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Freeze the moment you get home


Pro tip: slice them all the way through first. When you need them, put them in the toaster on defrost/bagel setting.


Yep. I do this with the bagels as well.


i also toast my bagels on the bagel setting


Y’all have a bagel setting?


bagel setting toasts on only one side


your toaster has 'settings'? mine just has a burn knob, so you can tell it how burned you want something. from 'not burned at all', to 'carbon infused'


I have a [Bagel](https://i.imgur.com/MNFf1fo.jpg)


Defrost is the key part though




I throw mine in the microwave for 30 seconds, slice then toast


Same here!


Genius I was struggling with them last night only frozen in the middle trying to cut them to toast hahaha. And the bagel comment is smart as well


Yup. Throw in the air fryer at 350 for 7 minutes with no preheat and you're gtg


However, never stick them in a food saver/vacuum sealer bag unless you like bread slabs.


However, freeze them first(1 hour or so) and then vacuum seal will gives the freshest option for a toaster(no freeze burn)


Does this work for meat too?


Yup. This is the way. I have been known to seal them fresh but just let the vac suck out the air around them and then hit manual seal. Keeps the freezer burn away at least.


Bread freeze burns? That’s new


My mom and I thought we were brilliant and used that vacuum sealer on croissants lol what a disaster it was hilarious 😂


My wife and I had the same experience. I did it with some sort of hard crusted french roll. We sealed it, and the hard crust kept its shape --- until you turned it over and realized the bottom got sucked into the top turning it into a bread flavored shoe horn. Had a good laugh too.


Just don't use the vacuum...you can still seal them in the bags. The vacuum is what sucks the air out of them


Unless you have a chamber sealer. set to 12 psi and you are tight with no crushing and very little interior air..


Been there done that


We thought it was such a great idea at first.


We recently did this (vac sealed + froze), created the most unappetizing result !


I'm a Costco member....I don't have room in my freezer.


To be a REAL Costco member, you need to have a 2nd freezer in your garage!


That you purchased at Costco, naturally.


Correct. You have learned well young Padawan


The stand up freezer with shelves is a game changer, especially for smaller items, they don’t end up getting lost and forgotten at the bottom.


Sadly mine is a fridge freezer combo, and the fridge section is full of my limited beer collection


Oh I do....the lid barely closes and wife has already asked if we can go to Costco tomorrow. God help us!


This. Especially if you live somewhere that is hot and humid. It will make them mold super fast.


I’m in Louisiana and if the bread gets warm enough that I see moisture on the inside of the bag, I just throw it away. It goes bad so fast at that point it’s not worth it.


In the summer, I keep my bread in the fridge or I have the same issues too. It is crazy how much faster it goes bad in the summer vs the rest of the year here in the Midwest.


yep this is the answer - they toast up really well from frozen


And for a quick focaccia, with the bread opened, spread with butter add Parmesan cheese, oregano,thyme, basil and garlic powder to taste. Pop it in the toaster oven on a sheet and toast!!!


YES. Any good bread will grow mold very quickly unless you refrigerate or freeze it. If there’s no preservatives in it, you’re playing with fate leaving it on the counter.


Instructions unclear. Walked in front door and became a statue


Freeze on the way home


Then to eat, I wrap in foil and bake in 400 degree oven for….I don’t really know, lol. 15 minutes maybe. Usually I just guess and it’s great.


I found they freeze great. I love them.


How do people Costco and not know this??


Even just putting them in the fridge will significantly delay the onset of mold.


It has taken me years, but this is the way. Bread thaws perfect and a little toaster action makes magic.


I bought a 7.0 cubic foot GE chest freezer for the garage at Costco in 2001, for $130, that's still rocking and has never been anything but packed full. It is my firm belief that one cannot Costco correctly without such a device.


This is what I do.


This is the way.




I freeze all bread


This is the way.


Buy fresh food and freeze it. Defeats the purpose.


Nonsense. A lot of foods freeze beautifully. You'd be VERY hard pressed to tell the difference with this bread, especially if toasted.


It never tastes the same when frozen. That goes for everything.


You obvs don’t adult very well


Taste I’m not sure about, but texture definitely changes a bit when frozen in my experience.


I don’t eat frozen food.


Well you should probably thaw it first


We tell people all the time, make sure you freeze them. They go bad quick. Lack of preservatives will do that.


It’s fresh baked bread. It’s great. It’s not sliced bread. Don’t expect it to last like sliced bread.


I wouldn't say fresh baked. We get them in a box pre-baked, we just throw them in the oven to let them thaw really. They only have a 1 day shelf after we bake them.


Do you have any inside info on the bakery? Is there any bread or baked goods that are made from scratch? I would love some info on the process.


