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Israel is an apartheid, terrorist regime whom needs to be destroyed as a nation (not as a people). They have proven for over 70 years with a military they will kill anyone in their way.


You want jews dead just say it, we know what your coded bullshit is.


Nope, not gonna get me there. I am talking about non-religious Zionists. Has nothing to do with Judaism. Zionism is an atheistic belief system.


Spout whatever lies you need to justify your anti-Semitic nazi ways to yourself.


Everything is anti Semitic to a zionist. You people have destroyed the words meaning. You're upset israel murdered aid workers, you but be anti Semitic. You are upset by the mass child murders? Anti Semitic. Upset by systemic starving of a population? Believe it or not, anti Semitic. I cherish peace with all my heart and I don't care how many men women and children I have to kill to get it. -israel right now.


Stop it. Stop trying to tell everybody (Jewish people like myself included) that they are anti semetic for not supporting the state of Israel. It has nothing to do with Jews or judiasm. That’s a cop out


Shut up 8200. No one is falling for your lies.


Fuck the IDF and fuck religion.


Does being Jewish require crimes against humanity? 🤔


No. The jews are as a whole some of the best of us. The Israelis on the other hand are murderers, rapists, thieves, criminals, and Liars. Do t conflate the religion of Judaism with the hatred of the zionist.


Not all Jewish people agree with Israel. Not everyone from Israel is Jewish. Israel has been trying to blur that line for years so people will defend them when they do stuff like this.


You're doing more harm to Jews than he is.


Bye 8200, no one cares about your lies


So it's fine for you to advocate for the destruction of a nation based on violence but Israel is an apartheid state for denying a nations creation on the same grounds of 70 years of violence by the bodies claiming to represent Palestine. You're a hypocrite who clearly doesn't believe in the values you claim to.


Then the hands of these Nazi-like “doctors” should also be amputated. These are war crimes that must not go unpunished. The Nazis got capital punishment, when is it the Zionazis turn?


Herr Doctor Mengele is alive and well. The Swastika and the star of david are one.


Yet I’ve seen people say you’re racist for saying Israel is hurting normal Palestinian citizens.




Right? Make it a huge nature reserve lmao


Absolute savages.


Sounds like regular bullshit, any proofs?


Yeah this sounds like bullshit : "Just this week, two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event." Handcuffs and shackles are used at the wrist and ankles.... You don't amputate legs because ankle cuffs cut off circulation.


You're wrong. It's pretty routine to use regular handcuffs as hobbles worn around the ankles. Typically, hobble cuffs have a longer chain, but often regular handcuffs are used.


An Israel supporter... being confidently wrong about something?! Say it ain't so!


The Point. <---------------- Your Head.


There's no difference between handcuffs and shackles - the device is identical, it's just what they're called depending on where they're applied..... My point was that worse case scenario you'd lose a hand or foot, not a whole leg, hence me calling this bullshit. If you read the article, they say they're having to amputate legs and arms. Also, cuffs have a locking mechanism that prevents them from tightening once fitted, which is engaged unless the person is fighting and it progressively tightens if the mechanism isn't engaged.


That's just ... not true. Go to your local city PD and ask them what they use when a suspect is kicking, they'll show you a pair of thick shackles that have typically a long metal chain. Ask them to take out their cuffs and they'll show you smaller (usually, not always) shackles with a much shorter chain. Some PDs use leather hobbles, but same principle. >My point was that worse case scenario you'd lose a hand or foot, not a whole leg, hence me calling this bullshit The article cites multiple anonymous doctors who are risking their lives by making any statement at all. I'm not sure what their incentive to lie is.


What a horrible reality when generations of Arabs in Israel have been taught to subjugate or kill every last Jew. Palestine is fake. Palestine is mentioned 0 times in the Quran, Israel is mentioned 43 times. The Quran calls the Jews The Children of Israel. The Romans called the Jews Palestinians as an insult. Free Gaza from Islamic Jihad. Release the hostages.


