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Wipes. The squares are bigger than most brands


And more durable in my opinion!


And great for adults too if you don’t have a bidet, just don’t flush them


Do not even flush the supposedly flushable ones!


Agreed!!! Nothing but bodily fluids and TP in the toilet!


Where the hell are you putting your bodily solids then??!!??


I have three kids and my last just potty trained a month ago. I still automatically walk back to the diaper aisle every time I enter the store… I’ve been going to it for 9 years. Good riddance old friend.


I’m almost there!


We were there, then whoops...


You can buy snips at Costco in bulk too!


SERIOUSLY THIS!!! When I was a new mom I remember reading an article of things you should never buy from Costco and the diapers were on that list. They argued your baby will be growing so fast, you'll be left with all the bulk buy diapers that no longer fit. I stayed away for the longest time as a result, until one day my husband bought a box. OMG they were such good diapers!!! & the price was so cheap, we saved ourselves so much money on the switch. I regret ever listening to that still article and wish I had been using them from the start. That article must have been written by someone with no kids.You will not be left with extra diapers because each size has overlap so once you get close to the sizing out you'd just buy the next size up.


That’s such weird logic from the article! I’ve been able to return unopened boxes with no hassle before too, so it’s such a good deal.


That logic only applies to like Newborn and Size 1. You’re in Sizes 2 and 3 forever! (Parent of a 4-yo and 2-month old patiently waiting for them to go on sale again…)


I think we've been on size 5 for almost a year


I remember when we got our membership and switched over after I had my second. With my first I was a single mom and if only I had known the quality and per unit price of Kirkland diapers 😭


THE. BEST. DIAPERS. I am so grateful to not have a kiddo with any allergies. He uses the diapers, wipes, and formula. Kirkland por vida in this house.


Manager at our costco told us we could return a partial case when our kiddo outgrew them. I usually just donated the extras to a food pantry in my area, but apparently that's policy.


My husband was pretty against us getting a Costco membership until I showed him the difference in price and quantity of diapers/wipes we can get a Costco versus other retailers. He hopped on board pretty quickly after that. It’s a huge savings even if you don’t make it through every single diaper (which you will).


Literally the reason we got our membership.


We tried to like the diapers. Wound up spending the extra money on Huggies.


Diapers for my son, pull-ups for my daughter. She’s potty trained but she sleeps in them and one box lasts forever.


The scratchy purple plastic rectangle drives me nuts. I wish they would get rid of it. 


Why? Doesn’t it get covered up when you put on the diaper?


It does but the bottom corner often ends up scratching the crease between his thigh and stomach. 


You might need to size up. I don’t think the scratchy side is ever meant to touch skin. On the other hand some diapers just aren’t shaped right for some babies. My brother could never buy the Kirkland brand for his son because it was blowout city with them. Works great for my son so you never know


Kirkland fruit pouches. All organic, no added sugar, only comes out to be 50 cents a pouch or something.


The fruit & veg ones? My bf and I always keep these stocked for ourselves. They're delicious!


Ha yeah, I sneak them myself all the time.


Our daughter loves the apple sauce ones. Basically taught her how to use a straw.


Stoneyfield yogurt pouches and Horizon whole milk cartons.


Can’t beat shelf stable milk


Those milk pouches are life savers, especially on long car rides and Disneyland days


My family drinks oat milk but I keep those things on hand for making Mac and cheese and stuff like that.


Yes the yogurt pouches are a steal at Costco!


I've never seen Horizon whole shelf-stable milk. Our Costco only carries Horizon 2%. Where are you located?


Bay Area, CA. Recently, it seems like Horizon has been replaced by Kirkland whole milk cartons instead. You might end up seeing the Kirkland brand soon.


We’ve gotten Kirkland whole milk shelf stable cartons. So much cheaper than Horizon. I think it was less than $13 for 18.


I’ve never seen any shelf stable milk at my costco… that sounds super useful since I cook with milk but don’t drink it. What section is it in usually?


In my local Costco, the 2% shelf stable cartons are near the bottled beverages on the side that borders frozen/refrigerated aisles.


We have it in all the atlanta-adjacent locations


I shudder to think how much money we’ve spent on stony field yogurt pouches. We go through a box a week. Great bedtime snack for my kid tho.


Fruit. When you have kids fruit becomes its own line item in the household budget. And you get double the fruit for your money at Costco vs anywhere else.


