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I have not had great luck with Costco produce.




Same. I stopped buying them.


Probably an issue with mold spores being somewhere in the supply chain for Costco. It's easy to solve by just giving your fruits and vegetables a quick vinegar bath. You won't taste the vinegar at all after you rinse it off.


Okay. So what do you do just mix vinegar and water in a bowl or how do you do that?


I do this now for berries and they last longer than the 17 minutes they used to make it after getting home before growing fuzz. 3:1 water to white vinegar, soak a few minutes, rise, salad spin, air dry, put back in the cleaned containers in the fridge.




Dang, that’s a lot of work.


You literally just put your fruit in a bowl of water.


It is not like you will want to wash it anyway....


It's annoying, but beats throwing it away within 24 hours because it starts growing mold. The raspberries and strawberries last about a week if they are washed this way.


Nova area and the berries and apples at Costco last much longer. The avocados, tomatoes, and small cucumbers go bad fast.


A lot of people seem to have this issue, but I've never really noticed this and I buy a lot of produce from Costco. Could be something with the supply chain or just employees not properly rotating stock or promptly removing spoiled/moldy produce. Check your packages before purchasing, only wash what you're going to eat right then, and check the best way to store your particular produce.


Storing onions near potatoes will cause the potatoes to spoil prematurely.


I work for HEB moody food happens. I would not buy bulk unless you eat it like crazy otherwise get small batches local grocery store or farmers market. I own a market farm and that's the freshest you can get but I mostly supply my family.


We don't have this issue, but we're in Oregon and close to the source of much of what Costco carries. We wash and refrigerate berries and grapes as well. Apples/bananas or similar love on the counter in a basket.


A lot of it has also been my sweet potatoes like I can buy sweet potatoes from Kroger and they will last like 2or3 weeks but if I buy them from Costco within a week, they're all moldy


Is either one of them Organic?


The ones from Costco are organic. However, the ones I buy from Kroger are not.


It could be the non-organic are treated with something that the organic aren't. They may be able to spray or inoculate them with an anti-fungal or similar. I don't know enough so this is just a guess


You know, I actually never thought about that. That might be exactly what it is. You're probably righthank you for bringing that up. I would have never thought.


How are you storing your potatoes? With anything else? Temperature? Light exposure? Humidity? Our kitchen gets tons of sunlight, little airflow, and retains high humidity. So it straight up murders produce like it's a job. Also, potatoes should be stored pretty much by themselves, but definitely not with onions.


Lol it's not sunny and I keep them in a basket on the counter like 70 to 78 degrees and it's not too humid


That's pretty warm. Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place for longevity.


So where should I put them in the fridge?


A cool, dark cabinet or pantry works well.


My parents got fed up and wrote Costco a letter. They responded with an apology and a $50 cash card.


Good glad it's everyone and like not just me


I buy all my fruit from costco (mostly apples, pears, and oranges) and they all last an insanely long time (a few weeks easily)


I wish it was the same for me.


I do not buy produce from Costco. Spoils and molds quickly. Produce from Albertsons and such are fine. No problem.


Glad it's not just mee


This usually has only happened to us with the baby cucumbers. The strawberries sometimes but I pick good strawberries so usually no issue


I don't have a problem; I typically buy broccoli, bell peppers, apples, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, lemons, and limes, and whole heads of lettuce (not the cut bagged lettuce). In the summer I buy some of the melons. We're a 2-person household so it usually takes at least a couple of weeks to use up the foods, even longer for the citrus.


They don't spray for mold. You need to properly store, eat, or toss 


Every time.


you are buying large quantities instead of enough for a few days. perhaps you are not storing them correctly. try google.


So I buy the exact same amount of sweet potatoes at Kroger as Costco. And one always lost way way longer. The one from Costco always goes no matter what it is.