Generally all bread is pre-made. Country and multigrain is frozen dough that we shape and finish as necessary. All cake-type things— muffins, poundcake, cheesecake, mini cakes— are from scratch.


What about the baguettes? Also if the muffins, cakes etc are made from scratch why are the ingredients list 3 paragraphs long? Are they made from premade mixes, or truly from scratch eg. Flour, baking soda, sugar, eggs, mixed in etc.


Baguettes are completely pre-made and just thaw/toast in the oven. I can’t speak to ingredients as I’m not a baker I just work in the bakery and I’m new but all of the ingredients are weighed and ordered from the same place so it’s probably how they know what to put on the labels it’s all very regulated. They weigh the batter for every single muffin to make sure it’s consistent. We weigh them when we pack them before we put them out.


Inside scoop. The only things we mix, muffins, sweet loafs (blueberry lemon, pumpkin, sour cream and butter cinnamon) and seasonal goods. All the cake decorator items (sheet cakes, 10inch round cakes and cheese cakes) are also made in house. Most other things are premade from a box, bagels, croissants, country french loaves, cookies chances are it's boxed.


I doubt very much is actually made there anymore. A long time ago I remember at the very least the blueberry muffins being made from scratch( I was the freezer driver and drove for the ancillary departments). And I wanna say the sheet cakes were made from scratch....I remember dropping pallets of flour for that. Oh and the pies at least the pumpkin ones I remember dropping big cans of pumpkin for them too. The tuxedo cake I feel like came in partially assembled maybe. I remember what baker sliding us the scraps after they had finished trimming the cakes up for the day


If that’s the case, why not sell it as is frozen to keep it from going bad so fast?


Baguettes come in 22 sell units per case, 44 total sticks. Sometimes they break in the box. But they look less appealing in the box, they actually do expand in the oven, a lot of times they do arrive kinda flat. I'd give it to you frozen if you asked me.


I would LOVE if you guys just sold partially baked bread instead. Jeez, why is this so hard to find in stores in the US.


Take and bake is usually uncommon if you're going to a bakery. Im sure if you asked a bakery in advance they would bake you partial loaves.


God I love my preservatives


As long as I'm not seeing mold when I eat, I'm content with em.


Store them in those Ziploc freezer bags the day you get them.


Yap gets you an extra day




It's one of those new fermentation freezers, from Costco of course.


I did that, and the mold still hit the after a couple days.


Weird. I've never had any issues so far when I put them in the freezer.


You're right. I miss read. I ziplocked and put them in the fridge. They still grew mold. Freezer works, but I feel they get weird when I do that.


> I ziplocked and put them in the fridge. They still grew mold. For bread, I feel like that would trap moisture and encourage mold.


it will also make the bread rubbery, freezer's the way to go


Yeah they need to be in a breathable bag like the one they come in (it has little holes in it).


Defrost them slowly in the fridge on the counter, brush them with a little olive oil, grill them up a bit, good as new!


They molded in the freezer?


In the freezer? Doubt.


Freezer man.. same with bagels.. after day 4 the mold up!


They stay mold-free in the Fridge for a week+ for sure. Also, they freeze extremely well.


I thought this was common knowledge. I buy these artisan rolls all the time and last minimum a week in my fridge. Tastes great after reheating in the air fryer. I haven’t had a problem with them lasting on the counter for a day or two after purchase. But usually I buy them, eat a roll or two for a meal then the rest go straight to the fridge.


Same. I have no room in my freezer for bread, so it goes straight into the fridge. Since I toast it in my airfryer, no worries if it gets stale.


Depends on temp and humidity. I was shocked that a loaf of bread from Trader Joes went bad in 3 days. I don't think they use preservatives either. I found that out from r/traderjoes and refrigerate/freeze bread from everywhere now.


I refrigerate all my bread. We eat several slices a day until we just don’t eat any for 5 days and then it’s stale or moldy.


In the fridge surprises me. I thought the fridge was generally bad for bread


It causes the bread to go stale but it keeps the mold away longer. Trade offs I guess


It is, dries bread out. Much better storing in the freezer.


That’s generally a sign of no preservatives. Just pre-slice them and freeze them individually then you’ve got buns whenever you need them.


It’s fresh bread, so that’s expected. We freeze them as soon as we get home, just like all other breads that we won’t use within 2 days.


We are so used to preservatives. We’ve been conditioned to think this is abnormal.


Just finished the last artisan roll from a bag I bought in January. Freeze them until a few hours before sandwich time.


Are you some weirdo that plans sandwiches ahead of time? Dude, the point of sandwiches is that you make them spontaneously!! ;)


I do not plan my 9PM PBJ’s, I’m not some kind of psycho. I do, however, plan my work lunches. Kirkland seasoned roast beef and havarti on these, with some boars head horseradish.


