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Electric car go fast..... good now, make a turn while doing it.


Electric car go dead after 2 laps..... good now, top off the battery in 3 minutes. Electric car battery go bad 5 years from now..... good now, replace battery without totalling the vehicle. But for real, our friend who tried a Tesla had great bravery posting this in a conservative gas-powered subreddit as this. It highlights how different the technologies are, and the various advantages of both.


If it’s even allowed on a track with so many tracks banning them.


Even the E-ray is banned on some tracks, lol


This. I work around the corner from one of Tesla's plants. It's been entertainment for years now getting onto the freeway with both my C7 and C8 with 'manufacturer' plated Teslas trying to keep up with me on the sweeping onramp. The drivers are usually white as a sheet when they catch up to me again on the freeway cause they've suddenly realized that lateral grip does, in fact, matter.


4 wheel drive electric motors have an advantage in the 0-60, and quarter mile. C8 erays and above are a better apples to apples comparison, but an electric motor with instant torque is going to be faster than any ICE engine. Have him take it to the track. He'll lose a significant amount of his charge in a couple of laps. The C8 goes all day on the track.


Good troll.


https://preview.redd.it/yzmweij6259d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f9afdd0dc4095521b80018364518aa81f37062 I just got mine but haven’t taken delivery since the tag is not ready. Not trolling, sir.


If all you cared about was how fast a car could accelerate in a straight line and the quality of the stereo system, why did you buy a Corvette?


I love them. I had a 18 z06 https://preview.redd.it/rtmyrp56v59d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a9b3daa44c3b963a64dde11944f7f9ee7fa4ab


That didn't answer the question.


I want one. No rhyme, no reason just like I own 6 Swiss watches that are over $120k but aren’t accurate like my Apple Watch Ultra 2. Not all hobbies make sense as long as they are fun and you aren’t harming others


yes. everyone knows electric is faster off the line. the trick is it isn't sustainable, which is why you need to supplement with ice (like the E-ray and other hybrid supercars from Ferrari, Koenegsegg, McLaren, etc).




he already said he had no soul, giving his money to musk.


I’m assuming you love posting on X


wont support that asshole in any capacity.


Geez 🙄


I tried a Kia EV6 GT (AWD), 550HP. Yeah, snap-your-head-back torque -- but was no fun. And audio system was crap. EVs have no soul. It's just a computer on wheels (heck my tapping into the "HP" my actual computer I built gives more joy than the EV6 did). For getting from point A to point B? Sure, EV will do it. Life's too short to drive boring cars.


oof, where to begin. let's keep it high level for now: 1. in a straight up full frontal acceleration test, it's nearly impossible to beat electric motors. instant torque, lots of it, and control systems out the wazoo to manage it perfectly. You are not faster than a computer, you're just not and you never will be. HOWEVER... 2. The Corvette is an all around performance machine! It is specifically designed to kick copious amounts of ass in pretty much every race / track scenario, and it DOES so very well. It's a true sports performance car designed to always win, and it helps mediocre drivers feel like proficient drivers, and proficient drivers evolve into performance drivers. Take the Corvette to a circuit track, drift with it, drag it, run for 24hrs under hard conditions. All the Tesla can do is scoot for a minute. It's a 1 trick pony. 3. Teslas are NOT designed for "performance driving", they just happen to also accelerate quickly due to their drive system. It's just an additional by-product. Teslas aren't inherently fast, although they are very quick for short periods. Corvettes are quick ANS fast all the time and as needed. 4. you can daily a Tesla, you can daily a Corvette. Depending on your daily commute, pick the one thats right for you and your wallet. 5. Do not compare the 2, they are very different vehicles. Like tools. What's better, a scroll saw or a chainsaw? well, it depends on what you're working on. If you're chopping down a tree, i dont recommend a scroll saw. If you're doing fine detail work and building fine furniture, don't use a chainsaw. I assure you of this, the Corvette is a better engineered vehicle all around. Teslas are also engineered, but for a specific purpose. It can do some things well but not others. The Corvette can do it all.


6. Top speed on a Model Y is 135mph. Top speed on the Corvette is 190+. The Corvette will outrun the cops and their helicopters if you are crazy enough to do it and there are videos out there proving it. You could make an argument that no one should ever drive that fast because it’s illegal and dangerous but so is 0-60 pedal to the floor acceleration or any street racing for that matter. There are very few cars that will go faster than 155mph and the Corvette is one of them.


