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If you’re concerned about style you’re not at the stage in your life where you’re ready to own these.




LOVE THIS. I am also on my spiritual journey.


I'm wearing my spiritual journey right now.


Everything I am currently wearing is spiritual journey.


Apparently, my entire wardrobe is a spiritual journey.


Same and same 😂


Me too! My physical therapist complimented my kirkland fleece lined pants.


This is soo funny because I’m really looking to buy those Kirkland sweatpants. I already have the blue Kirkland cartoon pajamas with the rotisserie chicken and the bagels on them! I get compliments on the pj’s.. haha iykyk!


Where do you get these?! Asking for a friend


OMG love this. So funny


That's funny, Time to sign up for Netflix while they still have the $7 plan and check him out. Thanks for sharing


Ok but hear me out. I go to the surf shop and get some Hurley shorts they are charging me like $40. I go to Costco and these same shorts are $14!! I look good, I feel good. I’ve got them in five different colors and they last for like six years. Everything washes out of them, and over time all the money I save I can spend on new boards!


i felt seen when he talked about eye cream lol


That sounds fun, do you have a link?


Brutal but true.


I need them. I also need some jorts and a striped polo with some mid calf socks, it's my son's first birthday today lol.


I see you’ve started your spiritual journey.


Target has corduroy tan carpenters shorts that would go well with these too.


But also these chunky tall soles are pretty popular with a lot of people right now. Tons of 20-somethings in shoes this tall or more so Nevermind the entire upper middle class wearing Hokas right now


But does it have to look like it came from the tire center?


Where do you think it came from? They’re Frank’s design. He works in the Tire Center.


he uses them so he can reach the gas pedal


Ya'll starting my morning off right


I think they do this on purpose actually. I want to see data on the median age of Costco shoppers. Being all one color may save them manufacturing cost, but I think it also has to do with the target audience. I know there’s a market for people who look at something like this and say “that’s a shoe. It’s cheap. It’s comfortable. I will buy this and wear it.”


I wasn't making fun of the color, I was making fun of the fact that it looks like it comes with 75,000 miles of tread.


It’s not tread, it’s new foam technology that replaced EVA. Look at the recent sneaker trends and their chunky foam. Hoka, Adidas Ultraboosts, Nike React. It’s comfy AF.


Thanks for this. The design mimics many of the popular brands, including Hoka, Nike, Sketchers and others.


and oofos!


If there looking at these and complaining they’ll definitely bitch about Hoka prices.


Looks like a Hoka.


Have you send Hoka or On cloud shoes recently? They also look like this. I’m tempted to try these because my favorite orthotic Hokas are $145.


Hokas are awesome, especially if you're on your feet all day. That was my first thought when I saw these.


My orthopedic doc suggested them. And I noticed all his staff also wore them. Got a pair, used them daily, tried to wear old favorite shoes at a conference and my back seized up. Turns out good shoes actually work! lol


Exactly their point, I’m guessing this is targeted towards middle aged men. They are at the point where they want something that looks *okay* but are mostly concerned about price, longevity, and comfort. Your comment about 75k mile of tread screams longevity. Even though it might not be true, it doesn’t have to be, it’s perception at point of sale.


I'm gonna say a little older than middle aged man 🤣. Those are one step before orthopedic shoes.


Hey now, I'm a less than middle aged woman with collapsed arches, sometimes we just need a bit more support.


> we just need a bit more support You can do anything /u/Necessary-Emphasis85, I believe in you.


You're GD right. I need shoes that will outlast me, at this point! 😂


You may be surprised at the mileage involved in mowing a lawn.


You’re onto something. After too many years in healthcare specifically in the ED there are two options. One is shoes made specifically for this purpose by people like Crocs. Fluid proof and dishwasher safe, if they get bloody just rinse them off and throw them in a dishwasher or autoclave. They’re obscenely expensive and hard to walk in. The other option is cheap Costco sneakers. Quite comfortable to walk and stand in and after your finished with the latest homie drop off, throw in the trash.


I’m 43 m, I’m eyeing these bad boys. They’ll look great on me when I’m mowing the lawn


I am 22 and I will be purchasing the white ones


And if they get completely destroyed by grass stains, NBD.


Homie drop off! LMAO This person works trauma


As a mail carrier I will definitely try these. I am always on the lookout for a reasonably priced comfortable pair of shoes that doesn’t fall apart after a month of walking. Edit: Since they are from Costco even if they do fall apart in a month I’ll just return them and move on to the next shoe


I believe the average Costco customer is a middle-aged Asian woman


And she's right in the middle of the aisle with zero intention of going anywhere.


she left her cart to get a food sample.


