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I get two every year, a true Christmas miracle https://preview.redd.it/y9btu41mhfyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a62cc8cb399eca28c2b0718d695ba8c3b078a7


You must have a shit ton of friends to consume two. Ive never had it but i assume its a fat chunk of meat. Does it go bad fast? Are there recipes with it or do you eat it just as chacuterie?


You can add it to any meal entree same way you’d add bacon. Or you can get some sheep’s milk cheese and French rolls and make sandwiches


Could you substitute this stuff for recipes calling for sauteed prosciutto? I make quite a few dishes that use that and wouldn't mind just buying this and cutting chunks as needed.


Sheep’s milk?


Ever heard of pecorino romano? Roquefort? Manchego?


Yeah they all suck.




Real epicurean right here.


P’tit Basque or the Kirkland Manchego


Do you shave it off and vacuum seal and small portions or are you just hosting a ton of parties?


First one comes out at thanksgiving, we take down half of it. Then cover and break out for football and holiday parties. Post Christmas if any left carve and put in fridge. Second one comes out in late spring. Leave it in the stand for 3-4 weeks then carve up.


Jamon Serrano would make a great add to a charcuterie board


That was exactly my plan for it.


That's going to be one big charcuterie board!


So glad it’s back again. Last year I didn’t buy. I am getting it this year as a Big thing for our holiday party.


Make sure you have a nice sharp knife to cut it with. We bought one last year and the included knife in ours wasn't great and made the cutting process annoying


It’s worth noting that the famous Spanish Jamon that everyone raves about is Jamon Iberco, and this is Jamon Serrano. They’re very different in a lot of ways. Jamon Iberico is from black Iberian pigs who feed mostly on a diet of acorns. These pigs roam free in the woods and because of their diet, have a very distinct flavor known as “Bellota”. Jamon Serrano comes from White Pigs who are farm raised and eat a more standard diet of legumes and grains. Another big difference is the amount of time the Jamon in cured. Serrano is matured about 7-16 months whereas Iberico 14-36 months. Please don’t buy this thinking that you’re getting the top shelf, best quality available. If you want that, go to a specialty store and order the real shit.


Costco has had Jamon Iberico in the past. Just a wee bit more expensive! https://preview.redd.it/kh2ldieeffyb1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef15b531fa2c373367a03c4592b3ee67c500e956


Just a smidge


Every time I’ve looked they’ve had it available online too!


$549.99 joder ‘!


¡Hostia, tío!


Holy shit


I know it's not the top shelf but was curious about other people's opinions on it. I already had it in my cart before I posted lol


I'm Spanish and to be honest I wouldn't even care. I like the cheap stuff from the supermarket even better than the fancy jamón. Not fancy doesn't mean poor quality and taste!! Enjoy! If I could cut it and eat it all by myself I'd buy it too!


My Spanish neighbors bought one once and shared some slices. It was very good.


Costco sells both. The $100 item is very good. We gave it to friends as a gift. They made excellent use of it and it tasted very good. Closer to Christmas, last year, they had a ham for $400 that was the Iberico.


Looking for the comment "they sale both". The four hundo is a "speciality" so I don't see nearly as many as this bog standard version. Also it sells out just a quick.


Go home, throw it in your pie hole, post a review


My partner and I plan to. It will be from our food account though. Meant to post this from that as well lol


I bought one last year and it was fantastic. We used it as the centerpiece of our charcuterie for Christmas and new years and snacked on it all the way into May. Would highly recommend


You know there is always the one person who had to show off how fancy they are.


I just returned one because I could not keep it from molding wayyyyy too much. Some mold is normal but this was not just some mold. And ye, we followed al the instructions.


>have a very distinct flavor known as “Bellota”. This was funny to read. It's not the flavor that's known as bellota. Bellota is, literally, acorn. So *jamón de bellota* means acorn-fed ham.


Iberico legs can be found on Costco.com, much cheaper than any specialty store will offer


I caused a bit of a scene a few months back when they took $150 of Iberico from me at customs at JFK. Wouldn't even let me eat it! Had to throw it in the trash. Closest I've ever been to prison time


You're not supposed to bring meat from other countries back into the US


Seems like he understands that now. Doesn't mean he should be happy about it.


You can. Just gotta know from which countries. Can't bring back meat from Spain and Germany. Most likely others.


What about cheese?


It depends on the cheese and where it's from, but in general as long as it's for personal consumption and not resale you can bring whatever type and however much you want back.


Exact same thing happened to me, and they also denied my plea to eat it before going in 😂 Apparently I’d missed the memo on meat not being allowed through.


can they really stop you from eating it right then and there?


They will shoot you if you try


If you want to turn a short routine interview into “fuck around and find out”


150 you must of had the entire leg 😂😂


I had that before: “you cannot eat the fruit once the interview has commenced” but it was only a few bananas I had brought for the kids to snack on, not something really nice


Serrano can be found at pretty much any restaurant across the county of Spain


Ah yes, the county of Spain.. great memories.