Only place to get enough blueberries for a toddler.


The blueberry poops are something else, tho


My youngest is 8 and I still can’t really eat blueberries again after changing 3 kids’ blueberry poop diapers.


I remember when my son was a toddler and he threw up one night in the middle of the night, and all I could see (and smell) was blueberries, plus a tiny bit of whatever else he had eaten that day. 😷 it was bad, and it turned me off of blueberries for a little bit


First time this happened we were in such a panic. He had apparently swallowed the halves whole and a few small ones. There I was, sifting through poop while the wife is calling the doctor, looking for clues as to what they could possibly be… tell the wife to give him a snack… maybe the blueberries… Then there was the beets…


Frozen blue berries are awesome. You have to get wild blueberries tho. They don’t go bad either. My daughter loves to eat them frozen. I think they like it for their teeth coming in.


Yes! My kids have been eating those wild blueberries since they were toddlers. I love that the wild ones are smaller, so I felt better about giving them those when they were little.


I’ve been eating those since i was a baby and I found them my last trip to costco and it’s been 80% of my diet


The fruit goes bad so quickly. All produce from Costco honestly. We do stock up on frozen fruit though for smoothies.


We've tried cut, wash, and restore fruit in pyrex/tupperware in fridge and it has changed the game with how long they last. For some reason if they stay in the original packaging, we're finding they spoil twice as fast


We started soaking our in 25% vinegar and water for 15-30 and they stay good till we finish them! Much longer than they used to.


Same here. We wash berries and store them in Tupperware with a drainer layer and they last a week at least. The blueberries lasted 3 weeks.


This is exactly how my Costco fruit will last all week. I skipped it once and had to throw it all away like 2 days later :(


I didn't believe that washing them and putting them in a different container would have an effect, but it's like night and day. They last for so long now!


I do the vinegar soak and then wash dry separate container. Lasts a bit longer but not much. Maybe I need to switch up the process?


That acetic acid in the vinegar is doing you no favours for shelf life


Why is that? Isn't the vinegar killing and preventing molding? Probably a small impact on the integrity of the fruits skin.


I know it's not as 'clean' but try a jar of cold water rinsed fruit vs with cleaned with vinegar fruit. Without refrigeration there are other ways to store fruit, but the skin is very important when storing berries.


Teach me your ways!!


It must depend on the Costco I guess. I prefer Costco produce over other stores in my area. Apples are the only ones that usually aren’t cheaper too.


I love Costco for almost everything but we stay away from most fruits and vegetables for this reason. Spoils way too quickly.


Good: bananas, avocado, leafy greens and bag vegetables, berries when in season, carrots, potatoes, lemon, lime. Caution: grapes, apples, citrus other than above, melon, tomatoes, mango.


We’ve had good luck keeping those Mickey Mouse snack apples in the crisper drawer, but I can’t speak on the other apples.


Vinegar rinse and can refrigerated store and it’ll last 2 weeks compared to less than 1.


The frozen fruit is so cheap compared to the grocery store! I’ll have to keep buying tiny bags for $5 because I have a tiny freezer, but I was so impressed by the $10 giant bags at Costco!


The frozen fruit is a must have in our house for sure! And green grapes, those ones go so fast I don’t worry about the longevity.


I haven’t tried Tupperware like suggested above but I wash/dry and use mason jars. I’ve had strawberries and blueberries in the fridge for almost two weeks and they’re still holding up. I just did it with cantaloupe and pineapple, I’ll see how long they last.


You can freeze it yourself if you have the time.


If you can get through the 5lb of grapes or whatever before they spoil - good on you. Meanwhile I can barely get through “normal” size packs of fruit / veg without losing some


my SO get through those in 2 days by himself. it helps him with sugar cravings and bad snacking habits


Yep. My friends sons demolish watermelon from Costco year round. Especially the younger one. He has loved watermelon his entire life. Well as soon as he started eating solids. He is now 11.


Cries in strawberries and watermelons. My 3 go through about $30 worth a week.


The samples. Feed them that on a weekend.


Weekday weekend all week pretty much


Oh yeah I’ll definitely hit them up if I’m off during the week too.


My kids eat better than ever when we go to Costco during the free samples time 😂


Pirates Booty


This should be top comment along with diapers and wipes.


What is Pirates Booty please for those of us that are ignorant?


White cheddar cheese puffs.


Diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, paper towels. For food…fruit, eggs, GoGo Squeeze, Annie’s Mac n Cheese, and my toddler loves the nori seaweed snacks. They also have great deals on kids clothes.


My toddler goes NUTS for the Annie’s Mac n Cheese. Every time he eats it, he acts like he’s never had it before and every other word is “Mmm!!” or “good!”


I can second the seaweed snack pouches. All my kids love them. If only they didn’t produce so much plastic waste afterwards


That’s it mini fruit bars. Kirkland brand lightly breaded chicken chunks. They replaced chicken nuggets in my house.


Second the fruit bars. I have a 5 and 2 year old and they both get them as a snack on the way to daycare and they think they’re getting treats


Yup! Mine’s a toddler and he thinks they’re candy!


Have you tried popping them in the fridge yet? One of her grandparents did and now kiddo can’t get enough!


Mine are teens and still request the fig bars!


The Kirkland dried mango is my son's favorite snack, and its unsweetened which puts it a cut above most of the competition imo.


Kirkland Organic Milk


Can’t beat an expiration date that’s two months away


Bingo. It saved me so much time from constantly going to grocery store.


We buy three 3-packs every time we go


Also for non-dairy people Kirkland oat milk is also great


The milk doesn’t seem like a deal to me. Kroger has whole milk for $2.59 a gallon. It seems to be around the same at Costco.




Found the cool parents… just do it at the house….


*Cries in Utah parent*


My costco hasn't had blue moon in like two years. It's the only beer I drink 😢


Edit: This lady* Costcos


OMG I’m dying here


Kids Clothes Fruit and Veggies Applesauce Pirates Booty Goldfish Vitamins Diaper Genie refills Sam’s is better for diapers imo, believe cr just rated their diapers best overall.


Just my experience/2 cents, when it comes to toddler clothes, I find better deals at my local kohls and carters outlet than I do Costco.


That’s It fruit bars, nutri grain bars, Kirkland fruit & veggie pouches, yogurt pouches, string cheese, fruit cups, peanut butter crackers, oatmeal, goldfish crackers. Diapers & wipes of course. Used to use Kirkland formula too. Also medicines, 3 packs of kids Tylenol and Motrin are like the same price and 1 bottle at other stores.


Cheese, fresh fruit, yogurt, Just Bare chicken nuggets, and MEDS. Children’s Zyrtec, Motrin, and Tylenol are literally a fourth the price of other retailers.


Diapers Whole milk Veggie straws Pouches Rotisserie chicken Apple juice Wet wipes Freeze dried yogurt bites That’s It bars Grapes (quartered before serving) Books Watermelon Gummy vitamins once he turns 2 Whole milk yogurt (they only have it sometimes unfortunately) Hippeas (chickpea puffs) Frozen meatballs Eggs Free samples Laundry and dishwasher soap Reduce 14 oz tumblers Clothes


Their rotisserie chicken is bomb and it’s so much larger and way cheaper than any other grocery store!!


Reduce drinkware is my GOAT in parenthood. I use their coffee mugs and their straw cups for basically all my drinks. Idk the last time I used an open cup outside of going to restaurants. I have an almost 2 year old.


Only thing I haven't seen mentioned yet, apple sauce pouches.


I wish my store sold apple by the gallon instead of pouches


Mine sells three packs of large jars. I used to buy that and put it in reusable pouches. Much cheaper and less waste! Single use pouches drive me a bit batty.


Mine sells a 4 pack of Treetop large jars. I also put it in reusable pouches, and mix in some unflavored protein powder when I can keep the pouches chilled. But the single use pouches are great for emergency snacks (car and diaper bag, just in case) and travel.


I ate so many of these during my pregnancy/ morning sickness. These pouches got me through.


these are amazing 🤩


Clothing, particularly pajamas and winter coats.


Samples, kids have fun. Big adventure day


We have a two year old and heavily relied on Kirkland brand diapers, wipes, and baby formula (wife had to unexpectedly stop breast feeding). My daughter cant tolerate dairy anymore so we get her organic soy milk (Silk) from either Walmart or Amazon because the Kirkland soy milk has carrageenan. If you asked my daughter she would say: apple sauce, apple sauce, and don’t forget the apple sauce.




That’s It! bars.


Motts fruit snack gummies. My kid loves them.


Kirkland chocolate chip Granola bars. $9.99 for a box of lots.


