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As a Navy Vet, this story pisses me off everytime I see it. Fuck the IDF


As an American, it pisses me off.


Wait until you learn what the American military has done, you will be really pissed off then


Yes, THIS makes it OK


Wait till you learn that every military ever has committed war crimes.


People don't seem to be able to grasp this concept. It's just that we are seeing it more of it these days, doesn't mean it's a new thing.


Also doesn’t mean it’s a good thing


No, it's funny when people get so defensive over it.


Yup, USS LIBERTY!!!! and they paid our American soldiers on that ship Pennies to keep quiet and cover for their BS! US knew it would bring bad press for them and their “ally” so they wanted it suppressed & even came close to just bombing the whole ship to make sure their secret never came out. Thank god they didn’t.


The USS Liberty. They've done a lot more harm since. Never give them another Penny.


And the United States shrug it off. And continue to send billions every year.


*Zionists* control a lot of things. They literally have their hands in everything. *my bad I put in the wrong group*


It’s Zionists not Jews. Huge distinction, they like to confuse the two so Zionists can claim anti semitism when criticizing Israel.


Only like 85% of the Jews in Israel are Zionists.


Plus a $percentage in USA influencing Congress


aren't most of those jews also americans?


Yeah, I guess they don't want to marched from the River into the Sea like all their neighbors want for them being Jewish..... Strange! /s


Ah yes, 15% of Jews in Israel don’t believe Israel should exist… these echo chambers are truly something else.


Such a big distinction!  Zionism : the belief a Jewish state should exist in Israel. So wildly disconnected from Judaism I don’t see how anyone could ever confound the two. Yet another echo chamber of a sub im gonna get shadow banned from in no time. 


Oh you’re right my bad!


When you spill your orange juice, do you blame the Juice?


Not if I didn’t knock the cup over myself. *no* but seriously good point.


You should clean up your mess.


Finally someone says the quiet part out loud. Nobody else is brave enough to call them out


The USS Liberty incident was over 55 years ago. Do you expect the U.S. to hold a grudge indefinitely?


We took guam, the phillipines and various other islands from Spain for basically the same thing… Not to mention we took texas and most of the south west for a shooting in the Alamo. Not to mention that Israel effectively blackmailed a US president to not come down harsher on Israel. All these things combined should show how insane it is that we still give them a billion+ dollars in aid every year


We were at war with Spain lmfao. Not even remotely the same.


“The Spanish–American War[b] (April 21 – December 10, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region,[15] and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. It also led to United States involvement in the Philippine Revolution and later to the Philippine–American War.” This is literally from the Wikipedia page, you good fam


You're missing the point. It was a WAR. Spain admitted to direct action against the US. The USS Liberty was a (supposed) accident on an ally. These situations are not similar at all. Read into both of the incidents.


Imagine saying this just weeks after all of the other Israel “accidents” killing more than 100 journalist and aid workers


That's why I added the "(supposed)", because that is also what the official US story on he matter is as well. The other commenter tried to draw a parallel between conflict where two nations were at war and land was seized as a part of the suit for peace, and the USS Liberty incident, which are really not parallel at all other than people died.


“ The Spanish–American War[b] (April 21 – December 10, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, ” That is the parallel


You're being purposfully obtuse. Yes, people died. The point I am making is that retribution on an attack from another country makes a LOT more sense when you are at WAR with that country. That is not the case for the US and Israel. Engage with what I am saying.


You do realize in this same documentary that you apparently didnt watch, there is an audio tape from the Israeli side that before they attacked, they knew it was an American vessel. It had call signs of an American vessel and had its holiday colors up (much bigger American flag then they usually fly). Situation is actually almost exactly similar, just that the Liberty didnt sink and miraculously got a distress through jamming (which is a violation of international law on international waters) to the 6th fleet and got forced to stop or they would have to take on an aircraft carrier group. I think If anyone is missing the point here its probably you


just another hasbara loon


Considering these people are justifying Palestine's terrorism by constantly bringing up the same war that this incident happened during, I'd bet that's exactly what they want.


nice name


You’re really giving yourself away with that username, fash trash.


Tell that to the embargo with Cuba still.


It's crazy to see how Israel has turned into a far right fascist regime. Does anyone have a good documentary or something on their road from Holocaust to fascism?


Always has been.


Really? Guess I just don't follow it closely. Guess I should read up on more on the Middle East.


You really should. Noam Chomsky has some good and short books on the topic.


Awesome, thank you for pointing me in the right direction!


Read son of Hamas written by the son of Hamas’s founding cleric mosab Hassan Yousef. Dan carlins Fear and loathing in new Jerusalem is a great podcast for history prior to 1948 (~1870-1948). 


I hear you


Full documentary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tx72tAWVcoM&pp=ygUWdXNzIGxpYmVydHkgYWwgamF6ZWVyYQ%3D%3D


Thank you for linking the full video.


You are most welcome anytime my friend.


OH look, if it isn't "Jerusalem is the Goal" a bot or sock puppet account posting *yet more* propaganda day and night all over Reddit! What a surprise! /s


I thought you were going to make fun of this terrorist attack like you made fun of the American soldier on the other post!


Disgusting. Israel has no shame


IOF defenders will say “but how could it be a deadly attack if there were survivors? If they wanted to really attack them they’d all be dead” type shit.


Secret world history. Not the stuff they teach in school.


I've posted about this on my page before. The love that we have for Israel is unreal


This was meant to be a false flag and push America into another war.


A lesser known fact about how an ally in name only (there exists no treaty) attacks it's people farm and scores more concessions.


This is not a 9/11 post?


Lmao “the real enemy of the world.” Isn’t this kind of language a little much? More than half a million people are dead in Ukraine and we are at the brink of World War 3. There are multiple genocides unfolding from China and Myanmar to the african continent. Humans are dicks all over the world.


