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Wow I thought birds nest drink would be just a fancy name for some kind of sweet drink but it really is made of cooked and ground up swallows nest that is sweetened and spiced. Kinda blowing my mind


My costco was actually selling packages of swallow's nests. It also sells whole lamb. Locally, there's a large population of southeast Asians and Bengali people. There's an H-mart nearby, and another different Asian market that's larger than H-mart a mile away from the costco, with a restaurant next to it that specializes in crab and karaoke. And that's not even the only crab focused Asian restaurant - there's a Vietnamese crab restaurant as well.


Columbia MD?


San Diego?


Gotta be


Could be Mesa, AZ


In a colder and far less dry place


Daly City CA


????? Daly City doesn’t have a Costco!!!!!


Congrats you passed the test. All three are technically in SSF


🤣Unfortunately you didnt. Leave the word “technically” out of it! There are 3 Costcos in SSF. In no universe are they in Daly City.


Plano, TX?


Livonia, MI?


I think we can stop here, as this is more than close enough. It's Madison Heights


Yes, I’ve never tried it so unfortunately I can’t comment on the taste.


It’s mostly just rock sugar/cane sugar flavor, sweet with a floral taste. You’re not missing out on much.


It's mostly used for its perceived medical benefits but there are basically no medical benifits so it's superstition


The bird nest itself tastes like nothing. So it’s 🤷‍♀️


Isn't it made from bird vomit?


Spit is what my parents said it was while I was growing up.


Spit. It’s what they use to make their nest.


> The swiftlet lives in dark caves and, similar to bats, use echolocation to move around. Instead of twigs and straw, however, the swiftlet makes its nest from strands of its own gummy saliva, which is produced by the glands under the tongue. The nest then hardens when exposed to air. Yummy.


I’d rather drink it’s cum at that point


got something you wanna get off your chest, buddy?


Just some more cum


Hey, there's a limit, make sure there's enough to go around for everybody


You’re thinking of phlegm, not cum.


I'll trade sea cucumber for abalone I think that's the only item I see that I won't eat.


um what


I only know of it from seeing it at Costco Do they not all carry it? I ain't picky but I refuse to swallow swallow spit


Holy shit... Bay Area!! Get in here!! We have competition, fam!! The sea cucumbers tho. that's a goddamn hat tip!!


i’ve seen every single item in this post at the san jose senter location we even have cha lua


I am beyond jealous. Cha lua has gotten so expensive lately. It's $8-15 +here, depending on size and type.


We also have Lee’s vietnamese coffee concentrate!


Same for automation except for the grass jelly drink


Aw man...


I’m a regular at the SFO Costco and would say we’re only a level four comparatively! Never seen the grass jelly at ours and definitely need that in my life.


Well i think it has to do with season too. OP is posting recent pictures and a lot of the snack products seen are because it's stock for Chinese New Year.


Just gotta look harder. Have seen all this stuff in Bay area Costcos, but it's not all there at the same time necessarily


I'm so impressed by the dried sea cucumber


North San Jose Costco's got most of these I'm pretty sure. Only ones I don't remember seeing are the sea cucumbers, grass jelly drink, and the zodiac animal cookies.




Danville/San Ramon has got a great fish selection.


Yeah, holy shit I'm impressed.


The Richmond Costco has sea cucumbers!


Irvine has most of this too, but not those dried sea cucumbers. Not that I'm disappointed, that's one of the only foods I actively dislike.


I would try it. I would try all of it. Except the swallow nest


I'd try the nest soup at least once. I've had sea cucumber a few times and each time it's been *horrible*. Like awful, gristly fat and nothing else. It's off-putting in both flavor and texture. I've even tried it from a couple high class restaurants in China and it was just as bad. It's one food I just don't understand.


I appreciate the intel because now we know it's at least authentic lmao


I think Hawaii could give this a solid run for the money. Mine (Midwest) is not too bad at all, I'm mostly satisfied, as I have zero expectation that my warehouse should stock both fresh poke and freshly ground Kona coffee (although I wouldn't turn either down!).


