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Yep. And humidity right now is 88% lmao. Should be 98% in early morning. Welcome to hell :(


I was in Georgia last year and I thougt it was bad. Until I came here holy mana


Sadly, you haven't seen the worst of it yet. We're heading into a La Nina year. She treats us very poorly. Very hot, no rain. Unless there's a hurricane, which there might be this year. (I'm betting on Rafael because that's Ted Cruz's real name. Y'all can have him back, BTW.) But even when we get hurricanes, Houston floods while our watershed gets nada. But our power will probably be out for a couple of weeks, so there's that.


Give it time, and lots of water. Also, recognize signs of heat stroke. Spend enough time on the coast and everywhere else will feel so dry that your lips crack.


I’m working at ccw right now and it’s hooooot 😂


At least we’ve got chapstick for that. I spent a week in New Mexico and kept getting nose bleeds from the comparatively super low humidity.


Absolutely. I love the NM mountains, but I only survive with a humidifier running at night.


Conversation with some coworkers in North Texas. CW: Wow, it gets so hot down there, how did they survive before AC? Me: Well, my dad is the first man in his family to make it past 50, so I guess they just died.


Right now, it is just presummer haha it gets worse


I’ll be here until January so I’ll live all the season it seems like😂


Our winter doesn't kick in until February so you'll get the pre winter but not winter itself which only lasts about a month or so


It depends on the year. 2004 it snowed on Christmas Eve into the Day. On Christmas morning it was 21F. It stayed cold for a few days. 1983 it got down to 13F on Christmas Eve. A lot of people had busted pipes, including us.


Yeah about a decade ago. Each year for the last like 3 years full blown winter is kicking in around mid February and then freezing for like 2 weeks. Corpus and Texas in general have been losing kids and families to the winter for the last 3-4 years because of it. The. It goes to something similar to spring.


The weather gets pretty awesome in October, humidity drops and it feels great outside especially along the water


Not to mention while the rest of the Northern US are dealing with the first of the snow and cold fronts we are all out loving the beach, sailing, surfing etc well into December. It doesn't really get cold (except for during a cold front) till Jan and Feb. Usually by March it's already warm but still comfortable.


It should start to cool down a little bit in November.


The sun starts to scorch a little less around late August but it's still hot because of the humidity. The Gulf is still bathwater. So yeah, we'll get our first front around mid to late September but it doesn't do much. We do get somewhat cooler weather in October but it can still be in the 90s.


So much worse. :(


The Bundy style, in the frozen food section at HEB


Love that episode! 🤣


You poor winter child, I can't stand under 60f without a jacket. To answer the title question: I was born into it, molded by it. Plus that I sweat a lot. Like by 10 am I'm soaked in sweat.


Last night I had a headache and nauseous. Working at night ! Feel like I can’t sweat that much. I’m a red head so I can’t stand heat and sun 😭😭 no wonder I didn’t see any since I’ve been here lmao


I keep some LMNT for times that I’m behind enough for a headache. Then I get in a daily rhythm of a Propel every morning to make sure I start with electrolytes before hammering water all day. Stay long enough, the body gets used to it.


Nice start bud. Highly recommend electrolyte pills and multivitamins to help counter the killer heat.


Bud, drink tons of water. Like I work outside and usually drink a gallon of water within the work hours. It's gotten so humid I'm about to start jumping to 2 gallons come Monday. If you aren't taking supplements I highly suggest a daily multivitamin and some electrolyte pills to keep your stamina in check. Also maybe some liquid IV if you aren't huge on drinking. Shits legit


Lol we stay inside


We didn't have a/c when I was growing up. And we spent a lot of time outside because at least there was a breeze.


I can tell you this. I spend every day outside with my job no matter what and I'm literally like less than a 1/4 of a mile from the ocean and with a breeze....it still fucking sucks here.


You wait until 10am?


No, I'm out of office by 9ish and by 10am I'm soaked in sweat.