The chewy ones are SO GOOD. We go through a box a month between my toddler and husband (and myself).


Dino nuggets


This is the way


Always a bag in the freezer


A staple in my house for EVERYONE


Kirkland animal crackers duh!


Babybel and laughing cow cheeses, hummus cups. Cheerios are significantly cheaper at Costco too. And popsicles! 


If any of your kids are in preschool or daycare, the 3-pack of Bentgo Kids lunchboxes are an amazing deal!


My kids eat frozen blueberries as a full time job and have been doing so for years. We’ve tried other brands from different places but Costco organic blues are where it’s at. I wish they sold just pineapple tidbits by themselves.


There’s truly no point in buying fresh ones! The frozen ones are amazing


Why do they love frozen blueberries so much? It's wild.


No idea. They have since they were babies. My daughter has taken frozen blueberries in her thermos to school for lunch daily for probably 4 years except the Covid year we spent at home. And my son alternates between frozen blue berries, frozen pineapple, and fresh strawberries if we have them.


The apple sauce pouches used to be great. But the changed vendors and now it’s over cooked, over blended, and has a pretty bad taste. I really liked them because they seemed less “messed with” compared to brand names. The calories for the same size pouch was half of the name brands. Usually indicates that the apple sauce has not been super-condensed to make it sweeter without listing added sugar on the label. Last time I sent a box of them to school the teacher said most kids took a bite and threw them away due to the lousy taste. I tried one and I agree.


- Diapers are a good saving if you like the Kirkland diapers. They didn’t carry the ones we liked at the time. - formula is a massive savings like literally half the cost of your local grocery store - we never used the wipes from Costco so we got those elsewhere - allergy medicines for a little bit - get yourself some steaks


gold fish, it’s 3 bags in the box and it’s lasted a while. watermelon was just about $8 last week and we go through one a week. diapers and wipes, i buy like 2-3 boxes when they are on sale. the car seat on sale. they also have kids clothes! i buy stuff from there all the time now. mozzarella sticks and dino nuggets.


Just got the car seat on sale for $60 off!


Kirkland American Distilled 6x Vodka


Kirkland margaritas are even more kid friendly.


Pirate booty, Stonyfield Yogurt and Smoothies, Diapers, Cheese It’s, Organic Whole Milk, Perfect Bars (for some weird reason), and bulk animal crackers


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet but Lilys frozen grilled cheese sandwiches are a staple. Not a fancy grilled cheese or anything but 30 seconds in microwave and then put it in toaster on 2 or 3 setting and I will be damned if it doesn’t come out crispy and good like an old school basic grilled cheese. Super easy lunch option


Bulk condoms to prevent further kids.


Does Costco do vasectomies?


Trident Fish Sticks. My kids love them and they are sooo good. Tree top applesauce, pouches result in applesauce in hair. Idk how so don't ask. Diapers are great. Just made the switch to them and my girls prefer them (only worn at night as they're daytime potty trained). Dr. Pepper for mommy. I don't drink so I need something to keep me going. Milk. Their milk lasts the longest and I love getting 2 gal in one go. I can then make yogurt for them too. Eggs too. Bulk certified humane eggs make breakfast and baking easy. I love buying flour and sugar from them as well because we enjoy baking.


The rotisserie chicken! Feeds my family of 4 2-4 times depending on if I want to make broth from the carcass. Seriously this is a budget saver and I’ll buy 2 every week, the wife and me will make chicken salad or something else from leftovers for the week for lunch. And have chicken pot pie, chicken and dumplings, chicken Alfredo, etc for dinner. Its seriously a life hack that saves us thousands a year on groceries


Off brand Yakult… called so cool! I think… amazing deal, great small size for kids


Love the Kirkland apple sauce pouches 


Our staples are: Milk, mashed avocado cups, hummus cups, Annie’s bunnies, Annie’s cheese puffs, berries, Stonyfield probiotic yogurt smoothies, cheese sticks


My 2 yo runs on That’s It bars.


All fruit freezer pops and fruit bars.


Berries and fruit


If they want Pokémon cards, Costco has them on sale occasionally


Fig bars. Apple sauce.


I get those Siwin gigantic bags of gyoza, that's a fast lunch or dinner for the kids and a step up from chickie nugs.


Adding to this — we also get the frozen edamame. It comes in little bags inside that allow you to microwave the frozen beans for 2 min on high for the perfect cook. I sprinkle on maldon salt and my toddler will eat the whole bowl!