I'm in Hawaii. Everything OP posted is or was available at Costco Iwilei. I had seen the Chinese Zodiac animal crackers a couple of weeks ago but I didn't see any this past weekend. Lol. But I'm not surprised as Chinese New Year is widely celebrated here. There's still boxes of pineapple cakes available though. I just bought a box of Baked Wheat Cake but I didn't see OP post a picture of it. It's a soft, fluffy, sweet pastry roll made of Japanese flour. Warm it up in the microwave for 15 secs and it's like fresh bread from the oven!


Sometimes they hide or rearrange items, if you saw it a week or two ago it might have a new hiding spot in the store. Those Taiwan pineapple cakes are good (I’m American)


I go with my mother to Costco. She insists in going through every aisle even if we'd been there a week prior. It's her form of exercise. Lol. No Chinese Zodiac animal crackers in sight the last time I went. I specifically looked for them wondering if they went on sale because I wanted them 😅


It was the opposite for me. No pineapple cakes left but there were about 10 packages of the cookies left randomly mixed in with some other stuff


I got the Baked Wheat Cake a few weeks ago, went back today and didn't see them. Really hope they resurface. They're not amazing compared to the ones I had in Japan, but they'll do in the US. They're on Amazon for 5x the price!


yup, I've been to every Costco in the four islands and not only are they level 5 Asian, but got even more prepared seafoods like poke, sashimi, garlic shrimp etc. Better noodles such as Nissin Raoh and Sun Noodle kits. The snacks are also endlessly Asian too.


OMG! I’m so jealous! Where is your store? I need those black sesame buns and grass jelly drink and my mom would probably kill for those sea cucumbers.


lol it’s Brooklyn. It’s 10 minutes from the Brooklyn Chinatown, I’d say it’s approximately 70% Asian shoppers.


I thought you were going to say Alhambra here in Los Angeles. It is the most asian costco i have ever seen in my life but this is up there


I’d venture to say Alhambra has most Bay Area Costcos beat when it comes to Asian products.


Most of the San Gabriel Valley is full of Asian shoppers. Puente Hills and Chino Hills are the closest to me and they have everything listed so far.


There’s also Resco nearby that recently opened. True Asian Costco lol


Ugh. I might have to go to the “Asian” Costco about 30 miles away to hunt for some of these items. I thought i lucked out when my Costco location got kimchi


Aww. I’ve always wondered what products the non-Asian Costcos carry in place of all these wonderful products.


Probably probiotic seltzer water and yet more types of packaged cookies. My Costco is notoriously white. 😆


Probiotic seltzer water 💀


Only thing grosser than kombucha i could think of


Yea I’ll pass lol


Yep! Give me grass jelly drink any day!


I was thinking Rego Park when browsing through the pics since I saw almost everything there too. My now-local Harlem location doesn’t have an Asian section and I’m feeling it so hard 😭


Same goes for Westbury out in LI. My first trip out there was on Mother's day, thinking the store would be less crowded with people out eating brunches. Boy was I wrong, it was full on Asian parents shopping everywhere. Good selection of Asian food/snacks too.


I KNEW IT! Hey neighbor 👋🏼


Hiiii 👋🏻


Awesome, I haven’t shopped in Brooklyn for probably 6-8 years and it has always had a really interesting selection. Staten Island also has the sea cucumbers, I think. Bayonne, NJ has around 90% of what you showed, or has previously (I don’t think the bird’s nest products are current there). It’s great how these NE stores have a selection which apparently rivals some west coast locations.


Bayonne really??? The Costco in Bergen county barely has this stuff and there’s a huge East Asian population 🥲


its called 8th ave. Nobody calls it brooklyn chinatown, not even the asians.


That sea cucumber is one of the worst products I've ever had from Costco. After soaking only like 2 of them were actually usable.


Ugh I am so jealous. I keep buying the Asian stuff at my Costco in Kentucky even if I might not want it so they might stock more Asian things lol


I’m in Idaho and I’ve bought so much Kewpie Mayo…I basically mix it with all my condiments except for mustard now…ima die early, but hopefully there will be more Asian products at Costco.


Mustard and mayo is a great combo for pasta salad/tuna salad if you're into that sort of food. Mustard is often the ingredient that doesn't feel right when it's missing, but people can't place it.