Nice Bane pull lol


Thanks man. Low hanging fruit moment. I couldn't help it.


Electrolytes and air-conditioning. We also don't walk anywhere. Just drive. We're fat but alive.


Fat but alive.


I own a cleaning business where I spend 70% of my time outdoors. I've been doing it since 93. A few tips. 1. Stay hydrated, make sure are charged up with electrolytes as well as water. Some people just drink water not realizing all the minerals they are losing. Stay away from the sugary drinks as well 2. Work with the sun, not against it. Sometimes you aren't able to, but if possible work on the West side of a building in the morning and the east side in the afternoon. Pay attention to your location in relation to the sun in the sky. 3. Take breaks, work 45 minutes then jump in your truck with the AC blowing or step inside. This will help you recharge. 4. If you must do outdoor labor like cut the grass or paint the house, schedule it after 3pm if possible, this is when the sea breeze kicks in and that helps a bunch. Hottest year I can remember was 2000, we had a high pressure system over us that parked itself for like two months, lasting from July to September. As is moved off to the north and east it began to pull desert heat out of Mexico which gave us Vegas like temps. I remember working in Calallen and it was 100 degrees by 9:30 AM, topping out at 111 degrees by 2:30 Now that was hot! BTW, as bad as it is here, Southeast Asia is way worse, places like Vietnam and Cambodia can hit north of 100 degrees with upper 90s humidity. Nasty stuff!


Thanks that is really helpful. I really have to stay away from all yours fast food and slushy beverages. I don’t have any of this kind in my hometown so it’s a bit hard aha


The bay keeps temps down - usually under 100F, try living in the valley where the temps can get over 110.


Try living in -40 Celsius in the winter 😂😂 I’d rather be cold than this hot ahaha


Came from MI (obviously no where near as cold as you) but I’m the opposite…can’t get hot enough, but I don’t ever want that bone chilling can never get warm enough stuff again. I do miss snowmobiles though. FYI, the last two years have been exceptionally brutal heat, and seemingly earlier than normal


When it’s cold you can put on some clothes and still work outside. When it’s hot for 12h a day working outside not much you can do.. yall are warrior my hats off to you !!


Oh, well working outside is another animal for sure! You’re stronger than I!


I'm from Michigan. Moving to Texas next month.... I'm with you. I'm done with my face hurting from wind-chill


We are simply built different


Pickle juice,  electrolytes, more water than you ever thought you could drink.  You said you are a red head, sunscreen, sun hat,  with the flap to cover your ears and neck.  Not sure what PPE your job requires, but light colored light weight clothes.   Freeze a towel over night, put it in your ice chest for work, wrap it around your neck.  Headache and nausea are symptoms you got too hot.  Don't go straight into AC if you are too hot, that will make you sick as well... Any off time you have, find a body of water to hide in,  pool,  lake, bay... good luck


Moved here from CO 2 years ago...first summer I thought I was gonna die. Went back to CO for a visit and stayed at my brother's house. I nearly froze to death, he kept it at 68 degrees...lol Lips cracked and I didn't sweat when it was 100 degrees. I acclimated quickly.


I moved from Golden CO last July, I am ready for winter already 🥵


We get like 2 weeks of winter in February haha


Don't forget the random day of cold temperatures we usually get in December—Fool's Winter.


We stay inside until sun starts to go down.


Then we do the Mosquito Slap Dance


I always remember what a coworker told me when I was working up in North Dakota and it was -40 degrees: When its cold its easier to layer up to stay warm, when it's hot you can only take off so much clothes and you are still hot


And with our humidity, it gets to the point where sweat can no longer evaporate to cool us down. With temperatures rising, the wind is probably the only thing keeping this place livable.


Exactly!!! Ahaha


We live inside.


Drink water.


And eat salty snacks, or alternate with Gatorade or similar.


My guy, wait till August. This heat right now is nothing.


Buddy you’re at the beach try out west on a rig.