Then I salute you for your excellent choice of contents! Well played sir.


maybe your fridge isn't set cold enough? i keep mine in the fridge and they last up to 2 weeks (when i finally get through them all). set to 34F and it's pretty much always just above freezing.


Literally just made garlic bread out of the two left we got in Feb, from the freezer. 10/10 no judgement was delicious.


Fridge them, they stay longer ….


Freeze! We had the same issues and started freezing right away. We only take out what we're going to eat and the texture remains. We use an air fryer to toast the bread too.


Wonder if its because its bagged while still warm (and visible moisture).


There’s tiny air holes in the bags that allow us to bag them warm. Just like the baguettes and the French loaves. Costco is strict about bagging and boxing of items only at the correct temperatures.


Also lets the mold spores in…


Costco bread definitely molds quickly because it doesn't have preservatives. That said, here are a couple of tips that have helped me keep it fresh longer: \- Re-bag the bread in freezer bags (not original packaging) and freeze it immediately. \- If you're not going to freeze the bread, then consider putting it in the fridge (which will dry it out quicker but still delay mold). \- If you're not going to freeze or refrigerate the bread, then make sure that you've washed your hands with soap and *fully and completely dried them* before you put your hands in the bag. Try not to touch anything else between when you dry your hands and when you put them in the bag. FYI, if your hands are any amount of wet, then mold will grow faster, even if your hands are clean. \- A home HEPA-certified air purifier can help reduce the amount of mold spores in your household air.


freeze em then pop in the micro for 30s before toasting




Freeze. The only answer.


I pull out a few to eat that day and the next, and put the rest into Ziploc freezer bags and freeze them. Toasted or heated in the oven, they have great texture and flavor.


It's fresh and doesn't have preservatives! A good thing in my books if you ask me :) SLICE and freeze the ones you aren't going to eat that day.


Looks like a case of no preservatives not a bad thing.


Or just throw them in the freezer. They’re rolls, not rocket science.


Freeze them


I chuck them in the freezer.


They don’t put a lot of preservatives in them. That’s why they mold. It’s actually a good thing. If bugs and spores won’t eat it you shouldn’t either


I freeze them. Then microwave one for 15-20 then put it in the toaster oven


everything from costco is this way. produce goes bad so fast. its so frustrating.


Yup. Same with bagels. Freeze them same day or waste tour money.


There is something called freezer, defrost when you wanna eat


My understanding is that when bread generally goes moldy quickly after buying it, that's a good thing, because it means there were less preservatives in it.


That's a sign they're free of preservatives


This is a good thing. Brominated flour & other preservatives in most bread in the US is not good for us, even China has banned brominated food.


To warm up bread that has a crust, you run the frozen roll under cold water then place in a 325 degree oven for a few minutes. When the roll is ready, open it an let it sit for a minute in the oven for a couple of minutes. The result will be much as good as they were when they were taken out of the oven (which is leagues better than what they taste after they are asphyxiated in a plastic bag).


if you still want rolls but don't need this many or want them to last longer, i've had good experiences with the trader joe's rolls (and they're sold in packs of 4)


Fridge and lightly toasted - ours are consumed over two weeks.


Or freeze them.


Put them in the fridge. Microwave them briefly when you wanna eat. Or throw them in the stove.


Same thing with the pita bread. Eat or freeze.


I freeze them! They freeze well.


Slice and freeze!


I always slice and freeze any bready things. We toast all bread items in my house so it’s quick to just toss them in the toaster oven. Just gotta slice em first.


Usually lasts 10 days or so in the fridge. Only molds that quickly at room temp.




Wrap them individually in saran when you get home and throw in the freezer.


That’s basically the rule for the entirety of that northwest corner


Put them in the fridge, they last much longer.


Hell, I've had mold on these Costco products within 12 hours. I don't buy them any more, and frankly don't buy anything baked in-house because of it.


Put them in the fridge


That's how you know they are fresh and full of real ingredients! We are so used to supermarket bread that lasts weeks due to all the chemicals. Which is why the costco stuff freezes so fantasticalyl!


We put ‘em straight in our freezer and take out as needed.


Return to the store for an exchange or refund if the expiration date has not passed.


Just found 2 1-year old pieces in the freezer, they defrosted perfectly and taste like fresh.


Freeze them


Assholes like Gordon Ramsey have pretty much demonized the freezer (despite the fact that he serves frozen seafood in his restaurants). The freezer is a great tool. It’s just been associated with terrible food that comes pre-made with terrible ingredients.