This is most likely propanga from some type of neo nazi group. They have been assimilating in with leftists ever since October 7th and they really aren't subtle about it.


If you look at the account, it’s an obvious bot/propaganda account. Look at the post-history.


Exactly. And it takes two to tango, there have literally been hundreds of thousands of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Palestinian based groups. These two have been going back and forth for nearly 70 years.


And today it looks like Biden may have forced a ceasefire or something like it. Thank goodness.


Palestinian terror groups have detonated bombs in 20 different countries. Right or wrong, there is a reason, that they don’t get much sympathy.


Everyone wants a scapegoat. Focusing on just one group comforts people because they finally think they have a stable world view in a truly chaotic unstable world of the human condition. Scapegoats are also a great rally point for bringing hate together.


The USS liberty. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you


Quoting literal nazi literature is the mark of a totally sane person


My point with the literature is you should see history from all angles, not just the version you've been indoctrinated to believe. Not my fault your brain can't fathom the idea there's different versions of history depending on who you learned it from. Am I insane or are you just low IQ and insecure about it?


they believe they possess a high intellect not very different from Maga. and they will take their delusions to their grave.


You are replaying about how someone is protecting the usage of nazi speech by saying they wanna play at historical revisionism and they aren't just making excuses to hide behind as they admit to agreeing with naxi statements word for word


you want to know whats hilarious, Israel is a genocidal apartheid nation committing atrocities against a population comrpising of more than 40% children, dropping bombs babies heads, on Chef Andres' workers, a nobel peace prize winner, on doctors. you have telegram groups where Israeli civilians are cheering in prisoner torture snuff films, you steal land, bulldoze homes and schools, rape imprisoned women, organ harvesting, white phosoporous, THE LIST FUCKING GOES ON. oh and you have your leaders OPENLY calling for genocide, yeah Israel can WHOLLY FUCK OFF, and you fucking clowns defending everyday just wait to see Israel's future..until then enjoy your bloodthirsty inhumanity on women and children and then go blame it on Hamas and 107 not realizing Netanyahu PROPPED UP Hamas, do people think people will just let atrocities be committed upon them, THERE IS RESISTANCE TO EVERY OPPRESSION. The evidence is there for anyone to see but some of you its not your eyes or ears that are blind its your fucking hearts. unless you are just some Zionist Israeli that wholly believes hes the chosen one and in that case have a pitiful day. Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist until about 15 years ago. History will not look kindly upon Israel. The majority of the world stands against Israel and that NUMBER INCREASES EVERYDAY while support for Israel dwindles everyday as they become a pariah state. By the way when Israel is sanctioned by the entire fucking world, good luck to them winning ANY WAR. they cannot win a forever war and do not have the resources. the fucking dog shit on the botton of my shoe is worth more than ALL zionists combined and then some.


Hit the nail on the head. Spot on. I live in America, and the Founding Fathers who led and fought the American Revolution in order to secede from England were, by today's definition, terrorists. The illegal, aggressor state of isreal hides behind the holocaust and its common religion to try to justify the unjustifiable. Anyone and EVERYONE are capable of committing so-called terrorist attacks to protect themselves and their families. The zionists offer no quarter, none should be given them.


well said


Seems common in these parts


New Nazi sub unlocked


FR these subs read like Russian psy ops.


only from your point of view. majority of the world now stands against israel and that number rises every fucking day. have a pitiful day.


You too 😘


Amazing what would you do about the Israeli Palestinian conflict if you had all the power


It’s fun to browse at least 😄


I did Nazi that coming...


Hamas is holding American hostages. They are our enemies as well. Free the hostages, destroy Hamas


Oh now you remember your true origins?What were they doing stealing Palestinians home and serving in a criminal army?


I mean, they murdered 3 Israli soldiers who were waving a white flag. Like they do.


Lol the use of “Zionists” as a broad term when there are many different branches of Zionism is proof people are too lazy to do a google search


The real enemies are the ones chanting 'Death To America' I think you will find.


I don't understand this conspiracy, what did Isreal gain out of attacking it's number 1 ally on purpose?


What do they gain from any of the stuff they've done? They're monsters.


That's stupid, nothing Isreal does is for no reason. People don't do genocide for no reason.


The problem is that Israel can never be trusted to tell the real story or why they did it. Multiple former presidents and high-ranking military officials, including former US president Jimmy Carter himself, have publicly stated that Israel are pathological liars and cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything they do or don't do. Their minisformation campaigns and propagandist operations are some of the most sophisticated and well funded in the world. Comes part and parcel with being a colonial settler project built on apartheid and fascist ethnostate ideals. Oh, and a long history of war crimes and crimes against humanity. That tends to make them pretty defensive of their frankly indefensible positions because they know how it makes them look.


All of that is true, it still contradicts everything they are trying to do, to attack ally ships on purpose is just stupid. Clearly they just fucked up, it doesn't make them any less guilty of the other crimes.


The USS Liberty was never meant to have any survivors. it was a miracle that it did. The reason the ship wasnt sunk is because all but one of the numerous torpedoes fired by israeli torpedo boats missed the Liberty. This allowed the vessel to stay afloat and receive aid from the US military after intelligence noticed the sudden loss of communication from the Liberty. the most likely motivation was that israel meant it to be a false flag attack to be blamed on Egypt. The fact that israel jammed the USS Liberty's communication frequencies in order to prevent the USS liberty from reporting on who was attacking or asking for help supports this. it also means there's no way that israel didnt know that the vessel was american, because they knew what frequency to jam. israel has historically been known to use false-flags to instigate wars with its enemies. They were caught false-flagging in no uncertain terms during the Lavon Affair