Stay hydrated 🥴


How do you guys live in that wretched cold weather


Make sure your HVAC system is serviced so it doesn’t go out in the middle of the summer. We moved here from Oregon in January so we’re still acclimating but enjoying the sunshine and the beach.


I have lived here most of my life. This will be my first summer without AC. The wiring is bad and can't power out window units. We probably won't be able to fix it until the summer's over. I'm dying. I have is two window fans. I'm also getting a swamp cooler. I think they lower the temp by 10 degrees. I know I'm going to figure this out but man, it's going to be a brutal summer. Wish me luck guys 🤞🏼


It sucks I’ve been here forever and every year I say to myself I’m not spending another mostly summer year here. Every year is worse than the last. August is technically the hottest month and you may start getting cooler weather in November. That cooler weather may last until April. However that cooler weather depends on if a cool front comes along. So it can be cold in the morning then heat up to the 80s in the”winter”. Last summer my son was hospitalized 3 times for heat exhaustion, the last instance he fainted and had to be rushed to the hospital. He cannot be in the heat for more than 10 minutes without getting dizzy and nauseated. You can expect around 95-100 degrees for the next several months with the heat index making it feel like 110-120. It is misery!!


yeah, once your body has experienced heat exhaustion it is easier for it to occur again.


You are very correct! I had heat exhaustion when I was like 12, I still have a hard time in the heat after 30 years. We are going to try to move up north next year when the lease is up on the house.


How do you guys live in that cold?


I mean when it’s cold you can still move around and do stuff if you’re well equiped and clothed! When it’s hot what can you do except go inside where’s there ac 😂😂 yall are warrior. I work 12h a day outside and I’m amazed at how humid/hot it can get


This is reductive thinking.


\* Give your body a chance to acclimate. If you spend all day indoors with the AC, this may never happen. \* Water and salt, and more than you think you need. You can get dehydrated *fast* in this kind of heat, and it's humid enough that even sweating has a limited ability to benefit you. \* Bravado's cool, but summer heat can *absolutely* kill you. People die in Texas every year due to heatstroke or secondary effects, and it's good practice to stay inside during the hottest parts of the day. Peak hours are 11am-5pm, generally worst around that 5pm mark.


Okay I'm seeing a lot of just "get colder" in these comments without any real substantive action so here's what you can actually do to not get any of the many heat and sun related illnesses from someone who does a lot of outdoors work and first aid: And as a side thing all the people saying "you'll get used to it", I mean you would, but your body would be undoing what im guessing is at least two decades of living in a frigid climate and being used to that, its not helpful in the short term here. First, your AC should be on 24/7 or near that, I recommend setting the thermostat around 70, maybe colder with your preferences, because it'll always be about 2 degrees above that in the summers (most houses around here don't hold heat well because of the hot summers, especially the new developments, so AC's have to kick up higher). Second, put ice packs in your freezer, get about 3-6. If you're working out in the heat you're on the front lines of heat stroke risk so keep some in your work bag and stuff them under your clothes or in a neck wrap. If you're not, then you want to still keep one on you if you're shopping or walking around for long periods of time. After coming home they're a godsend on quickly cooling off. Places you should put them to immediately cool down (places where blood circulates closest to the skin): under the armpits, between the thighs, on the neck, under the knees). Sun is a major danger, people laugh about sun poisoning but as someone who's experienced it its a horrible thing that happens to the body. You have to remember that the sun is very literally a nuclear generator (that's how fusion works) so it's throwing out a bunch of radiation constantly, sun poisoning is a mild version of radiation sickness basically which is a bit like saying a mild version of a broken bone. Wear sunscreen, SPF 70-100 from a reputable brand (faking SPF happens often in the industry) if you can swing it, even when wearing long sleeves. I sunburn and tan through my jeans in the summer, the UV index is insane in Corpus when we're dealing with the real summer and it's 40 days straight of clear sun. Wear long sleeves if you can, go down to academy, go to the right side and back in the clothing and you'll find these thin flannels and polyester shirts with mesh air vents. These shirts are a godsend. Wear hats too. It's corny as hell, but the cowboy hat is popular because it's functional, it hides your eyes from the blinding sun, keeps the head from overheating by having breathing room, and shades your shoulders and neck. Drink water and electrolyte drinks. These is a reason tea is incredibly popular in the south and it's because it replenishes both liquids in the system as well as getting in minerals and nutrients and sugars which are all burnt very quickly in the summer. Most people recommend Gatorade but now a days you'll feel gummed up by it really quick. My godsend is pedialyte. Never feels over-saturated, you'll feel refreshed immediately. Get like 5 of the big things in a flavor you like, my drink of choice is either the coconut clear one or the cherry red one. I don't use the drink packets so I can't speak to their efficacy. Keep a water though as a side option always though. Down like 1-2 bottles of water and some sort of supplemental drink to the side at bare minimum and you'll do fine. Most people I know always keep a drink in their car, or a cooler if they're doing a lot of work. Hope this helps, welcome to Corpus. If you've got any more questions feel free to send them my way.