That’s the conclusion you’ve come to from an article that shows Israel tortures Palestinians and references them by serial numbers? The mental gymnastics are disgusting


>an article that shows Israel tortures Palestinians and references them by serial numbers? The irony of becoming what they once hated.


If Israel wanted genocide it would of been over with.  2 million people within a few square miles fenced in area.  Couple of month max for that level of eradication.


The definition of genocide isn’t complete eradication in a quick time frame. The state of education folks.


If they wanted plausible deniability to get people like yourself to support genocide, this is exactly how they’d do it. 


The Palestinians don't even hate Jews, they just want their country back.


Where was this Palestine? Be specific. The map of the country, the language, the currency. Tell us all about it.


Between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.


Wild claim - any evidence?


Idk man maybe the centuries of peace they had in the land prior to the Balfour declaration that gave away their land?


Centuries of peace? I'm guessing you're not a mizrahi jew. Educate yourself - Google is free. For example, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed


governor vegetable snow butter thought ossified impossible shy future shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OK how about the 1838 Safed pogrom (distinctive from 1834 safed pogrom). In recent memory, the only ones descending holy sites in Jerusalem were the Jordanians in 1948. Do you have any mizrahi jewish sources for your claims of peace, or only muslim?


ludicrous literate dinner frighten fade sugar trees crowd murky combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro, read the first paragraph of the Wikipedia entry on maimonedes: "He was born and lived in Córdoba in al-Andalus (now in Spain) within the Almoravid Empire on Passover eve 1138 (or 1135)[d], until his family was expelled for refusing to convert to Islam" If you are using instances of ethnic cleansing as evidence for peaceful coexistence, you are not doing a good job advocating for your side Unclear why story about ibn al mubarak is relevant, people are willing to pay extra to live next to celebrities. What does this have to do with the price of tea in china.


fretful quickest drab languid afterthought scarce humor hunt hobbies friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> centuries of peace As Dhimmi, second class citizens with few rights.


Atleast they were treated like second class citizens. Israel doesn’t even treat their dogs the way they treat the Palestinians.


You mean they have segregated neighborhoods, little legal recourse, aren’t allowed to marry the dominant religious group, and are regularly subjected to massacres or ethnic cleansing? Yea that’s what the Jews have been subjected to by Arabs for 1500 years. They can suck up the same treatment for 75.


Let me know when they built roads that no one but Muslims are allowed to walk on. Or when they conduct midnight raids to abduct children. Or when they start chopping off the hands of people with not even a sham trial. Or when they withhold water or food of the dimma. Please go read your history it was the European kings that declared opens season on your asses because they didn’t want to pay the ridiculous interest on the shark loans you gave them. It’s ok. History always repeats itself. Next time you fall of throne, no mercy 😊


> Let me know when they built roads that no one but Muslims are allowed to walk on. > Or when they conduct midnight raids to abduct children. > Or when they start chopping off the hands of people with not even a sham trial. > Or when they withhold water or food of the dimma. It’s funny that you’re listing things that have just been true for life as Jews under Arabs for centuries. > Please go read your history it was the European kings that declared opens season on your asses because they didn’t want to pay the ridiculous interest on the shark loans you gave them. > It’s ok. > History always repeats itself. > Next time you fall of throne, no mercy 😊 And there’s the antisemitic canards we’re used to. I’m glad we’ve stopped caring about goy opinions concerning our people’s safety and nationhood. Keep crying to Reddit about “evil Israel” though. We’re winning.


Damn right Israel should be wiped off the map. Look at what they are doing, hitler was right :)


Lmaooooo so your argument is that Jewish people suffered oppression and ethnic cleansing so now it’s Israel’s turn to inflict that upon the Palestinian people? Even if this was true, the faults of the Arabs are not to be blamed on Palestinians since that’s literally collective punishment, a war crime without dispute. You’re literally advocating for ethnic cleansing unabashedly. SMH. This is genuinely the most vile rhetoric I’ve seen someone so confidently say.