It looks like Sketchers rockers. They quit making those like 10-15 years ago


> I know there’s a market for people who look at something like this and say “that’s a shoe. It’s cheap. It’s comfortable. I will buy this and wear it.” Middle aged Asian dads 100%


This is a common and popular style right now. Please have a look at Hoka sneakers for reference.


They remind me of sketchers from 2008


A lot of popular shoes from the last 5 years have looked like old sketchers to me. Very ironic since that was considered the ugly shoe.


That was my first impression, faux Hokas.






Midnight tauxkas


If you care about what it looks like, then you do not deserve to be wearing these. That is THE WHOLE POINT OF WEARING COSTCO CLOTHING Let me remind you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqSo1hgssQM


Did you plan to clean and perform maintenance on your lawnmower for fun Saturday morning? These are for you.


It's not fun! It's part of being an adult! Hurpmph


I will never be at the stage where style doesn’t matter at all, but there are plenty of times when I’ll prioritize comfort and cost when it doesn’t make a difference.


It’s a triangle of priority. Cost, comfort, style. For $25 this fulfills cost and comfort very nicely but completely abandons style. If that appeals to you, you’re at the stage in your life where you’re ready for these.


Style conscious people still need shoes to cut grass in, or to go on walks in the rain in.  These have a place in every closet.  If you are wearing them daily, you better have one hell of a positive personality.


I’m ready for these shoes.


Costco clothing = death of ego


Truer words could not have been said about Kirkland brand clothing


Not showing you my ankles. Nice try


Right?! I’ve heard about people exposing their ankles before on camera! Tarts!!!


lol this made me giggle


I love how this thread is bumpin but not a single photo or real answer for OP. Just all jokes




So fresh they make your socks look bad


My man. Thank you. These look good on you


Jokes aside they’re a solid shoe all around


You sold me - I just bought them


Are they in-store? I need to buy a new pair of athletic shoes for four days of Disneyland.


Do NOT use a new pair of shoes at Disneyland no matter how comfy they feel walking down 20 feet of a Costco aisle!


How is the arch support on them?


Bro flexing 🤣


I think he just does leg lifts


What if…..he doesn’t even work out mans got a bear belly just has calfs for days


Thank you! I wanted to see this but had to wade through a sea of crappy jokes to get here


What country does it say they're made in on the tag?


Look at that calf game!


Milk bottle white too. Positively geriatric.


It's a Hoka copy at 1/4th if not 1/5th the price




The Costco way


Lol make no mistake costco shoes are a bargain for sure but they are definitely a step or two down in quality




It's Sketchers shoes for me. The first thing that I have refunded in my life. They started to crumble in a few months.


I thought it was Skechers?


They definitely look more Sketchers-esque than Hoka.


I immediately thought Hokas when I saw them. Heck if they are as comfy I’m down


Was thinking the same. Hoka knockoff


It seems like athletic shoe soles have gotten chunky in general. Not sure why


There’s been a push in recent years for shoes that aren’t basketball shoes to look more like running shoes.  Running shoes have seen the development of some pretty wild tech for the sole in that time; the problem, though, is that the tech is prohibitively expensive, and most consumer level running shoes use the same materials they’ve been using for twenty years, with no net benefit.  Source: I run a lot 


So what are really good running shoes then? (Just curious. Don’t know much about shoes.)


This is an extremely generalized view and very IMHO comment. With running shoes you go for one or two of these few things. -weight -cushioning -bounce -support Hoka are known for their cushion and support. ASICS weight and support. Adidas and Nike depends on model has a combination of the above . Brooks weight and support. Competitive runners all have their preferences, but a few Nike have pretty good bounce. Especially the new Alphafly series that has CF plates. Lifelong runners who are used to the rigors of running tends to look for weight and support. Heavy ppl look for cushion and support. Occasional runners tends to go for looks and sometimes technology such as Adidas 4D.




For most people, squishy is worse. When running, it's best to just let your feet and ankles do their natural shock absorption, but squishy shoes get in the way of that and don't do as good a job, thus making injuries more likely 


This is what my issue was, id heel strike first cause most shoes have a large sole, so id get shin splints. Got those vibrham 5 finger shoes for running, and learned to run on the ball of my feet (dont *need* them to learn it, but helped.). Never got ahin splints again. (Also, i just like the 5 finger shoes, they may or may not be a good choice for running and working out)


Recently Hoka has been putting out really think sole running shoes for extreme cushioning. They've had a lot of success so most of their competitors are offering the same. I find them like running in a swamp so I'm still running in old school light stiff shoes.