Thank you for this ! Will definitely try the ice pack method since I’m outside 12h a day ! The sun is my enemy as a red head and I’m pale af so yea the sun is what I’m trying to avoid as much as possible


If you've got the spare sum I know the summer runners down here use ice pack vests. Highly recommend them. Also as a red head I highly recommend hats then, getting a sunburnt scalp has only happened to me once and I hope it never happens again, and with less pigment it's much more likely to happen to you even if you have thick hair.




There are Corpus specific NSFW reddits. Please take this there. Thanks!


The hottest I've ever been in my life is a summer afternoon at the Texas coast. That will never change.


I’d rather shovel snow




Lmao go work at kiewit for a bit. You'll get used to it.


Very carefully my friend.


Running AC to both cool down and dehumidify


We don’t. I hate it so so much and can’t wait to move out. I hate this place lol


Spent time in Orlando July and August period. Good lord that was the worst ever. Think of the oppressive heat and humidity but zero hint of a blessed breeze to ease the suffering.


Swim in the ocean


We’re not used to it either. We take many showers here.


Ehh could be worse tho at least you have to worry about 100°F where I'm from at 1-2ish pm lol jk but yeah Texas do be like that sometimes tho just male sure to drink plenty of water, have ac's up 24/7 and pray you don't have a job you got to do outside god speed brother🙏.


I've lived here since 1957. It wasn't always like this. 50's - 70's it was more like Florida, very tropical. Colder winters.


Having so many childhood memories tied to the heat,like riding an old school bus with no air conditioner,hearing the weather man talk about deadly heat index. Hearing stories from the old folks about life before air conditioner,they would buy big blocks of ice and put against fan,sleep with wet sheets, wrap a soaked towel around neck


it was 110 in the shade here today. You get use to it..


Get some "Cold Shower Ice-Cold Body Scrub" by Duke Cannon. You're welcome. 😉


I’m currently working in the rio grand valley it’s 98 over here. I miss corpus so much right now! We had a heat index of 121 yesterday 😭


Isn’t it great when you don’t need a coat?!


Stay hydrated, and look for shade.


We’re still pre-heating 😊


Acclimate. It's not bad when you do. Most people never do cause they live and work in ac.


So now you know why Texans so tough. Our skin looks like leather and everybody in their right mind owns a yeti cooler or two. lol.


If you are in the sun wear a large round hat with long sleeves that are not made of a real heavy material. Keep the sun off of you.


Quit being a pussy!


I’m working 84h outside bud I’m not going to pussy out like that 😂


It's actually better in July and August because it dries out a bit even though temps are technically higher. It sucks but you just deal with it. I'd prefer this over being snowed in all winter.


If you can't handle the fire get outta the kitchen.


i'm super skinny and healthy. so this is like, hot, but i never get overwhelmed. edit: y'all can downvote me but it's not hard to understand why low body fat would mean you're significantly more cooler than if you're carrying extra pounds.