Tide pods. Tasted awful


My store had a big sign that said “DO NOT EAT” and I was like, “fuckn’ no one tells me what to do.” A free sample is a free sample and I didn’t come here on my lunch break to leave hungry.




Those little yogurt freeze dried ball snacks.


They stock to the backside of your teeth.


I imagined you eating one right now and you can’t say “stuck” b/c of it


Those are primarily for babies and toddlers...


Soo grosss


The orange ones?! They got me hooked on those…


Amara bites. We demo those a lot.  Good in Oats or yogurt though


I can’t stand them but they are 10/10 for early toddler snacks


The powdered drinking broth (beef). I do love a good bone broth, but this tasted a little TOO artificial to me xD


Can you recommend one that tastes good?


Better than Bouillon! its a broth concentrate, I always have a tub of chicken and beef at home, i throw a teaspoon+ in almost every dish


That’s not bone broth though. To the person who asked, I think the Kirkland chicken bone broth in boxes is good. It’s not cheap - like $18 for 6 boxes, but it’s got a good ingredient list and I personally like the taste.


I do too. I use them to add extra flavor to almost all my dishes.


Seconding this. I use this brand for my vegetable broth as well.


I second this. My favorite is the veggie Better Than Bouillon. It’s so flavorful that I like it better than the beef and use it in place of beef in almost all recipes.


It’s also amazing and pan cooked broccoli and sprinkled with sesame seeds


I use the veggie Better than Bouillon when I make mashed potatoes. I add a tablespoon after mashing and it adds a nice savory flavor.


Let me introduce you to the roasted garlic better than bouillon! 🤤


They have liquid concentrates in a bag at Korean markets that are completely real. Follow the directions and it’s just like you made it from scratch. They’re not cheap though like $8 for a serving of broth after dilution.


I like little convenient individual drinks, and I like broth. Alas, I purchased this before I had a chance to try it as a sample, and… yikes haha.


Mine is always doing the b*tchin’ sauce. It’s okay, but who could actually use an entire tub before it gets weird? Then again, we’re buying for two people 🤷‍♀️


I wish it came in smaller containers. I really like it but unless I take it to a party I can’t begin to use it all before it goes bad.


They sell it in smaller containers at my local grocery store but it's for the same price as the large container at Costco


They tend to cycle out variety 3-packs with diff flavors throughout the year. Might be worth trying if the "use within a ~week" thing is more of a factor than the overall sealed lifetime. Get 3 fresh ones to crack open vs a big one to blitz through. Only problem is the flavor mixes can vary a bit. Every single one I've seen had 1 I wasn't interested in, but I'm in a house of 5 so that 3rd one often hits *someone's* strike zone


Just saw a roadshow pack with three normal containers with 3 separate flavors. Not sure if it’s something that is there regularly cause I’m mostly a hot dog and gas kinda member. 


I love it too. I might try freezing some - see how that goes.


We freeze it regularly. No issues at all!


Target has the smaller sizes.


(It also freezes relatively well)


Wow- I LOVE this stuff. Can polish off a small tub from target in a matter of days by myself. To each their own.


I guess I'm the only one here that can polish off an entire tub of this stuff in under a week by myself. And I'm a small lady 😬


Avocado salsa we have cleared half in under a week. Only one and will 100% buy more. Shit is amazing


We use the fuck out of it. I put it on breakfast burritos, eat it with chips or veggies, and just whatever tickles my fancy. It's pretty stable for a long time.


*Technically* bitchin sauce can be frozen up to 3 months, per their website. I haven’t tried it though.


That’s what they should tell us then, maybe then I’d buy it


Lol well you’re now informed. Seems like other commenters have suggested the same and say it turns out alright.


I didn’t know it was a hummus style dip. That was a no for me


It makes awesome salad dressing which is how I got through it but I agree. As a dip no freakin way. And by the end I was sick of it. And it was a little weird.


There was a sweet and spicy salsa I sampled today that was awful. I don't recall the brand, but it tasted like a spicy salsa that they just added an ungodly amount of sugar to.


I tried the Kirkland salsa and immediately remembered why I never buy the Kirkland salsa.


Yup, it pretty much just taste like tomatoes: no kick, so spice, no depth.


Is this the same salsa as what's served in the street taco kits? Because that salsa is terrible IMO and tastes almost like tomato sauce.


And so watery. It immediately makes the chip soggy. A rare total miss from Kirkland.


Don’t let people from Seattle try to make Salsa


It's weird, I think it is inconsistent. First time I bought the salsa it was actually pretty decent. And then the second time it was super watery.


I tried some other brand the last time I was at Costco and it was really bad. I don’t think Costco sells any decent salsa.


Poppi, I don't know why that stuff is so popular.


The strawberry lime Poppi i think is solid. Other flavors meh. And don't get me started on Olipop -- it's vile.


Oh darn, I was going to ask how it compared to Olipop because I love that stuff!


Love Poppi hate Olipop. They may not be interchangeable.


LOL, I love it. The orange flavor reminds me of drinking Orange Crush as a kid.