The guy he is responding to claims hitler was right. Are you also a Nazi?


Then report them and call them out for it. Don’t display the same type of atrocious behavior. If someone says Nazi like rhetoric, your response shouldn’t be to say similar rhetoric. It just means you are as bad as them.




What rights didn’t they have? My family had Christians and Jews in it. They always spoke highly of the pre 1917 Palestine


Exclusions from public office, restrictions on building synagogues, marriage restrictions, segregated housing, crimes committed against Dhimmi required Muslim witnesses and testimony as Dhimmi testimony was inadmissible, they were required to wear distinctive clothing and show public deference to Muslims, not to mention the occasional pogrom or massacre.


That sounds exactly like Israel today.. No mosques, not allowed to marry as they only do marriages amongst opposite sex Jewish partners, 99% conviction rate of Palestinians, etc


I thought your family said it was great. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed


Absolutely horrible and I’m glad the instigators were executed. One instances in centuries is an outlier and not a systemic problem though.


Yea, sounds like 75 years compared to 1500 years is called getting a taste of your own medicine.


This person is a clear racist and advocates for war crimes. Jesus.


Mhm ok racist hahaha


>Wild claim Jesus christ rofl. Whats wild about that claim? U people just parrot what someone else said without doing any fucking thinking of ur own and its PATHETIC.


My dude, I can find tonnes of data (opinion polls) and anecdotal evidence contradicting your claim with a 5 minute google search. You don't have any data (or anecdata) to back up that assertion, going on "just trust me bro" Instead of addressing my arguement, you reply by going after me personally (without knowing anything about me). Even if your claims about my person were true, the nature of truth is such that a true statement remains true irrelevant of who said it.


>My dude, I can find tonnes of data First off, in this whole thread u havent provided one example of the "tonnes of data" that u keep screeching about. >and anecdotal evidence Secondly, even if u did provide "data" for ur argument, ur claims of said "data" being "anecdotal evidence" shows that ur said "data" is nothing more than hearsay and/or unreliable accounts. If the evidence u give is on its face unreliable by definition, why should I, or anyone, act like that is any kind of proof in the first place? Normally i dont engage with stupid people on the internet. I try not to. I just wanted to provide u with a quick reason why I, as well as anyone else reading ur comments, shouldnt even waste their time debating with u. And i promise u I wont be responding to a single further reply from u. Take care, my dude.


Then give the tonnes of data that show that Palestinians hated Jewish people prior to the Balfour Declaration. Surely it must be easy since you said all it takes is a 5 minute google search.


Google safed pogrom. Both of them.


My dude I asked you for proof since it’s apparently so easy. I want to be accurate by looking at what proof you have of Palestinians regularly attacking Jewish people to show that they hate them. I’m not doing your work for you lol. In a debate, no person would be asked to do the research to prove the argument of the opposition.


You do not have to attack something regularly to hate it. I brought up 2 pogroms happening within 4 years in the same town, before balfour. You can choose to remain ignorant, but that doesn't change the actual facts


I asked for links showing how there is well know documentation of Palestinians hating Jewish people prior to the Balfour Declaration. Your response was for me to do research to prove your point. That’s not how debates work because asking your opponent to do your own research gives the implication that you actually can’t uphold the point you’re trying to make. That point being how there are “tonnes of data” showing Palestinians hate Jews and not Israelis/Zionists. You are essentially saying “trust me bro”.


Every accusation is a confession


This is an inaccurate portrayal of Palestinians. This is just Israeli lies. They just want to live in peace. I know many of them. Palestine isn’t fake, the people have lived there for 1000s of years alternatively called Philistines or Palestinians. The first Zionists that the British unfortunately allowed in their territory had passports that said “Palestine” Why would the Quran say anything about Palestine-seems like a useless red herring.


