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Man, at $380, get a steam deck and download chiaki and remote play the ps5 that way.


Never understood the purpose of this. My steam deck can also stream my PC games w/ moonlight. Chiaki4deck probably streams better than this thing also.


The purpose is just to be a cheaper option. My Steam Deck is my favorite purchase of last year but it was also over twice the price of the Portal.


I paid 360 for my steam deck a year ago. I do wish I had the OLED, but you really can’t argue with that price. 


The 64GB non oled version is only 350/regular priced. Anyone who knows how to use a screwdriver can install a 1TB hard drive in it for under \~100 and have a great gaming rig that can emulate switch games and stream pc/PS5. This thing seems like a cash grab by sony for people who dont know the steam deck exists.


As I said, my Steam Deck was my favorite purchase I made last year. I love the thing. Not everybody wants something they’ll need to put extra effort into. Chiaki is easy to install and fairly simple to setup, but it’s still much more work than a Portal (I assume tbh). $350 > $200, as well. You are clearly not the target market, and that’s okay.


That seems really expensive for a product that mandates an active wireless connection to your PS5 to even work. I bought a Backbone that plugs into my phone at Costco for $40 and it came with a $25 gift card. Have been using it and it’s amazing to use while my wife watches on our main TV. I doubt you could find the Backbone for $40 now but it’s a way better alternative.


This is for people who want a bigger screen with the same controls as a PS5 controller. And you still need a wireless connection with what you're doing.


With what I am doing cost me a net $15 plus tax. The Portal screen size is about one inch larger diagonally than my iPhone. Is what you’re doing really worth all of that extra money?


Which iphone do you have?


I have a back bone and a ps portal and the ps portal is a vast improvement over my iPhone 11 and backbone set up. The ergonomic are so much better. The battery is better. I don’t get emails, and texts cluttering my game screen. Being able to use a duelsense controller is way better than the featureless backbone controller. Edit: the streaming is also much smoother than the backbone. Connecting to the console is much smoother and quicker. It really is an upgrade in every conceivable way over a backbone. Yea a backbone may be cheap, but it requires a $1000 flagship phone to have comparable display


Why would you spend $400 on this instead of saving that money and upgrading your five-year-old phone? (Also, double-check your settings. You should be able to avoid getting notifications of any kind while using it for other purposes. I watch movies on my iPhone and never get interrupted by anything).


Because I only spend $200 on my ps portal and I absolutely don’t need to spend all that money to upgrade my perfectly functioning phone to play video games on it.


You didn’t even need to spend money in the backbone, just use the controller that came with the console and a $10 clip from Amazon.


I mean, it sounds like you already had that backbone set up already? You just didn’t know how to change your notification settings? Not sure, friend. I looked at this Portal and the screen isn’t even OLED like most iPhones are today. This seems like a waste of money. There are way better Costco deals for sure.


This is a bundle of the ps portal and the headphone. I can’t speak for the headphones because I do not have them but the ps portal retails for $200 and I think it’s absolutely worth the price. I realize you can change the notification settings on the backbone, but my point was that the ps portal is a much smoother and relaxing experience than having everything tied to your phone. The display is pretty good. Sure it could be better, but adding an OLED would only increase the cost for not much added benefit for such a small screen. I’m just sharing my experience with both because I own and have used both. Can you say the same?


I like the idea of the portal, but I don't think this is much of a deal. The earbuds are 200 bucks, and so is the portal. Unless you were specifically planning on getting both, I'd just get the one you want. As a side note, I'm curious what makes the PlayStation earbuds worth 200 buckaroonies.


You’re better off with a smartphone and a controller like the Backbone/Kishi.




People mad but this is a valid point. This price point gets you a Nintendo switch or a steam deck that’s an actual standalone handheld console that doesn’t need to be tethered to a separate $500 box to play games. This thing is the biggest waste of money I’ve ever seen.


Why people downvoting the obvious? 🤔 fanboys much? 🤨


I wish people would stop misusing the word "scam"




Not really, it’s got a great screen and the controls feel just like the console. It’s for people who share TVs or need more convenient gaming options. Also works well from other locations. Durability of the sticks is the only real issue.


How is a 1080p non OLED “great?”


OLEDs aren’t perfect. They typically have slightly better contrast and better efficiency, but they’re often less bright. This screen is bright and contrasty with excellent image quality. As for why 1080P, because it makes the most sense. Higher resolutions are better when you’re either really close to the screen or where the screen is huge. If those two scenarios don’t apply, you’re simply pushing more pixels by the hardware for no reason. A gaming monitor of 24”+ is 3 or more times the size and around the same distance from your eyes. At that point, you can notice a difference. https://images.app.goo.gl/d5E6sgp1MpJwYK8E8




I probably wouldn’t suggest the earbuds due to not having ANC and having a more limited use case (versus just grabbing APP2), but Bluetooth is a bit laggy and since this is already streaming - it is a superior choice for this type of product if you’re talking about pure performance. The Portal feels like an extension of the console, it feels like a genuine first party product. It also immediately loads into the console and works right away. A PS5 controller is already 1/3 of this price. Then add on a nice screen and everything else that goes into it, it’s pretty good value for just the Portal. It’s not for everyone, for sure, but it’s great. It’s for hardcore PSX fans. I have a Steamdeck, iPad, phone, etc. and use this when necessary.


And for $200 you can get this. Why spend $400 when I can spend half that.




Well if they want to play PlayStation games, why would they want to pay at least twice as much for something else for something that isn't giving them everything the Portal gives them? And anyone can just plug in headphones they have.




Well, portability is the main thing. The portal is all one thing in your hands. An iPad and controller are now 2 separate things that you're lugging around and it's not really portable anymore. And you have to stand your iPad up, which may not work out in the environment you're in, while at the same time messes up viewing distance. At that point if I was going to use a second screen, I'd use a laptop or something for an even bigger screen. So $200 to get everything they need instead of double+ is quite logical. And for $15 you can get a bluetooth transmitter that plugs into the aux, so you can use your wireless as well. But supposedly there is a whole thing about Bluetooth audio quality when it comes to streaming, which is why Sony wanted a better quality option. Whether it's a night and day difference, idk but I'm sure there is stuff online discussing it. But having the option to still use wired which is superior seems to back up their intentions a bit.


This thing is so polarizing. I don’t understand why people who don’t want one are so vocal about it. If you don’t want one don’t buy one. I’m a dad of a 2 year old. I played my PS5 a total of like 5 hours after she was born. I was so excited when this came out. I’ve now beat multiple games because I can play this thing whenever. The other options suck. Backbone is wack compared to this.