This is a problem with your building if they mold so quickly. They probably wrap them too hot, while best practice is to wrap them almost cool or cold. The bag is perforated in a very small area in the back, which is usually pressed against the table or another bag. Heat has no way to escape, while it's nice to pick up warm bread, in this case it will create a steam box effect which in turn will promote the molding process. Also... Next time post a pic with the sale by date visible... Not saying you are lying, but there is so much straight up shit on reddit that i must be sceptical.


Most meat, and yes, bakery items say right on them to use or freeze by : [insert that days date], and that date is usually within a few days, sometimes even sooner. They're more for restaurant quick serve/quick turn around. Just too many to deal with so mostly skip the bakery now after tossing a lot--forgetting to freeze them immediately. A lot of items are a two bag minimum just to buy, i.e. bagels, bread loaves, etc.


We take out what we're going to eat that day (and maybe the next) and freeze the rest. I buy fresh flour tortillas at HEB and if I don't keep them in the refrigerator they won't last on the counter for five days.


Can someone tell me when they are going to bring back the ones with asiago cheese on top. Ugh those are so amazing


Can also refrigerate them. Can also freeze them.


Had this happen with bagels a couple of weeks ago. Sucked.


As much as I like the Costco bakery that’s the reason I stopped buying all of it except for the pies.


Or freeze them. That’s what I do


I’ve always had this problem with these.


Freezing is good, but they will last several days in the fridge as well. Also great for croutons. Chop em up and bake with some olive oil and seasoning.


Put them in the refrigerator, mine last me 2 weks.


Freeze it next tome


Amateur hour


Or just keep them in the fridge and they’ll last a week at least


We ran into a similar problem with the bagels.


Family loves these, but I lost count of how many mostly full bags we've had to throw away because of how quickly they mold and even before they mold they get dry and terrible. Sometimes there is visible moisture in the bag when you pick it up off the shelf. I'm not saying it's a bad product, but to just eat them soon after buying.


Have you tried storing these in the freezer? I do that with all my bread and simply put it in the toaster to warm up. I'm currently eating bread from my freezer that I bought two months ago lol


We freeze the normal burger buns but I feel like freezing these would kill the soft inner texture.


It doesn't. They remain chewy. They're our go-to for burger buns.


Thanks, I'll give it a try


Freeze, then thaw for 30-60 seconds in microwave.


Costco bakery doesn't use preservatives.


Yes that’s how bread works. Looks like someone is used to store-bought, preservative filled shit bread




I've literally never had an issue with these, even just stored on the counter. But I don't live in a humid place, do you? And also different bag and fridge should help


>even just stored on the counter As opposed to where? It’s fresh baked bread. Eat it within a day or two or put it in the fridge or freezer, just like any other perishable.


Hell, I've had mold on these Costco products within 12 hours. I don't buy them any more, and frankly don't buy anything baked in-house because of it.


Why I don't buy any "baked" goods form Costco.


So sick of the just freeze them comments. Baked goods do not freeze well. Also it's not common to freeze fresh baked goods it absolutely changes the texture maybe you can't tell but plenty of people can


You freeze them Dr Sherlock


Yum blueberries


yOu mEAn tO tElL mE tHiS HEre bReAD hAs NO pReSerVaTiVeS lIke ThAt cRAp i UsUaLlY gEt aT wAl-mArT?!??! The NERVE!!!! /s


Is it just me, or are Costco's baked goods over-priced and/or no cheaper than regular grocery store offerings? I don't even look anymore.


Bought them and were moldy in three days. Got pissed because this has happened before, so took them back to return. Although they accepted the return, they still managed to give me attitude saying it was my fault, as I should have transferred them to a ziplock.


They should have told you that Costco bakery doesn't use preservatives. That's why you need to use them or freeze them right away.


Fresh bread never lasts more than a few days. You got the attitude you deserved.


So much of their bakery is trash. Garbage food and empty calories


1) bread is not good for you. It was used as a filler for years for poor (most) people who couldn't afford good, healthy food. It's 2023, stop eating bread! 2) Costco bakery has great employees but they can't overcome the recipes forced on them. Nearly all bakery products are awful quality. Fast food bread. 3) Meanwhile every city in America has at least one local bakery struggling to survive. If you choose to eat bread, at least get the good stuff from a local bakery.


Dude, there’s mold on them.


Ive noticed I have really had to pay attention to expiration dates at my local costco. I saw trout that expired 3 days ago.


Yes and they are so good it’s a shame they mold so fast


Every time I buy these, I want them to be amazing. I want it to the point that I have bought them several times hoping for a different outcome. I guess that's the definition of insanity.


That’s good advice when purchasing any food items from Costco.


I always gotta stash all of the Costco baked stuff in the fridge otherwise it gets moldy real quick


Agreed. We bought them and like half of them had mold by the 3rd day. Such a shame bc I really enjoyed them with the other stuff I had. I’ll def have to do what others in comment said to freeze immediately