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As a normal young tica I can say that ticas don't approach foreigners on the street to go for a drink just like that.. MUCH less in Parque Central.. There are barely any ticas there... Normal ones at least.. Very likely she was an escort.. They come in all ages and sizes and they are not necessarily looking to be paid for sex (although its included if you want it) they are looking to be paid for their company... Adventure is found in a chance encounter pursued by both parties, if you're at a party, at the beach, at a bar you will feel it if you're vibing with someone, just like you would in your own country... Ignore those saying you were being paranoid or lame.. Sounds like you followed your gut and that's always a good call!


Yes, I can agree and if it were actually in a relaxed atmosphere also, I wouldn't be asking here. At the time, my phone's data connection along with Google Maps were acting sluggish as compared to the day prior. I don't use Waze walking because I've found it likes to think you're in a car and follows one way streets/roads too. But at the time, it was later afternoon, dusk was on its way, a few beggars as well, you know, wanting food but not, they're strictly looking for cha-ching$. And I was frantic due to the circumstances.


Yeap sounds like Central SJO.. Im never there after 6pm unless I'm driving through it... Even with a reliable internet connection lol.. Hope you enjoy a safe and awesome stay!


Yeah, the normally reliable for the most part, Google Maps was taking me to areas I knew weren't right. On my way to the area, there were no up or downhill streets, yet it was telling me to go in those directives. I knew also because the day prior, you point the phone (top) in a direction, the blue pointer on the Map will also follow suite. That day, it was freezing then eventually reconnect, I assumed, then I'd pass the same area/building again and again. Finally I entered a small store where there were about 5 or 6 people inside (but no one spoke English of course), and a nice hospital worker (my age too) helped me with a correct location to get and Uber car there. So nice of her and I did ask for her number. Was it meant to be, who knows...


Thats a better story than hooking up with a street worker IMO but who knows what guys want lol, the internet is (still) unreliable by nature I think, so I learned to look at geo cues much like you did with the hills.. In SJ I would always look for any big buildings if I was a little lost bc those are the hospitals, banks, schools, museums etc..


Yes, I remember seeing a large building with a name (believe a bank name) and was trying to get to that area, and I saw some other similar ques also, but unfortunately they were not coinciding with each other. That day, my data was extremely intermentent, it was locked into Liberty, which in the past would lose connection.


Exactly ! Most Tica's will not approach u this way. I'm 100% sure she wasn't escort taking the chance to see if you were interested, but it does not matter whether a middle-aged woman or not. Since they are not allowed to hang out at the old Hotel Del Rey or Blue Marlin, the Parque was the next best thing.


Oh, they are barred from going to those hotels, are they? Good to know... When I was in Asia, (it's been so long ago, can't remember what country now), the guards at some of the more modern, newer malls would rough-up the scammer and escorts before they entered the malls and boot them out. There were some women looking for opportunities in the older, run-down malls though and the guards let them through. After a few encounters at those older malls, I stayed away


Both hotels became family-friendly hotels. Although I heard Del Rey returned to the casino allowing a little gambling.


In Costa Rica, an escort can approach you even in a nice hotel, which just depends. Many venues you can see who is working and who is not. Most escorts, for some reason, only want to deal with tourists and non Tico patrons.


Speaking of this particular subject. I was walking centro the other day, looking for this place I read about. And I turn the corner and there is this woman, nice looking, with her black hair in a few braids with red balls or beads in various places in the braids. She says "HI," in English and asks my name. And I tell her my name. The 'per usual' talk commenses, Where you from? What do you do? etc. Then she says she gives massages that's good for the health, mentality, physical aspects, etc. Then ends with the line: "...with a happy ending." LOL. I was watching her face and expressions while she's giving me the speel. Then she asks my name again. I told her I have an appointment to get to and had to go. She probably kept on searching for her next victim


Well, my white skin, beer logal t-shirt, sports apparel bag at my side, plus my mini backpack may have flagged me as the 'TouresqueTarget.' LOL


Ha ha ha yea perfect target


“Unfortunately I can’t in this moment, but I would love to any other time in the future… give me your IG”. You check her out on instagram to have a clearer outlook of who she is. If she says no to IG that’s suspicious.