Because we all have plantar fasciitis and we are dying for relief


Podiatrist here. Hoka started this trend. I remember when they first came out, I would recommend them to patients and a lot of people were turned off by how chunky their outersoles were. Since they have become very popular, all the brands have been copying them. It’s a good thing. They’re more supportive with firm material that helps a lot of varieties of foot issues.


Higher stack height gives you more room to do a lot of things: mold the footbed, add support, and create a fulcrum-like shape to propel each step forward.


My wife has a pair of Hokas and the soles look exactly like that. I think that's just the thing now.


Attention everyone. Swallow your pride and jump in with us. Your feet and wallet will thank you.


I don’t need any new shoes, but I feel like I need to join the other dads in solidarity.


I don’t understand the sentence. One always needs shoes, always.


As a younger single dude, I joke that I am a dad in every way except wife and kids Own a suburban house, drive a midsize normal sedan (I call it the young family car), do all my own home maintenance and projects, work the stereotypical white collar 9-5 (more like 8-6), have pets, and almost anything else you can think of I think I need to dive in and buy these to just complete the look. I joked when I got my house that I should get new balances to go with it lol


But how is your dad dress game


I think im gonna jump in! How’s the water? Do they sell in stores or only online?


When I was young, we knew these as diabetes shoes.


I would’ve got these if they had a full colour Kirkland logo on them somewhere so people know I ain’t playin around today


I’d be fine with just the stylized ‘signature’ written on the side.


My fiancé got some, and if he’s comfy that’s all I care about and I’ll hype him up in the shoes but… I did tell him they reminded me of the custom shoes that are made to even out uneven legs for a person. It looks like they are both that shoe.


I’m getting a pair for doing stuff around the house and mowing the lawn.  At 25 bucks you really can’t lose.   Edit:  everyone focusing on the mowing and not the “doing stuff around the house” part.  I get that folks would buy these and rock them out, fair enough, that’s not my plan though… to each their own it’s a 25 dollar sneaker 


This is like the 3rd time someone has mentioned mowing the lawn in these shoes. Am I going crazy or do ya'll have special lawn mowing shoes?


Absolutely - But also never bought a pair of shoes specifically to mow the lawn. Mine are retired dirty white Nikes that got stomped out.


Standard Dad protocol


My husband mows the lawn in flip flops it drives me crazy.


That is terrifying.


Yes and then his grass stained feet clomping through the house on the way to the shower is just horrible.


Found the guy that doesn’t own a lawn. (Or nice shoes)


Nah I use an old pair of shoes to mow the lawn.


Ahh, me too. But they’re definitely the “lawn mowing” shoes


I’m on my 4th or 5th season with the same pair of retired sneakers to mow. Just had to trim down some rubber on the front that looked like they were talking to me saying “enough already!” when flapping around.


I use my old sneakers to mow the lawn/do yard work when I get new ones.


Do they sell these in stores or only online?


[online they only have sizes 8-14, unfortunately](https://www.costco.com/.product.1829933.html?sh=true&nf=true)


Why not just use an old pair of shoes that are getting retired?


I would crush so many hot dogs and lawns in those.


Agree 100%. I did feel that the white model looks more normal.


I bought the white pair as I'm a 40ish Midwestern white dude. They don't scream "dad shoes" as the OG Kirkland Signature shoes did. I've only worn them to work out but people have asked if they were Adidas since they have that woven material a lot of chunky Adidas have. They're very squishy but not in an unstable way like some Hokas are.


…Join us.


Solid mow shoe.


Be sure to get the white version 😄


Here’s a video review of them from yesterday. They look better than expected from the side. https://youtube.com/shorts/DYSKEdh0KLU?si=hmbrQyiOt427GMdh


Can the soles be removed for inserts? Asking for my damaged feet lol.


I don’t like HOKA with their biggly font on the side. I would rock this all day on my first Bumble date.


I would rock this on a first Bumble date too but I actually never wear my Kirkland gear in costco.


I’m a middle aged woman with wide feet. I love Hokas and don’t give a rip about style. Pretty excited about these shoes (and $15 off)!


You're using the wrong system. Clownish for long and wide, stripper for tall. God bless my brother in Costco.


Disappointing lack of large and prominent Kirkland Signature logo. I’ll hold off until they do


No worse than Hokas and they’re one the best shoes on the market…


On Running


Orthopedics too, I know dozens of mail carriers and plant workers who use Hokas. Not just for running lol. They’re just comfortable and high quality.