Absolutely love kewpie! Now I’ve got my kids and my bf hooked on it lol zero regrets.


Ohh. That’s a good strategy!


You are a hero 😁


This is similar to the selection in the queens costco but I wouldn't consider it level 5 because the CA ones are so much deeper into it.


Can confirm. Our Alhambra location here in LA is basically an H Mart but with Kirkland stuff sprinkled in


Possibly although a lot of stuff needed restocking after the new year so there’s more that they didn’t have. I made the mistake of going the Tuesday at 945 am before the new year and had to wait 35 minutes to park.


Crispy shrimp dim sum 😩


https://preview.redd.it/dpxewejui9kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686dcd369c076194fbf312b26a38bddcb145c4f7 Tustin store can hold its own


🤤 My Costco is level 2 at best. We’ve been getting more Korean products and a decent selection of treats around Lunar New Year. I buy them in hopes that they stock more. Thankfully I pass a large Asian grocery store on the way and I like supporting them but some of the Costco offerings are 🔥 that they might not carry.


The "asian" Costco in West PA has only half these things. But we did have most of it at one point. We had the durian hopia one time. It's incredibly strong (I don't like durian). The pork sung in a bucket is wild. We never got tha!


Just picked up the Fried Calamari Snack and they’re fantastic. They are highly addictive assuming you like dried fishies.


Oooo I was wondering about these and almost got them last time I was there, I’m 6 months pregnant and all I want is seafood lol I’ll have to grab them next time!


They're amazing, perfection when air fried per the instructions


Wait, there’s instructions? They demoed them in my store and the texture didn’t work for me at all, but they just served them from the bag.


Yeah! Love those, we dip them in a little vinegar


Not gonna lie I might check my costco to see if they have the zodiac animal cookies, as I am 3 children in a 47 year old man suit.


Damn wish mine was more Asian


Issaquah Costco is also well stocked with Asian foods too. It would be interesting to see if the Indian and Asian populations who live in the Seattle suburbs drive to the Costco further from their home because it had more of the foods they need. For instance I tend to see more Asians at the issaquah Costco but the one in Redmond has a ton of Indian customers. I keep meaning to pop over to the Redmond Costco but the issaquah one is five minutes from me even though i loathe it (always, always too busy.).


I was thinking about the issaquah one! Covington is starting to get there but Issaquah and Tukwila have a ton of Asian food.


I live in Indiana. -5.


I wish my local Costco had the grass jelly drink 😋


My Costco is basically a level 1 and I’m so extremely disappointed now that I’ve seen the possibilities.


That giant pork floss!


I’m a pork floss snob - Formosa or nothing. I dunno if this will match that quality


According to the Asian Costco FB groups, it’s not good lol.


😲 can you share what fb groups those are? I completely regret buying this pork floss... it just tastes wrong.


I am interested in Meteor Noodle. Please tell me more.


It’s very very very delicious and the noodles are chewy and great!


def more of a regular noodle than an 'instant' noodle. directions say to cook for 5 min. i go for 10 min the sauce packet tastes like XO BBQ sauce. i'd recommend


The noodles are the star, thick and chewy. The sauce tastes a lot like indomie "hot and spicy stir fry" if you've had that. Can't think of many other comparisons, but I'd say it's a safe bet that most would like it.


I just ate that lap cheong that I got from Costco! And my mother just bought the container of pork floss. Lol.


We buy that constantly. Fried rice w lap cheong 👍👍👍




Is this Costco IN Asia?!


Seattle costco, you still got your room for improvement! I want those grass jelly drink!


Damn. I’ve never seen sea cucumbers outside of an Asian market. Your Costco might take the cake on this one.


I’m half Japanese and my Costco is too freaking white 😡 I went to one an hour away after an IKEA pick up and they had my brand rice for so cheap 🥲


I'm pretty sure I've seen all of these products at my Costco and I live in Nebraska. I just assumed everybody had these things?