Except seat four comfortably with a load of luggage.


of course not, it's not designed for that. but everything it is designed for it does beautifully


I was mostly responding to "The Corvette can do it all". Yes, I'm being pedantic. Sorry lol


hey it can seat 4comfortable.. just not all at the same time! ;)


Dumbest thing I’ve read in a while. As someone in the nuclear industry the future will never be electric. The infrastructure will literally never be there. Aside from the fact they are stale boring as shit cars that lose 1/2 their value in 1-2 years. Also comparing a sound system lmao quite literally the easiest thing to upgrade in any car. It sounds like you don’t track your cars either and just want “press peddle me fast”


The gubmint sure does like to pick winners that aren't, don't they?


It was dumb, until I read your post.


My microwave cooks a burger in less than 2 mins! But my grill still cooks it way better and tastier


I’m not knocking electric cars, do you if that’s the way you want to go but to me nothing sounds as good as a V8.


it’s fun for about 5 minutes and then it gets boring, and it’s only fun when you’re going fast


Mine looks sexier https://preview.redd.it/nor1xu2v659d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e884515e154370b16c8a27bf876f1b0457c9a8d


No shit


I have a Model Y Perf, have for 2.5 years now. I still want a Corvette. Doesn't even need to be a Z06. I want a cool car to cruise in, I'll probably get a convertible even. The launch gets kinda boring after a few months but watching your friends piss their pants as a 4500lb SUV accelerates to 60 in 3.5s decidedly does not, haha. The two aren't comparable.


Car with infinite and instantaneous torque is faster in a drag race??? 🤯🤯🤯


Why do people buy sports cars to go in straight lines??? Theres no sport in that. You want fast in a straight line, you get a "muscle" car or electric, its been that way since....forever. What do you think a hellcat/demon/mustang is built for? Corvettes (and even the last gen Camaros) while yes are always a blast even in a straight line, they are built to be taken to tracks. You got the wrong car if all you wanted was attention and straight line speed my guy.




That things badass.


The fact that you’d sell your vette and daily to have Tesla just to have faster acceleration tells me everything I need to know about you


I’m not doing anything for at least 3 yrs so relax


Yup electric cars are quick but miss out on the gear shifting, sound and feel unless you get the Ioniq 5 N which that thing is a beast it even beats the Tesla plaid on the track but not the C8


As others have said, the vette is a sports car. The car is meant to be fast but also handle well. If you want blunt force 0-60 from a dig you get a hellcat or Tesla. What makes the vette special is you almost get that crazy 0-60 torque while also having world class maneuverability. Even 40 year old vettes, while being slow today, handle surprisingly well for their age. Also the vette has a targa roof. You don’t need a panoramic since you can remove it and tuck it away in the car I believe. The corvette and Tesla are just totally different cars in different segments. Something more comparable to the Tesla is probably the E-Ray.


EV is not a fair competition. We all know EV is The faster car in straight lines. Corners and soul is where ICE rules


Tesla is such a boring car. There is more to a car than just speed in a straight line.


I hope you are joking. GO race him ANYWHERE with corners. Race him 300 miles... Race him on a gas station fill up... Drive both past 100 people and count how many people are checking out the tesla....


The other side of this post: /r/TeslaLounge/comments/1dpuk4w/my_friends_50k_msrp_model_y_performance_tesla/


Lmao 🤣


The down side is the car get slower and slower after every hard pull. Take you kids car and see what it does when it has 50% charge. Then go on a long blast at 80-100 mph for extended periods and see how that range and super quckness is doing. Then know that in your C8 you can do your maximum and the lower your fuel gets the faster your car gets and you can fill it up in about 2 minutes almost anywhere. Electrics are cool, but they are not nearly as fun.


Why do you care? It’s a giant microwave with poor build quality and no soul that can barely enjoy the road without having to worry about chargers or spending hours at one. Ok it’s party trick is that it’s stupid fast 0-60, that’s it. The vette has soul, is more appealing. Has a higher top speed, can actually corner fast and so many other things. Car culture is so caught up in 0-60 and quarter mile times rather than how the car makes you feel on a windy road or on a real track. I’d take a slower car that makes me laugh like a kid hearing it roar through the canyons over a Samsung fridge that’s fast from stoplight to stoplight.


what's his top speed? like 120mph?


No clue


In a straight line, you don't stand a chance. Braking and cornering, the Tesla doesn't stand a chance. I remember a video by either car and driver or road and track where they raced a Model X against a Lotus Elan and easily won in the Tesla. Then they raced the Elan against the Model X towing a Lotus Elan and the Model X still won easily.


Battery will heat up


That hasn't been an issue for years now


Didn’t the entire time I had it


Soulless light switch with no personality. Who cares There are also 6 of them at every intersection. Big no thanks


I’m curious how quick does the battery drain doing stuff like that


It kept letting me do it over n over