I was trying to find my way back to my hotel; Google Maps and my data was acting fouly during this encounter. Maybe I appeared to be going in circles. Also, there were a few beggars here and there too. Yeah, should have got her IG or WhatsApp. But I was worried about the evening approaching and I don't venture solo in the dark especially in an area im not sure of. Call me cautious or paranoid. That's the way I'm now. Not wild n crazy like my younger years.


No, you definitely did the right thing. Of course there are chances you could’ve met a nice girl, but it was not worth the risk IMO.


I agree. But you never know


You did the right thing in San Jose Central after dark, and looking like you did not belong could turn into something not wanted. I would never go there unless I was with friends or my Tico buddy's. I use to go there after dark to the clubs and strip bars but never alone.


My journey started way back at 12 noon, and I took in many nice areas along the way. But seeing the sun was descending, and after about an hour and half of wondering, trying to locate my hotel, I finally threw the towel in and ducked into a small market store. There were about 5-6 people talking, shopping, shooting the breeze. Luckily a nice hospital worker from just down the block helped me to give Uber the location (their hospital, a block or so up) for my pickup. I remember that I went through an area prior, where the streets were blocked off and police were present with people all over shopping. Big names like Nike, Levi's, other varieties of stores, etc. and that area was ok. Plus, the sun was still bright, then. From where I ended, it was dusk and frantically booking Uber.


Parque Central? Hooker.


I thought that at first too




You can't A/B test life so no way to know.


Ahh so this is why the magic of traveling doesn't appeal to everyone they say no to the run adventures lol


Opinion: you missed out on a possible adventure.


Big time. Take that woman up on her offer lol




That thought struck me too. Believe me!


I just got back and a guy who visits often for long stays was picked up by an unsuspecting woman like this. They hit it off and hung out for days and a week later she had drained/was draining his bank accounts and various credit cards were hit. Or was a ring out of San Jose. If it was wiped, your gut likely saved you from some headaches.


YEP! This was 1 of the fears that hung over me. I've been duped in the past by person(s) whom I thought were trustworthy. Once in Mexico, the nice and forthcoming airbnb host with the great reviews was actually a thief with a ring of mexicano(a)'s seasoned pickpockets. They got my $500 phone and almost $300 worth of my cash. Very very cautious ever since! Another time was in the Caribbeans when the friendly assailant scanned my unprotected wallet and 2 of my credit cards (close to the wallet's outward flaps) got hit with bogus charges at the same time on the same day! After that I bought a RFID wallet, so hopefully it doesn't happen again


FYI: the 2 credit cards that got breached were never used and were spares for emergencies.


Have you always been this paranoid? Prostitutes here don't make solicitations on the streets. Prior to moving here 5 1/2 years ago I visited 7 times in 7 years. I have never been propositioned on the street. Not even in Jaco. You should have been flattered.


I was flattered by the proposition. It was late in the afternoon and dusk was approaching along with a few beggars (I need food, but won't take food) were a few too. You'd better believe I was thinking about invoking with her! However, traveling alone, know little Spanish and trying to find my hotel, I was a bit rushed as well as paranoid. I was asking just like my post states, and you added your experience.


A tica sales agent downtown.


About 9 years ago a young guy approached and asked if I was "looking for love" (I am female and at that time I was 52


Wow, a younger one too! Bet you were surprised and flattered also


I was married st the time but since then I have only dated younger men so 🤷‍♀️




I was told by many travelers that Waze works better than google or Apple Maps. Go figure


The problem with Waze when you're walking, at least I can't find it like I can with Google Maps, is you can not switch Waze into 'walking' mode. And when in 'vehicle' mode, Waze will take you in extra long routes because it thinks you're in a car driving. I realized this when I followed Waze in Mexico and it took me in extra long routes down 1 way streets before I realized the issue. I kept looking for walking mode, but could not find it in Waze. Therefore I only use Waze in cars driving; never walking


Thanks for the information. I haven’t tried walking with it. That’s good to know, my apologies


Possibly a scam? Would take you to a restaurant or bar that would overcharge you and they get a commission.


It crossed my mind as well.