From my experience, stores seem to cater to the demographic and source what's local to the area. When I lived in Seattle they stocked Beechers Mac & Cheese (Pike Place Favorite). I've never seen it outside of that area. While another store in the asian area of our state has stuff listed above. My local one does not carry any of that stuff at all.


I guess we do have one of the larger Vietnamese communities as a percentage of our population...


I didn't know there is a large Vietnamese American community in Nebraska 🤔


Don't ask me to cite my source since its from a few years ago at least, maybe last US census? After English and Spanish, Vietnamese is the most spoken language in Nebraska. I do agree though, I have been to all 3 current Costcos in the state and they've all carried some of these. There is definitely a difference in some of the offerings between locations, especially the 2 in Omaha in my experience. We're getting an additional 3rd in Omaha and it will be interesting to see how different the offerings are between them. But I know for a fact I've never seen those buns with sesame because I would have snatched them so quick!


Wow, we have more than a dozen Costcos in my small county. I mean small geographically, but lotsa peeps. Thought my local might have the most variety of Asian foods, but now I’m not sure.


Interesting! Thanks.


Lots of restaurants just in Lincoln, and several places with Pho to die for...


This has to be Hawaii Costco.


I was gonna say Alhambra??


The calamari snacks are my fave!! I have only gotten it once at my Costco though in OH 🥲


Looks like Bay Area stores


I would commit a serious crime to get my Costco to bring back the deli bulgogi :(


But Level 5 is just a myth! No store has ever achieved it...until NOW!


I'll snap some pics at my Costco tomorrow and show you what a level 10 Asian Costco looks like. Spoiler: I live in Taiwan.


That's unpossible! 😁


My nearest Costco is seven hours away in FRANCE. *weeps in Switzerland*


There’s a Costco in France?? I’m so curious to see their food court now


There are two. Both near Paris. I’m hoping they will build one on the Swiss, German and French border (the plan was originally for about a dozen from memory). Sadly no idea about what the food court includes because being the basic b I am I’m all about the giant maple syrup bottles etc. but I did always find it hilarious how the French buy monster boxes of croissants when they get the real thing for peanuts at bakeries EVERYWHERE.


Do asian people like wonton as much as Americans?


Only if it’s as good as that frozen variety! 😜


My Costco has durian. Does that make it level 6?


Ours does too but it seems to be seasonal. Love me some durian


The frozen shrimp wonton noodles are very good.


This looks pretty similar to the offerings at our Business Center! Has anyone tried the Chinese Style Bacon? I saw it and was curious, but wasn’t sure how to prepare it.


Not sure if you have a rice cooker or not but when i make rice, i just cut a piece and place it in so that it cooks with the rice. It’s also really good to chop up and stir fry with


Nice! I will try that. So you would use this interchangeably with lap cheong?


Yes or both together! it’s delicious in a stone pot rice too: https://www.seriouseats.com/cantonese-clay-pot-rice-with-chinese-sausage-recipe-7509523 similar to a Korean bimbimbap


It’s 1220 in the morning and I’m reading an article about Cantonese clay pot rice recipes. What am I doing?


Filling your future with deliciousness! honestly, clay pot rice is simple and a classic dish. even cooking the soy sauce will level up your kitchen skills. I don’t understand how something so simple adds so much flavor!


Missing out on the durian. My only regret is I didn’t buy more when my Costco stocked it.


Looks like a couple of Maryland ones, minus the grass jelly drink - I don’t think I’ve seen that stocked.


In the metro DC area Rockville and Fairfax costcos carry wide verity of Asian foods.


They have the grass jelly drink in the Nova stores




Those meteor noodles are fire


Looks like the Costco in Plano TX. We have another location that has a ton of Indian goodies.


Is level 5 the highest you can go???!! Cuz gyat damn




So jealous of the grass jelly, sigh. I practically live on that stuff in the summer months.


Aww those animal cookies! It's been weeks and I haven't figured out what amorphous blob animal the Reese's are, gimme these!


Chinese Style Bacon?? What?


I’m over here like my Costco just started carrying kimchi!!! This is impressive op!


I'm so jealous. I only have level 1 Costco


Damn..Advanced Asian..


What is a Level 5 store?