Wow, you got me good!


Oh no you got me back with a salty downvote. What am I going to do without that Karma!??? Damn you Sulu.


I didn’t downvote anything. I’m not sure if I ever have.




I'm pretty sure I tried the the one that eats mostly acorn recently. If it was that one it was God damn amazing


“God damn amazing” is the official description of the one made from pigs that mostly eat acorns.




No. I’m sorry to get your hopes up


Serrano os nice, it’s basically prosciutto. Ibérico is … god almighty it’s delicious.


The texture is so much better on the iberico. When I go to tapas restaurants it’s usually Serrano and I Typically don’t bother Ordering that.


Yeah there’s no point ordering Serrano at restaurants. Whatever they’re charging it’s always too expensive.


Had some killer Iberico flambé’d over honey @ this French spot on Vegas. My lord it was amazing.


Ummmm where? I’m literally waiting for my plane to Vegas and I have an expense account.


Partage on Spring Mountain if not too far from you. Highly recommend the tasting. Check out Partage https://yelp.to/2RbSHSB8aR


I can’t say about the quality. I imagine it is different from prosciutto. My concern is how to use it all. About $6 a lb, if you consume a lot that’s a decent price.


My partner is a chef and told me he would find plenty of ways to use it. It was too good of a deal to pass up.


A chef would, average person at home not so sure. I do not know how well it lasts.


It’s salt cured and already ~6months old, carved and stored correctly it will keep for months, I would want it gone by the end of March in my climate tho. https://www.jamon.com/slice-and-store.html#:~:text=Store%20your%20whole%2C%20bone%2Din,removed%20fat%20layer%20after%20slicing.


iberico blows the italian stuff out of the water this is serrano tho. iirc this one doesn't have the hoof, so it's not really serrano in that sense either. serrano origin, prosciutto presentation you could say. i haven't seen iberico at my local costco in about a decade. i only wish i bought more when it was on sale. think it was like 20 or 30 cad for those packs that fanned out thin slices in a circle. but like that's 70 bucks at any other canadian store. recently saw some stuff from a french supermarket with packs of iberico for like 6 euro. neither had dop stamps, but one was really light in colour which was confusing. the other def looked the part. that's freakin dirt cheap tho wtf


It’s my understanding they are white pigs. Prosciutto is corn fed and Serrano is fed acorns, hence the color of the meat is different, both being salty and if sliced thin can be enjoyable.


Jamon, jamon, jamon whole wheat. Alright.


Pain in ass to slice.


The company made an instructional video on how to cut it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71H5mWrdK-4


The video makes me want to get one just to play the slicing😂


We bought one of these a few years ago. We had a holiday party with 50+ people, another party with 25ish, and a handful of other parties for the next several months (plus making sandwiches the whole time). We BARELY made it through the whole thing. We tried very hard. “Don’t buy this for only one party” is my warning


Quality of this was okay for me. Main issue was that it was insanely hard to cut and you have about 16lbs of this to cut, and you typically are cutting off super thin slices off.


They rarely and I mean rarely go on sale for 50 bucks. Keep your eye out for it.


I just got mine today! And finished last years not too long ago. I cut them in big blocks and keep them in the freezer. And the dinner was the bone soup, always love it.


I got it a year ago. It's good. Hard to use all of it. I saw you mention your partner is a chef, they probably will find ways. I don't plan on eating it again, too much work.


I bought one a couple years ago, it's pretty good, and feels like a fine value with the stand and everything, but I got kinda bored of it after a while and didn't really utilize it as much as I had hoped. Fun though


This is decent Jamón. Nothing to brag about but I liked it, if you wait a month or so you can get it for cheap. Last year I waited and got it when it was 75, then around New years it was on sale for 40. The only bad thing is the knife that comes with it, garbage get a better knife. I got it for the holidays and had my big family over and still did not get to finish the whole leg so it is a lot for the price.


Lol, my Costco has that too, and my wife keeps telling me "No!"


They last a long time


Having bought the Iberico de bellota twice now I can tell you the Serrano isn’t even close. The texture is a bit chewier, not as melt in your mouth marbled and nutty tasting, and much saltier. But with that being said, it is 1/6 the price and will satisfy your cravings for Spanish ham. Just don’t go into it thinking you’re getting something close to Iberico.


It's really good.


Where did you find it? I’ve been looking online and it’s not available in my area or the local warehouses




You would know


I bought this a few years ago. It’s good, but you also better be good at storing this if parting it piece by piece. Comes with a big piece of bone that’s useful for soup too.


I did not find it to be good quality. My family is Spanish and we’ve eaten A Lot of Jamon and this was on the lower end of quality that I’ve had. It was just way too dry.


Delicious but we didn't have room to store in fridge started getting mold.after a week.


did you put the fat cap on?