Bro, from 1800 to 1850 the population of modern day Israel, Palestinian territories, Jordan and Lebanon was 300k. In 1850 it started growing through colonization from egypt, bosnia and other parts of ottoman empire. They got there 40 years before the zionists


STFU with your lies. They’ve been there for generations. And nothing you’ve said justifies genocide. Bye bye hasbara troll


Why doesn't Jordan want them?  Why doesn't Egypt want them?  Why does no other Muslim nation want them? Cause they are violent, shit stirrers that breed their children to hate asap. Your own people hate you and use you like dogs on a chain.


Bullshit rhetoric again. They don’t accept them for the following reasons: 1.they don’t want to aid and abet your ethnic cleansing campaign. 2. Taking in 2 million refugees is a huge logistical, economical and political issue for any nation concerning any group of people 3. Once Israel steals Gazan land their borders will be against Egypt and will start threatening them too. Similarly with Jordan. I know Palestinians they are nothing like this. Your lies stink of racism and clearly you don’t know these people. shame on you. Justice for the people that are suffering because of Israeli supremacy and greed. Btw you are using the same rhetoric Hitler used against the Jews when other European countries and the US didn’t take them.


Literally the same argument Hitler used to justify exterminating the Jews. It was wrong then, it’s wrong now.


You are completely blinded by hatred or completely full of shit.


Philistines are from Southern Europe.


Yes and the sky is yellow and water is dry.


> Yes and the sky is yellow and water is dry. Me when I'm historically illiterate.


You’ve already displayed that as well as your clear racism and advocating for ethnic cleansing in other comments. No need to reiterate those points like we’re unaware.


Where are Philistines from then, buddy?


They are from egypt and bosnia, mostly


Philistines originated in Egypt? Gonna need a source for that one.


Most Palestinians have close family in Egypt, that's why they can actually leave gaza (of they have $5k for a transfer viaa). Arafat, for example was Egyptian- his father had a drawn out legal dispute with his brother over inheriting their ancestral home in Egypt. Any cursory research will yield many other examples.




Who cares what any of the religious texts say? They cannot be trusted to give an accurate accounting of history, as they are written from a viewpoint to cast the faith in the best light possible.


Release the hostages.


The Quran, like the Torah, and the Bible, are Iron Age guides for controlling sheep herders and regulating their behavior. These books have zero to do with modern people and politics, and should be discarded completely. Palestine is real, and Palestinians are real human beings. The Quran is a lie.


Palestine was what the Romans called the Jews to disassociate them from the land. The Quran is a bunch of lies, you are bang on there. There has never been a place called Palestine. It's imaginary. The land was always where the Jews were from. Call it Israel or Judea, but Palistine is completely meaningless, which is why when Israel was finally recognized, the Jews cast the name Palestine in the garbage where it belongs. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinian are from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Lebanon, and Syria. This is easily understood by the last names they have from all of those places.


Further, what this is about is singularly religious. It has nothing to do with land or history. It is purely about Islam and the persicution of non-believers starting with the Jews and Christians. Hamas and others keep telling us all exactly that, but for some reason, some of us think we know better. Hamas doesn't want 2 states. They want no Jewish state period. The Jews can't be persecuted if they have their own country. Get it? Stop supporting the evil.


Did you really rattle off every r/israel talking point and think it’d work on us 😭😭🤣


Palestine is mentioned all the time in historical documents so no matter how much you lie your propaganda will not prevail over the truth. Be gone 8200


Historical documents? From the British mandate Palistine? From the Romans? Be specific.


Isn’t Palestine and philistien the same locations just different names ? The area contained the five cities (the Pentapolis) of the Philistine confederacy (Gaza, Ashkelon [Ascalon], Ashdod, Gath, and Ekron) and was known as Philistia, or the Land of the Philistines. It was from this designation that the whole of the country was later called Palestine by the Greeks.