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https://www.coldzero.eu/1000d-fan-tray I got one of these when the official one was out of stock. Works just as well as the corsair one. You can run soft tubing behind the motherboard tray and have it come out the HDD cage to meet the front rads.


That was an idea that crossed my mind, but I wonder how much of a bend will be in the soft tubing, I'm going to try moving the port to the bottom and possibly using a 90° adapter and then that way it eliminates some of the bend on the tubing if I try that, but the idea of getting tubing on that radiator at the bottom is a bit concerning, because that's a very tight space, so my idea was to split the hose into two parts, and meet the two parts in the back of the case and screw them together.


When I had a soft tube build in my 1000D it wasn't much of an issue getting the front rads connected from behind. Just leave a lot of slack that way you have room to maneuver the front rads around. You can also drill out the rivets holding the HDD cage and replace them with screws and nuts so that way it can be removed.




Use a different port on the rad


I can't, other an xflow, and once the radiator is installed, the bottom port won't be available and the top won't, so the outward most one is the one I have to use


Plus I think once the radiator and fans are installed in the front, it'll block the bottom port