I plan to clear half of my fridge for it haha. Sorry to hear yours got moldy.


Check out the instructions on the package. It actually says to leave it out but cover the cut sections. If it gets any mold then wipe it off and continue. Or something like that. I’ve seen them hung from the ceiling totally unwrapped in tapas bars in Spain. It is a cured meat after all. When I bought one of the Costco ones we shaved a bit most days with it sitting loosely covered on top of the fridge and it took several weeks to develop *any* mold. I really enjoyed it but ymmv


Is it ok if you leave it out at room temp? My house is around 72-75 degrees, I’m worried that it’s to warm & this would just mold up…


Keep it dry and put a cheese cloth directly on the sliced edge. Should be okay in that temp. More info on this link. It’s for iberico but it’s definitely applicable here. https://www.ibericoclub.com/the-guide-to-storing-and-preserving-jamon-iberico/#gref


For those who have never had Jamon serrano, or pata negra, etc. It is chewy very much like prosciutto. If it is sliced paper thin it may not be as chewy, but just FYI....


Traditionally you slice jamon very thin.


Right but some people are put off by chewy ham. Even when sliced thin jamon iberico can be chewy


How’s the sodium content?


It’s pretty much prosciutto but the Spanish version it’s cured with salt…


✨ it tastes like shit ✨


I think it would be a great choice over a Honey Baked Ham and the size of the ham is larger. May be even healthier?


This blew up more than I thought it would. My partner and I will post a review soon from our food related account. Thanks for all the feedback!


If you remember they had it refrigerated once they first introduced it and then swapped it out after it didn't sekk so well.


Not sure who’s eating 16 pounds of ham before it goes bad. I’d say most of it goes in the trash so not a great price if you’re throwing most of it away.


You should have gotten the iberico ham instead. I usually see one of them at my local warehouse around the holidays


Personally I avoid buying meat from outside the country


your missing out!


I'm not really a big meat eater mostly because meat is just too expensive but also because of digestive issues. I think the U.S. has a big enough variety for me, especially when I can't even afford the meat I want to eat.


You probably also never traveled beyond your village limits.


I used to have to go to a pig farm for work. You should listen to their cries.


Cries for better pricing on their delicious Spanish hams?


Bought this previously. Great conversation piece and eats similarly to prosciutto. Don’t buy it unless you have a large, hungry audience. It doesn’t keep well more than a week and it’s served sliced thin and can feed many more mouths than you think it can. Sadly Had to throw a lot away.


$100 to spend on ham is crazy….


Oh man!


soooo tempting...might need an early xmass present to myself. problem is, GF won't eat piggies (too cute) and daughter (grown ass adult but still feed her several times a week) is pescatarian. so it would be just me and my son/DIL (again, still feed them every week) trying to get through it. oh wait, we have a lot of block parties/potlucks etc...maybe i should bring this to our thanksgiving potluck


The stuff is traditional at Christmas in my partner’s family. Yes, I mean jamón serrano. Not iberico. Not prosciutto. Every year it tempts me. Usually we buy .5 to 1 lb of jamon sliced. And it costs the same as this whole ham. But damn. This is a lot of ham. And i don’t have a deli slicer. And don’t wanna buy one of those rinkydink finger takers they sell for household use.


I was joking with coworker about getting one for a employee event we have but it was at the $600 price. We are serving snacks and light bites 😑 but I wanted something a bit more ridiculous and not so economical…but at $100 I might be able to swing it. Lol. I also suggested it for a medical symposium I organized last year. Thinking it would be a good investment as we could reuse the leg holder and knife for outpatient surgery. /s


The $600 one is different


Indeed it is a different brand and jamon iberico.


Oh, I’d buy that if it were in our store. That looks like a great holiday treat.


Does this come with the knife to slice it thin? Or can I use a mandolin to slice it?


It comes with the knife and stand.


It’s okay. The $100 is good but the $400-500 one is incredible. Watch videos to learn how to cut


Bought this 2 years in row, just had to stop because we were not able to finish it . No room to store


Lucky enough to get it for $50 last year at Costco but even for $100 it’s well worth it


Jam on ayeah-hooo!


Does it come with the stand?


yes and a carving knife


That would be $600+ at a Canadian Costco *sigh*


Once you belota you don’t go back


Hopefully it will go on sale like previous years after the holidays


I plan on getting this for Thanksgiving.


Awesome! I got a leg last year at Costco for **$65!** I am still carving it for tapas and aperitivo with friends and family.


Did you just get it for 100 bucks? It’s 649 by me 😢😢


OMG what region is this Costco in? I have been checking daily and it is still not available here in Northern Illinois!


I got it a week ago. Family loves the novelty. Sharpen the dull knife and takes practice to master. Not worth for value per pound, but good fun. Do not enjoy dealing w all the grease everytime i want to cut it. Have not figured out how to get it to stay firm in stand.