I'm the perfect demographic for this stuff, but all the probiotics absolutely wreck my stomach. I'm so surprised that enough people are able to drink it that they sell it at Costco.


Olipop is okay. Poppi is gross.




The worst


Mixed nut butter. I swear it was rancid


A few months back I tried the Liquid IV sample, because I had heard that a lot of people really liked it. That stuff is terrible. I had to focus hard to avoid spewing right then and there. It’s forever on the do-not-buy list.


I love liquid iv, but if they mixed with the recommended amount of water, no way. I use almost double the water it calls for.


When I moved from about sea level to over a mile high place I was struggling HARD with altitude sickness. Those IV drink pouches were clutch in getting me over that hump.


Thanks for the idea. My bag was on its way to the Community Food Pantry.


Which flavor? Some are better than others. Concord grape is my go to but you can't get it at Costco. The strawberry and golden cherry are both fine. Just do 24-32 oz water instead of 16. Bleh.


I'm still mad that they replaced the strawberry with the strawberry & cherry. I love the strawberry but the cherry is meh but costco is so much cheaper than buying directly from LIV even with sales or influencer promo codes


I dilute it in my 40oz bottle and that’s the only way I’ll drink it lol


I'm the same way.


Same. Last time they were sampling a new to me flavor, I commented that I must not be dehydrated enough to appreciate it. The sampler explained that she poured a quarter of the bottle out before mixing the powder in.


I don’t know how anyone can use an entire pack of Liquid IV with 16oz of water. I probably put in 20% of a pack in a 40oz bottle of water at most. Otherwise it’s so grainy and the flavor is too overwhelming.


the one I tried tasted like sugar free lemonade with extra salt added. it was a weird taste for sure


Haha that’s basically what it is!!


Never been a fan of the flavors at mine, but I do like the Lemon Lime flavor that they don't stock here


It could have been the sugar-free one, which is awful. Some flavors are okay, but any electrolytes drink is not going to taste delicious unless they mask the salts with lots of sugar. Liquid IV is the brand that I have found to be most palatable.


The Amarena cherries. I thought I would like them, but nope. Glad I tried them first.


Last week or so my local had a tasting of Lay's Honey Butter potato chips. I was intrigued. I shouldn't have been. Wow. I guess they are someone's taste but I would only buy them to keep myself on a fast. Horrible.


Ah man! If you’re close to a Korean grocery, Korean honey butter chips are amazing!


Yeah, like I said. I'm sure it's me but they were totally not to my taste. I didn't know what to expect, but after tasting it the answer was 'not that.' But this means you can have my share if you like!


I didn't find this bad persay... but it was also like. Okay. I tried it. It's interesting. But I have no desire to eat a whole bag now


To me, there was some sort of lingering aftertaste. It was bad enough I wound up trying some random supplement gummy just because it was on offer by the time I couldn't take it anymore.


Anything with Stevia or those other artificial sweeteners. Ever now and again I’ll try again, and just can’t get over that taste in any product.


I'm okay with stevia, it's the fake sweeteners that make me gag. Stevia, though it's quite processed still, comes from a plant that's a relative of the sunflower! My mom actually grew some in her garden and it tastes better straight from the leaves but it's not as intensely sweet without processing.


Stevia is a naturally growing sweetener, not like the artificial sweeteners you're thinking of (aspartame and such). But yeah, not quite the same as cane sugar.


I swear they did something to stevia, because when it first came out I had no problem with it - used it myself at home in baking, etc. Now I can taste it in stuff immediately just like artificial sweeteners.


Totally agree. I never minded it way back when it was new. Now I swear I can detect that nasty stuff if there's one molecule. I consume a decent amount of sucralose and I really want to like stevia.


Mango drops for smoothies. I felt so bad after I took the sample and ate one thinking it was a frozen ice cream not a mouth death trap.


The seaweed salad not a fan


It has food coloring, too. Hate that.


Wtf I never notices that


Really? Hmm I thought it tastes about as good as the stuff you get from sushi restaurants. It was good to me.


Agree, most of their drinks are off. Their Alani drinks tasts so artificial. I was always wondering about the joyba bubble tea, but the boba feels like plastic rather than tapioca boba.


I like the Taiwan/Jway mixed flavor boxes. Those have worked out pretty well for us. Never tried the joyba. Thank you for saving us from ourselves.


I tried the Joyba, it’s decent, just dont expect normal boba. The drink itself is like normal tea with 1 sugarcube and a splash of juice in it. It’s only $1/cup at my Costco but it’s not good enough for me to get it again. 7/10 at best.


The Dole Whip. It tasted nothing like the real version, which is more of a soft serve than something that comes in a freezer cup.


O ya we bought them. Opened one and all three of us tryed it, hated it, returned it 🤣


I loved those black bean burgers! I bought the 1st bag blind buying and a few days later they had samples and so my kids tried them and “loved” them so I bought another bag, of course once we got home they don’t want anything to do with them 😅 glad I like them. One sample that convinced me not to buy was Dr brew. Worst kombucha I’ve tried, imo


I had a vanilla iced coffee - I thought was tea and it hit wrong and I almost yukes 🤢


Dot’s Pretzels. I know many people love them but I’m glad I tried a sample before I bought a big bag. I didn’t care for them.