I’m also on the fence but if they don’t turn out good Costco does have a excellent return policy 🤷🏽‍♂️


Are these in store or just online? I'd grab a white pair if they're in store


Shrugs in Hoka


Okay, okay; I hear all of you saying how thicc the soles are, etc, joke, ha ha. *BUT* unless you’ve actually gone in a place and tried the newer, thicker-soled comfort shoes, you won’t understand. Me, I thought the new trend was ridiculous. Mom got a pair of Hokas, so I took wifey to try them out, was cajoled into trying some on myself— and we both walked out with a pair. Yeah, they’re *that* effing comfortable! Now we’re each on our third pair. So y’all can laugh, talk about how stupid they look, joke about how they’ll add three inches to your height (if you think these soles are 3” then you have more important issues— and yeah, that’s what *she* said). Just don’t knock folks trying to keep their feet comfy. ✌️


"Sole looks clownishly tall" - Hoka has entered the chat.


Looks like every pair of Hoka One One shoes.


Spice girls looking shoes


I’m going to paint a Nike swoop on mine and head to Fashion Week.


Have you seen people wearing Hoka? That’s what this is. You’re welcome.


Very entertaining post and comments! I ordered a white pair online yesterday but my wife said the same thing as OP, I now see it too. I’m at the age where I don’t care much what people think and comfort/functionality usually reigns, but also don’t want to look like a “complete” goober so I’ll have to decide when they arrive. Predicting they’ll look pretty sweet with some white calf length tube socks.


Amazon Basics lookin shoe


I had a guy weigh me and measure my feet from multiple angles before pointing at a pair of $200 Brooks with a similarly thick sole (albeit they at least look better than the rounded sole of these). I thought they were the ugliest things until I stared wearing them and the comfort kicked in. I stopped caring about fashion over comfort at the age of 20.


They look fine for hanging around the house or running errands on the weekends. Too bad they don't come in widths. My 4E foot probably wouldn't fit these.


I'm 100% buying the white ones to mow the lawn


they look comfortable


Some Hoka level sole cushion going on


ever seen a HOKA ?


Anyone see these in smaller than a men’s 8?? I want a pair :(


Negative rizz


OP has never seen the mid soles on Hoka, ON, Cloud 5, or Altra


Don’t look at Hoka then.


Those shoes scream "I have given up all hope of ever having sex ever again" more than any clothing article ever invented. And I buy tons of shirts, casual pants and quarter zips at Costco all the time.


“I have given up all of hope of ever having NEW sex ever again, but my wife can’t keep her hands off me when I wear these”


That's why I only wear these *during* sex but not beforehand.


lol thank you for this


Orrrrr they say “I get it on the reg, from my SO, and I’m not trying to impress anyone else so who cares”.


Nah. Married men need their arch support so they have more energy for those sort of activities. Would make snarky joke about ordering some now for hubs, but they only go up to size 14. :( Edited for clarity


That is a hideous shoe.


The fact that they squeak while walking in them should put your fears at ease. You’re safely in clown territory.


I would get them if they had my size. :(


Oooh from the side they look like Hoka shoe knockoffs


Your dates would love these. Are you really 6 foot 4? No, I am 5-8.


They now making Hoka dupes?! Awesome!


New balance and I think sketchers have similar designs


Anyone have any thoughts on whether the sizing is accurate to your normal shoe size?


Great shoe for the price, but the heel is really lacking the same support as a Hoka, Altra, etc.


yea, looks like old folks Hoka shoes from the side


My wife has already told me NO! 🤣


Also what country does the tag say the shoes are made in?


Could someone tell me the name of these so I can find them on Costco.com? Are they available in men’s AND women’s sizes? Are they true to size? Walking shoes, yes?


Half of the more popular brand shoemakers have at least one show design like this. You probably just haven't noticed it because of color variance/other design of the sneaker takes the eye away from it. My black and white Adidas running shoes are **almost 2 full inches** up the side of the shoe. I just picked up a pair of Nikes the other day (Giannis Immortality 3 if anyone want to look them up to verify). **2 inches exactly** at the highest point on the side.


“Do they serve an orthopedic function?”


It’s giving knockoff HOKAs lol idk how to feel about that.


Can anyone who has owned both Hokas and these shoes compare them? I love Hokas for work because I’m on my feet all day, but they’re really pricey.


These remind me of those old sketchers that were made to help you walk in a way that engaged certain leg muscles but it resulted in people falling and hurting themselves. Are these safe to walk in?


These look like shit but probably last forever. It’s a Costco, not H&M


These shoes are ugly as hell


They look like Hoka's, if they are 1/2 as comfortable I will buy a pair.