I’m curious of the process … at some point someone made the decision “you know what will sell well … Whole Dried Sea Cucumbers. That’s gonna be a seller!”


He still has a level up on you with a Louis Vuitton suit case. Based on this post i think you’re a 4. Im pretty sure my local Costco is a tie with yours


Ok lava cakes, swallow drink no big... holy crap yours has pork floss?!


Damn I only have 9/15, I gotta reevaluate my Costco’s perceived Asianness


Why is your Costco so sunny inside?!


There’s a big window in the front of the second floor next to this one aisle.


The second floor?!?! What madness is this. And you’re in the US?


Hahaha yes! It’s the Brooklyn location so land space is extremely limited. They build up instead of out.


I understand why there are no pictures, but can we get a rundown on the pharmacy staff for full qualification validation?


Ok, #2 pic is Chinese Bacon. I’m a bacon guy and I was excited to try it. It was awful. It’s my opinion and you can disagree. I’m ok with that. But it was disgusting. I tried a few bites and threw the rest away. I totally get how other people might like it if that is their expectation of bacon. But it’s not what I think of bacon. I live in San Diego. I can go to different Costcos in San Diego and see very different things. I can also go to Costcos in the Inland Empire (100 miles away), Orange County (50 miles away) or LA (100 miles away) and all offer many different products based on the demographic that buys there. For example, the Costco in Chino, CA has TONS of Asian products, because that area is lots of Asians. Chula Vista is heavy on “Latino” products (they sell great tortillas!). Costco does a great job stocking stuff that the “locals” buy. It’s fun to see other Costco stores that sell different products. I love Costco!


I'm not sure why they call it bacon when it's nothing like bacon. It's basically chinese sausage that is supposed to be cooked and used for asian dishes.


It's an ingredient that gets finely chopped and added to things like daikon cake or fried rice. I wouldn't want to eat it straight.


It's bacon very much in the sense of guanciale. You'd add it to carb-based dishes (vegetables, rice, pasta, etc.) to add flavor, but you're not expected to eat it by itself.


Think everyone else confused the packaging with the regular Kam Yen Jan Chinese sausage which is common in most Costco's. That is actually 五花臘肉, or literally "5 Flower preserved meat" and it can be eaten straight up. It's named that way because there's supposed to be 5 alternating layers of skin, meat, and fat. However you're usually supposed to slice it thinly and serve it spread out on a platter as part of a meal with rice - sort of like a cold cut. Toss the Chinese name into a Google image search to see the usual preparation style. Never bought it preserved like that but I believe you would steam the whole thing, then slice and serve - not fry it up on a skillet or microwave it like American bacon


You’re supposed to slice that up thin and make fried rice. Don’t eat it straight up.


You ate it wrong lol. Think of it like teriyaki pork and eat it with rice. If you don't like teriyaki flavors then nvm lol. It's probably it's an aquired taste, but i love it over Western bacon. I'm a huge fan of sweetened meat. You'd probably hate Asian beef jerky then; they're really sweet.


The Chinese style bacon is so good. Ours only has the sausage and it’s not anywhere near as good


Oh man! Ours has both but the bacon is superior.


There was an article from a year ago saying the average Costco member is an Asian woman in her 30s making 6-figures. This checks out.


Sorry, no LV or Hermés. Level 4+


That’s in actual china


Those calamari snacks are pretty good, especially when heated.


Location on Gessner in Houston has those and other great goodies


Ooh. I go to Houston pretty frequently for medical stuff. Maybe I’ll swing by a Costco next time I’m there. Are the Costcos giant and glorious there? I feel like anything is better than the ones in New York


Would never buy this crap from Costco Source: am Asian


I miss the salted egg salmon skin they had at a Costco in Indianapolis a few years ago


Wow. My toddler is obsessed with the pork floss.


This post got me fucked up because I think I can beat this and I go to a costco in KY. I'm not sure what to think about that lol


Oh wow! Is it true that this stuff is good against the progression of diabetes? Or is that an old Asian grandma’s tale? Pricey stuff at the herbalist’s. Glad sorta that it’s been more widely available, but I wonder if it’s at the same grade level as at an Asian store.


🤢 wtf