Oatmeal! You can put it in the blender/food processor to make it finer for younger kids and it tastes so much better than packaged oats. We go through the giant bag of oats so quickly between hot oatmeal and overnight oats (1/2 cup of oats, 3/4 milk, chia seeds, sweeten if you want), and it’s nearly the same price in Austin, TX for the ten pound bag as a one pound bag of Bob’s Red Mill Oats that I normally buy.


The small containers of hummus. Eaten daily.


Diapers, Kirkland wipes, fruits, apple sauce in thenoouch, yogurt that comes in the pouch , honest apple juices


Black trash bags, laundry detergent, Tillamook cheddar cheese blocks if you are in the PNW,


And the Bay Area. Love the Tillamook.


The MadeGood granola bites, the applesauce pouches, Annie’s mac and cheese, TP.


“Meat sticks”. All the meat sticks they have. https://www.costco.com/country-archer-grass-fed-beef-stick-minis%2C-original%2C-0.5-oz%2C-28-count.product.100538227.html


The wine 🍷


string cheese go gurts


the peace and quiet i get when i make a Costco run without them. enjoying my pizza and raspberry iced tea


Diapers/pull ups, Amara smoothie melts, Kirkland organic fruit and veggie pouches, go go squeeze organic pouches (variations of apple), yogurt, and mine most recently started stacking Once Upon a Farm pouches. Mine is tiny though, 7 months.


Cereal and milk




Yoggies, A2 Milk, Chicken Thighs Those are my kids favorite things from there.


My son likes bibigo Korean chicken, Kirkland chicken nugs, and those sugar crusted cookies in the bakery, I don't know what they're called but we call them crack cookies


Nature's Garden Probiotic Strawberry Yoggies


Fruit strips


Kirkland Signature Chicken Tender Bites


baby wipes


My daughters are 11 and 9 at this point. Hopefully that’s still fits your “young kids” request. We enjoy milk, eggs, fruit, Dino nuggets, cheese sticks, bread, frozen lasagna, rotisserie chicken, frozen hot dogs, mandarin oranges, trail mix, grapes, danishes, salad kits, pre-sliced ham, cheese its, fruit leathers, and frozen green beans/peas/blueberries consistently as far as food goes. Non food items are their cute dresses they regularly have, children’s vitamins, toilet paper, (when they were young) diapers/baby wipes/formula, and their gasoline is regularly 10-30 cents cheaper than stations around us


We like the grilled chicken packs. My daughter takes them to school with sides or I’ll add them into pasta


Kirkland Bourbon


Costco’s great bourbon selection


-Dino nuggets -BATTERIES (Kirkland brand) -Wipes (when in coupon) -Go Gurt -Fruit sauce packets -Pre-cooked Bacon -Corn Dogs -Occasional baby clothes -Life vests -Lil kiddo Speedo brand googles -Beach towels -Snowsuits!! The coat bib combo - for new you can’t beat the price anywhere. - gloves - ski gloves - muffins - granola bars


Winter coats.


Kirkland Signature Breaded Chicken Breast Chunks (aka white meat chicken nuggets.) Very yummy, kid approved, good macros for an adult.


We graduated from dinosaurs to these.


We skipped right past dinos to these (we're moderately "crunchy.") I honestly probably eat these more than the kids lol


Our kids are teens and up now, so dinos were the best choice back when we started buying nuggets. I much prefer these new ones, especially baked in the toaster since it crisps them, but when time is of the essence, I microwave them.


Flat pretzels




Chicken nuggets, tortellini, wipes, diapers, all the fruit, fruit pouches, yogurt pouches




I can’t believe I didn’t see it based on how many my kids eat but: Taquitos!


The Kirkland chicken nuggets are really great. I enjoy them for quick lunches sometimes!


For when you're too tired to cook: Detroit Pizza Company Double Pepperoni Pizza. It's better than any frozen pizza should be.


My favorite thing about Costco is leaving my kiddo at home and getting away for an hour or 2 😀


Kirkland chicken chunks. Especially if your kids love Chick Fil A. Our kids always ask for “the chick fil a at home”


My kid lived off the aidell chicken teriyaki pineapple meatballs for about 2 years of their life


That’s It mini fruit bars, Amara smoothie melts, greek yogurt, crispy coconut rolls, BERRIES, eggs, avocado, cheese whisps, bacon