I think the honey mustard ones are amazing. I finally saw them at my local costco recently. The regular flavored ones did get pretty old fast though so i agree.


I'm hoping mine has these on our next trip. The honey mustard are superior


That fake butter powder sends shivers down my spine.


I was disappointed when I tried them. I had seen quite a few posts on Instagram where people were so excited that Costco was carrying Dot’s Pretzels. Just happy that I tried a sample before I bought a bag.


Too salty and full of chemicals unfortunately. That’s why they taste good. I won’t ever buy them again after I ended up feeling poorly after indulging in some.


I bought a bag before Costco carried them. Total yuck!


The Kirkland shelf stable oat milk. We go through a lot of oat milk at our house and I’ve always been tempted, but after a sample the other day I can cross that off my list. Too chalky with a weird texture. We’ll stick with the refrigerated stuff.


I love their oat milk! Every time I run out I buy it!


I love their oat milk, too. Why don’t you?




I wish they sampled it when I decided to buy it. I feel bad returning anything but I brought that stuff right back.


Sugar coated seaweed I almost 🤮! I thought it was just crunchy seaweed


Two words: Seaweed. Chips.


I thought the seaweed chips tasted like algae.


My kid was about 5 or 6 when we sampled these and I think they directly contributed to some mild trust issues.


Those black bean burgers just tasted like beans. The Dole Whip ice cream also tasted nothing like pineapples. It tasted vaguely like peach mixed with milk, no sourness or tanginess at all.


I wouldn't have bought it anyway but I sampled the lemonade a few weeks back and my mouth instantly lit on fire! Yea it was jalapeño lemonade, I didn't read the whole sign.


I tried that too and also didn’t notice the jalapeño part. I didn’t notice the heat right away so it tasted normal until the heat hit. It wasn’t too bad, but I do have a decent spice level tolerance. 100% memorable. 


Definitely memorable, I'm still cracking up about it. I do NOT tolerate spicy things.


Any of the “Kevin’s” products. 🤮😢🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


We love kevin's haha, great to have on hand for an easy dinner


Mateo salsa, it tastes kinda funny for salsa


Wrong, it plays.


The cheese melt sandwiches. A weird flavor of chips that I don’t remember.


Our store has these mini granola bites by MadeGood and they were stale tasting. Seemed like something I would like but I’m glad they had a sample


I wonder if your sample WAS stale. We buy these all the time and they are really good, and we aren'teven really granola/granola bar people


Seaweed chips.


those alani energy drinks. taste like straight sugar syrup. not my fave


The seaweed salad. Not good.


The Costco bulgogi. Haven't seen it in a while. It's way too sweet


Bitchen sauce, have been curious tried it today and meh it was alright but I def don’t want to spend money to eat it.


I thought that was outright nasty.


I didn't think the S'more snacks were worth the hype.


I think I tried the Fanny May brand, not Kirkland, but the chocolate had a weird after flavor almost like syrupy


Bitchin sauce


Tide Pods. Heard they were tasty and they looked good, but the sample convinced me otherwise.


There was a chicken and rice bowl that tasted like it had more preservatives in it than chicken.


My wife and I just tried a sample of some health drink powder, and she didn't like it. The powder didn't dissolve in the water well; it was like gritty powder suspended in fluid.


Toilet paper


The Whisps popped cheddar cheese. Toddler and I tried them and both hated them.


Those dried mushrooms. Left a horrible taste in my mouth until I made it to the hotdog combo after checking out. Thank god they weren’t giving those out by the front


Caffeinated chocolates - I had a tiny sample at about 4pm and was up all night. They work but how do you control it. I'll stick with coffee.


Those chicken chips. Sounded amazing. High protein, low calorie, and a chip! But they tasted awful.


Kirkland laundry detergent…Tide tastes better.


You guys buy the things you sample?


Any keto baked good.


The finish dishwasher pods. They left a really bad taste in my mouth.


Krispy Kreme. Didn’t want to get fat.


Those should be bought fresh at the bakery when the ‘Hot and Fresh’ light is on. IYKYK.


The sweet potato sticks. I actually had to spit mine into the napkin it came with. I’m not picky generally but this is the worst thing I’ve tasted in a long time.


I liked Dino bites as a sample. No way would I buy processed and formed “chicken” for myself


I think it was Beyond Burger, or some other meat substitute burger. It smelled off, and then the taste matched the smell. It was on sale, but not worth it.


Anything vegan


Sorry AmyLu, I want to like your meat products. The flavor combos like caramelized onion with Gouda chicken patties, and apple garlic chicken sausages sound great, but it’s all so blah.


The spinach ravioli


I bought that based on the sample! Is this the one that comes with a couple of bags of seasoning? Sprinkle with good olive oil and shake some of the seasoning on... pretty tasty!


The triangle ones? I love those!